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Posts posted by jlee

  1. Well ladies and gentlemen, I finally sent my K-1 Visa package on Saturday (June 12th) via Express mail costing me a whopping 50 dollars :(. But that's peanuts to have my "vida" with me. Today I know it must have reached there even though USPS is telling me the tracking code isnt available at this moment in time online!!! Wish us luck guys, I get nervous just thinking of an RFE since I don;t have much time to waste (In the Army and I've been told the unit I am going to will deploy sometime in the future).

    For all those that know my story, she finally decided to just come over and get married here civil, and then later down the road have the beautiful ceremony in her home country with her family and friends. YAY!

    Again, WISH US LUCK and I'll def. keep you all posted on our process

  2. Awesome Mike thanks! Being Army I'm rather ####### when it comes to regulation sizes, how to's, what to use, etc.. and I'm sure this is no different. I just get worried where and how to put all my documents and use what folders.. etc. ooooweeeeeee this can get crazy!

    Will take a look at your vid right now !

  3. Let me know as well, though I doubt they do unless you're filing for expedited filing (upcoming deployment). I've been looking at that as well so I'll keep an eye on this post.

    Here's a link for the military area of the USCIS.gov website:


  4. Hello everyone!

    Quick and possibly even quicker answer to my question:

    The photos used for evidence, may I print them from my printer and paste/place them in a bag or paper? (provided with dates on back)? Or will it look to "fishy" since it is being printed out on "paper" and not photo-esque quality paper?

    I ask because I'm willing to provide tons of photos for evidence, however it can get pricey (30cents/photo and I am willing to provide 50 photos possibly).

    Thank you!

  5. Thank you lifesjourney, that is what I was also thinking about. The fact that I need a blessing from the Roman Catholic Church. I agree with your viewpoint and the CR-1 visa is great and all, but if I do that, we will be married and apart for 5-9 months, which is hard/difficult. I'm going to go ahead and do what was suggested and consult a lawyer to see what it is to be constituted to be married.. Lastly, I will also sit down and share all the information all you guys provided to see what she opinion-ates.

    Thank you guys for all the great knowledge. I'm sure not only I, but others who have read what you've written have also enjoyed it.

  6. Okay great info guys but this is my predicament:

    You are all talking about having the ceremony and THEN getting the visa process started or mid process, giving you time to disclose it on the packet or CO.

    However I want to do this non-binding ceremony wedding AFTER the visa is issued for her to come because she does have a 60 or 90 day period to get ready and leave Nicaragua on the K-1.

    So when how or should I just not even worry about disclosing it because I've already been "approved". See?

  7. Thank you YaderandSarah, I will then speak to a Nica lawyer and see what constitues a "wedding". Her family does want a father (I'm roman catholic as well as she) so we will see what we can do. And if any VJ members want to help with the packet I will be more than happy to read into all of it ! My email is javielee@gmail.com. Thank you!!

  8. Thanks yea I really enjoy reading everyones response because of the fact they're all both different and unique. I guess my only frustration is trying to hit the December mark so that she can finally be with me. Its difficult to find free time in active duty as an officer ( we get a good 2 weeks off in December or so they told me).

    This is why I want/ed to do the "ceremony" without registering it on december over there, of which "hopefully" she should have been approved to come over, and get married here.

    Its my wish and dream so we will see what happens. I'm just going to go over all the risks and options for her and we'll come to an agreement somewhere in there.

  9. Thank you jeromebinh and Bernie for your input and knowledge. Awesome that you did this as well Bernie, and that is basicaly what I am looking at doing (not registering the wedding). However should I report the "unregistered ceremony" at all?

    Looks good on the 2 visas, I am going to go with the K-1 first then CR-1 if all else fails, however I'm sure I"ll be approved, we've been dating for about 8 months and engaged as well, been there 6 times already :) Thanks guys again!

  10. I wish I was on "military expedite" but I am not deploying anytime soon (I can say that now but you know it can switch on the flip of a coin). What I am afraid of is my I-134 (AOS). In the "past" 3 tax return statements I made/make very little, however after my military school I make around 4,500 a month (avg..70k/less w/ taxes) a year. Will they cut me some slack on that?

  11. Not too shabby, however it impedes me in my planning to do the CR-1. See if you can understand where I am coming from. I'm currently doing to my 2LT school (BOLC-B i.e Basic Officer Leadership Course) in June. I was going to turn the K-1 Visa packet a bit before June, then 4-5 months later (after I finish school) I return get my base (my station), more than likely already be approved in that timeline for the Interview, then hopefully be done by December (a 6 month or so timeframe).

    If I do the CR-1 we'd have to wait even more time since I cannot get married till December or later, THEN be approved for the process (another 5-6 months or more), so we won't be together until almost the 3rd quarter of NEXT YEAR!!! See where I am getting at?

    We basically just want to be together already.. ASAP. So.. there you go :)

    I do appreciate all your comments guys, keep em coming!

  12. Nibake and I are in the same boat though I haven't started the K-1 Visa yet ( but will in June !!!). Having the wedding in Nicaragua is something of the most important-est of natures for HER and we all know how women can become so attached to what they want during the wedding/marriage processes (well I don't know yet but I can only imagine lol). I'm just "SAYING" what if they don't do any paperwork and the father/pastor/ whatever you want to call him (sorry for the ignorance) does the ceremony without any paperwork (perhaps he has a kind heart or..) and the reception right after and nobody is the wiser? This can always be called a "Celebration" .. Semantics is fun.

  13. Well I was thinking more along the lines of going to "Selva Negra" a place isolated from almost all officials (since it's far away from a main city) and I'm sure contracting a pastor for the procession (unsure of the nomenclature here) can do this for us if I speak with him. If I'm paying about $6k for the wedding and reception, I'm sure the worker bees there won't mind what I do as long as I pay.

    I see what you're saying though... anyone else with input?

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