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Posts posted by charlie&pam

  1. at the same time it could also be financial issues!!!.....I know I have a lot of things in my house the me and the ex purchased together but I know I don't have the money to replace it all!!!! from the car to living room set stuff like that .........When me and Pamela are as one we will start to replace things of her choice but we will take it day by day month by month ....I know my luggage was a wedding gift but I just look at it as luggage nothing else no sentimental value......On a funnier note I was cleaning the closet out the other day and my ex's wedding dress was in there ...so I brought it right outside to the fire pit and took care of it!!!!!!!!.......lol>>>>that felt so GOOD!!!!!

  2. Hi charlie&pam.

    Yes, even if it was their error, they expect you to pay for their mistake...still you also have to take into consideration how your girl's BC was prepared...many clerical errors happen when someone is dealing with a handwritten or otherwise illegible information.

    My mom's BC and MC had a double whammy. On her BC, her name was correct, but her mother's name was not. On her BC, her mother's name was wrong (because they based it on the BC) AND all their middle initials were incorrect. We started working on her BC, but there was so much back and forth, the whole process took way more than 4 weeks.

    After your girl gets the error on her BC corrected at the Local Civil Registrar's Office, there is another process for taking it down to the National Statistics Office so that the BC with the error will be replaced by the one with the correction...just make sure the 4 weeks they are quoting refers to the wait time at the LCRO + the NSO time.

    Best to get it remedied while there is time...there isn't any room for arguing in their procedure.

    My girl got her BC yesterday when she got home she noticed her first name was spelled Pamala instead of Pamela so she went down there and they told her it would be $1500.00 pesos to fix and it would take 4 weeks.....For me it seems if it was their mistake they should fix it right away and why charge for it?????.....Or is this a way that the Goverment tries to make extra money? Anyone else run into this problem?

    wow!!!! so they could make errors on everyone's if they wanted to and make money off of it!!!!! amazing .....oh well you have to do what you have to do!!!! i guess

  3. My girl got her BC yesterday when she got home she noticed her first name was spelled Pamala instead of Pamela so she went down there and they told her it would be $1500.00 pesos to fix and it would take 4 weeks.....For me it seems if it was their mistake they should fix it right away and why charge for it?????.....Or is this a way that the Goverment tries to make extra money? Anyone else run into this problem?

  4. To be honest I have been on both sides of the coin on this one......my first relationship was all about the money when i went out there is was all about what I could buy her.....I was blind at first but my eyes were opened when a friend of her contacted me and told me things that I didnt know and other sites she was on ........which i found so I created a screen name and caught her!!!!!!.....i was just going to put the paperwork in for her that week that all this came about.......But with the relationship I have now is night and day from my past!!!!....I have a girl who loves me for me never asks for a dime but when she does feels ashamed and only asks for 1000 pesos so we can get on line together (it is so far in between I always send her more and she budgets it) ....next week I am meeting her family so those thought dont exist anymore!!!!

  5. You're basically gonna step off the plane as Donald Trump in their eyes. My girl was constantly bombarded with financial requests from just about every relative. The requests ranged from buying MP3 players for cousins, to paying other relative's debts off. Some of which were hundreds of dollars.

    Quite honestly that was the worst thing about the PI for me. It seemed like EVERY SINGLE person wanted money from me. It got old real quick and even started to wear me out in a very negative way.

    Be prepared, and be stern with your girl with regards to your budget.

    That one is the typical setting, bro. It actually depends on the economic status of the family of one's Filipino fiancee and her own consideration. As for me, I made sure that nobody takes advantage of my man's generosity. :no:

    She talked to me about this last night.......she said that she has already talked to her family about asking for money she sadi that she already warned them....lol......a little 5'1" girl with an attitude I love it!!!! and her !!!1

    I am glad I am not the ONLY person that experienced that type of reception......for a while I thought it only happens to me but i see now there is a trend... and must be same with 5' 1" thru 5' 4' and the attitude.....

    it must be the height or the region...hahahah but whatever it is.....there are great....hahahahaah

    YES THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!11

  6. You're basically gonna step off the plane as Donald Trump in their eyes. My girl was constantly bombarded with financial requests from just about every relative. The requests ranged from buying MP3 players for cousins, to paying other relative's debts off. Some of which were hundreds of dollars.

