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Posts posted by Isi

  1. Hey everyone. I haven't received my NOA2 yet but wanted to ask a few questions to better prepare myself.

    I've read somewhere that there are two clinics at which my fiance can receive her medical exam. Which is the clinic you all recommend? On Isi's recommendation we are anticipating staying at the Holiday Inn Las Misiones because it is located near the consulate and bank (and for obvious safety reasons). We'd like to find the clinic closest to the hotel and with the least waiting time.

    Secondly, I wanted to know how much we should bring for fees. The medical exam, DHL, etc. And whether credit card was the best way to pay for these fees. I want to avoid holding cash whenever possible.

    Hi there!

    Yes, there are 2 clinics ... I went to Clinica Medica Internacional which is one block from Holiday Inn las Misiones, check this forum for the pics I posted ... sorry don't remember the page :wacko:

    If you find them you will see a blue sign with the letters CMI and some square brown windows, that is the closest clinic. You need to be there early, if it's crowded you will be lead to the other clinic ... one good thing and one bad ... good thing is that they will give you a ride to the other clinic and bring you back as well, bad thing is that the ride is JUST for the person who will take the examination.

    I went last July and the medical examination fee was $2,019.60 pesos including eye test, blood test, x chest ray and urine test. Credit and debit cards are allowed except American Express, you can also pay in usd.

    Now, visa fee was $131.00 usd at Banamex and I'm not really sure if DHL inside the consulate accepts credit or debit cards, just $8.00 usd you can also use pesos.

    Very importnant thing that I didn't know at that time and was a huge mistake is that YOU MUST REQUEST A COPY OF YOUR MEDICAL EXAMINATION, why? This is not over yet and you will need it for your AOS.

    I'm on that process now and is being a nightmare just because I have no prove of that examination but ... WHAT OTHER PROVE THAN MY K-1 VISA ITSELF?????!!!!!!

    When you start AOS paperwork you will need to make an appointment with a USCIS Civil Surgeon to transcribe your vaccine record, some of them know the K-1 visa process and know that the medical examination last for a year and don't ask further questions filling the forms you need for a reasonable price but others don't care and want to charge for a FULL examination ... this is why is so important get a copy.

    Vaccines are not requirement for a K-1 visa BUT if you can/want request them at you medical examination, at least MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) and Tdap (tetanus, diphteria and pertussis) believe me, this will take migraine away!!

    Read this forum, very helpful Civil Surgeons who DON'T rip you off

    This is just my opinion according to my experience, hope it helps!!


  2. Again very helpful info. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you responding as I have posted questions before but no response :crying:

    I am still waiting on our NOA2 which I know will be about another month. But I am sure once approved I may will have more questions for you! I am going to visit him April 13th for his birthday so I hope that will be his present.

    Don't worry, ask anything you want ;)

    Long wait, at least you will travel!


  3. Thanks Isi that really helps. Every country is so different when it comes to as you call it the famous packet 3. It's not so much we are in a hurry I just don't want to fly to Juarez by myself an since my fiance lives in Cancun it will be much more expensive for me to fly there and then we fly to Juarez together. . After everything that went on with the killings this past weekend I am terrified to go there alone.

    I know what you mean, my husband was worried because he coulnd't travel with me ... we booked in a hotel very close to the Consulate and the clinic so things were easier to me.

    I stayed at Holiday Inn Las Misiones which is 2 blocks from consulate and one from the clinic and across the street is Banamex.

    Here is a map

    I took some pictures from my room ... check previous pages here so you can find them.

    If you have more questions feel free to ask!


  4. HI Isi,

    Thanks for all the info as I found it very helpful. I have posted this question a couple of times but no response. Do you know if all the info in packet 3 can be obtained online or is there something in the packet my fiance has to take with him. I have been told you can get a copy of the open appointment letter at the consulate. The reason I am asking is due to all the violence going on in Juarez I want him to come here in the US on his tourist visa while we wait for packet 3 to be processed so we can fly together to his appointment. Any info you can provide would be great.



