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Posts posted by Done--Really

  1. Anyone can translate...including you. All you have to do is provide the following certification letter which is direct from the USCIS website:

    Certification by Translator

    I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.


    Date Typed Name


  2. Forget the embassy for now !!! They only come into play much later in the process. And this really is a piece of cake. Almost every case you see here that went wrong was either because they didn't follow the instructions or they had something in their history that raised a red flag. Peru is not a high fraud country and things should be smooth.

    As to translation, anybody can do the translation, including you !! All you/they have to do is provide a letter in the following format which is right from the USCIS website.

    I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.


    Date Typed Name


  3. Just for the record cookie, we aren't prying about the reason, but what you think might be reasonable, the rest of us might already know is unreasonable, so that is why we ask. Not the gory details, but enough to be helpful not just to you, but also to others in a simular situation, so tell us what you can so that the hundreds of others who read this get educated as well

  4. Read the interview with a USCIS director in the second post pinned at the top of this forum--affidavits carry little weight.

    And as far as notaries go, virtually every bank has a notary in every branch, and all you have to do is walk in. I have been doing this for years and years and have never been asked to pay a fee. Not required in this case, but in the future you may actually need one.

  5. We put everything in a separate attachment that had all the same data fields as the form itself.

    Here is an example of what we used for the "street" address:

    Del Sol Naciente en Zapote 100 mts norte Quesada Duran Las Luisas

    And then Zapote for city

    N/A for province

    Costa Rica for country--of course !!

    The embassy does almost eveyrthing by phone, so be sure they have your fiancee's cell phone number

  6. "I got FRE in January 2013 it says all of the evidence I submitted was dated recently and does not cover the entire 2 year marriage period with the exception of tax returns."

    That is the most important thing I have seen so far from the various RFE's, and it reemphasizes what so many have said about sending in lots of examples covering the entire period since the GC was issued !! Certainly not every page of every bank statement for two years, but definitely sample statements for example starting from when the GC was first issued thorugh today.

    And it also suggests that adding our spouse's name to accounts, leases, bills, etc should be made as early as possible. I think we all suspected this, but to actually have it spelled out in an RFE adds weight to our beliefs.

  7. I think what you really want is the green card in her married name. The visa MUST be the same as the passport because it occupies a full page in the passport, but the green card can be issued in either name. We wanted the GC in my wife's married name, and when we were at the embassie for the interview, they asked which way we wanted it, and we told them married name, and no problem at all--that is the way the GC arrived.

  8. Please go to www.immigrate2us.net...they are the experts on 601 filings, and they will help you inderstand whether you absolutely need a lawyer or you can tackle it yourself based on teh facts of your case. There are plenty of people here who will want ot help, but go there where ther are hundereds and hundeds of people who have goen through the 601 process.

  9. Or in our case, we originally got VSC, and then two weeks later they sent us to CSC to balance the workload...better to spend your time on things you can affect, like getting ready for the enxt steps

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