    Quite honestly that was the worst thing about the PI for me. It seemed like EVERY SINGLE person wanted money from me. It got old real quick and even started to wear me out in a very negative way.

    Be prepared, and be stern with your girl with regards to your budget.

    That one is the typical setting, bro. It actually depends on the economic status of the family of one's Filipino fiancee and her own consideration. As for me, I made sure that nobody takes advantage of my man's generosity. :no:

    She talked to me about this last night.......she said that she has already talked to her family about asking for money she sadi that she already warned them....lol......a little 5'1" girl with an attitude I love it!!!! and her !!!1

  7. Hey, this is really funny. I'm gonna meet my fiancee's family next week too. :yes: I'm gonna leave next Thur. and get there late Friday (her time). Her and her friend are picking me up from the airport. I'm meeting them on the Sat. she told me to bring her mother some of her favorite chocolate as a good token for her :D I already know that we're all gonna go out to eat lunch and I am gonna pay for it, it doesnt bug me, besides its only her mom, her younger sister (who wants her white chocolate Flipz, lol) and maybe her brother and aunt. Her and I are gonna be staying in Manila, but I'm going to Paranaque City, to meet her family. So, cool man, we're both gonna be in the same boat lol. Her family isnt really old school traditional, cuz they dont do the traditional Filipino things, so it is a little more easier for me, though I am wondering on how exactly to greet her mother :P Though her mom does and more than likely will question me on how I will support her daughter here and all, but it's expected since my girl and I are both 22 lol. The one thing her mom does like on me, that I know of, is that I'm latino and not that dark, lol. Good luck to you, man...I hope the best for you with her family :thumbs:

    that is awesome man!!!!!!!!!!! i am in phoenix you are in Cali I ma leaving Friday morning on Hawaiian Air and get there Saturday at 5 am ........with the mother thing I think you are supposed to to mano the hand to forehead from what I am getting

  8. Hello all, I love this sight so I finally set up an account. Well I am meeting my girls family next week for the first time and have some questions that I am hoping you fellow vjr's to help me with. her and her parents will pick me up at the airport do I do mano po when i meet them or is that old school? also I am paying for a party the next day for all her family to meet me ....i don't mind but is there a limit on how much i should spend or get? .....also what about the gift giving process she is telling me soaps & perfumes for the girls and toys and candy for the kids but what i don't understand she told me to bring my old clothes for the men????? is that really ok? ......and my last question is when would me a good time to formally ask her dad for his daughters hand? Do I do it at the party? Thank you all!!!!!

    people has their own beliefs of their own base on where they lives and what kind of personality they are. when my husband (then fiance) first visited me here in the philippines, we did not do any party or did not buy any gifts for my family whatsoever. even though my husband asked me several times before he got on the plane what to bring, for me and for the family. i told him, bringing yourself, your love and true intension to me is enaugh. i told him that we dont have to throw a BIG party for the family and barangay just to show off.

    im not saying that having a party is a problem. but it might be ONE in the FUTURE. i am not saying that your fiancee and her family are trying to ripp you off, dont get me wrong. just my opinion, that if you really love someone, money, party or any material things are unecessary indeed especially during the first meeting! its not about if you can afford it or not. the fact the matter is, it might lead you to be eaten alive.

    however its really depends on you. this is really just my opinion.

    good luck!

    i Talked to her last night and she told me that she told her dad that I was on a budget and he said that we would split the cost of it so that is good.......she said that the night before they sat down and discussed it and they are now even paying for the car to pick me up at the airport which I figured I was paying for

  9. there's a lot of generalizations and assumptions in this thread. you cannot relate your personal one week or couple of month experience to an entire country of people. maybe your husband or wife is from a province that is much different than manila or something else. somebody even mentioned that they are simple people. what does that even mean? are you saying filipinos are simple people? nobody else found that rude as hell?

