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Posts posted by that_girl

  1. Here Megan,check this out,and hopefully I wasn't an idiot and in my excitement blabbered something wrong


    Hmm, that's the website I've been using, but for some reason, it keeps telling me that there are no shipments. What is the reference you used?

    Man, computers are hard. :bonk:

    Thanks Anwesha, you're the coolest!

    EDIT: Ha! Nevermind - it just started working! I wish there was a fist-shaking emoticon; I would use it against computers.

    But, hey, if the computer is going to tell me that my package is on its way to Auckland, I also have to give them hugs. I'm glad things are continuing to move along. Hope your packet 3 comes soon, Anwesha! Hugs!

  2. oh my god Megan ,I just found out that they have shipped out a lot of packages and there was one for Auckland and one for Mumbai( well I really really hope those are our's )!!


    Cannot wait to get going on the next steps :)

    (I really hope no one bursts my happy bubble now though :P)


    WAHOO!!!! Surely it's us! Our applications have been holding hands since November 6, and now they're off to their respective countries.

    So excited!! :dance: :dance:

    Hugs! Here's to you and getting the P3 soon!

    Edit: Hey, can you send me a link so I can obsessively follow it? For some reason it's not showing up when I look...

  3. Hey that_girl! Have you been impatient like this girl,checking the DHL tracking site like crazy in hopes that soon a consulate in your preferred country shows up?:P

    well then, join me !tee hee

    I hope the NVC sends all our packages away across,to everyone else whose embassy has already gotten their stuff,was the embassy the one that contacted you or did you call after you tracked it online?

    Thanks everyone!

    Keepin my peckers up !! :thumbs::D

    Oh, heck yes, I have. I've worn the keys for "DHL" almost through the keyboard, I've been checking so much! It hasn't even been a week since it got there yet, but I can't help myself... I'm glad we're side by side in the same DHL support group, Anwesha, just like the NOA2 waiting club. :P Here's to our paperwork getting on an airplane!

    Anyone knows where Justar is? I'm worried bout that girl.

    Since she poofed, 7 out of the 14 K1 left where approved. I really hope hers was one of them

    Yeah, I hope she's busy being relieved and celebrating! Maybe she zipped off to see her beloved because they were going crazy. Whatever her reason for being absent, I sure hope it's a nice one.

  4. OMG!!!! I just got a text and email that my petition is now approved!! :)))) at 9:47PM . For the rest here, December approvals are on the way......

    OMG! OMG!! OMG!!! That's all I can say, OMG. We were approved!!!!! :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

    I received an email at 9:45 this evening. I just got home a few minutes ago and read it...I can't believe it. I'm on cloud 9 and it's too late to call anyone so I'll share the good news with me mates. Finish your chores early mates because we be havin a party tomorrow night and I be bringin the rum...drinks all around.

    Looks like VSC decided to start working on Dec. filers, finally. Captain, I am happy to prove ourselves wrong about our approval predictions of Mar. 22. lol

    I hope to see more celebrating from ye mates this week, especially Matt. :yes:

    Hang in there mates!

    Congrats, Dec. folks! Hope they get to all of you speedily, and good luck!

  5. OK - In the UK - keep your pecker up simply means - keep your spirits up.

    In the USA - it means - keep your "zizi" up (now, I hope I haven't committed a second faux pas in my school girl french)!

    And you now saying "bare" with me, actually means get naked with me (you mean "bear") This is getting hilarious x The moderators will shut us down at this rate!

    Heck yeah! We're like the Seinfeld of VJ... Love it!

  6. Hey guys, glad to see so many cases making their way over the ocean <img src="http://www.visajourney.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />

    I got my shots yesterday which - aside from being surprisingly expensive - completely wiped me out for most of the day. But anyway, another checkmark to add to this process, almost there!!!

    I also talked to the embassy, where they told me that I should go in as soon as I have all my documents ready and they will help me look through it to make sure it is on order for the interview. Once that is done, they will schedule the appointment. I was all ready to do just that next week right after the medical, except the police certificate I had issued turned out to be the wrong one (should have waited for embassy instructions before applying for everything <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /> ), so now I have to wait another week before I can go in. Still, once again, I can see the light now, hoping for an early April reunion <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Early April?! Heck yeah! That's awesome! Congrats, and I hope that happens!

    <a href="http://java%20script%3a%6fpenPhotoView(" target="_blank"><img src="http://photocache.petfinder.com/fotos/SC259/SC259.15812287-2-pn.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>

    My Bday present <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wub.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":wub:" border="0" alt="wub.gif" />

    If she's still available for adoption once I get there

    Omg, pls, I love her already <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/heart.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="(L)" border="0" alt="heart.gif" />

    <a href="http://java%20script%3a%6fpenPhotoView(" target="_blank"> </a>

    SQUEE!! What a cute pup!

