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Posts posted by evli1966

  1. Found this topic very interesting...it seems that the general census here is that illegal’s should be departed (I too agree) and from what I hear so does the general public. My take no this is:

    "if you are here legally you shouldn't have any worries, if you are here illegally you should be departed and do it the right way"...and where does this being singled out because of of their race...if you get stopped by a cop don't you have to prove you are legal to be operating that vehicle? To me it is basically the same thing and when I do get stopped and am asked for my ID I don't have any issues with that, because I know I am legal.

    Our government, lawyers and politicians need to get their heads out of the toilet and start listening to the majority rather than the minority.



    If I am a different country and stopped I would expect to be asked for ID and papers showing that I am legally there.

    I don't care what color or race you are being here illegally is not acceptable and you need to leave. If you think that sounds to racist that includes the Angelo Saxons from Europe.

    Come back legally and I will fight for your right to be here.

    Our country is built on it's diversity in ethnicity which comes from immigrating people from around the world.

    But We can not sustain the untempered flow of illegal immigrants to this country.

    If Obama pardons and give citizenship to the million plus illegals then he sets a precedence for the future. There will be no end to illegal immigration because the out come will always favor the illegal.

    As for the Menial jobs such as picking Asparagus: I might not be able to last a day doing it but there sure the hell is someone that is quite able to do the job and they are living here legally. This would force the contractors hiring illegal labor under the table to avoid taxes and paying a fare wage to change how business is done.

    Per my last statement it isn't necessarily just illegals not paying taxes(some do while using stolen identities) but the employers who hire them under the table.

    All this is IMHO

  2. It appears the Original Receipt Date is May 29, 2009. It seems they think they just came across a petition that was lost or ignored for almost a year, and they want to expedite the processing.

    Does the date of May 29, 2009 seem correct? Did you submit something in May 2009?

    Yes The receipt date was May 29 2009

  3. May be an error - perhaps wrong I-797 sent to you (someone else's receipt #) or the one you got was printed incorrectly (wrong text).

    I'd be curious what the exact notice said - specifically the sentence "I-129f Petition for Alien Fiancé"

    Here it is I wiped out personal information for obvious reasons

  4. Hello all I did some research and could not find much on what exactly "Premium Processing" is.

    I received a I-797C NOA that our petition as transfered to Vermont from California.

    This petition stated that the 15 day premium processing clock does not start until the correct office receives the petition.

    I did find this old link from 2007 http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/53883-accelerated-processing/ .

    Reading this link states that I-129f is not eligible for Premium processing.

    I also read that premium processing comes at a cost, I did not pay anything or have I been told about additional fees.

    Could someone please tell me if the rule has changed and what to expect?

    Thank you so much

  5. I returned home today and had a letter from USCIS - I-797C NOA which was notice of the Vermont transfer on 4/22.

    Also noted was that a 15day premium processing clock would start once the correct office received the petition. with a Premium processing phone number that was provided for information which is different than the customer service number.

    What is premium Processing?

  6. I can not give to you any advice in regards to your process I have no experience except for our K-1 process we are still in.

    I will say the need for an attorney is there; as with any complicated case I recommend hiring an immigration attorney.

    Some would say you do not need an attorney and that may be true but for us having the attorney lowers the stress levels and has helped our process move somewhat quicker than others by being proactive.

    Also being new here some may ask what the offense was that made your husband an AWA filer; I do not believe this matters as much and a competent attorney should tell you the risks.

    Read through the posts here on VJ and learn what other AWA filers did to be successful.

  7. Jim

    Thank you for clarifying for me as i said I am not that informed and most of my statements are from my my personal believes which could be based on flawed information.

    Legal non-residents and legal immigrants should be here and have worked hard to be here typically; I have no problem with applying what would be our social responsibilities to helping them. Any thing else can be debated by more intelligent people than myself.

    Are not Illegal immigrants eligible for medical, food assistance, allowed to work as day labor without question, education for their children all in the name of humanitarian assistance. Heck wasn't the citizens of Mexico that lived close to borders at one time sending their children to our school systems? They would cross the borders each morning and evening. (Again this could be media hype that I heard)

    Humanitarian aide can be freely given to them in their own countries by volunteers and charitable donations.