    another thing, just because someone's family asked you for about money that doesn't mean that anyone traveling to philipines should be prepared to be hounded for money by their so's family. that's you're family now. one, it's not every family is like that. two, keep your families money issues to yourself. this is a public board.

    his post was asking for some simple advise and a handful of people turned it into judging and describing an entire country in a few single sentences. it can't be done so stop it.

    sometimes i read these forums and i'm amazed how people aren't more offended by some of the posts on here. unreal.

    anyway, there are some customary actions that may exist throughout the country but be sure to research the customs that might be unique to the area you're traveling too.

    sorry i wasn't more helpful but i mostly posted that because i was so turned off by some of the posts in this thread.

    thank you for your honest opinion on these natters I wasn't trying start this as people putting the country down .....sorry for the feelings you have........and in my opinion everyone has their own choices and opinions to make about their own personal situation ...... yesterday I got a lot of useful advice and some that I will not even consider and you can probably figure it out through my replies.....last night I was able to talk to her with more confidence in what I learned from some people on here I just want to say thank you to everyone who was sincere in helping

  10. I must have gotten lucky. The family didn't want any money from me. They even refused the town school from giving me a letter requesting money for the school. They wouldn't allow them to give it to me.

    I wish you the best of luck.

    sounds like you got really luck!!!!!!!!1 good for you

    Well, everyone is different, when My bf (now is my hubby) visited Me first time He asked me what kind of a gift He will bring for me and to My Family, I told him it doesn't really a big deal, just let see if We click in person cause it's different when We are communicating in the phone or in the internet. and if We click in person, maybe in your 2 or 3 visits you can bring me or send Me a gift, as long as that is what you like to do,but the most important thing is, just be yourself. :innocent: What I'm trying to say here is, some women are not comfortable to accept a gift from a stranger. don't get Me wrong I never said accepting a gift from a stranger is wrong. however, if I have to request a gift from My fiance, I'm sure is not toys,soaps,or an old clothes. it should be flowers or a yummy good chocolate. :devil::blink::hehe:

    anyway, o.p. go ahead and give them gifts.

    also what about the gift giving process she is telling me soaps & perfumes for the girls and toys and candy for the kids but what i don't understand she told me to bring my old clothes for the men????? is that really ok? ......and my last question is when would me a good time to formally ask her dad for his daughters hand? Do I do it at the party? Thank you all!!!!!

    thank you .....she has alot of nieces and nephews so I was going to go to the dollar store to pick things up there...lol

    Try go to the SALVATION ARMY I figured the things they sell are NOT ALL second hand, there are plenty of name brands clothes, toys etc. just went there yesterday bought a figurine; and an old dolls collection which you can't find in most stores.: :blush:

    good idea

    No, giving gifts from the Salvation Army or any other thrift store for that matter is a very bad idea. You don't want your sweetheart's relatives and friends to be using recycled things, some of them coming from dead people. Your used clothes may be okay as hand me downs though. You could be in trouble now; she could have read your good idea about buying Salvation Army merchandise. :whistle:

    LOL..I expected this kind of answer....I was thinking the same thing about it too. :bonk::rofl:

    I was not really serious about it. it's up to the o.p. He is adult and I'm sure He know's what He's doing... yes, it is not a good idea to buy used things as gifts. :bonk::P:D

    If you are rich O.P. I suggest go to this store http://www.neimanmarcus.com/ :innocent:

    nope not rich at all middle class!!!....lol

    You'd be fine with the chocolates. Brand clothes are ok but you really dont want to show off as someone rich. Even when they consider 'Fruit of the Loom' a cool brand. Bring gifts specifically for the Mom and the Dad. In the Philippines, there is a saying that courting the girl means courting her parents.

    Mano or putting the back of the hand to your forehead is a must. Dont kiss anyone, not even in the hand. They may look pleased, but theyd be disgusted if your lips touch their hands, especially because you're a guy.

