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Posts posted by KnJ

  1. Yeah, the Canada page really needs to be re-done.

    It's really lacking in info.

    As has been the case in the past, I start reading about how to edit a wiki, and my eyes glaze over and I give up before I start. Kind of like euchre. Every time someone tries to teach me, and tells me it's easy, I just.... :bonk:

  2. I got "next business day" Xpresspost mailer, Regional (Quebec to Ontario) in the largest size available. I am interviewing Nov 6th. I will be of course letting you all know when I receive the visa in hand. Well. After I let J know.


  3. I finally got P4. Those DOS liars, claimed P4 was sent on the 19th. Well, it was sent on the 23rd!!!!!!!! I knew I wasnt making up this "its only 2 business days from Montreal to Toronto" business :P

    Ok but the letter is dated Oct 19. So DOS has on record the date that MTL produced the P4 package.

    Say it got printed that Monday, and it took til Tuesday to get it to the mailroom. The mailroom could've had it til Thurs/Fri. I worked in a mailroom at a large corporate State Farm office. The mail room is crazy, and I bet it's not even 10% as crazy as MTL.

    Mine was printed Oct 19, and postmarked Oct 22. That is when their postage machine ran the envelope through, but it could've sat another day or so in a bin before actually getting to Canada Post in Montreal.

    Yeah I duno. But I really think this does point to a possible delay in how long MTL takes to send out the passport and visa package.

  4. I met darkchilde794 today, we had some eats and a good chat! And I got my giant xpresspost mailer. Wooo. Next business day, baby.

    Which leads me to thinking.. It isn't the mail that makes the visa take so long, it's Montreal actually getting the ####### together to send.

    ETA i'm glad I'm old enough to not need Gardasil.

  5. Don't wait on getting a detailed response from them lol

    hehe the form took me an hour or so, I'll be able to do it before interview no problem.

    I think I'll also upload the more recent passport photo, same one i'll be taking and to the consulate (had a different one on the original petition).

    Which I think is okay.

    Yeah. I kind of wondered, and figured it'd be better to re-do it. This time, with IE! And geez, if it doesn't print in full again.... what then? : /

  6. I *know* this was discussed before, but I can't find it.

    Can we do a "next business day" prepaid Xpresspost mailer? Though the non-next day is 2 business days.

    I wouldn't see why it couldn't be the next business day, it just costs more money. Probably the reason it takes more time is more the consulate producing it and getting it out than the actual mailing, so a next business day envelope could still take time..

    As in, I interview on a Friday, I may not have received it by the following Friday, if it takes a week or even 4 days to produce and get in the mail.

  7. We had amazing plants in Edmonton. It turned out to be such a huger expense + hassle that we left them there :(

    ohai! I've never heard the term 'huger'. Can you please explain what dis means? kthanxbai! :P

    it means I am about to kick your sorry azz... that's what it means <_<

    amazona guerrera. :innocent:

    you know it ####### :jest:

    Sounds like Grandma has been dosing up on Geritol again, I mean can't we all just get along? :lol:

    thanks for all the replies, but does anyone know where to obtain the forms and costs?

    Am I the only person who found this way too funny? :rofl:

  8. Wow, now I'm glad I didn't spend the 90 American I got in March.

    I really need it.

    It can be the Canadian equivalent. So if you bring a wad of Canadian cash, they can tell you what 131USD in CAD is. That's how i interpreted P4.


    I think the advice given many many times before also applies here -- don't book until visa is in hand. I plan to drive, so if I'm delayed by some days I won't be hurting, and if I have to book a rental, I absolutely am not going to do that before visa is in hand.

    If you did book a flight, maybe try to pay the extra money to have a flexible ticket so that if you can't leave until 3 days later, you can change the flight.

  9. Okay tell me if I'm misunderstanding something...

    I sent this email to Montreal IV yesterday:


    Regarding Case Number MTL 2009 XXX XXX K________ and J__________,

    I printed DS-160 confirmation page plus all of the data, however the data did not print fully, it is cut off at "Family Information".

