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mrs. wife!

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Status Updates posted by mrs. wife!

  1. The day has finally come! Have a safe trip dear! beijos!

  2. Good luck on your interview!

  3. Good luck! Hope your interview is smooth!!!

  4. Entao, parece q a TNT recebeu hj o envelope. Acredito q ate quinta chegue... moro no interior de SP, entao demora um pouquinho.

    Acho q ate sexta vc ja ta com SIF! Pode acreditar! Ta chegando no fim flor! Vai dar tdo certo! Me avisa assim q failed!!!!!!


  5. .....

    receber sua data pra entrevista em Julho na segunda semana de junho! Ta chegando flor! Julho sera seu mes!!!!

    Me mantenha informada. Qdo receber meu passaporte vou fazer o consulate review!


  6. Oi flor!!!!

    Fiquei consultando o site da TNT e nada. Ate q enfim eles colocaram q a TNT recebeu meus documentos! Acredito q o consulado tenha liberado so hj.

    Imagina flor, nao sao 20 dias nao! Acredito q vc ta SIF ate o final dessa semana ou no maximo metade da semana q vem.

    O nosso consulado nao marca entrevista na ultima semana do mes, entao vc vai receb...

  7. Thanks!!!!!!! I'm so happy too!

    Let's get together for our reunion in Vegas babe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Obrigada querida!

    Realmente foi mamao com acucar!

    Vou escrever a review em alguns dias!

    Obrigada pelas dicas!


  9. Amiga nem acredito q ja acabou!

    Vou postar minha review soon!

    E vc, alguma novidade?


  10. We got it !!!!!!! =)

  11. I'm so sorry dear!

    Have you contacted your senator yet?

  12. Thank you dear!

    Any news about your AP?

  13. Let us know how it went!!!!!! Good luck!

  14. Nice! I'll! Thanks again =)

    So nervous!!!! lol

  15. I'm happy if we leave before noon. We have to check out at the hotel at 12pm.

    Thanks for your help =)

  16. btw, what time were you out of the consulate?

  17. Thanks so much!

    My visa is CR1, so I sent the ds230 and the affidavit of support already to NVC. I had my medical yesterday and everything went fine.

    I only have to bring the medical, passport pictures, passport and appointment letter.

    I'm also bringing a copy of everything I sent to NVC and USCIS. Also proof of relationship and stuff.

    Hubby is coming with me. Hope w...

  18. Hey, congrats on your approval.

    Tomorrow is my turn! I'm so nervous!

    How was your interview?


  19. thanks dear!!! I really appreciate it!!!!!!!

  20. Thanks dear! I'm very anxious with the upcoming week! We'll need all the good vibes and pray!

    Thanks so much for the good wishes, it means a lot!!!!!!!!!

    besos lindona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Really nervous today!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

  22. Credooooooo! nao creio q eles nao tinham enviado ainda!! Poxa Dri q bando de incompetente!

    Voce mandou tdo o q tava faltando ne? Agora eh so esperar o NVC dar case complete.

    Acredito que sua entrevista sera em Julho!

    Eu estou super nervosa! Nao vejo a hora q essa tortura acabe!!!

  23. Sorry to hear about the 2nd interview. I hope everything went well. Let us know. Good luck!

  24. Good luck on your interview. Please let us know how it went! =)

  25. Hey there. Just wondering how's everything... Did u guys sent the RFEs out yet?

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