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Posts posted by bankermai

  1. I have good news.

    I got an insider information through a relative who works for the Department of State sub divisions. My AP has ended yesterday, but it is going through Local processing in the Embassy. He says that they will call me next week to ask for my passport - i m hoping that is the case.

    I am not getting too excited at the moment untill i get a call from the Embassy, but yes that is very good news :)

    wow thats a great news Feisal Bro , I hope this news is true , wish u very best of luck

  2. Thank you for sharing Bankermai, I really appreciate it. If it is a response to your question, most of the time it is template responses. Sometimes it makes you wonder what really happens :( but on a good note, CONGRADULATIONSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS :)!!! Keep us in your prayers please

    Thx sister , INSHALLAH u will be out of this AP soon , u all are in my prayers

  3. hey guys , i hope u all r doing fine. Let me share my personal funny experience with u

    I had my interview on 16th Decemeber and i was told that u could pick up ur passport from Amex within on week so on 23 dec when i heard nothing i sent and Email to ISL embassy to inquire about my case . right after half an hour from the email i got a phone call to pick up my passport . Next day when i had my passport and visa in my hand i just opened my inbox and checked the reply from them and they replied me

    Dear Sir,

    A consular officer has reviewed your immigrant visa application and has determined that additional administrative processing is required before we can complete your case. The time that this processing takes will vary on a case-by-case basis. Once we have completed this administrative processing, we will continue with your visa application. If your case is otherwise complete, and you have opted to have your passport, visa and documents returned by courier, the courier service will contact you to arrange for delivery. If you have opted to keep your passport, we will contact to let you know when you can submit your passport to our office via courier service, and will then return your visa by same courier service.

    I hope this information will be helpful to you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you required any further inquiry.

    Thanks & Best Regards,

    American Embassy

    Immigration Visa Unit

    Islamabad, Pakistan

    now this experience tells that they dont even bother to check the actual case status and just send us automated mails , Isnt it too stupid ?

  4. THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT EVER!!!!!!! (L):D Me & Akhlaq are soooooo happy to have passed this part and are going to try to be strong getting thru AP :unsure: . So sorry I am late posting because right after he left interview he got so sick, everything just hit him!!!! :( Don't know if just going thru the stress was what did it but he has a fever and chills and stomach and body just hurting. I was too emotional after he called me last night to be calm enough to come back online to post outcome. WE ARE APPROVED FOR VISA!!!! :yes::jest::wub::lol::dancing::wow::dance::luv: I am more calm now or shall I say have more of a grip on my emotions. :blush: Lord i'm just worrying now that I'm not there to take care of him and help him feel better. :( life is a crazy roller coaster of emotions sometimes; if it wasn't for VJ and everyone here I would lose it. THANKS GUYS!!!!!! and I pray that all of us in AP get thru these next weeks, months as quick as can be.

    ~Kristie (F)

    I am so blessed to have my love beside me in this crazy journey of life!!! :wub:

    I've been wondering about u , but thats great to hear he is approved , Congratualtions . InshAllah ur AP will be very short . Have a lovely life together :thumbs:

  5. hi guys just like natt141 i had my interview on the 21st here in the embassy of peru , I GOT THE PINK SLIP!!!! , god finally the wait is over , i feel so happy right now, my interview was not that easy but not that difficult either , they ask me around 40 questions, but they were all easy to answer i felt more like a conversation with the consul , well i'll be posting later my interview and updating my timeline , take care guys , and for those who have and upcoming interview i wish them luck ...


    Congratulations :dance:

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