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Posts posted by frenzyheart

  1. So when are your POE's scheduled and weddings planned? It will be interesting to see how many of us go through AOS together. Do I have the information straight that I pulled from this topic or your timelines? Thankfully we got our interviews before the visa fee increase. Just saw a posting about that in the K-1 forum.

    Lilacvioletiris May 3 - Approved! (POE planned July 1, Wedding planned July 11)

    jasonandsarah May 4 - Approved!

    corcor May 7 - Approved! (POE May, wedding May 23)

    WF & TS May 7 - Approved!

    Arcadia May 11 - Approved!

    Kevbev09 May 12 - Administrative Processing

    Frenzyheart May 17th - Approved! (POE planned Aug. 22, wedding planned 10/10/10)

    Jay & Beverley (aka Bevie) May 19th - Approved! (POE June 5, wedding planned June 28)

    jennie1921 May 19th - unknown

    Supportgeek May 20th - Approved!

    Mine is actually being switched! We'll be doing POE on August 12th, instead of the 22nd, but still getting married on 10/10. :)

  2. To be honest, all you should need to do is talk to Admissions. They'll help you get it all sorted out. I don't think you'd be counted as an international student, but you are right -- there is that fuzzy gray area, and I'm all too certain that they could help you figure out where you're supposed to be. :)

  3. When does your fiance' plan to move?

    We are spending the summer up here, and then we'll do the whole POE thing in August. :)


    We got to the Consulate at about 6:05 (stayed at Hotel Dauphin). We were second in line. The couple in front of us had the two CUTEST little girls, and I swear the older one kept my sanity. We went through security, then headed down the stairs (I almost fell down them, to be honest), and then sat at the elevator and waited. We got upstairs around 8 or so. We were called first, so he went to turn in all the paperwork and pay his fee, then he came back. During the time between that and the actual interview, the little girl I mentioned above started counting while her dad walked around carrying her. He walked down the hallway where the interview rooms are and all of a sudden we hear "100!!!" and when he brought her back out she was giggling and said "I counted to 100!" Haha. So adorable. On a personal note: it was "well behaved children" day at the consulate. Only one little girl was crying, but that didn't last very long.

    Our interviewer was really nice; asked us all the basic questions: When did you meet and where? When did you meet in real life? Then she asked us both what we do, and asked a little bit about what type of photography I want to get into, and then she welcomed him to the US, and I swear the room nearly imploded with the stress relief, LOL.

    We were out of the consulate by roughly 9:15.

    Thank you so much everyone!! I can't even begin to explain how happy I am right now. :) I wish you all a wonderful day, and to those who have interviews this week, GOOD LUCK! :D

  5. Ahh, mmkay. Thanks for the tips. :D

    But GRRRR at Royal Bank right now! We've never really contacted them when we're going on vacation, because we haven't needed to. They never gave him any problems ALL the times he's gone to the States, even the first time! No, no. They choose while we're in Montreal to shut his card off, and of course, there's no bank branch open on Sunday. And of course, they didn't bother to call him and tell him that they killed his card. Oy. Luckily, we have my account, so I called and told them I'm in Montreal so they won't shut my card off, and then we transferred the money to my account and voila. Crisis somewhat averted. lol.

  6. I think you also need 2 passport pictures in color 2x2. It was on the packet 3 list, I think. You can get them in a little booth in the consulate if you can't get them before hand (but you probably have them and just didn't say it here).

    LOL Yeah, I have them. In fact, I had to keep moving the envelope containing them to type out that list. SIGH. It's too early, I think, haha. I do have them, though. :D

  7. Okay guys and gals, we are HERE. It's t-minus 24 hours and counting and ... I'm the most calm I've been in weeks, amazingly enough. I want to run over everything once more -- maybe just to keep my sanity, and because I believe I do have everything now, LOL:

    To get into the consulate:

    My passport

    Matthew's passport

    Interview Letter

    To give at the window:

    Matthew's passport & copy of bio page

    Birth certificate & copy

    Police certificate & copy

    My updated Letter of Intent

    Affidavit of Support & Supporting Evidence

    DS-160 Confirmation Page

    Medical Envelope

    XPressPost Mailer (12x15)

    $131 USD

    I've written down the Tracking Number from my mailer (three times thus far, LOL) and plan to be there around 6:15 tomorrow morning. For the first time, I actually feel prepared and ready for this. The only thing that I'm worried about is a) that I don't have a job RIGHT NOW and b) that I don't have medical insurance RIGHT NOW. These are things that are being remedied upon returning to the US. The only reason I don't have the medical insurance right now is because I haven't needed it, but I do have access to a plan through my mother's doctor's office, haha. The job... well.. meh. Haha.

    Thank you again, everyone, for all of your help!!!!

