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Posts posted by Naito

  1. Hey guys and gals,

    We're looking ahead for my fiancee's entering into the US. Right now, the round trip tickets for the dates we're looking at are around $1000 and the one way tickets are around $3500. If she purchases the round trip ticket, uses the flight leg to the US in order to enter with her K1 visa, and just never flies on that return leg back to her native country, will there be any problems?

    I spotted some other forums with similar content, but I couldn't find one with our exact question. Can anyone offer insights or show me a forum topic on here about this?

    Many thanks!

    Wow. And if you're limited to the airline, sometimes you have no choice! I'm curious as to how much extra would it cost to cancel the return part? I know that airlines charge for changing schedules and such, but if she cancels after the return after arriving? Just a thought.

    The airlines don't mind you canceling a return flight at all, because they get money for one less passenger. I was just curious if there would be any negative ramifications on my fiancee's entry at her PoE.

    Thanks guys for all the responses!!

  2. Hey guys and gals,

    We're looking ahead for my fiancee's entering into the US. Right now, the round trip tickets for the dates we're looking at are around $1000 and the one way tickets are around $3500. If she purchases the round trip ticket, uses the flight leg to the US in order to enter with her K1 visa, and just never flies on that return leg back to her native country, will there be any problems?

    I spotted some other forums with similar content, but I couldn't find one with our exact question. Can anyone offer insights or show me a forum topic on here about this?

    Many thanks!

  3. Rarrr, where is our approval notice... NOA1 was 2/24... Grmbl grmbl...

    You're right smack dab in the middle of your approval range! Don't stress it. It will come. FYI My NOA2 was approved 6/18, but I didn't receive any notice until the hardcopy arrived in the mail on 6/26. It can take a while sometimes, especially if you're not one of the lucky ones to receive an email notice.

  4. yes i am still waiting, please pray we will follow in your footsteps soon. :dance:

    thanks leeb. seeing other filers get approved who applied around the same time as we did keeps me hopeful. :star:

    Yours have got to be coming through any second now. Seriously! Tick tock tick tock any second. Hang in there and keep on dancing :dance:

    Rich you rox our sox, too. Too bad I didn't know about VJ until recently. I could have joined earlier!

  5. Congrats on your NOA2s Dave, Charlartie and nkkst2! Feb is rolling straight over VSC...I hope they begin to approve those that filed earlier too.

    Straight rollin! Keep on VSC

    It's tough to tell on Igor's List who is still waiting and who just stopped visiting this website. Too bad it doesn't block out people that have come back in... 3 months or some length of time like that. Who to cheer for????? :D

  6. Quick question: Is there anyway of seeing the status of a packet being sent from the NVC to the consulate? (without calling the NVC) I got the notice from the NVC saying that they would be sending out the packet to the Embassy in about a week, so I have the Case Number with the NVC. Juuuuust curious!

    I personally called the embassy and they told me it had arrived....

    How long did you wait to call??

    since the NOA2 hardcopy arrived a whole week after my petition was approved..i called as soon as I received my NOA2 and it was already in Cuba

    Ok SWEET!!! If mine follows that same timeline, mine should already be in Tokyo! :D Thanks for all your help as always, Miss Maire

  7. Quick question: Is there anyway of seeing the status of a packet being sent from the NVC to the consulate? (without calling the NVC) I got the notice from the NVC saying that they would be sending out the packet to the Embassy in about a week, so I have the Case Number with the NVC. Juuuuust curious!

    I personally called the embassy and they told me it had arrived....

    How long did you wait to call??

  8. I just recieved the interview appointment letter from the NVC today. :dance: It is scheduled for the 17th of August. I plan on requesting a date in July, in part because I have seen that the K1/K3 visa interviews seem to get scheduled only 1 month out when scheduled at the embassy, but also becasue my wife is pregnant. Has anyone had success geting their CR1/IR1 interview moved up?

    I just wanted to say that today the embassy sent me a reply and they rescheduled the interview for July 13th. :dance: So the answer to my question is that yes, they will move the date up. :star:

    Could you please let us know how you requested to move up date? Just called them or what was your process? Thanks!!!

  9. hey guys wat did you put in the section on forms where it says 'nature of how you met your fiancee'?

    i only put the date i met my fiancee and what we did after meeting...not actually 'how' we met. i thought about this after sending in the forms

    Might not be a problem. When the adjudicator is looking at it, they might think that what you typed out is actually how you met. Don't worry about it for now. If it's confusing, they'll send an RFE. If that happens, then explain what you left out and/or how you misinterpreted how the form is written. Just wait and see what happens. It'll end up alright

  10. Wow, I did not know that the scans at the airport could erase digital media like SD cards. What about USB flash drives? Can they be erased too?

    Me, my wife, and stepdaughter are taking a trip to Siberia at the end of May and we definitely would not want our digital photos to be ruined. In the past with print film I had bought lead lined film bags to protect my film from damage. The bags are large enough to accomodate a digital camera.

    I had assumed that only print film could be damaged by airport scans, this is the first that I had heard that it could erase digital flash media.

    Luckily, this is only an issue for really high ISO films (800+) so most consumer print films don't become damaged. Lol who still shoots on film though? :P

  11. quick question friends.. if u fail the test how many test can u retake it or Attempts? and how much every fee for retake?>> (F)

    You can take as many times as like. Some people go to the DMV everyday until they pass. I recommend not going until you feel that you can safely drive on the road by yourself. After that point you should be able to pass. Don't stress about it, you'll be fine. l

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