    Well, as far as I know you don't need to wait for the famous packet 3 ... which by the way, is not a packet is just an envelope with the open appointment letter and the medical examination instructions, we were waiting for a real packet with looooot of papers!! :wacko:

    What people at Consulate line told me was that as soon as they have the case and they are able to provide you case number, you have the "green light" to go to Juarez and request the open appointment letter at Consulate ... for that you need to call them.

    I know the waiting and everything is hard but my suggestion is ... stay calm and let the things follow their way, I was so frustrating and wanted to do things faster but at the end decided to wait for the letter and was way better.

    It's up to you guys ... save money if you can because this is not over yet, I'm in the AOS and is being a nightmare!


  5. So, the NVC sent my case today to CDJ and I have started to assemble the information to send to my fiance'. Does anyone have a list of the 'whats needed for CDJ' and tips and hints for going there and getting it done. It seems like we are all going through this, so I am curious to know how you are preparing, or if you have...what 'exactly' you did you get through it. This whole process has me a wreck, and knowledge of the process quells the fear...so lets share.

    Oh, and I didn't know...but the NVC's automation doesn't recognize the K1 Visa number, or at least kept telling me it wasn't received, and after I read a post on here to just call, I did...and after getting through and sitting waiting on the next operator, I got a lively young lady named Kat who just wanted to go home for the night and was incredibly helpful...telling me that CDJ will receive the case in a week, and then it is up to us for packet 3. She gave me the number for the embassy at CDJ 011 52 47 77 88 7070 so I could check to see it's status. This is the link to packet 3, and from the above post...if she is criminal record free, no police rap sheet is necessary.

    <a href="http://ciudadjuarez.usconsulate.gov/fianceforms.html" target="_blank">http://ciudadjuarez.usconsulate.gov/fianceforms.html</a>

    So, this is all I have...what can you tell me.



    Hi, here is my experience ... did a copy from another forums, let's hope it works:

    Hi again!

    Well, my boyfriend got the open apointment letter on May but the date on it was March so was a little delayed. I've never got the letter here in Mexico.

    I found a very good package on the website I gave you including flight, hotel, food and transportation. Arrived to Juarez a sunday and leave the next thursday ... decided stay one more day in case I needed, booking in one more day was just 50 usd at the web site then I heard that staying one more night was about 150 usd paying at the moment!!! I stayed at Holiday Inn las Misiones which is very close to the consulate.

    Monday morning went to the Medical Examination and took me about 4 hours, the examinations include blood test, vision test and then a Dr. (woman) called you to take your clothes off in a room and ask some questions, then the chest X Ray and sometimes they ask you to get an extra test like urine or something if not, the Dr. will let her know where does she have to pay and the hour she needs to get back for the results. She will get an black envelope, DO NOT OPEN IT. I'm not sure if she is allowed to use your credit card but she can ask when she gets to the clinic, I would recommend to bring cash just in case. After that I went to pay the 131 usd at Banamex and get something to eat because I was starving!

    On tuesday went to the consulate, check the specific hour your open apointment letter says because you can't get in before. The interview is very fast, few questions about your relationship, might ask for some evidence. If your visa is approved (will be!) they keep your gf's passport and in the same room is a DHL place, she has to pay 8 usd (or pesos) and they will give her a tracking number (so you can check the process online) and 2 possible addresses to pick her passport with the visa stick on it ... mine was the same day at 6:00 pm but saw the upgrade when DHL was already closed so got it the wednestay morning. Make sure everything on her passport is with the right information just be carefull because there is another DO NOT OPEN YELLOW PACKAGE, she needs to deliver that on POE you choose to cross.

    As you can see with luck ... could be a 2 days trip, had somethings to do before so I did not leave to Juarez right away ... took me like a month.

