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Posts posted by charlie&pam

  1. Please accept our heartfelt condolences for your loss.

    Phil n Shirr


    I just recieved bad news this morning that Pam's brother passed away last night (monday in the Phils) is anyone in the area???? I want to know if there is a flower shop to send flowers or is there a certain custom for funerals in the Phil's? what do I do?

    thanks shirr

  2. I just recieved bad news this morning that Pam's brother passed away last night (monday in the Phils) is anyone in the area???? I want to know if there is a flower shop to send flowers or is there a certain custom for funerals in the Phil's? what do I do?

  3. What I had my Pam do was Go to the hospital and get a TB test and chest x-ray once we first put the paperwork in just to make sure there would be no delay.......and to be honest it was a total of $10.00 american so it was well worth it to have piece of mind going into the Medical exam.

  4. Just a question. I look at the USCIS website everyday (like most of us waiting) hoping to see that it has been touched!!!!! .....I was excited when they first got it since it was touched 3 times in the first 9 days they have had it.....Now it has been more than a month since the last time it was touched. I know this is probably normal but I am just getting worried.....Is anyone else haveing the same issue with California service center because I noticed Vermont is still pumping them out within a months time.

  5. There's no special treatment for US military... My fiancee is also in the military... You're just lucky to have a faster approval... The enlistment contract will suffice.. You need last 3yrs W2, ITR and recent pay stubs. Your fiancee will be fince during her interview... God bless on your journey...

    Your Poverty level income is less than non military

    You only need to show last years Tax Return, Don't know why people think you need 3 years.

    In my Opinion, Military Personal should be given special treatment with reduced fees and priority processing

    Good Luck and thanks for Serving Our Country

    Salute................ :thumbs:

    agree 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. WOW!!!! I should have gone on last night so let me try to answer all in one post....ok no I didn't ask if she wanted one.I was just wondering if it might be a good idea..........from all the responses I guess I am against it now!!!! but I dont want her to just grab the keys to my harley and take it!!!!...lol...........trike!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: ................ and the girls & mopeds.....ummmmmmmmmmmmm....you dont want to be seen riding either one!!!!!!!!!!!!!1......hehehe..............well so everyone could have a good laugh at me when I was seeing her last month she would not let be ride the one that she has so I was b*&ch on back for a bunch of times!!!!!!! wish I got a picture of it a tiny girl (5'2"100 lbs) and me (6'1" 230lbs) on the back....lmao...and I thought the people were staring at me because I was kano!!!!!!

  7. The general requirement is that she has it before the interview date.

    From an immigration standpoint, and considering what visa you are applying for, ideally, it should be current...that way the USEM doesn't have any doubts about the applicant contracting marriage within such a short period.

    The funny thing is, it takes about 3 weeks to get a CENOMAR (guys, correct me if I am wrong about this)...and 10 business days to get a marriage license...there's some room for doubt there. lol But very little.

    Pam got her cemonar in 7 days ....that was with them being closed for a couple because of the flooding she was supposed to pic it up after 4 days

  8. I am talking just going to the store to pick up some needs and stuff like that not as her main vehicle!!!!! I will try to get her to drive........ :unsure: ......please help us all when she is on the road !!!!

  9. If you have the money and the time, by all means go!!

    Its a very stressful time and your company would help a lot.

    However, these wonderful ladies are very strong and will be able to go through this interview process without you.

    Its up to you and what you think is best.


    So is it better for us to go out there to attend the interview or stay here and save the money for a nice trip when our fiancee's arrive......It seems like there really has been no denials at the embassy so what is everyone opinion on this????

    See I havebeen trying to track what the time frame would be from when i put the paperwork in.......It looks like it will be between middle of decmeber to the middle of january .......all the flights are so expesive durring that time plus the holidays !!!!!!

  10. unless you really have a very valid reason to move the interview on a later date (note that a 'No-Show' on the interview date means problem) .... else, why shouldn't you go for it? it's the day everybody's been waiting for :huh:

    But if you mean YOU going here and accompany her to the interview, if I were you, IMO - I'll stay and save .. :)

    ... on the other hand, who wouldn't want to have their fiancee to be with them :wub:

    oh well .. it's really up to you ;)

    Yes I meant us going out there to attend the interview

  11. Hello everyone, this letter of advice is it something that is hand written and then notorized, if so how would you word something like that???my fiancee is 23 and we knew we would need one but not sure how to do it. :unsure:

    From what i read on the website it is a letter acknoledging that they are aware that she is going overseas to get married and give their blessings

  12. I just recieved the copy of the Cenomar and all the police clearances for Pam with other things also(we had her tested for TB got an early chest x-ray just to make sure everything is good). My question is this for the CFO class she will need a letter from parents notorized that it is ok to go overseas to marry, (she is 23 with be 24 in april) but on the bottom on the cenomar paper it said that it is "Issued on the request of "her mom's name" for passport / travel......Can she use that in place of the Notorized letter from parents?

  13. To be honest I originally joined a year ago.....I canceled that account because I was asking help with a previous relationship that I was concerned about....I was getting beaten up so bad I left VJ till I met my love now!!!! I always wanted to thank the honest people for helping me now......but I was being called a troll and people were asking mods in their post to remove me.......I do think it is funny because some of the people that were being mean to me before are being very nice to me now!!!!....but that is how life is I guess.....

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