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Posts posted by tnh9479

  1. We bought the push toy used and my two just are not interested in it at all. When we went to a friend's second birthday, they LOVED playing in his car. Sounds like the car is a huge "baby thumbs up".

  2. I was lucky. My pediatrician gave me TONS of free formula and coupons every visit from visit one. His head nurse also talked to the formula rep and got me two cases of formula for free (they took pity on the twin momma). BTW...a lot of times they have pedialyte and tylenol/motrin samples as well. They have given me all sorts of stuff. Don't be afraid to ask.

    Wow Susita...that was a lot of tearing. One friend of mine ended up with a 100 stitches after the birth of her first child. I am surprised after her experience that she is pregnant again and due in about two months. Another friend of mine ended up having a vacuum extraction and never tore at all. It is just amazing how every birth can be sooooo different!

  3. The twins go Tuesday for their 15 month appointment. I was talking to my mom today and I remembered we delayed one of their 12 month vaccines because they got the second H1N1 that day. So...Tuesday night could be fun. :( I am interested in seeing how tall Hana is. When she stands next to Zak, she is easily 1 to 1.5 inches taller. At her 12 mo appt she was either 33 or 34 inches. I know she has grown since then because she can reach things she wasn't able to before. My good friend at school hopes she keeps getting taller. He said he is reserving a place on our volleyball team for her. :lol:

  4. It really is amazing the advances in medical science and practice in the past 10-15 years. In 1996, my sister lost her first pregnancy at 6 months. I was there in the hospital when she delivered him. It was heartbreaking for her to deliver him while you could hear the cries of babies newly delivered in rooms nearby. I begged the nurses to find her somewhere else to deliver. It is still painful for her to this day because they wanted a boy so badly and we have so few men born in our family. She ended up having two successful pregnancies after that. It turns out Jared had a rare chromosomal defect and if he had survived to birth, less than one percent with this genetic defect live past one year and are severely mentally and physically handicapped. It was a totally random event. Even still, with that fact in my mind, the fact my mom has spina bifoda, and my two uncles were born with lower intestinal birth defects (one born without a rectum), I was so nervous. Add to this the fact that my husband doesn't know his family medical history that well and that I was carrying twins, I could have spun out of control. I was so happy when the nuchal scan and then anatomy u/s and blood tests came back ok. My sister didn't have most of these done in her pregnancy. The advantage would have been for her to prepare for the eventualities to come and to not blame herself (which she did for a long time) for her son's death.

  5. Yea for Susita and her healthy baby girl!

    OMG...Hana managed to get into the bottom basket of our Duoglider stroller today while I was buckling Zak into his carseat. I wish I had a camera. After laughing, it took me 10 minutes to figure out how to manuever her to pull her out!

  6. Nessa - that pic of Ben on the beach is the best! What a little heartbreaker you have!

    Only 6.5 weeks left until summer vacation for me! Yay! I can't wait to spend time with Hana and Zak.

  7. It really is bittersweet to see them growing up. I miss my babies but love my crazy toddlers! OMG...we found an old phone in a box this weekend. We pulled it out and let the babies play with it. I pretended to talk to someone the other day and gave it to the babies. Now anytime Zak has it he says "allo" into the mouthpiece and then hands it to me to talk to the person on it. I am running out of creative responses! I let them both try to climb up the outside stairs today. First time with stairs and Zak was awesome! I think it helped his confidence because he was walking more and more tonight.

  8. Lots of people have had VBACS. But I do know a person who was due with the twins the same time as me. She went into early labor and went to the hospital. They were having a hard time tracing her girl and wanted to wait. The mom was adamant about going then. It was good she pushed the emergency c-section. Her uterus had ruptured because her girl's placenta had attached to her previous c-section scar. She lost the baby girl, but they were in time to save the baby boy. It really was heartbreaking.

    @Susita - Good luck fellow twin momma! I am sure the boys are going to dote on their baby sister sooooooo much! Best wishes to you for a great recovery from whatever delivery you get! :star:

  9. Hana and Zak are rarely sick as well. We are lucky enough to have a private babysitter at the moment so that aren't around lots of germy kids. But, my husband and I were extremely healthy babies as well. I know once they enter a larger group of kids that I'll be home with them a lot more. Hopefully by then they can tell me what is wrong!

  10. Well...we almost have two walkers here. Zak will walk a little bit on his own, but you can see he is focusing sooooo much on it. My mom was here this past weekend and her comment to me is that you can see he is just thinking too much about it when he does it. If he is focused on something else, he can walk ok. Once he realizes what he is doing, he stops and drops. So...it won't be long until both are running around here!