    This is were I believe our laws should possibly mimic some of the restrictions that I read in the links. I am sorry if Mexico has corrupt officials but so do we even if they may not encourage kidnappings, human slave trade etc. Those same Mexican officials opened their prison system to let out criminal knowing they would flee to USA. So I am not sold 100% on their laws and enforcement but the ideas are on the correct track.

    We as a people need to create strong laws that will allow immigrants to continue to come here legally and enrich our country both economically and diversity.


    This country is built on strong immigration in the past but it can not sustain the influx of illegals and their families.

    My apologies If I got off track I do really enjoy reading the diverse opinions which all seem to agree on a similar out come. And it is being done with out flames.

  8. First Please forgive my ignorance in most immigration matters and any statement which may seem xenophobic(not sure if this is the correct word).

    There are many of the laws that Mexico has that seem to me much better than the laws we have now. They are tougher in some areas and seem to be enforced throughout the system at all levels.

    What I have seen most people who come to any country to immigrate legally are coming to live in that country as citizens and prosper with out looking back. They do not forget where they come from but they do remember why they are were they are now for a reason.

    American immigration laws pertaining to illegal immigrants are to lenient and sporadically enforced through out the system.

    Mexican law is tough on illegal immigrants and are enforced at all levels.

    American law states if you are found to be here illegally or used fraud to make your way through the system you could be banned from the US. If you are already in the US how often is this enforced? As a citizen I rarely hear of it but that doesn't mean it isn't happening.

    Mexico classes the citizens based on immigrant status, citizen status and natural born citizen and it is legal to discriminate to some degree based on this law . I like this a lot.

    American laws state no matter what status you are the same rights are yours even if you are here illegally. It may be better to say "It appears in the USA all rights are given to everyone with no regards to your citizenship or immigration status".

    I believe all citizens here legally that are becoming a citizen legally deserve the same rights as any other US citizen. Those that are only here out of necessity of their needs and have no intention of becoming a US citizen should not have the same rights as us; whether here legally or illegally.

    USA was founded by immigrants coming here for a new hope and was excited to invite one and all. This invitation was to become a US Citizen and that invitation should never be removed but with the way our world is today it does need to be amended.

  9. So When I was introduced to one lady by a filipina friend of 22 years..her Niece I was happy to chat with her and after a couple months I started sending $25 -$50 a month to help on the Internet cafe bills.

    This was against my friends advice; I thought a heck it is only $25.

    When I went to meet her after 6 months of correspondence it was pleasant but not what it should be.

    Things I learned

    She she was supposed to be poor and unemployed but had more at least 17k-18k in peso on her each day.

    She had a job alright she chatting with other men with web cam and not just showing her face.

    Although we had a nice visit and she was friendly to me I knew she wasn't the one. Honesty is a big issue for me personally and I felt used besides that.

    I did meet her cousin who was older but thought she was off limits because I was there to visit girl #1. After breaking off with girl #1 I told my friend I wasn't sure about chatting with anyone else although I did meet Josephine but it wouldn't be right if I started communicating with her. My friend said NO NO it is ok you were honest and just because girl #1 did not work it is ok to chat with Josephine.

    I can not wait until the day she is here with me and we can be together forever. She is the one I miss each day I wake and the only woman I have ever known to totally captivate me 100%.

    So yes I felt scammed but heck if I hadn't been I would not have met Josephine.

    Oh well thats my scammed story sorry I got mushy at the end.

  10. Yes

    My attorney sent everything we had available regarding my conviction and my sentence and completion of the sentence and registration.

    Also a letter from me stating exactly what I was convicted of and how I have lived my life since. The letter contained when I first discussed this with my fiancée and how my family that I lost...children ex wife have been very supportive of my lifestyle.

    BTW not only will my children all of age be writing a statement but my ex wife as well who has had verbal communication with my fiancée.

    This also with friends other relatives and co-workers.

  11. I still have not received a NOID or a RFE but my case has been sent to the VSC.

    We are still in the initial review of the process they may do a RFE from VSC.


