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Status Updates posted by British_Cupcake

  1. Interview in 2 hours and 15mins!! im so tired, hardly any sleep :(

    1. Isaac and Hilda
    2. S&ET


      Good Luck and you'll be ok. My God be with You!!!

    3. LoveRaja


      Good luck.

  2. Frankfurt tomorrow, interview the next day eeeeek! i hope it all goes well!

    1. EllaC


      All the best and good luck! I'm sure it will be PINK!

  3. 3days till my interview woooohooo

    1. Leiy


      Goodluck!!! You'll be with your hubby soon :).

  4. Thanks, 5days till ur in the US how exciting hehe

  5. thank you :) Good luck to you.. your interview will come around soooo soon! the days are flying by :) hehe

  6. hey we have the same interview date! Good luck!!

  7. Hey girl, happy to see you got your pink slip! congrats and good luck for the future :)

  8. Oooo yes i am hehe and 3 weeks left for u!! Your interview is on the day of my POE hehe. I had my medical yesterday, it went so quick..im so nervous bout teh interview now

  9. Hey thanks for the good luck, how far are u in the process?

  10. medical done yday took a whole of 3hours :)

  11. Not long till your interview :) good luck!!

  12. i just want this stress to be over with..interview July 12th

  13. hey have you still not heard anything?

  14. congrats on your interview date and passing your medical :)

  15. Thank you :) any news yet??

  16. YES!!!! July 12th 7.30!!! Finally got our interview date!

  17. good luck you get an interview date soon :)

  18. Hey just wanted to say good luck with the last stretch :) hope you get an interview date soon!

  19. i will keep my fingers crossed for us! let me know if you get your interview date

  20. hey no probs :) i see you got CC one day after me. I hope we get an interview date soon! How has your process been so far??

  21. Congrats on CC..still no interview date :( the stupid op said i have to wait till June 15th to call again!

  22. hey i see you got your case complete the same day as me! hope you get your interview soon :) where abouts in florida did you get married? we had a beach wedding in FL too :)

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