  11. We got the babies each a small stuffed sheep, some little people soccer players, and a chocolate bunny. My mom got them a chocolate bunny, some bunny sippy cups, and Little People Easter box that had eggs that were at a tea party with little people or being carried by a tractor. Not huge. Our kids are going to be raised in my husband's faith, but will get to experience the fun of this rite of passage of spring.

  12. Ok ladies,

    Yesterday I had my one hour glucose test and I failed crying.gif The level was 172 and the cut off was 140. I'll have to go back next Wednesday to get the 3 hours test. I talked to my in-law and she think part of the problem was that I had a big plate of fried oyster and frensh fries right before I went to sleep the night before the test and that all the carb made the level so high. I dont know but I really hope it's part of it. I gained less than 5 lbs last month and my midwife likes it. Also my blood presser is still the same as before (in a good healthy range) and my baby measured normal.

    I did the research for GD and found that Asian are at a higher risk to develop it (also type 2 diabetes) so that scare me!!

    Another bad news is I am anemic. So I have to take iron supplement and eat more iron rich food...

    So if I have GD, my baby will be big, but I also anemic, which means my baby will be small.. (if left untreat) it's kinda ironic isnt it wacko.gif

    Just stressing right now.. looking up GD diet and it's going to be hard since I dont follow western diet... I'm going to have to play around with it if I need to.


    Hopefully the 3 hour test will come back better. I know a lot of people (myself included) who failed the one hour but went on to pass the 3 hour (or its equivalent...I had to do blood glucose home monitoring since I was on pretty strict bedrest). My perinatalogist had me freaked out because I had pre-eclampsia. With pre-E the babies lungs tend to mature more quickly. If I had had GD, it works contrary and there would have been a chance for respiratory immaturity (and we were already worried I was going to deliver extremely early). Anyway, just try to keep a positive outlook. I know how hard it is to do!

  13. Zak is beginning to walk. He walked from the table to the living room chair without prodding last night. So...I will have two walkers soon!

    OMG...we need a banana plantation and a cow for how much milk and bananas we go through right now!

  14. I'm wondering if any of you moms can help me. I'm having a problem with my toddler, she's 19 months now. My daughter hasn't always been a good sleeper but I was able to get her to sleep in her crib for most of the night. She'd wake up once or twice during the night but go back to sleep. Now she's waking up every two-three hours screaming. Not a whine but screaming at the top of her lungs and nothing is working to comfort her. I'm finding that she's waking every two three hours and screaming at the top of her lungs. Nothing is working to comfort her. I'm getting to my breaking point. I'm getting less sleep now than when she was an infant. I'm wondering if she could be having night terrors. Anyone had/have this problem? Any suggestions. Insight?

    Is she teething? Hana does this periodically. She will wake up screaming every hour for two or three hours when she is in the throws of cutting a tooth. I give her a little tylenol and that helps.

  15. Her labor was insane :o :o :o and freaked me out! Holy #######, my (L) goes out to you if that's what you had to deal with. I was like 'omG, she's playing up for the cameras, please God, tell me that's what's going on' LOLZ

    The reason why I really ask is that I work so much, it's not even funny. Every single day even. My brain cannot fathom how staying at home is going to be more work than what I do now. Yeah yeah, all the moms are laughing right now at my naivete ;) My fiance is graduating school beginning of Oct, we are due middle of Sept. I dunno how we're going to work out those two weeks because his schoolwork is going to be insane at that point, and I am having to get a C-section. He's a super doting, wonderful guy...he's gonna be a great dad! I really would not have a problem with being the sole or primary parent for the first few weeks because that's what couples do...pick up slack for each other. (Of course, I realize the C is going to be an issue) But then again, I've never had a baby before, so I don't currently see what all the hoo ha is about cos to me (right now), I see it as less work than what I'm currently doing.

    I'll update this in 8 months, of course hahahahaha

    I don't think you can fathom the amount of work until the baby comes. I give props to the single moms out there because I don't know how they do it without going crazy. You'll work out a way with your fiance to make it work. My husband and I figured it out with twins, my going back to work soon after they were born (I was out on bedrest for 8 weeks, mostly unpaid), and doing it without any family nearby. I too had a c-section. It wasn't that bad. Just get up and move as soon as possible. I was out, driving, and carrying the babies with me within 1.5 weeks. As for the genetic testing, try not to freak out too much. I was on the borderline for age (I had the babies soon after turning 34). I wanted testing because my mom has spina bifoda and I was worried for my two. My results came back as a 1 in 64 chance for one of them to have Downs. My perinatalogist said I could have an amnio. I decided not to because I didn't see an advantage and it is even a higher risk procedure when carrying twins. He told me he thought it was a wise decision because all the u/s (and I had many because I was carrying the twins and I had a cervical procedure done the summer before) showed them to be healthy. Just try to stay positive!