    Be prepared to answer questions like what you do for living, do you go to church, how's your parents and what do they do kind of stuff.

    Oh and if the dad or brothers ask you to drink with them, dont drink too much. Sometimes they use that as a test to makes sure your not some alcoholic loser marrying their daughter.

    When you eat the mom or the dad's cooking, always say it tastes good no matter what it tastes like.

    I grew up in the Philippines so I know this stuff. Good luck!

    great advice

  11. You're basically gonna step off the plane as Donald Trump in their eyes. My girl was constantly bombarded with financial requests from just about every relative. The requests ranged from buying MP3 players for cousins, to paying other relative's debts off. Some of which were hundreds of dollars.

    Quite honestly that was the worst thing about the PI for me. It seemed like EVERY SINGLE person wanted money from me. It got old real quick and even started to wear me out in a very negative way.

    Be prepared, and be stern with your girl with regards to your budget.

    really that bad???? so did it ruin your trip?

    Nah man, not at all. My girl is worth every grief in the world. The second trip was better though cause i knew to expect it. I have helped her family alot, and will continue to as long as i am with my girl. They just have an old-school mind-set that if you're Amerikano, you're rich.

    As far as being in public, if you've ever been to Mexico, it's kinda like that. You know, like if you're walking to a taxi, some random guy will jump in front of you and act like HE'S the reason it stopped. Then he asks for money. Or if you're pulling into a parking spot, some dude will run up and GUIDE you into the spot, lol, then ask for money.

    Then there's the actual beggars. If you eat at a fast food restaurant near the street, be sure and sit away from the windows, or atleast YOU don't face the windows...it's hard to eat when 5-10 kids have their faces smashed against the glass with agonizing looks of pain on their faces.

    If you watch them fter you give them money usually you'll see them run off to go gamble it away or buy something to huff on.

    All this stuff is expected in any 3rd world country IMO.

    I know exactly what you are talking about!!!!......this will be my fifth time there but the previous was all business in Makati mostly so I got a good taste of that!!! the first time was a culture shock and then I got used to it .....my girls sister worked in the hotel that I stay at as a waitress for breakfast we got to talking and that is how I met her sister

  12. I just bought 1 big pig 2 months ago it cost about 3,500 pesos. but if you want to buy already roasted pig it will cost more than than.

    I think 2 or 3 pigs are enough for the whole barrio.

    OK....i talked to her last night they are getting one big pig roasted so it is about 160 american so the rest as sides and drinks sounds about right to me now!!!....lol

  13. I must have gotten lucky. The family didn't want any money from me. They even refused the town school from giving me a letter requesting money for the school. They wouldn't allow them to give it to me.

    I wish you the best of luck.

    sounds like you got really luck!!!!!!!!1 good for you

    Well, everyone is different, when My bf (now is my hubby) visited Me first time He asked me what kind of a gift He will bring for me and to My Family, I told him it doesn't really a big deal, just let see if We click in person cause it's different when We are communicating in the phone or in the internet. and if We click in person, maybe in your 2 or 3 visits you can bring me or send Me a gift, as long as that is what you like to do,but the most important thing is, just be yourself. :innocent: What I'm trying to say here is, some women are not comfortable to accept a gift from a stranger. don't get Me wrong I never said accepting a gift from a stranger is wrong. however, if I have to request a gift from My fiance, I'm sure is not toys,soaps,or an old clothes. it should be flowers or a yummy good chocolate. :devil::blink::hehe:

    anyway, o.p. go ahead and give them gifts.

    also what about the gift giving process she is telling me soaps & perfumes for the girls and toys and candy for the kids but what i don't understand she told me to bring my old clothes for the men????? is that really ok? ......and my last question is when would me a good time to formally ask her dad for his daughters hand? Do I do it at the party? Thank you all!!!!!

    thank you .....she has alot of nieces and nephews so I was going to go to the dollar store to pick things up there...lol

    Try go to the SALVATION ARMY I figured the things they sell are NOT ALL second hand, there are plenty of name brands clothes, toys etc. just went there yesterday bought a figurine; and an old dolls collection which you can't find in most stores.: :blush:

    good idea

    No, giving gifts from the Salvation Army or any other thrift store for that matter is a very bad idea. You don't want your sweetheart's relatives and friends to be using recycled things, some of them coming from dead people. Your used clothes may be okay as hand me downs though. You could be in trouble now; she could have read your good idea about buying Salvation Army merchandise. :whistle:

    hehe ....i showed her the site but she said that she really doesnt understand it .....

