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Status Updates posted by LoveRaja

  1. you have to fill out I-751 within 90 days after 2 years from your POE. Once it's approved, you then get a 10 year green card in the mail.By the time u can also apply for ur citizenship. So U dont have to worry about 2years:=)

  2. I am happy to hear that you are already here. I got my green card after 30days. You should be getting around same. http://www.usimmigrationsupport.org/form-i751.html the form u are talking about is I believe for citizenshipness. Which means when u wanna be a USA citizen u need to apply for it. U dont need to worry about it yet.:=)So how is going your days? How do u feel let me know some:=)

  3. Dont worry about the package. U are gonna get it. Its almost impossible for u 2 not get your pack. And they wont change their mind ofc. The date they told u just wait for it. And start to plan abput ur new life in usa:=) Take it easy. Be calm. I am fine. Looking for a job.Everything fine here. Let me know when you get your package.

    Take a care.

  4. Dont worry you are ok:=)

  5. Max 5 business day. Then U good to go:=)

  6. KDRJN:) Gratz on your approve hun. That white paper just for the tracking number for ur passport from UPS:) Well I am happy for you that you are done this journey. When u are gonna come to the USA! Wish best for you.

  7. U need wait for the embassy's update on their website. If I am not wrong they do it weekly. So Probably ur will be on the list end of march or something else like that. U dont have to send anything to embassy anymore. Just bring the things that on the NVC list and the things on my previous message. U will get it. Good luck.

  8. If not enough income, letter from her boss, payystubs,passport copies (urs and hers- that shows enterance-and- exit the eachothers country)text messages if u can bring.passport (american passport size 2 pics) Thats all I remember for now. U need to check the list that they have sent you. Make sure that u wont miss anything. Good luck.! Let me know when its over.

    Keep in touch

  9. Bring everything, even the copies. Bank statements, pics, calling history, emails, pics, facebook message from ur spouse, from her family, Plane tickets, pics with her, with here family, from wedding and from other times. Invoices, bills, If u leaved together rent agreement, Gift invoices that u sent or she did, and financial stuff, and dont forget to get her W2 (Federal tax) for 2-3 years.

  10. Which means you are gonna get ur interview date very soon. Ankara is kinka slow about it. Patience.We got the date after 1 month the case was closed. Happy ending coming soon. Let me know when you get your interview date.

    Keep in touch and take care.

  11. Did not you get your interview date yet?!!! Hope you are gonna get it soon. Keep in touch. Best luck.

  12. did u finish this Visa thingy? Sorry I saw ur message just right hopefully I am not late. Let me know!

  13. How is going your visa advanture Sweet Dove? Been long time. Give me a some good news!

  14. Gratz dear Meggy.You have a great wedding tmr. Hope everything will be fine as you want.xoxo

  15. Hahah my sweet love honey:) I love you so much.

  16. Many things to do! But its good to reunit with my husband.

    1. Sweet Dove

      Sweet Dove

      Happy for you!!! COngrats

    2. Sweet Dove

      Sweet Dove

      God is so Good all the time.

  17. I really liked your story guys. Similiar to mine except the game:) But we know the second life also. Have a great life with your spouse. Hope everything will be really easy and quick guys! Good luck.

  18. Rani and Raja is the couple that who is going to reunit again:)

  19. Haha Tyyyyyyyyy so much cute!

  20. I got my visa:) finally!!!!!! So happy.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alan-and-Ira



    3. LA&MA


      much Congrats!!!! so happy for you!!!

    4. Sweet Dove

      Sweet Dove

      CONGRATS I AM VERY HAPPY FOR U.. THE waiting is over.

  21. Any news from you no2 Sweet?

  22. Any news today?

  23. Ty ErikaandHamit.I will send you a chocolate cake when I got it as I promised before:)

  24. Ty so much cute!

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