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Status Updates posted by besaangel

  1. Thanks again hon and take care

  2. Hope u guys celebrated... How's the baby? She coming out for the party or what???

  3. is waitin for ma EAD or GC- whichever comes first

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. besaangel


      wouldnt that be hilarious lol

    3. MP0009


      LUCKY!!! THats great!! soon! very soon!!

    4. besaangel


      lol... not luck... Blessed by God

  4. Congrats to you mami

  5. Thanks a million hon

  6. She said to wait for it in 30 days.. u?

  7. Thanks hon... we really appreciate it :)

  8. Thank you soooo much... hubby mad im on here cuz Im not dress yet :) But had to say thanks

  9. Hi hon. So nice of you to wish us the best for our interview... Keep you guys posted

  10. Thanks for dropping me a line for comfort... will leave an update when I get wifi signals

  11. Everyone's tellin me how organized I am but I dont think so... Its so sweet of you to stop and wish us the best... thanks sweety

  12. Hey honey... Thanks for the support and encouragement... Will be in touch

  13. Oh shucks... I still havent gotten mine but hey... Interview tomorrow: so siked... All the best to you hon

  14. Ur welcome :)

  15. k... Just checking to make sure everythin is going well for ya... *hugs*

  16. Status update??? lol

  17. How is the baby??

  18. Tminus- 4 days :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BethandBilly


      Good Luck for tomorrow, I see you have done just as my husband and I are doing with our files, good to see I'm not the only fanatical organizer on here hahaha.

      Wishing you all the very best for tomorrow, stay calm and take deep breaths, you'll be just fine.


      Beth (May Filer)

    3. paulmherrie


      Goodluck for your big day tomorrow. I'll be waiting for your interview experience =D

    4. besaangel


      Thank you guys... besos

  19. Ahhhh, sorry hon. Hope u guys are prepared and ready to go.

  20. lol, I know right... turns out that my dumb school closed today and "forgot" to put it on the website so I just wasted half my day :)

  21. We pretty much got all the originals of what we sent in the original package ready. Im gonna print off all the receipts and stuff today and get organized by Sunday...

  22. Oh wow. That means ya gotta stay stree-free and do your best to relax...

  23. Hey hon... one week left... take it easy and get the files together... So happy for us

  24. one more week- una semana mas...

    1. SOULEY8946


      please please please post a review of your interview tomorrow. thank you and good luck

    2. besaangel
  25. Just checkin in with you cuz we havent seen u around. Check out the Yardie thread fa sure http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/261111-yardies-at-home-and-a-farrin-part-27/page__st__2085

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