    Let me know if you have more doubts ... :star:

  6. HOLA...

    te escribo porque mi suegra y mi familia son de Bosnia ellos recibieron asilo politico hace 10 an<os ella tuvo el mismo problema su examen salio positivo le hicieron radiografia de l torax y nada incluso trabaja en un daycare asi que no es algo muy grave, al menos eso me dijo ella....

    Muchas gracias por tu comentario Laura, aunque tengo que esperar a la radiografia del torax es algo que me preocupa ... las cosas en este pais son muy diferentes y no se que consecuencias tenga todo esto. Quiero pensar que todo se debe a que me pusieron la vacuna y el refuerzo de esta cuando era ninia.

    Mi esposo me comenta que si algo estuviera mal ni siquiera me hubieran dado la visa ... en fin, toca esperar.


  7. Hola a todos,

    Como ya saben, he estado investigando con los Doctores certificados por migracion y por fin supe cuales son las vacunas que necesito ... hoy me pusieron MMR y TDAP.

    Aunque parece ser que todo va como debe estoy algo nerviosa y desconcertada ... tambien me pidieron el TB skin test y el resultado salio positivo.

    Me mandaron hacer otra radiografia del torax aunque les explicamos que ya tenia una que sacaron para la visa dijeron que ese es el procedimiento normal para cualquier resultado positivo.

    Estoy preocupada por las consecuencias que esto pueda traer, alguien de aqui paso por lo mismo?


  8. Lo único que se manda es el formulario I-693 ya que el USCIS debe tener su exámen médico que estaba dentro del sobre amarillo que entregó cuando llegó por primera vez. Si de pronto le mandan un RFE por el exámen es porque ya no lo tienen, o se les perdió ó algo pasó, pero ellos le dejan saber.


    Gracias Diana!


  9. Hola Isi,

    Como la embajada en México no require que se aplique las vacunas necesarias tendría que aplicárselas acá en USA y que un cirujano autorizado por el USICIS se las apruebe. Creo que lo más conveniente sería consultar con la oficina del doctor para ver cuáles vacunas necesitaría y así mata 2 pájaros con un sólo tiro. Según la página del USCIS estas son las vacunas que necesita, recuerde que varias son aplicadas en una sola dosis (Vacunas ):

    • mumps, measles, rubella

    • polio

    • tetanus and diphtheria toxoids

    • pertussis

    • haemophilius influenzae type b

    • hepatitis b

    El exámen que le hicieron en México es válido por 1 año, entonces llame a varios cirujanos para saber cuánto le cobran para llenar el I-693 sin tener que hacerse otro exámen médico. Las vacunas se las puede aplicar en la oficina de ellos ó en cualquier centro médico.



    Como siempre, muchisimas gracias por la informacion.

    Llamare como dices a un cirujano autorizado para confirmar cuales necesito y saber cuanto cobran ya sea por ponermelas directamente con ellos o solo por llenar el I-693 la informacion.

    Otra duda, ustedes mandaron alguna otra cosa referente al examen medico? Como la informacion y/o requisitos varia entre paises me gustaria saber si ustedes como Colombianos mandaron alguna otra cosa junto con el I-693 para el ajuste.

    Nuevamente, muchas gracias!


  10. Hola a todos,

    Felicidades a los que les llegagon sus citas para las huellas ... un paso menos en este loco tramite!!!

    Les cuento que ya casi me mudo de casa y los mas importante de todo esto es que ya pronto mandare mi paquete para el ajuste aunque sigo teniendo dudas, les cuento ... Ojala y puedan ayudarme ya que creo los tramites en Colombia son diferentes en cuanto al examen medico.

    En Mexico para sacar la visa K-1 no son necesarias las vacunas, solo hacen examen de sangre, vista, orina (en algunos casos) rayos X del torax y revision general con un medico haciendo muuuchas preguntas ... nos entregan un sobre cerrado, un cd y la famosa vaccination documentation worksheet que en mi caso lo unico que se lleno, (nombre, numero de visa, numero de caso, fecha) nombre y firma del medico.