    Do you expect they will give me an RFE after scheduling an interview with me?

    I have seen and read people having gotten the NOID or RFE before an interview and some have gotten an RFE at the interview; so I am somewhat confused.

    I am trying to read and learn as much as possible before posting questions.

  12. I suggest am attorney be hired to do the submittal and to guide your through the process.

    My attorney had me gather all information pertaining to my case to submit.

    My case was just sent to Vermont and it has only been 11 months.

    I expect the interview to be scheduled soon this interview will be scheduled for me and my fiancé this is to see if I am a risk to her and if she is aware of the criminal history.

    I then expect a request for evidence which my attorney has planned that I turn in Affidavits from family, friends, coworkers and my leaders at work.

    I only hope we are not waiting another year or more.

  13. Kazuava

    Thank you for the reply.

    We are not married and I Have disclosed my entire history to her prior to becoming fully involved together.

    Today I received a text saying our status has been updated. The Website did not show anything but the auto phone service stated our case has been transfered to Vermont for processing.

    Is this good news it has been 11 months.

    I sent in everything available in regards to my case; my Probation officer has retired, the counseling place where I completed the required counseling has destroyed all regards after 7 years, so it will take a letter from the Psychologist.

    As for the Polygraph I am confused to what they need that for, I am not denying my offense.

    I can get family fiends and co worker/letters from the employer as well.

    I too notice the hostility towards SO but I understand their hatred or anger that is mostly from ignorance and that the people are far to lazy to learn the truth

  14. Hi there

    I too fall under the AWA because of past SO; we filed May 29 2009. Since Dec 2009 I have been calling regularly for service calls and did a Infopass appointment in March (which was a waste of time, the person was rude and short with me) I was there in front of the window for less than 3 minutes.

    My last Service call which was before the info-pass appointment received a response that to expect up to 6 months more for extensive background checks which is preformed by the FBI.

    Last week I made a service request once again and received the following response via email

    "Type of service requested:

    -- Outside Normal Processing Times

    The status of this service request is:

    Your case is currently being adjudicated. You should receive a notice of action* within 45 days.

    *A notice of action may be in a form of Approval Notice, Denial Notice, Transfer Notice, Request for Evidence, Notice of Intent to Deny or Intent to Revoke."

    My attorney is optimistic but everything I read here brings me down and makes me pessimistic. I have not been asked to prove I am not a risk to her but now you are say they do that after they invite who to an interview?

    If they do respond this would be the first response since setting a Biometrics appt for me back in January.

    any information would be appreciated.

    to clarify NOA1 is the receipt of the I-129F and acceptance.

    NOA2 would be one of the listed up above not necessarily the Approval or denial.

    There could feasibly be multiple NOAs leading up to the decision

    Is this correct?


  15. Hello all,

    I have a friend who's mother passed away 2 years ago.

    Before passing away her mother had started a petition for her brother and Sister.

    Her brother even received a letter from the Embassy before she died.

    The question is can my friend the sister of the 2 siblings take over the petition or begin a new one?

    My friend is the one who successfully petitioned her mother to came to the USA.

    They are from the Philippines.

    Thanks for the answers.

  16. Thank you all so far for the advice.

    I am leaning towards the Crown Regency or Marco Polo both are roughly 1/2 the cost of Plantation Bay.

    I am going to call them to see what Spa packages they have to treat Jo to.

    I like the karaoke idea for one night were I will serenade her with my Frank Sinatra like voice :whistle: (that is what I keep telling myself)

    I think I will save Plantation Bay for when we return for more than a few days; also I to would like to visit Baguio someday.

    Thanks again!

  17. So I am taking a week to go visit Josephine I arrive on Sunday 3/28. I know only a week!! unfortunately the company I work for gives me 3 weeks 1 week at a time and did not approve my request for an extra unpaid week.

    We will be going on Monday to Cebu the plan is to visit the graves of her parents and where she was raised. We will also visit her younger sister and 2 brothers.

    We will be there 3 nights returning to Cavite on Thursday after noon.

    my problem is I want to make our evenings as romantic as possible; here is what I want to do.

