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Posts posted by KnJ

  1. Hmm...I wonder if less busy also equates to less familiar with the immigration process for a K-1? And more time to grill you over details, go through your stuff etc.?

    That sounds rather cynical, I know, but that's the question that pops up in my mind. :)

    This is partly what I'm thinking, or that a less experienced POE, like Missa said are trained to process the K-1 but may be more thorough thus longer wait.

    Hi KnJ,

    Congrats about passing your interview and good luck at your POE coming up.

    In answer to your question:

    If I were you, I would take the Peace Bridge (Fort Erie/Buffalo) to the USA for your POE. This is the least busiest bridge, the one with the least amount of problems, and probably process a lot of visas (which they are more likely familiar with). I usually cross this bridge (I cross the border a lot) when I travel between Canada and the USA, and find that this is the best to cross on. Lol...in and out in usually 10 mins or less (at most times of the day, not processing visas, not sure how long visas take)..no problems.

    Whatever you do...Do not cross the Rainbow Bridge for a POE! (unless you want to be interrogated there for a long time...that's another story..lol..)

    As well, if you are travelling from Toronto to Boston, this is the easiest way to go. Just go on the QEW from Toronto to Buffalo. And then from Buffalo travel on the I-90 to get to Boston (note: it's a toll road, about $15 to Boston from Buffalo...but it's the fastest way and has lots of rest stops in between too...timmies..anyone..lol...). Two highways...no problem. Just don't travel during rush-hour times (lol..especially on the QEW in Toronto), and don't go when it is a holiday (don't want to get stuck at the border then). From Toronto to Buffalo it takes 1-2 hours, and from Buffalo to Boston it takes 8 hours.

    Weather-wise, be prepared for a bit of snow during this time of year, but other than that...you shouldn't expect much else than that.

    Hope this helps. Good luck at your POE and with the rest of your journey too.

    Welcome to America, KnJ.. :star:


    thanks, Ant! I'm sooooo eager to get there!

    My concern with driving south of the lake is the snow. I'll have to check weather. I did the drive March 2008, and went through Q-L or Erie, I think. I've also done north of the lake, and this was a February 2007 when the snowbanks in NY were as high as the houses. I'm familiar enough with the drive along 90.

    I'll also have cats. Yeep. Feliway, yes I know :)

    I am sure there have been others who have crossed there but there may not be an option in the review section that lists it - I crossed at Sarnia/Port Huron but it wasn't an option listed for review so I entered it under Detroit.

    I've crossed at Ivy Lea as a visitor a number of times - they are actually a fairly busy POE and I expect would be knowledgeable. I know we have had short waits when crossing due to the volume of traffic but I don't know how fast secondary goes. Yes, in winter weather could definitely be a factor not just at the POE but also on the US roads south of the POE which can get very snowbound. The scenery, however, is awesome!

    Good luck.

    I'm trying to figure out where Ivy Lea is, out Huron way?

    Anyway, this helps.

    I too like the Peace Bridge. In my experience the wait is usually shorter.

    I'm too excited!!!

    And I have too much to do :wacko:


  2. Considering my choice for POE.

    1. Queenston-Lewiston: A lot of reviews, but it's the busiest border, google takes everyone through Q-L. Some people have had some difficulty, or it just took a long time. I went to secondary once at Q-L, that wasn't pleasant. Meh.

    2. Peace Bridge (Erie): generally better traffic-wise, but still a busy border. Reviews are positive, it seems. I could check border wait times as I'm driving, and if Erie is better, go there.

    3. Thousand Islands Bridge: I'm thinking here, in part because of potential weather events (travelling north of Lake Ontario). But it's also.. less busy, right? I can't find any reviews on VJ for this POE.

    I know that busyness is a factor somewhat, and this is linked to time of day? But also coming to mind is maybe how often the POE processes these kinds of visas?

    I'm not sure what else. I'm not taking a big u-Haul or trailer or anything.

    Thoughts appreciated.

  3. OMG we're in Montreal!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hanging with my buddies for the weekend, then interview on Monday! So excited (and nervous!)

    We spent about an hour tonight going over all the paperwork, making sure everything was okay and generally reassuring ourselves we weren't going to embarrass ourselves when we get there Monday morning :)

    Wow YAY!!! Enjoy the weekend, and good luck with your interview!! Get there early and bundle up :)

    You'll do great :star:

  4. I hope I get interviewed by the director of the consulate, he sounds so nice.

    The man who interviewed Missa and me is the Deputy Consul General. (Not Lee McLenny). Still, big honcho ; )

    Part of me would love to be interviewed by someone who whole-heartedly knows their stuff. On the other hand, to think that every insecurity, every question, etc has been read and cataloged by their interviewers... Kinda intimidating. :(

    He was so not intimidating. You're not going to get grilled on how well you know consulate procedures or anything :hehe:

    I am sure he/they perused my posts, and a question might've been asked that wanted to check my honesty against what I've posted here, but since I answered honestly, it was all good.