    Como ustedes sabran, el sobre lo abren en la entrevista en el Consulado y por lo que se agregan todo ese en el sobre amarillo que uno tiene que entregar en el POE ... no se en el caso de los Colombianos pero a mi solo me entregaron el cd y el vaccination documentation worksheet vacio puesto que no me pusieron alguna vacuna pues como les mencione no es parte del proceso en Mexico

    Lo que tengo entendido es que tengo que ponerme las vacunas y con el registro que me den lo tengo que enviar con algun medico de migracion (como el que mecionan en este foro que esta an Austin) junto con copia de mi worksheet para que transcriba la informacion y asi poder adjuntarlo a mi paquete ... estoy en lo correcto???

    Ahora, he buscado informacion de las vacunas que necesito de acuerdo a mi edad (33 anios) intente llamar al numero de migracion (800-375-5283) y nunca pude hablar con una persona, siempre opciones, opciones y mas opciones!

    Despues hable al Department of health a human services y me dieron una liga en internet pero no esta actualizada ... alguien tendria la informacion de las vacunas que se necesitan actualizada??

    Espero no confundirlos mas de lo que yo estoy :blush:

    Me preocupa por lo que he estdo leyendo sobre esto, hay personas a las que les estan mandando un RFE pidiendo un examen medico completo.

    Muchisimas gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leer este post y por su paciencia ... no veo la hora que este tramite termine!


  11. :dance: Gloria a Dios :dance:

    estoy mas feliz que cachaca en playa como dicen en mi tierra jajaja ....

    :dance: logre llegar temprano a mi cita con inmigracion de la carrera que llevamos hoy s eme kedaron las fotos y el agua para el alimento del bb :wacko: pero asi logramos irnos sin esto :wacko: yo con muchos nervios .

    en mi mente No ombe la otra ves molestando por tales y ahora se kedan las benditas fotos :crying: ..............

    bueno se me paso esto llegamos no estaba casi nadien mi cita fue a las 12:30 y llegamos como a las 12 puntualito...bueno para acortar esto ,

    me atendio una se~orita d elo mas de amable Gloria a dios cuando yo vi k me llamo esta Joven jajajaja no me toko otra ves el otro caballero jajajjajaja........... :dance:

    me hicieron solo las preguntas de donde se dice a todo no no no no . jajajajajaja solo eso . y coo tenia cargada mi bb . mi bb k es muy sonriente hablandole en su idioma a la se~orita y ella riendose jajajajjaja..

    bueno ella firmo unos papeles y saco uno y me dijo felicitaciones esta aprovada tu recidencia ! Yupiiiiiiiiiiii jajajajaja .

    me dijo que por los inconvenientes k habia tenido disculpara y que mi recidencia era por 10 a~os ....

    gracias Diana y todo los k me ayudaron desde el principio con estos ajustes si no hubiera sido gracias a este foro y a todos kien sabe como estuviera ahora sin saber o pagando un costoso abogado.....gracias de verdad .....

    ahora despues de esto que es ??

    bueno mi viaje a mi Costa , mi solesito , mi calor .jajajajjajajaj cuanto mas o menos se demora en llegar la GC ??

    gracias bendiciones

    sandra , jim , Giovanny y Gabryella

    Que gusto Sandra, valio la pena tanta espera!!



  12. Lo malo es que este tipo de documentos muchas veces el correo no los manda a la nueva dirección por lo importantes que son. Más bien los devuelven al USCIS y si no cambiaron la dirección a tiempo ó no tienen evidencia de que sí la cambiaron con ellos tienen que mandar otro formulario para que les den otra green card y pagar $370.


    Aaaaaa que estres ... y eso que todavia no empiezo lo bueno :blink:

    Haremos lo que les comente, primero notificare con las formas correspondientes el cambio de domicilio y en unas dos semanas despues enviaremos el paquete ya con la nueva direccion ..... y a guardar en la caja fuerte la evidencia del cambio!