    1. I have a prepared statement to read when at her parents grave site asking for their blessing on our future marriage a friend is translating to Tagalog

    (This is a surprise; do you think it would make her happy and is there any advice on what I should say?)

    2. I want to pick a nice hotel to stay in and pamper her such as visits to spas (this is also a surprise)

    3 I want to have romantic dinners with her each night maybe a club to dance

    4 She has us roaming around on Wednesday visiting a few sites like the Chinese temple, Magellan's church etc

    The big problem is places like Plantation Bay are quite far from the city and I don't know of any hotels in the city that offer Spa treatments or the service you get from places like that.

    Any ideas or comments are appreciated.

    suggestions on hotels greatly welcome or places to take her to.


  18. Alan

    Wow that was refreshing advise and most likely the best I have recieved in a long time.

    Thank you so much.

    My attorney said my felony is not IMBRA related but he is also saying be patient and as of today he said if I decided to abandon the K-1 he would file the K-3 at no cost from him.

    I need to ask him about the changes to the k-3

    Correction he did not say k-3 exactly but used marriage visa.

  19. Hi all

    Again thank you for the answers and support.

    I made a Service Request but no infopass because from what I can tell by the choices given to me I do not qualify for an infopass appointment.

    our Application was accepted May 29, 2008

    I recieved I-797c on 6/6/09 - case status on USCIS website shows last updated 6/6/09

    Submitted 1st Service Request on 12/7/10 - case status on USCIS website shows last updated - 12/8,12/9,12/11,12/12

    Service Request response on 12/16/10 - Application is not outside normal Processing times - case status on USCIS website shows last updated 12/16/09

    Service Request made on 2/17/10 - case status on USCIS website shows last updated - 2/19/10

    Service Request response on 2/22/10

    - A check of USCIS records indicates that this case is currently under extensive background check. You should receive a notice of action* within six months.

    *A notice of action may be in a form of Approval Notice, Denial Notice, Transfer Notice, Request for Evidence, Notice of Intent to Deny or Notice of Intent to Revoke.

    - case status on USCIS website shows last updated 2/22/10

    I am not sure what to say ..with the Tech available they can verify with in days at most weeks that they have everything and verify its accuracy.

    any responses appreciated.

    Should we abondon the K-1 visa and then marry and apply for a k-3 visa?

    I will at least travel and see Josephine at the end of March.

  20. Hello

    My Fiance isn't here yet we are still in the K-1 visa process but we will be living in about 2 hours west off I70 in Illinois.

    In regards to the balikbayan boxes.

    Are those the boxes that make it easy to ship items to and from the Phillipines?

    Could someone explain more what the contents can or can not be; also cost...Please.

  21. As My attorney believes the I-600 waiver will be requested if needed.

    I appreciate everyones advise and encouragement but requesting details of my felony isnt the answer; if my felony was for some sexual assault would they not have already denied me or requested the waiver?

    My fear is that the felony was considered violent and becasue it doesn't appear to fall under the Adam Walsh Act the agents are needlessly delaying our petition with out cause.

    USCIS was given every thing related to the felony and my fiancee was aware of all the details before we became serious in the relationship.

    I am not sure what you mean by a timeline.

    Our application was accepted May 29, 2009 I have am I-797C the only action taken by the USCIS has been to take my fingerprints.

    I requested a Service request on 12/7/09 prior to recieving the appointment for my biometrics being taken which was scheduled for 1/25/10.

    My question still remains regarding how to set an infopass apointment with only the 4 options given to set one for.

    those options are

    - Order from Immigration Court - If you were directed to us for processing based on an order from the Immigration Judge. You must bring all documents required in the post order instructions given to you by the court.

    - Case Processing Appointment - If you received a notice to go to your local office for further case processing.

    - EAD inquiry appointment - If your I-765 employment authorization application has been pending for more than 90 days.

    - Case Services follow-up appointment - If it has been over 45 days since you contacted NCSC and have not received a response to your inquiry. You must bring the Service Request ID Number related to your inquiry to the appointment.


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