    The single single most important thing I would say one must do while at the consulate, and especially while in the interview: BREATHE.

  5. Please accept my sincerest apologies if I have ever said anything that may have been construed as a derogatory comment, including but not limited to, "wow, they're really freaking slow", "what the hell is going on in Montreal?", and/or "I wonder if they'll be done with our applications before the next ice age."


  6. Congrats!


    From our experience, you guys will be well prepared and it will be a good experience. The waiting is the worst.

    I think on the whole, the fact that they read about us is a good thing. As someone else on this thread pointed out, the fact that they have a context for us provides them with useful legitimate information, including that we're real people, dedicated to moving through this process and succeeding to get through and be with our sweethearts. I think they really appreciate our supporting each other to be prepared, organized, and make their job easier.

    Now, I am going to pack and run errands and spend Thursday onward sitting by my mailbox :lol:

  7. Yesterday at my interview he (the director) said that they are scheduling a bunch more K-1s and then CR-1s in the coming weeks. Hang tight.

    The wait sucks. Then you aren't waiting anymore. Your date should be imminent because of your timeline. Some of us wait longer than others. People who interviewed same day as me had submitted P3 a fair bit later than me. People who submitted around the same time or even earlier are interviewing in the coming weeks.

    They're working really hard to get things through.

  8. You might have to go to another post office, the size you need is 394mm x 314mm


    Yup. I also noticed it's ok to fold it so it's not so cumbersome. It's larger than the letter-sized manila envelope (presumably because that will be included so it needs to fit a whack of documents). Darkchilde794 and I went together when I bought mine. The gift store in our local mall had the right size.

  9. ok FINALLY able to get myself sat down and posting :)

    Approved!! :dance: WOOOOOHOOOOOOfraaakinWOOOOO!!

    (this thread is hilarious! and I'm trying to type as fast as I can to give you all updates!)

    Okay. So I duno if I should post my whole review in this thread, or just give highlights, like..

    Yes, we had the head guy interview us as well. Cool, Missa, you interviewed with him too. He showed up at the window when we were giving documents to the nice lady and said "Karen and Jason? Ah, the famous KnJ from visajourney!" And told us we'll see him at the interview and chat afterward about VJ.

    In the interview he was very warm and made reassuring eye contact and even said at one point, he is asking (whatever question) because he's supposed to be asking. Heh.

    He was positive and constructive. He remarked to us that the people who come in and have used VJ are the most organized (he even gave nods to cdn_gewels for being the most organized they've seen, really :thumbs: ), and that they really like doing K-1s and CR-1s because it is a happy situation. He did mention to me like he did with Missa, about the people who are calling them names, saying they're a$$holes (yes I believe he said that), and that they do read VJ and it does affect them because they're people, after all. They are very cognizant of how much our lives are on hold and in uncertainty because of delays and such, and they really are doing everything they can. He said in terms of receiving the visa, they are working overtime, he's bringing his people in on Saturday, to process visas. It was very reassuring to hear that, he said even though he doesn't want to be making people work overtime like that, they are doing whatever they can to speed things up.

    Working SATURDAY. Wow.

    In all it was an efficient, positive experience. I'll post a longer review with other details soon... I am moving *as soon as* I get the visa in the mail.

    I'm so elated. Thanks to everyone for your support! I of course will be around, and continuing to post during the next steps in the process. I'll probably be scarce for the next couple weeks as I pack and move and settle in.


    i didn't want to steal their thunder but we were all approved. knj and canadianjewel went before be and came out before it was my turn ^_^

    And no thunder stolen :)

  10. I have my medical tomorrow, so I'm at home right now.

    My dad is taking me and I have to get up at like 4am, ugh.

    Ughh 4 am!?

    Mine is on Tuesday and I'll have to get up pretty early myself. Im wondering what my dad will do while I get it done?

    Can people come inside and wait with use? Im going to the Toronto clinic btw.

    Yeah, I wonder this myself.

    I made a MAP of ####### around there, including a couple parks if so inclined. Included a Green P lot but yeah, parking is expensive.

  11. Well, I know for the Canadian ones you can't smile, but I don't think you can't smile in the US style ones.

    Cause I was smiling in the ones I sent in with the petition and they took them.

    hmm. smiling in any kind of official photo just seems weird. My first drivers license photo let me smile (ear to ear, in fact!) but last time I went (last year), they said NOT to smile. So there ya go with that intense stare.

    Lol @ the ostrich.

    animal pictures work every time :lol:

    I know what you mean about the cast, btw. I once carried over $700 for a few hours and I was FREAKIN' OUUUUT. :unsure:

  12. I went to a good local photo place and got a good deal on pics too.

    Though honestly, I wish I fixed my hair a bit, it's sitting back too far since my hair was up... and I wasn't exactly smiling.

    Oh well, it's not like I'll really ever see these things again :lol:

    LOL I've almost never had a picture where my hair wasn't ####### in one way or another.

