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Posts posted by clueless_in_usa

  1. If you did not get a DS-3025 then you will need to get the vaccinations and have a form I-693 filled out by a CS. I would send the AOS documents right away and get after the needed vaccinations, etc. You will get an RFE and can respond to it.

    The CS may or may not accept translated vaccination records, it is up to the individual CS. Most of them would rather just charge you for additional vaccines.

    It would have been nice to know that she could have got a copy of form DS-3025 during the medical exam in Moscow to make things easy during AOS. According to what I have read so far, a copy of that form is all that she needs, but now we cannot get it anywhere ...

    ... we'll have to pay again for a full medical exam just to get a paper signed by a Civil Surgeon.

  2. The problem with bringing a phone back is that you still don't get a cheaper plan. That is, you can take the discounted phone or leave it, but your plan costs the same.

    But if you already have a plan, you do not need a NEW two-year commitment to change your phone.

    I have not changed my plan for more than 10 years, but I have had four phones already. I could change companies any time I want if necessary, without paying penalties.

  3. What do people who do not have a copy of form DS-3025 do when it is time for AOS?

    Do you schedule an appointment with the Civil Surgeon to complete form I-693 before sending AOS documents?

    Do you have to go to a primary care physician before going to the Civil Surgeon (this may take months to get an appointment)?

    What if the vaccination records are in Russian? Will the civil surgeon accept a translation to certify form I-693?

    Do you trust that the foreign medical exam took care of this and USCIS did not lose it, thus sending no form I-693?

    Do you only care about medical exam and vaccinations if you get an RFE?

    Do you show evidence only at interview time?

    I do not want to wait until she is out of status. Therefore, I want to do what is quickest, but also try to avoid an RFE.


  4. So I have been thinking of this a bit lately as she is due to arrive very soon. Of course there is the wedding and all of that, but I had wondered how did those of you who have wives who did not drive ever before choose to handle the learning to drive senario?

    Did you teach them yourselves?

    Did you send them to a private school where they learn the rules and how to drive at the same time?

    Did you do a combination, school and then practice with you on the weekends or something?

    I am leaning toward the last one. Where the brunt of the critisizm is done by the instructor and I only encourage during our practices. hehe. Just wondering what others have done. :P


    The question you need to answer first is this:

    What will the insurance company do if she has an accident while driving my car? Accidents do happen anytime, anywhere.

    After I got the answer to that question, there is no way I am going to let my wife drive my car. It will be cheaper to pay for professional driving lessons.

    And by the way, in most states she is not allowed to drive if she does not have at least a learner's permit (meaning that she already passed the written exam). A foreign license is also accepted.

    I hope this helps.

  5. Hey all I have a quick question.

    What happens if a GC holder moves and does not report it to USCIS? What are the ramifications?? If you have a 10 yr GC does it matter?? Maybe you no longer have to report when you move?


    I would like anybody to show me a case of a GC holder who was charged with anything because s/he never reported an address change ...

    ... I have multiple friends who have been LPRs for years, moved at least once a year, and never once reported an address change ... many of them had no problem when becoming a USC. Should I tell my friends to worry because they will be deported otherwise?

  6. have not looked but jamaica is always easy to get into for that part of the world. i took my sweety to jamaica and was very easy. you can fly through the uk with no visa and arrive in montigo bay easy .

    lovely beaches and water...all inlcusive you do not have to leave resort!! and super cheep to say!!

    look into...also wikipedia usually has page on such things. places u can go with no visa

    good luck

    For a citizen of Belarus Cuba is much better. There are direct flights from Moscow, so no hassle for the Belarus citizen. However, American citizens are still restricted to travel to Cuba, unless you have family there.

    An option to consider.

  7. I, myself, don`t like the cellular services providers here... You have to choose your provider first and THEN choose a phone you like, and you have to choose from what that particular provider has to offer... Not fair.. At home you choose the PHONE you like and then decide what provider to go with.... Seems more reasonable to me.. But may be I`m just still not used to it...

    A Drive-through anything was an amazing thing to me! My God, people! Most of us have legs... Walking to your mail box won`t kill you :jest: But, if people like to drive so much, let`s not complain about gas prices!!!

    I do not know you, but I always buy my phone in Russia (or somewhere in Europe), bring it to the USA and then use it on any provider I like. I never put up with the shitty phones they offer in the USA.

    The funniest part of doing so is when I calll the provider for a piece of information to configure the phone. It goes something like this:

    I: Would you please tell me the IP address of your wireless Internet providers

    CSR: What is the model of your phone

    I: What do you need that for? I am only asking for information regarding YOUR servers

    CSR: But I need the model of your phone to tell you how to configure it

    I: If I tell you the model of my phone you are not going to find it on your computer. Just give me the information I want and I will configure it myself

    CSR: Without the model of your phone I cannot help you

    I: Ok! It is a Samsung D-880

    CSR: I am sorry, but we do not support that phone

    Are CSR people in ... (every country) ... really that stupid?

    What I end up doing is going to their website to find a phone from the same vendor that they do support and I give them that model number. At this point, they give me the information I asked for and I can configure everything myself.

    Seriously! CSRs are also a "Wonder of the New World."

  8. My wife found amazing (surprising) that there are so many poor people in the USA... :blush:

    I could not edit my previous post, but I wanted to add something else she found really amazing (one day I did it myself):

    Drive-through ATMs (Bankomats)!!!