    Bro, relax, these are a simple, kind and special people. Its the reason we marry their daughters. You will be very surprised to find You you will be treated like a rock star!!!!. will be called SIR, you will have doors opened for you. The girls will giggle and sneak looks at you. The men will shake your hand gladly and smile. Be yourself. The fact he is a Counselor should not make a difference.

    The only hard hard thing about this whole trip? ...............Will be leaving. ENJOY and quit worrying so much.

    People in the PI address the stranger "SIR" to Filipino or NON Filipino people. so, don't surprise about it. it's a way of respecting too.

    People there will "OPEN DOOR" for anyone because most doors there are NOT AUTOMATIC. did you notice in the bank or in SM MALL there are 2 or 3 guards in the door standing up to open the door for the people to come in. not only that for other security reason also. :innocent::devil:


  14. I must have gotten lucky. The family didn't want any money from me. They even refused the town school from giving me a letter requesting money for the school. They wouldn't allow them to give it to me.

    I wish you the best of luck.

    sounds like you got really luck!!!!!!!!1 good for you

    Well regardless of all that - if it happened or didn't happen - the bottom line is that you love eachother and you want to be together. Just be sure of it, and if you are, you should be together, and you'll be happy.

    Thats all.

    quick and to the point i like how you think about it all

    ok thank you ......she said that her father is a councilman for something like that? what is that ????? Is that why they want it to be a big thing?

    Probably because they want to invite the whole barrio, they're going to invite plenty of people; and that is including the father friends and co-workers etc. Her father is a COUNCELOR work in the barangay,a job something related for the goverment. :help:


    Bro, relax, these are a simple, kind and special people. Its the reason we marry their daughters. You will be very surprised to find you will be treated like a rock star!!!!. You will be called SIR, you will have doors opened for you. The girls will giggle and sneak looks at you. The men will shake your hand gladly and smile. Be yourself. The fact he is a Counselor should not make a difference.

    The only hard hard thing about this whole trip? ...............Will be leaving. ENJOY and quit worrying so much.

    Let me suggest to you two tings to bring with you to give to her as a gift.

    1. A Laptop. if she is chatting to you from a cafe, this will be the best gift anyone can bring.

    2. a Digital camera. Let her collect photos of her family and friends and familiar places before she leaves her home.

    Both gifts I brought to Naty and she was grateful and thanks me even now. Oh, make sure the camera uses AA batteries which they have plenty of. Also the Laptop will work as the adapter is rated for both 110 and 220.

    great idea

  15. I must have gotten lucky. The family didn't want any money from me. They even refused the town school from giving me a letter requesting money for the school. They wouldn't allow them to give it to me.

    I wish you the best of luck.

    Lol, that's kinda my point. The TOWN SCHOOL was even wanting some of the action, how much more her relatives. You lucked out that they didn't actually ask YOU, but i can almost guarantee you that your girl dealt with it when she was alone with them.

    so you think that they are giving her a hard time? how should I ask her about that I know she is a very proud but timid person

  16. I must have gotten lucky. The family didn't want any money from me. They even refused the town school from giving me a letter requesting money for the school. They wouldn't allow them to give it to me.