    Martesa y Diana muchas gracias por sus consejos e informacion!


  13. Isi,

    Ud. como la inmigrante tiene que mandar el formulario AR-11 por internet y su esposo como patrocinador (sponsor) tiene que mandar el formulario I-865 por correo. Lo tiene que hacer siempre que se mude de residencia a menos que se haga ciudadana americana. Ambos formularios los encuentra en el sitio de internet del USCIS.


    Para no tener problemas yo creo que enviaremos el paquete de AOS una o dos semanas despues de registrar el cambio de domicilo ... que relajo, solo me mudo a unas cuantas calles!

    Muchas gracias por la informacion Diana.


  14. ISI, siempre que se cambia de direcci'on es porque se est'a viviendo all'i, no antes. Creo que dice que despu'es de haberse trasladado, a los 10 dias m'aximo debes reportar tu cambio, puedes hacerlo por internet. Guarda o imprime este archivo cuando lo hagas, es important'isimo, ahi aparece un c'odigo largo con el que pruebas que hiciste el cambio. Siempre que te traslades deber'as hacerlo.

    Claro, me referia una vez estando en la nueva casa ... pense que solo con enviar los documentos del AOS con la nueva direccion era suficiente.

    Tendras la pagina donde dices que se puede registrar el cambio?

    Mil gracias por tu ayuda!


  15. Ay, tarde pero ya te contestaron Deby. Vuelvo a aclarar que en las primeras p'aginas de este foro aparece una direcci'on diferente para el env'io de los documentos por Fedex, la de UPS es igual por si acaso.

    Alex...veo que est'as muy agil..je.je.je mucha suerte con tu proceso y espero que sea rapidito.

    Isi, Conie and Brad...Bienvenidos. Todo lo que se les ofrezca, llegaron a lugar apropiado. Posteen sus dudas por insignificantes que parezcan, es mejor estar seguro a cometer errores.

    Dalia...te envi'e un email sobre lo tuyo hoy. Saludos

    Muchas gracias Martesa, ya estare por aqui dando mas lata con mis preguntas!


  16. Hola!

    Tengo una duda, ojala puedan ayudarme.

    Estoy llenando las formas para el AOS sin embargo mis esposo y yo queremos esperar ya que vamos a mudarnos de casa ... mi pregunta es, tengo que enviar un AR-11 primero actualizando mi nueva direccion y entonces despues llenar las formas y enviar el paquete con la nueva direccion?

    Mil gracias!


  17. :whistle: bueno falta poco para mi cita es este jueves 28 :whistle:

    un pokito de nervios pero me ayuda a calmar el saber que voy con la pastora de mi iglesia donde voy todos los domindos.

    deseo que me saquen de dudas akellos k ya tienen la Gc.

    no tengo el SSN , no conocia este foro ni sabia como hacer antes k se me venciera el I-94.....pero gracias a Dios estaba con el seguro del trabajo de mi esposo pero aun asi el embarazo y el parto de mi bb fue muy costoso........total deseo saber cuando le entregran la Gc tambien entregan el SSN y otros documentos o solo es la GC ??

    les agradesco mucho que me brinden una oracion para este jueves .

    ya hasta estoy asiendo planes de viaje a Barrqnuilla.para k mi abuelita y mi mama logren conocer a Gabryella mi bb , espero k tambien no se ponga lloronael dia de la entrevista :wacko: .

    gracias y bendiciones

    Sandra y jim

    Leyendo todas las paginas del foro me entere de tu caso, espero de todo corazon que este jueves las cosas salgan super bien y que la persona que te entreviste se de cuenta que tu relacion es verdadera y de todo el amor que hay en ella.

    Mucha suerte!!


  18. Hola a todos,

    Contenta y nerviosa por este nuevo proceso ... aunque no soy de Colombia espero poder permanecer en este foro por mucho tiempo y puedan ayudarme con las dudas que salgan en el camino.