    Should I re-do the entire form, producing a new confirmation page?

    Thank you

    I just got this response:

    Yes, please do so.


    So are we officially to go crazy now? :wacko:

    Given this interaction:

    Hi all,

    I e-mailed MTL last month regarding printing DS 160. Here's what I said:


    When I filled out the DS 160, I didn't print a copy of the application, just the confirmation. Would this be a problem? Thank you.

    Here's Montreal's response:

    No, that is fine.


    So it should be fine. I think if they have your confirmation number then they have access to your application.


    There are a number of possibilities here:

    a. It just doesn't matter; they don't REALLY need the data, they only need the confirmation page.

    b. It does matter, but it didn't matter back when Tina emailed Montreal. Now it does. Which is why OP5 has given two different responses.

    c. There is confusion around this because it's a new form.

    I have emailed back OP5 5 min after I received their response, to clarify, with the following:

    Thank you, OP5, for your quick response.

    I want to clarify:

    Montreal requires the data to be printed from DS160, not just the confirmation page. Is this correct?

    I'll update this topic if/when I hear back.


  10. The woman I had at montreal requested a full copy of the DS-160 including the confirmation page, I had a small time trying to find it in all my papers and she said " well you better have it or there will be a problem " I did find it and she said "good thing you did!"

    So im guessing you need it but if you already submited it online and it was confirmed I dont know what you would do about that because double filing it might cause a problem too..

    Yeah, I was thinking double filing it might be a problem.

    I got this response from over in the Canada regional discussion:

    Hi all,

    I e-mailed MTL last month regarding printing DS 160. Here's what I said:


    When I filled out the DS 160, I didn't print a copy of the application, just the confirmation. Would this be a problem? Thank you.

    Here's Montreal's response:

    No, that is fine.


    So it should be fine. I think if they have your confirmation number then they have access to your application.


    Yeah. Maybe it's fine. Cause I printed some of it, but not all of it.

  11. Hi all,

    I e-mailed MTL last month regarding printing DS 160. Here's what I said:


    When I filled out the DS 160, I didn't print a copy of the application, just the confirmation. Would this be a problem? Thank you.

    Here's Montreal's response:

    No, that is fine.


    So it should be fine. I think if they have your confirmation number then they have access to your application.


    Hmmm. do you think I could print this out in case they give me a hard time? :P

  12. The H1N1, if you recall when it broke out in Mexico (and I *noticed this*), and there have been reports (gah, stupid reporting, different every week, but again go back to Mexico): Most deaths from H1N1 occurred in healthy women between 25 & 40-something.

    This is different from the profile of influenza which tends to cause complications in the young and elderly or those with existing conditions that make them vulnerable.

    I'm not going to comment on anyone's decision to get vaccinated or not.

    TBH I thought this topic would be about whether US immigration would at some point require us to get the H1N1 vaccine. Probably not, though some countries already have some quarantine measures in place.

  13. I sent an email to Montreal this morning:

    Regarding Case Number MTL 2009 XXX XXX K_______ and J_________,

    I printed DS-160 confirmation page plus all of the data, however the data did not print fully, it is cut off at "Family Information".

    Should I re-do the entire form, producing a new confirmation page?

    Thank you


    We'll see if anything comes of it besides the autoresponse.

    It might be worth sending more than one email (Rhiann?)

    That way someone gets a reply. I think mine is going directly to OP5, but I don't know.

  14. Do we needs to take the big bulky xray too? Or just the medical report?

    Just the medical report is what people are saying here.

    Dr. Seiden's office gave me an elastic band to gently roll it (not fold!) in order to take it home on a rainy day in a plastic bag. But.. yeah. We are to hang onto it though. I think medical part of AOS, possibly.