    Also, me and the new forum are not getting along too well. I'm too old to adapt to this nonsense. It's taking me twice as long to do anything.

  7. Yes Please VSC ,just hand it over will you!!

    We are with you justar!!

    I think NVC has not yet sent out our package to India ,but that's okay,they can do that on Monday :)

    Good luck everyone!Keep us posted on your progress!

    Ours hasn't been shipped to NZ, either, but I agree: Monday would be just fine :) I'm checking that darn DHL website even more times a day than I checked the USCIS website in the height of my insanity waiting for NOA2. And I was naive enough to think that I'd be sane after getting that piece of paper! :wacko:

    Yes I did check the DHL site. That is how I knew it left the NVC, unless there was another case going to BKK 2 days after they received my case.

    Based on other Thai timelines the interview will happen 1 month after sending in the Packet 3. So in a little over a month Jum may have her visa. In 3 months we will be on a plane together flying to America. In 4 months we will be married. Then the fighting will begin because we have never lived with someone from a totally different culture.

    Wahoo! That's moving along fast! After the consulate gets ours, we have about the same wait (1 month) before the interview, theoretically. Good luck with both of you on the culture shock aspect. I'm trying to steel myself, getting ready to deflect all the complaints Ewan has about things like Fahrenheit and the US health care system. :wacko:

  8. I-134 Question. I can't find anything stating you have to send Tax Returns in with this form. Only an employement letter with pay stubs. Is this correct or do you have to submit 3 years of tax returns?

    These are required for the affidavit you send with the AOS stuff, but not for this. Still, I'm sending my 2009 returns just because, hey, it can't hurt, right? Not certified copies, though, just the print out from e-filing.

  9. Doesn't surprise me... Agriculture is another huge lobbying industry...

    Corporate farms have taken over in many cases and the smaller farmer is losing out.

    Of course I still don't get why in the hell our government pays people not to farm their own land either. You can't tell me that doesn't have an effect on cost of food.

    Personally, I think food should be as 'localized' as humanly possible and shouldn't be transported all across the country if it can be avoided. There's no reason for instance Texas should ever buy cotton from Nebraska when it's produced right in our own backyard. Same goes with fruits, veggies, etc... Not every area can do this, but if it's grown in your area, it would cut down costs if it's kept in your area.

    Yeah, I agree, but people want to be able to eat apples in March and fresh veggies in the dead of winter. I'm all for country of origin labeling, just so that we think more about this. But farmers' markets are growing ever more popular and abundant...

  10. Not really.

    You and I can benefit in property value by our houses not burning down and the cops taking care of crime.

    You and I can benefit from properly educated people running the businesses in the community, running our government, etc..

    You and I benefit and prosper from our military protecting our borders and keeping us safe overall to live our lives

    You and I don't really benefit though from the other living or dieing...... So health care is valuable to the individual to keep one alive, but to the mass, it really has no real benefit.

    Insurance cost is not the problem, it's health care cost.

    If health care costs are high, premiums are going to be high.

    You can't expect an insurance company to pay-out $150,000 or more for a procedure when they are collecting $40 in premiums... It's just not feasible.

    The key is to figure out where the actual cost factor is and why a certain procedures have such a high cost (usually it's in regards to drugs used, medical equipment used, disposable equipment used, risk, staff needed, etc..)

    Granted, this is why I'm a fan of "Ala Carte" insurance plans if they were legal... If I could have a plan that just covered castrosphic insurance and then whatver I wanted to add on top of that, it'd be awesome.... That would help alleviate some of the premium costs in this current hostile enviroment... To some that idea may not seen ideal, but at the same time, we are a people who believes in 'choice' and you should be able to choose the coverage you feel that works best for you. --- Why do I need to pay for asthma coverage when that doesnt' effect me? Only because Government says I have to....

    How about paying doctors a salary instead of fee for service? That would keep everyone's costs down.

  11. Hey Everyone!!! I'm busy getting everything ready for the next steps but was wondering how many USC were planning on attending the interview. We are up in the air and not sure what the standard is.

    I'm not going to the interview. Tickets to New Zealand are really expensive (it's pretty far away...) so I'm going to stay and work and save money for our future together. Also, Ewan's been to the US before on his own, so I don't think he'll have any problems navigating airports or anything.