    I wish you the best of luck.

    sounds like you got really luck!!!!!!!!1 good for you

    Well, everyone is different, when My bf (now is my hubby) visited Me first time He asked me what kind of a gift He will bring for me and to My Family, I told him it doesn't really a big deal, just let see if We click in person cause it's different when We are communicating in the phone or in the internet. and if We click in person, maybe in your 2 or 3 visits you can bring me or send Me a gift, as long as that is what you like to do,but the most important thing is, just be yourself. :innocent: What I'm trying to say here is, some women are not comfortable to accept a gift from a stranger. don't get Me wrong I never said accepting a gift from a stranger is wrong. however, if I have to request a gift from My fiance, I'm sure is not toys,soaps,or an old clothes. it should be flowers or a yummy good chocolate. :devil::blink::hehe:

    anyway, o.p. go ahead and give them gifts.

    also what about the gift giving process she is telling me soaps & perfumes for the girls and toys and candy for the kids but what i don't understand she told me to bring my old clothes for the men????? is that really ok? ......and my last question is when would me a good time to formally ask her dad for his daughters hand? Do I do it at the party? Thank you all!!!!!

    thank you .....she has alot of nieces and nephews so I was going to go to the dollar store to pick things up there...lol

    Try go to the SALVATION ARMY I figured the things they sell are NOT ALL second hand, there are plenty of name brands clothes, toys etc. just went there yesterday bought a figurine; and an old dolls collection which you can't find in most stores.: :blush:

    good idea

  17. You're basically gonna step off the plane as Donald Trump in their eyes. My girl was constantly bombarded with financial requests from just about every relative. The requests ranged from buying MP3 players for cousins, to paying other relative's debts off. Some of which were hundreds of dollars.

    Quite honestly that was the worst thing about the PI for me. It seemed like EVERY SINGLE person wanted money from me. It got old real quick and even started to wear me out in a very negative way.

    Be prepared, and be stern with your girl with regards to your budget.

    really that bad???? so did it ruin your trip?

  18. I put Ana's parent's hands on my forehead when I first met them, and every time i left, or came back to their home. Also in their church service during the hand-shaking, Ana and I put her older relatives hands on our foreheads. When I first did it to her parents, they were extremely impressed, and her mom immediately called me "good boy" and was laughing all giddy like. The final time I left, I gave them both a big hug on top of the forehead thing, and that was another good impression. I am IN!

    Now when I talk to her on the phone they tell me how much they miss me, and want me to come back. I guess I made a good impression - WHEW....

    GREAT INFO!!!! So whenever i leave the house and come in ????? good to know !!! ....i know i will be going to church with them so that was good to know also...i thought hugs were a no no

    Hello all, I love this sight so I finally set up an account. Well I am meeting my girls family next week for the first time and have some questions that I am hoping you fellow vjr's to help me with. her and her parents will pick me up at the airport do I do mano po when i meet them or is that old school? also I am paying for a party the next day for all her family to meet me ....i don't mind but is there a limit on how much i should spend or get? .....also what about the gift giving process she is telling me soaps & perfumes for the girls and toys and candy for the kids but what i don't understand she told me to bring my old clothes for the men????? is that really ok? ......and my last question is when would me a good time to formally ask her dad for his daughters hand? Do I do it at the party? Thank you all!!!!!


    Naty is just in from the Philippines and she said this:

    Mano Po - Shake the hand or touch the hand to the head is fine. I shook hands and this was fine. NO HUGGING

    if you wish to ask for the blessing, it is fine to say like this

    Sir, I love your daughter very much and I would like to ask you and your wife for your blessing if you will accept me as your son in law.

    As far as toys and gifts. Man, don't kill yourself with trying to buy everyone everything. That can be counter-productive. You can buy some things for the family there much cheaper then here.

    Naty is saying 4 or 5 pigs is fine, depending on the nuimber of people. They will prepare the food ahead for you, believe me, with no problem. I guess you can get fish and other things. soda, san miguel beer, etc.

    Do not try to impress everyone by throwing money down. Come across as a conservative American, generous, but show wisdom in your spending.

    if you have old clothes, sure you can bring them, thats your call.

    Good Luck on your journey there.

    Brian & Naty

    thank you that is very very helpful.....4 or 5 pigs?????