    Espero no se desesperen con algunas preguntas que puedan ser obvias porque aunque ya lei todo el foro (no queria postear antes de leerlo completo) las cosas pueden ser confusas cuando uno es nuevo en el tema.

    Mil gracias de antemano!


  19. thanks! I do have that form, but he hasn't filled it out yet. It looks like he has to do it inside the consulate to get it notarized by an officer. Is that the case??

    also, can you just tell me briefly what to expect from the interview. How long will he be in there? what kind of things will they ask? should we get there at like 7am or is that too early? does everyone speak Spanish in the consulate or will my fiance be lost in there. What should I tell him in preparation. I know that's a lot of questions, but I just don't know what to expect. Any info will be great. Thanks

    Hello there!

    Yes, he must sign that form infront of a consul ... they will let him know when.

    About the interview ... is not that bad and is also quick but what makes it a nightmare is the time waiting outside and there's no need to get before 8 am and yes, people speak spanish in there aaaaaall of them even the Consul at interview.

    Here is a copy of a post I wrote about my experience, hope it helps:

    Hi again!

    Well, my boyfriend got the open apointment letter on May but the date on it was March so was a little delayed. I've never got the letter here in Mexico.

    I found a very good package on the website I gave you including flight, hotel, food and transportation. Arrived to Juarez a sunday and leave the next thursday ... decided stay one more day in case I needed, booking in one more day was just 50 usd at the web site then I heard that staying one more night was about 150 usd paying at the moment!!! I stayed at Holiday Inn las Misiones which is very close to the consulate.

    Monday morning went to the Medical Examination and took me about 4 hours, the examinations include blood test, vision test and then a Dr. (woman) called you to take your clothes off in a room and ask some questions ... sometimes they ask you to get an extra test like urine or something if not, the Dr. will let her know where does she have to pay and the hour she needs to get back for the results. She will get an black envelope, DO NOT OPEN IT. I'm not sure if she is allowed to use your credit card but she can ask when she gets to the clinic, I would recommend to bring cash just in case. After that I went to pay the 131 usd at Banamex and get something to eat because I was starving!

    On tuesday went to the consulate, check the specific hour your open apointment letter says because you can't get in before. The interview is very fast, few questions about your relationship, might ask for some evidence. If your visa is approved (will be!) they keep your gf's passport and in the same room is a DHL place, she has to pay 8 usd (or pesos) and they will give her a tracking number (so you can check the process online) and 2 possible addresses to pick her passport with the visa stick on it ... mine was the same day at 6:00 pm but saw the upgrade when DHL was already closed so got it the wednestay morning. Make sure everything on her passport is with the right information just be carefull because there is another DO NOT OPEN YELLOW PACKAGE, she needs to deliver that on POE you choose to cross.

    As you can see with luck ... could be a 2 days trip, had somethings to do before so I did not leave to Juarez right away ... took me like a month.

    Hope this answer to your questions.


  20. ok thanks! I'm getting really nervous now. We are planning on heading over there next week. Do you know if I can get the open appointment letter printed at the consulate, as the petitioner, or does my fiance have to do it himself. I'll be arriving a bit earlier and want to see if I can get that step done, since we need the letter for the medical as I understand. I can't wait for this to be over!! If you can think of anything else that is crucial that isn't listed on their site, please let me know. I really appreciate it.

    Oh and I can't seem to find the times during which we can show up for the appointment? I don't think its at any time during their hours of operation.


    I'm not sure about the letter, don't think will be an issue if you ask for it, just bring the case number ... maybe one of the NOAS and copy of your bf's passport and your ID ... Does anybody have more information about this? My appointment schedule was 8-10 and for what I've heard most of them are at same hour.

    Haaaaaa ... believe me this is NOT over yet, I'm filling the AOS now and I'm getting crazy!!!

    Was checking my binder and the only thing you might missing is the INTENT TO MARRY ... you have that one? If not, here it is:


    Do not worry, everything will be fine ... keep us updated!!


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