    I think they definitely recommend going to the interview if you're at a difficult consulate, but I don't think that applies to Germany. Entirely up to you. B-)

  12. hey where is the DHL link?Can we also take a look?My greedy self cannot wait.

    And Megan wahoo for great news! I am getting more and more impressed now,the past can be forgotten.

    the DHL link is in arwilson's post (#1415) on the page before this. It's pretty awesome that you can do that! I hope your package is winging it's way to you even as we post! What consulate are you at, Anwesha? What's your avg wait time between packet 3 and interview?

  13. I found lots from March 8 too but nothing from the 5 th, 6 th, 7 th. :unsure:

    We didn' t call NVC. I guess we' ll just wait for their letter to come. NOA 2 says it can take up to 4 weeks. Is this true ?

    Thanks for checking, doghandler. :)

    I think sometimes if they get a "hit" on your name from a background check at USCIS, they might look into it further at NVC. It seems like this is not too common, though, and in most people's cases, you get through NVC in a matter of days. Hopefully all us Nov. filers will be sped through and on to P3!

  14. hey so my fiance just go through the NVC after numerous attempts and apparently at one point,we both got through together and were waiting ,but he got lucky,so I hung up.

    And yes,he said they got our case :)

    I am assuming it is today!Now hopefully we won't be stuck here for too long.

    Justar I am praying and wishing you too hear some fantastic news soon and please dont forget to check the mailbox,it happened with us.We are still in initial review btw!


    I guess I will jump on the NVC-calling boat tonight, after hours, to see if they've got mine, then, too :)!

    Hooray! Things are finally happening in our November thread! Soon justar will have the approval, and we'll all be comparing interview experiences!

  15. Oh geez, I leave for 12 hours and our thread explodes! Right! Here goes...

    Congratulations ash-n-flow! that is awesome :)they sure are earning my respect up there hehe!

    My fiance has been calling the NVC since yest and they still do not seem to have our package.Megan what is the update on your's?We have like identical time -lines so yeah I figured maybe they did/will ship ours together.

    Oh and my fiance says that he is only asked our NOA2 receipt number,not the usual NVC Petitioner/Beneficiary name and birthday fare?

    I read that they ask the name and birthday questions ,not the receipt number.

    Hmm anyway ,do keep us posted everyone:)

    We are very much rooting for you justar and carol and nigel!!!

    When I called on Monday, all I gave them was the Vermont case number, and they told me it wasn't there yet; give it a couple more days. Entire conversation was maybe 30 seconds, and didn't have any of the name/birthdate stuff. Maybe they were just fobbing me off...

    Oh hey thanks 'Kristin&David':)

    So did you wait to talk to an operator or did you press any options in between to get to one?Cos my fiance said the automated message asks you to chose between immigrant and non-immigrant visas,and we chose non-immigrant(right?)

    and they just asked for our uscis case number.

    We will keep calling them everyday and bug them hehe!

    And noticed that you too have your dad co-sponsor your fiance,so his father is also our co-sponsor actually.Aside from sending in all financial stuff,are your parents having to send in any G-325a forms or anything that establishes their US citizenship too?

    Thanks again for the help and good luck!

    When I called, the first thing I had to choose was "no, this isn't about Haiti relief" (I can't remember if that was 1 or 2), then I pressed 1 for English, and then 5 to speak to an operator. I didn't answer and push-button questions about immigrant vs. non-immigrant visas, as I recall.

    I don't know if I can be bothered calling them again, at least not at 8:30 am like I did the other day. Maybe I'll try later tonight. It's weird, I feel so used to waiting, I can wait for a letter to come from NVC....

    So finally read through my Packet 3 - nothing surprising in it, but a joyous occasion nonetheless :)

    My medical is scheduled for next Wednesday, and sadly I have to go get two shots before then. Well, at least things are moving forward... I can see the light now!!! :) :)

    Hooray - You're our first member to be braving the P3 (I think, right?) and braving shots on top of it. I wish your honey could be there to hold your hand. (I always pass out when I get blood drawn, so I always have to go into a special little room when they do it and they make me lie down beforehand. I sure hope it goes better for you!)

    WE WERE APPROVED LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    HECK YES! Congrats, you guys! Good job on sticking in there, and now relish this moment and do your dance before worrying about P3 and affidavit and NVC.

    In the UK Interviews 2010 thread they said you can call the DOS to find out if the Embassy has received your case - we're going to try, given that calling the Embassy costs £1.20/min and there's a minimum of 15 minutes on the phone......an experience I've already had the joy of from my J1 visa days :bonk:

    £1.20/min?! Geez! Visa process is so friggin' expensive! Do you know how one calls the DOS, Jess?

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