  8. I'm experiencing such a huge amount of culture shock, haha. A lot more than I thought I would. :wacko:

    As for the dreary, I think it was mostly because of the fact that it was raining. When Matthew and I woke up yesterday, his dad came down and told us that it was supposed to be "Sunny alllll the way to Montreal! No signs of rain at all!" It was cloudy the whole way and the moment we entered Quebec, it started raining. LOL. That's okay, though; it was peaceful.

    I'm trying to decide what time to set the alarm for tomorrow morning. I know I'll be up before he will be, lol. We're going to walk to the embassy today, to gauge our timing, so we'll probably be out the door super early. I want to be first in line, and as of right now, I haven't a clue where to stand by the building. LOL.

  9. HOLY MOLY! We just went and had THE BEST PASTA EVER!!!! On the far end of the Convention Center by Hotel Dauphin, there is a place called La Popessa. You pick your pasta type, the sauce, all of it. It's fairly cheap considering the quality, AND you get a bit of a show, too! The cook was flipping our plates around and tossing the pasta around and all of that jazz. We're going again tomorrow night for dinner!

    Other than that, so far, it's been pretty dreary here. I'll likely have tons of pictures after tomorrow, though. We're going to head out and see some sights and what not. We're walking everywhere, so it probably won't be anything super fantastic, but yeah. I'm excited!!! :)

    Hope you all are having a great evening!!!

  10. Well if they ask for it now, it`s too late! I left it at home. We made it to Montreal safe and sound, though. Doing the sleep/rest thing today, the tourist thing tomorrow, and then... well.. playing guinea pigs on Monday. Fingers crossed!!!!

  11. Wooo! After a whirlwind experience at the bank in which I proved to be an EPIC amount of FAIL, I have our visa fee in exact change, and then I went to Staples and got photocopies of his birth cert and police cert, then stopped by Pita Nutso and got something DELICIOUS to eat (thought about running into Tim Horton's for some timbits, buuuut I can get those later LOL) and now I'm home. That's the most productive I've been ALL WEEK! All we have left to get is the mailer! :D

    (I'm really, really trying to stay calm and collected. I don't think I'm fooling anyone. Are you guys fooled? LOL :D)

  12. Woohoo! Thanks for the recommendations! Bev, I'm really sorry they threw you into AP... :( I'm hoping it won't be a trend, and I'm hoping that you go through it quickly, and that you have your visa very very soon!

    My stomach is in so many knots right now that I don't quite know how to deal with it. :wacko:

  13. I give you a story! (Because I need to dance around and such.. lol)

    I had a full semester: 4 classes - Women's Lit, Intro to Lit, Comp II and Intro to Philosophy. I dropped Women's Lit early in the semester to focus more on Philosophy. MISTAKE #1. Women's Lit = easy to pass; Philsophy = not so much. Comp II didn't start until the beginning of April, so I just had Philosophy and Intro to Lit. This was fine.... until I realized that I really, really hated Philosophy, and the chances that I was going to pass it were slim, and thus, I just stopped going. So that was done, and I had Lit, and then Comp II started. Planned on finishing out the semester and then leaving Iowa around May 17th - until May 17th ended up being our interview date. UH OH. So we re-arrange things, and I talk to my teachers about finishing the semester via email. They both agree. I turn in ONE rough draft for Comp II, and ended up leaving with a D in Intro to Lit. After I get up here, things go downhill. Fiance wasn't working, and I was trying to get all the paperwork together and deal with family issues and yeah - I didn't do anything else for Comp past that first rough draft, and I didn't do the final exam in Lit, which was worth 15% of my grade. It was all on me, so I told myself that the F's I would get were my own fault, and that I could just deal with the bad GPA next semester, as I didn't really need the classes anymore anyways due to a major change.


    I just got my semester grades. "W" (withdraw) from Women's Lit (so it doesn't count in my GPA), "F" in Philosophy (figured this would happen, obviously)... and then the shockers: "B+" in Comp II and "D-" in Lit. I somehow managed to still pass these two classes that I was supposed to fail. I mean, hello, I did ONE rough draft in Comp II, out of 4 papers. Clearly, the teacher based my grade off the fact that I got an A+ in her Comp I class and she knows I can write... or she was just being nice because my semester went down the tubes. As for my Lit grade, I'm TOTALLY shocked I passed. Don't know if that was the teacher being nice, or if I actually passed even without the final.

    Either way, I passed. I don't have the greatest GPA right now, but I can get it back up there.

    I'm wondering if this is a sign of good things to come? Maybe an easy approval next Monday??? :D I SURE HOPE SO!!!!

    Anyways, GOOD LUCK to everyone who has interviews this week!!!! If you find a decent poutine place within Montreal, PLEASE let me know because that's all I've heard about the last few days from Matthew. "Montreal has to have good poutine; IT'S MONTREAL, FOR PETE'S SAKE." I've looked online, but first hand experience is better, hehe.

    Have a wonderful evening!!

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