    HAHAHA, ok, she said 1 pig is for 70 people. A large pig is about 150 US. JUST buy the pigs, no other main courses. Rice 2 50Kilo sacks. The drinks can be coke and San Miguel.

    great ....i will tell everyone what she tells me tonight i will try to get what they are going to cook

  19. ok thank you ......she said that her father is a councilman for something like that? what is that ????? Is that why they want it to be a big thing?

    Probably because they want to invite the whole barrio, they're going to invite plenty of people; and that is including the father friends and co-workers etc. Her father is a COUNCELOR work in the barangay,a job something related for the goverment. :help:


  20. Yes she is from URBIZTONDO PANGASINAN now I have read that you kiss the and and also that you just put the hand to your forehead which one is it? Also she said that she talk to her father on how much they will need for the party and he said $250.00 american is $10 a head is that about right? and do i do mano to the aunts and uncles only if they are older than me or all the time ? and do you only do it the first time you meet or always?

    Hey bud, $250 for the party ain't enough. The whole barangay should be at hand and you have to butcher a couple of big pigs and two goats the minimum. And the San Miguel, of course. I should know, my wife is from Moncada, Tarlac and that's in the same neck of the woods as your honey. :thumbs:

    so how much are the pigs and goats.......so would they want me butcher them because I would have no problem with it..... i just want to knew what will be expected of me.

  21. Hello all, I love this sight so I finally set up an account. Well I am meeting my girls family next week for the first time and have some questions that I am hoping you fellow vjr's to help me with. her and her parents will pick me up at the airport do I do mano po when i meet them or is that old school? also I am paying for a party the next day for all her family to meet me ....i don't mind but is there a limit on how much i should spend or get? .....also what about the gift giving process she is telling me soaps & perfumes for the girls and toys and candy for the kids but what i don't understand she told me to bring my old clothes for the men????? is that really ok? ......and my last question is when would me a good time to formally ask her dad for his daughters hand? Do I do it at the party? Thank you all!!!!!


    Naty is just in from the Philippines and she said this:

    Mano Po - Shake the hand or touch the hand to the head is fine. I shook hands and this was fine. NO HUGGING

    if you wish to ask for the blessing, it is fine to say like this

    Sir, I love your daughter very much and I would like to ask you and your wife for your blessing if you will accept me as your son in law.

    As far as toys and gifts. Man, don't kill yourself with trying to buy everyone everything. That can be counter-productive. You can buy some things for the family there much cheaper then here.

    Naty is saying 4 or 5 pigs is fine, depending on the nuimber of people. They will prepare the food ahead for you, believe me, with no problem. I guess you can get fish and other things. soda, san miguel beer, etc.

    Do not try to impress everyone by throwing money down. Come across as a conservative American, generous, but show wisdom in your spending.

    if you have old clothes, sure you can bring them, thats your call.

    Good Luck on your journey there.

    Brian & Naty

    thank you that is very very helpful.....4 or 5 pigs?????

  22. Well, everyone is different, when My bf (now is my hubby) visited Me first time He asked me what kind of a gift He will bring for me and to My Family, I told him it doesn't really a big deal, just let see if We click in person cause it's different when We are communicating in the phone or in the internet. and if We click in person, maybe in your 2 or 3 visits you can bring me or send Me a gift, as long as that is what you like to do,but the most important thing is, just be yourself. :innocent: What I'm trying to say here is, some women are not comfortable to accept a gift from a stranger. don't get Me wrong I never said accepting a gift from a stranger is wrong. however, if I have to request a gift from My fiance, I'm sure is not toys,soaps,or an old clothes. it should be flowers or a yummy good chocolate. :devil::blink::hehe:

    anyway, o.p. go ahead and give them gifts.

    also what about the gift giving process she is telling me soaps & perfumes for the girls and toys and candy for the kids but what i don't understand she told me to bring my old clothes for the men????? is that really ok? ......and my last question is when would me a good time to formally ask her dad for his daughters hand? Do I do it at the party? Thank you all!!!!!

    thank you .....she has alot of nieces and nephews so I was going to go to the dollar store to pick things up there...lol

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