  15. and to add, from the montreal website:

    After completing the new DS-160, the applicant will electronically submit the application and will be providedwith a confirmation page that includes only limited biographical information and a bar code. Applicants must bring this confirmation page with them to their interview. Please note: if the online application has not been completed fully and properly the applicant’s case cannot be processed and a new interview appointment will be required.

    I interpret this to mean that it is the confirmation page they absolutely require, which is produced only if the DS-160 is completed in full. They don't really care about copies of the form filled out, they'll have that. In which case, I'm fine.

    Others here are saying also that there is a computer at the consulate and they'll let people fill in the DS-160 or other online forms there. I'd rather not have to do that, or lose my interview. :unsure:

  16. DS-160 is an online form that has been rolled out to some consulates, but not all. See details here (montreal important notice re DS-160)

    At least two of us Canadian Montrealers have had problems with DS-160 and printing the application. The common thread is we are both firefox users. Some government sites, including forms, don't support browsers other than IE. Oops.

    My confirmation page is fine, but the page(s) with the content of my application didn't print properly, and so I only have a picture page, and then the other information is cut off at "Family Information" -- my electronic PDF copy is evidently the same problem, cut off a bit lower.

    I'm not sure if I should fill out and submit the form again, this time using IE, or just leave it, risking having to fill this form out again at the consulate, if somehow my paper copies are necessary.

    I realize that because this is a newer form, many people won't be able to offer experience with this. Might call DoS about it. I think they'll just tell me to redo the form online.


  17. DOH I realize this is the other interview thread. HAHAHAHAHAHA I meant the OTHER thread but since we are all talking across three different threads I got confused. Sorry!

    In any case, that list is really helpful :lol:

    :insert panic:

    I just checked and mine didn't fully print either, on any of my copies, electronic and otherwise. Maybe I did use firefox too.

    Now, PRESUMABLY they have the entire form info we entered, They really want the confirmation page from us. The printed copies are...

    sigh. :brain asplode:

    Well, I sent them the stuff that printed off and obviously they accepted it.

    So it must be okay.

    Maybe they realize not everyone has IE or just doesnt use it anymore.

    Eh, if I have to re-do it at the consulate it's probably no big deal. I hear they have a computer.

    I duno that they look at the package that closely before scheduling the interview??

    If it can be redone at the consulate, why not redo it before? Maybe it's a worthy question to ask. I bet if we called DoS to ask, they'd just say to redo it.

    Basically, It would generate a second confirmation number and send the form to them again. But that's essentially the same as filling it out at the consulate. The difference is that at the consulate, well, I know I'll be nervous as hell and the last thing I'll want is to have to retype all these details into the form.

    sigh. Thanks for bringing this one up.

  18. I'm not really too worried about paperwork since I got the new P3 which made you send everything.

    I did the new form on Firefox though so all the pages didn't print out.

    I hope they don't get angry at me for it.

    I can't even re-do it because the printer is terrible.

    I can probably do it at my mom's work, but I dont know.

    Do you think that they'd understand that Firefox didn't let me print out all the pages and just make me re-do it then and there?

    You might search other topics for this, but I think if you do it again, you're not going to go to a fiery purgatory.

    I can't remember if the DS-160 made me not use firefox, or if they said IE was only supported browser, or if I'm thinking only of the Ontario govt online stuff, but I used IE for it, just so that weird things didn't happen. I use AdBlockPlus and NoScript with FF, and sometimes these mess up forms etc - especially if the thing uses multiple domains to work the site.

    I would probably try to do that.

    Another tip: I got PDFCreator. So anything I print, I first print to PDF. Then I print it. Now, something recently wouldn't print to PDFCreator, I don't remember what.. But in any case, for most things I have it in electronic form, then on paper as well....

    :insert panic:

    I just checked and mine didn't fully print either, on any of my copies, electronic and otherwise. Maybe I did use firefox too.

    Now, PRESUMABLY they have the entire form info we entered, They really want the confirmation page from us. The printed copies are...

    sigh. :brain asplode:

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