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Status Updates posted by DebbyNSeyi

  1. Romnick - Congrats on the completion of your visa journey! I am impressed that you remember me and my story! Hubby and I and little Gabriel are very happy and I must say that it was all worth it! Best wishes to you and your family for a happy, healthy and prosperous life together!

    1. romnick


      Just saw this DebbyNSeyi, I apologize for the delay. It gladdens my heart to know that everything is going great for you folks... Nothing could be more fulfilling than being with a man that is on the same page with you. We are enjoying our marriage as well. Little one is on the way as well finally lol. Our very first and last marriage so It has been very exciting. Keep in touch. You guys will remain in our prayers.My wife and I always remember everyone in our prayers. Have a safe trip home.

  2. Gabriel is now over 2 years old and adds new meaning to the term "Terrible Twos"! He is defiant, loud, mischievous and lots of fun! We are going to Seyi's Naturalization Interview on Tuesday, 5/6/14. We are almost done with this Visa Journey!

  3. I am so sorry to read about your predicament. I hope you find the strength to move on with your life and find comfort in your son. God bless.

  4. Gabriel is now over 14 lbs and doing great! Now we're starting to prepare the docs for the I-751...boy does time fly!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DebbyNSeyi


      Thanks, Lucy! Any updates? NOA2 yet?

    3. patient2010


      Wow God bless you guys!

    4. reeses16


      Thanks for your message and congratulations to you!!!!

  5. Update! Gabriel Simon Ayodeji Okuneye was born 10 weeks early on 3/25/12. He's little but, Thank God, healthy. He's up to over 4 lbs now and we hope to take him home by the end of May! Thanks for all your support!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more


      We thank God for his blessing and addition to you family. Can't wait to see his pic.. I know he's a handsome lil fellow :)

    3. Kool Ola

      Kool Ola




      Just seeing your message.. Congratulations. How's Gabriel doing?

  6. Just an update for all my VJ friends - we are expecting a baby June 6, 2012!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DebbyNSeyi


      Thanks, everybody!

    3. Afrilaskan Queen

      Afrilaskan Queen

      DebbyNSeyi, I know this message is late but I finally read your profile and see you are expecting a baby in the next couple of months - whoa - CONGRATULATIONS parents to be. You really worked hard for your happiness! ~ Afrilaskan Queen

    4. DebbyNSeyi


      Thanks so much! He was born early but growing and getting bigger every day!

  7. My sincere congrats, Toni...one journey is about to end and another to begin. Keep the faith, have patience for each other and above all - never forget the sacrifices that were made to reach this point!

  8. Toni - I am so happy to hear that your hubby is finally arriving on 12/3!!! Just in time for our wonderful winters! LOL Was also curious about what airfare you ended up getting. Again, am so happy for you!

  9. almost 5 months together in the States and it's getting better every day!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Afrilaskan Queen

      Afrilaskan Queen

      Wow! I'm so so very happy for you! I fell off the visa journey planet, came back to see how different ones are. You really fought for your love, congratulations -- every day, of every year, for the rest of your lives! You did it! So happy for you. My hubby and I are enjoying our first year together, after immigration, this new journey feels so peaceful took awhile to get used to no-chaos. So very, very happy for you DebbyNSeyi!

    3. LoveNigarmostyle


      Debby, reading your post brings tears to my eyes. For you are my hero, inspiration and role model. Your courage is to be commended and your outcome well deserved. Good bless and I pray your happiness lasts forever.

    4. Pman's Wife

      Pman's Wife

      OMG! What great news. Congratulations. It's been a long time coming and I am really glad things worked out for the best. I know you are sleeping and breathing much easier now. I wish you all the best :-)

  10. Kind words from a kind lady...thinking of you and hoping tomorrow brings good tidings!

  11. Remember that hope never dies....life will always continue....one must keep pressing forward and continue hoping for the best! Best of luck!

  12. Am happy to hear that you can finally move forward! Looking forward to hearing that you get your 'case complete' very shortly!

  13. Hey Toni...just checking in with you...how are u? Any good news to share? Any news at all?

  14. Thanks for your well-wishes! Hope your AOS process speeds up now that it's as CSC!

  15. We are together now. and our life together has begun. Thank God :)

    1. patient2010


      I am happy for you congrats and enjoy!!!!

    2. LoveNigarmostyle


      Congrats! may God bless you with a happy and fulfilling life together.

  16. February 25th - POE!!!!

    1. patient2010


      Nice! Happy for ya!

    2. Double O

      Double O


    3. M2MarryN
  17. Hi Flor...thanks for thinking of me. My hubby will be here next Friday and we are very excited! I wish you and your honey the best of luck on your interview next month...I'm sure that you're presence there will make a positive difference!

  18. Hi Toni...sorry that you're experiencing all these delays. Hopefully things will clear up given a bit more time. We are well. Hubby is arriving here on 2/25 and my main challenge now is making closet spece for his clothes! LOL Thankfully, I can't complain. We've been thru almost 3 years of hell on this visa journey & I am glad it's come to end. Yours will too. Just ...

  19. So...what's happening with your case? Hope you've made some progress since the last update?

  20. Thank you for your well-wishes....best of luck to you too! :)

  21. Thanks for your well-wishes...I pray that you guys complete your journey soon and are reunited!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. marklovetina
    3. patient2010


      Congrats im happy for u!

    4. Aya820


      Don't remember if I told you already because I haven't been on lately...but if I haven't...CONGRATULATIONS!!

  23. Thanks so much for your well wishes. By Gods grace, I will receive good news on Wednesday and will post on VJ :)

  24. Am glad that nothing is wrong. Once you get the Police Clearance, it will, God willing, be smooth sailing :)

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