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Status Updates posted by scotinmass

  1. Got my 10 year greencard approval notice!!!!!!

  2. Is Oor Wullie big in Canada too?

  3. I see you're now a Gold Member! Do you want a shmoke and a pancake?

  4. I know the feeling of being stir crazy. It took me a month to find my first job. I'd never been unemployed before and I hated it. The first place I worked went out of business but I got this job practically the next day. Once you get into the American job market it's much easier to get something else. Fingers crossed for Sameh.

  5. Hi, How's things with you. I was wondering if your hubby had got a job yet. I'm on my second one and hopefully the last! Things here are good.

  6. Hi Tree, I've not been on here for a while but I was thinking of you and wondered how you were doing. It looks like you are still stuck in AP. ####### is going on. At one point you were ahead of us. I have been here for 7 months now. I don't get why you are still having problems. Are you any the wiser? Do they still have your passport?

  7. btw ignore my advice about oxo cubes. I brought dozens of them back with me last week and had them confiscated cos they have beef and britain has BSE. Waste of money that was!

  8. Hey, How's life in the good old US of A? I'm on my second job after getting laid off my first one. This one looks like a good one that I can stay in till I retire. Or at least 6 months!

  9. Hi Tree,

    Are you any further forward? We had a good visit to Scotland and it was nice to see my family but we spent the whole time running around visiting and had no time for ourselves. I brought 96 oxo cubes back and got a random check and had them confiscated cos they contain beef and the UK has BSE. I went looking for a job on monday and got one within an hour and started on tuesd...

  10. I love Scotland with a passion. I always said I'd never leave. Things change tho and now that I have left and am having a better life somewhere else I honestly don't miss it at all. I miss my family a little but not as much as I thought I would. It'll be nice to go back and see the place for a few days but I won't be sad when we come back here. This is home now.

  11. Life in MA is fantastic. I love every minute of it. This week hasn't been the best tho. The place where I work has hardly any work and he laid us all off. I'm getting a few hours work on a weekly basis and hopefully he'll get more work in. We are heading back to Scotland for a week on friday. The first time I've been back. I can't wait to use my green card when I come back t...

  12. The Boston Red Sox just finished a 3 game series with the SF Giants. We won 2 to your 1. I guess we rule! All that and England got knocked out of the world cup. Not a good week for you tree! Lol.

  13. Oh and if it's walkers shortbread don't bother. It is in every shop here. They even have it with mickey mouse on it in Disney world.

  14. Bring oxo cubes! The only thing I can't do without. They don't have anything similar and the real thing costs a fortune in the import shops. We're going back to Scotland on Friday for a week. First time I've been home. I can't wait to come back and stand in the US line and use my green card for the first time.

  15. couldn't be friendlier.

  16. I'm hardly ever on VJ now. I just decided to check up on the old crowd. I hope the Finn manages to settle in. I've never had a settling in period. Mass is very similar to home and I'd visited here so much before I moved that it felt like home already. I've been totally accepted by the guys I work with. I was worried they might resent the foreigner taking the jobs but they couldn...

  17. Diane is doing good. She is with the man of her dreams! Lol. Have you any idea why you are still in AP? It seems so unfair.

  18. Hi Finn,

    How's life with the Finn man? I'm loving my new life. What happened to that pic of yourself you were gonna post when he got his visa? Did Obama not let you reveal your identity? I hope the Finn man loves America as much as I do.


  19. Hi tree,

    I'm sorry to see you're still waiting. It really sucks. I hope you get over here soon and enjoy American life as much as I do. I've never regretted moving here for a minute. I'm now a huge baseball fan and love the Boston Red Sox. We just beat the LA Dodgers. Is that gonna be your team?!



  20. Congratulations on getting your visa. I've been living in the US for 4 months and loving every minute. I got a job after a month and it's going really well. I hope American life works out for you as much as it has for me.


  21. Living and WORKING in America!

  22. Emphasis on the SENIOR! Lol

  23. No I'm too ugly! You changed the country to Scotland I see.

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