    As far as the smiling thing, I've never had a passport pic where I'm smiling. Actual passport photos aren't accepted if you're smiling (link)

    But visa photos don't specify that the applicant must avoid smiling.

    I had laser eye surgery recently, but all my passport-style photos are before that, and I removed my glasses, so I have this weird intense stare that is actually "I can't see a damn thing"


  13. Yeah we're not sure if he sent it in or it got lost in his house :/

    But he has a passport. Good to know, Ant, thank you for that info!


    Oh god.. I hate these last minute panics... lol I already panicked about vaccinations I didn't even need, I wonder what else will come up? LOL

    totally. I am surprised I'm not having more. Well. I panicked because I couldn't find the previous marriage certificate I had just ordered from the govt... and was searching EVERYWHERE. Then I realized I had filed it in my paperwork binder already. I'm too organized for my own good. :lol:

  14. - Copious amounts of phone conversation or text chat, depending on how we felt.

    - We read sci-fi (both owning copies of the book)

    - A number of seasons of futurama, thanks to skype file transfer and the 1-2-3-play method.

    - J taught me some programming via voice chat

    - We'd draw a picture using some graphics program and send it back and forth, each adding a bit more to it (the attached pic, for example)

    - Webcam on all night sleeping beside each other - in the morning light we could see each other again. I could hear him snoring :P

    - The odd dinner together

    - Meditation

    - All manner of dirty things I won't discuss

    (not necessarily in that order)


  15. I have our divorce decrees from previous marriage, but I do not have our marriage certificates from our previous marriages. Are they a requirement? I can understand why you would need the divorve decrees...proving you are free to marry, but what would be the point of the marriage certificates??/

    some people have been asked to have their marriage certificates from the old wedding as well (don't ask me, I'd think the same as you) so I put it on the list as a precautionary thing.

    I ordered both the full marriage registration and the fancy marriage certificate, off the Ontario govt website, and it was super fast. FYI.

    It was... really weird to see the marriage certificate. It looks all official and it kinda made me sad. But then I thought of J and the upcoming interview and I was less sad. :thumbs:

  16. It's gonna be cold. Cause anything below 18C is cold. I probably will buy a pair of pants before the interview while J is here (he's coming up in a few days). I'm going to aim for pants that fit :lol:

    Well, and not too fussed up. Pants I can wear again.

    And then a few layers on top, again stuff that fits. Layers so I can be warm enough outside.

    It'll probably end up being business casual-ish. Maybe a step below that. Somewhere between office- and school-casual.

    Or a jumpsuit with stars and stripes on it. :rofl:

  17. All the USC needs is prof of American citizenship. Does he have a passport? I imagine so, if he ever comes to visit. We never used Bill's birth certificate. We photocopied all the pages of his passport and sent that in as prof. It is acceptable as well! So don't worry. Is he coming to the interview with you? If you didn't send in any prof of citizenship, just make sure he has his passport at the interview in case it comes up. If he's not coming, maybe ask him to send you a photocopy of his passport pages as prof.

    Having an entire copy of the I-129F isn't a must, no. People suggest bringing it just in case they are mysteriously missing something from your file and claim you never filled it or sent it in. I think 99% of people never need it.

    very reassuring, thank you :)

    Yes, he's coming to the interview and he has a passport. It's weird though.. just so long as we're not missing something horrible that will deny us..


  18. USC birth certificate is.. missing. It's possible that MTL consulate has it, but what if they don't?? J sent me everything he put into the petition, but I don't even have a copy of his B/C. :blink:

    Should I panic..? As in, try to get a b/c expedited from NY State for him delivered to Canada in a week (1 day before interview)? Which seems kind of approaching impossible, really..


    Is the entire copy of I129F necessary?

    The birth cert is part of this, right?

    In a week, I will be preparing to leave for MTL the next day. tickticktick

  19. for some reason searching for affidavit of support form took me to an old uscis form from 2006 that needed to be notarized.

    the i-134 form i have is from 10.30.08 and does not require this extra step.

    what to do, what to do?

    The most current doesn't need to be notarized. No space for it, not necessary. Use the most current, you're fine without notarization.

  20. Yeah, the Canada page really needs to be re-done.

    It's really lacking in info.

    As has been the case in the past, I start reading about how to edit a wiki, and my eyes glaze over and I give up before I start. Kind of like euchre. Every time someone tries to teach me, and tells me it's easy, I just.... :bonk:

    Don't we need approval from a mod or something to edit the wiki?

    Just create an account -- though I don't know how restricted their wiki pages actually are, I never tried to edit a page. I just created an account, read the general/basic help page, and panicked, running away screaming from my computer screen. :whistle:

    this page http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Editing

  21. Because this is a new form and is not rolled out to all consulates, I don't think it's a big deal. Obviously they're having problems with that form and printing. Peachey did you use Firefox? I'm going to definitely use Internet Explorer, and see how it goes.

    When I tried to access the form last night, it wasn't up, I kept getting an timeout.

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