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Status Updates posted by TheMilner

  1. Hai :}..

    Salam kenal ya.., Bogornya dimana? Aku alumni IPB jadi Bogor tu dah kaya kota kedua-ku setelah Jakarta. Masih sama kaya aku juga ya nunggu PNS USCIS baik hati ngasih NOA2? Hehehe.. Good luck for both of us yahh..

  2. NOA1-nya kita dapet 1 maret kemarin di forward ke VSC, jadi ya spt yng udah dibayangkan bakalan lama dpt NOA2-nya.. ;/

    Eh, boleh tau nama kamu siapa? Biar lebih enak gitu hehehe..

  3. Iya lah kalo satu2 dah kelar nanti pas interviewnya lebih tenang karena dah siap..

    Emang musti keep the faith aja selama journey ini berjalan kalo gak bisa gila nanti..

    Ok deh Audy, next time kita sharing lagi yah.. :}


  4. Gw tinggal di Kebagusan (Ps.Minggu)..

    Belom sampe mana2 tuh, masih nunggu pegawai2 VSC berbaik hati ngasih NOA2, hehehe..

    Masih bersabar aja terus sampe ini selesai sambil urut dada biar gak gila.

    Kayanya proses lo tinggal sedikit lagi ya? Wish you all the luck aja ya.. :}


  5. Kok kepotong gitu ya..

    Maksud gw, aneh aja kalo manggil elo smas hehehe..

  6. Tapikan seneng krn dah ngelewatin satu tahap jadi lo bisa lega sedikit. Kalo gw masih berharap terus satu tahap kelewatin, masalahnya diperiksanya ma VSC bo, walah musti bener2 sabar nunggunya tuh..

    Iya, itu gw yang tulis, Brandon dah males nengok2 VJ lagi, bikin tambah stress katanya, ntar dia mau buka VJ lagi kalo dah dapet NOA2..

    Boleh tau gak nama lo sapa? Aneh aja kalo manggil e...

  7. Bokap-nyokap tinggal di kebagusan (Ps.Minggu), kebetulan aku masih numpang ma mereka jadi tinggalnya sama dengan mereka hehe..

    Iya mdh2an cpt dapet NOA2-nya, this waiting game bener2 bikin bete..

    Nanti di share ya experience-nya.. GBU!


  8. Hai.. :}

    Salam kenal ya.. Senengnya dah bisa kumpul lagi sama your fiance soon..

    We are still in our waiting game.. My life is really being put on hold now.. bete but I believe its worth it lah..

    Nanti boleh sharing kan ya soal this interview thing and all.. Good luck with the rest of your journey!


  9. Hai :}..

    Thank you dah nge-add ya..

    Jakarta-nya tinggal dimana?

    Anyway, good luck with everything..

  10. Hai :}..

    Thank you dah nge-add ya.. I'm taking over this account now soalnya Brandon males login kesini lol. Tinggal dimana?

    Anyway.. Sekali lagi Selamat ya!

  11. Where there is great love, there are always miracles. - Willa Cather

  12. "Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." - Mark Twain

  13. Everyday there will always be a light that will shed a hope to our faith...

  14. Don't give up on your faith because love comes to those who believe it, that is the way it is!

  15. Love will keep us alive.

  16. Missing each other so much...

  17. One step is out of the way.. :D

  18. Just sent our K-1 petition yesterday. Uber excitement! Woohoo!

  19. Thank you for the add. I see from your posts that you are living in Indonesia, may I ask which part of Indonesia are you in? My fiancé is from Jakarta.

  20. A thank you from me and my fiancee for your fast reply.. :}

  21. Always try, hope and keep patient to finally be able together for the rest of our lives. :}

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