    I am on Spring Break this week. I love hanging with the babies, but know I will be ready to head back to work next week as well! Hana and Zak are in to EVERYTHING! OMG...four little toddler hands and eyes that find everything!

  16. Been quiet lately! Well...on this board and not around my house! Our twins found Daddy's keys and, well, we can't find them! We have checked everywhere we can think of -- under and in everything!

  17. We went out to dinner last night for St. Patrick's Day. I had corned beef and cabbage. Declan ended up eating most of my cabbage and carrots. I drew the line on giving him all of my corned beef too :lol: So he had chicken. It was nice to know he likes cabbage. I've never tried it with him, so I guess now I will start making it.

    We have a friend with her 2 1/2 year old and 1 year old staying with us for a few days. Declan is so cute with the girls and loves having guests. He hugs them all the time and is loving playing with the 2 1/2 year old.

    I made corned beef and cabbage for us last night. Hana LOVES corned beef. (Girl after my own heart.) I don't know what is up with them tonight. They are just "out of sorts".

  18. Anna C-Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately we had already left so I didn't see it until now. The darn site was so freaking slow it wouldn't load for me. We ended up just getting the My Ride 65. It installed in the car just fine. My mom said she had seen it on tv the other day as one of the top 5 car seats, just under the Britax. So I guess it's ok. Thanks!

    We have the MyRide65's for our twins in my car (Toyota Camry). The babies love them. I have never had an issue with them and they have one of the longest rearfacing limits for the lower end of the spectrum car seats. Since the babies ride very little in Daddy's car, we got 2 Cosco Scenera's for there. For their really low price, they have an amazing safety record. Their weight limit is a lot less, but that is good. We'll have the opportunity to stagger buying sets of booster seats.

    @Christina - Have a fabulous time in India!

    We wanted to take the babies to Morocco this summer, but the airfare is insane. We have decided that I will take them with my mom to Vermont this summer to visit my family. My husband will probably fly by himself to Morocco to visit with his family and we will save for a BIG trip in the next two years.

  19. @Vi: Hana is now walking all the time (really started these past few days) and she will be 14 months old this week. Zak cruises EVERYWHERE and CRAWLS UP on everything (our monkey) but has no desire to take steps by himself. I am sure once Hana becomes a walking terror he will see the fun and fast track it. From what I understand 12-15 months is about average for walking.

    My two watch little programming on TV as well. They LOVE music! Fine by me. I do watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Handy Manny with them on the weekends.

    BTW...I bought the babies some clothes from Old Navy yesterday and ordered some more from them online. They have infant / toddler flip flops with a back strap for $2.50!


    I also got Hana a one piece, rash guard UV protected swimsuit. She is more fair than Zak and in the FL sun she will need it (it was only $14.50).


  20. Sorry if this has been posted before. :)


    OMG...I had to laugh at the openning part with the two kids in Namibia. The way they were behaving could be Hana and Zak on any given day!

    Hana is almost exclusively walking now! Zak is climbing up EVERYTHING! I left the living room for 30 seconds tonight and he climbed up into the chair near the sliding glass door in our living room and was standing on the arm of it tugging on the sheer window coverings!!!!!

  21. Gymboree is ALWAYS having a sale, they have a "frequent flier club" and send you coupons and heads-up on sales, you can earn Gym-bucks during special times which usually gives you at least $25 off your next $50 purchase during a specified time. The Children's Place Outlet usually has PHENOMENAL sales....I have gotten pj's for $1 (I don't care if it has a Christmas pattern or bright orange...they are just pj's).

  22. I love Baby Gap too. By far, the best deals I get are at Gymboree and I love their clothes. Marshalls and TJ Maxx great to shop at, if you are in the mood. Ross is even worse! But, the deals are there to be had!

  23. We understand your situation Kelly. We want to take the twins to Morocco to see their family. The airfare is INSANE. Luckily, my sister-in-laws all go to the cybercafe on the weekend to video chat with my husband and the babies. We also send them pictures periodically. We had bought them a computer for their house, but they cannot afford the internet bill and we can't afford to help them at this time.

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