    She could not believe that in the USA, many people do not like to get out of their cars even to do simple things as getting money from an ATM. I wonder what she will say when she sees somebody driving to his/her mailbox to get his/her daily mail :rofl:

  9. So to continue on a discussion that was touched upon on another thread, what "wonder" does your new SO find so interesting or amazing?

    Alla and I have always joked back and forth about the wonderful Russian Inventions or amazing American Inventions that touch our lifes; and some are not unique!!!!

    1. Self Service Checkout

    I had Alla swipe the Jewel Food card the other day and then self scan the items and then use the Debit Card (another amazement). She understood that there is a person watching over you to assist and ensure non-theft but the mere fact of do it yourself was amazing.

    2. Automatic Car Wash

    Not unique but the first time for both her and Leonid. I purchased the Classic wash with "rainbow" wax and super power dry Plus!! He was thrilled.

    3. Free Public Toilets with clean lavatories and free toilet paper (At Millenium Park in Chicago)

    In Moscow it's $1 each time and you also have to buy a single sheet of toilet paper from the lady. She joked that she will see what I can do with a single sheet of toilet paper when we visit Moscow next year. I told her I will bring my own and sell multiple sheets out on the street corner.

    4. Tremendous selection of Produce (plus suberb quality) and Low cost Clothing

    Already have discussed this.

    5. I-Pass on the Tollways

    She understands the concept perfectly and that they take your photo and mail you an invoice if you don't pay.

    6. Electric Can Openers

    For a world-travelled Moscow girl, when I asked her to help open the cans of beans and tomotoes for the chili I made last night, she kept looking for the hand opener. "Here, I use this!" "What is this?" "Wow".........Now we know what we will bring back to her Mother next year!!!!! And I have found a source for 220 volt can openers. 220 volt Appliances

    7. Bank ATM that accepts Check Deposits without any envelope

    I'll spring this new technology on her tomorrow. My Chase bank, for about 4 months now, does not require any envelope into which one used to place your check to be deposited via the drive-up ATM. The newest technology, you set up the deposit and then insert the signed check on it's own into the slot. The machine churns it over and over and determines the deposit amount, let's you verify it, can spit out a scan of the check if you wish and you accept the deposit. No envelopes required. Even catches hand written checks no problem. Only in America.

    8. Ridiculous Phone Plans

    She received her mobile phone the other day. I printed out our phone rate plan to review with her. Rollover minutes? "Wow"

    Unlimited mobile to mobile minutes. "But what if I talk with Evgenia in Atlanta on her mobile phone?" "No limit, talk as long as you want." "No limit?" "Yes, no limit." "Why?" "Welcome to America!!"

    9. Disabled Parking

    Very nice, obviously the disabled do not have the advantages in much of Europe and FSU as here.

    My wife found amazing (surprising) that there are so many poor people in the USA... :blush:

  10. While I hope it all works out fine for your wife (and I don't see any reason why it shouldn't), you -- and hopefully many new members on this board -- may now understand how many implications the name change for an immigrant has, even more when it comes to acquiring US citizenship, and many times more so when the person is from a country like Russia that does not allow dual citizenship.

    There will always be the issue with two passports, one of the without a valid visa to Russia, two names, one mismatched passenger manifest, and the big riddle which passport to use when leaving Mother Russia again.

    All that because of a name change.

    Who said that Russia does not allow dual citizenship?

    Russia's law says that a Russian never loses his/her citizenship, even after acquiring a new one. Therefore, an American/Russian must enter and leave the motherland with a valid RUSSIAN passport. What the Russian citizen does after leaving the motherland is only his/her own decision.

  11. I've heard of it but never taken the time to self-diagnose. Care to clue me in on which one I am?

    I think that nobody can tell you, unless you take the test.

    QUOTE (Март

    @ Dec 10 2009, 07:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    Oh, and Clueless - I am ISFP, hehe, at least I was the last time I took it a year ago

    I was told that I am INTP ... but I have changed a little, so I am less of a "P" now :unsure:

  12. If you are like most here, you probably have plenty of documentation of meeting and an ongoing relationship. That probably won't be a problem. As MOX said, you have to learn patience. So, don't check your status online two or three times a day. They don't update that often anyway.

    If you aren't a patient person, then my advice is to drink heavily. :rofl: Just kidding.

    Actually the best thing is to start getting prepared for her arrival. You will be surprise how much you need to get prepared, like cleaning your home and/or painting inside. You might as well start throwing out those old t-shirts, etc. that you think you will wear again because she'll dump them in short order. You might start looking for stores that carry Russian/Ukrainian goods that aren't too far from your home. The familiar products will make her feel more at home.

    See if you have any Russian speaking couples in your town that might be interested in meeting in the future. That can be tricky sometimes, but also quite beneficial. Just something to think about, but no rush.

    Check out your options for a wedding this summer as far as availability on short notice, costs, etc. Start with the county offices and go up from there. You will have to prepare a budget first.

    And finally, relax. Everyone here has either been through it or is going through the torture now. It gets better, but not for a while. So, keep busy.

    Are people here familiar with Myers-Briggs?

    I cannot believe how much "J" people here are. I feel like I do not belong, because I am such a "P". In essence, the OP has not even received NOA1 and he is being told to start "planning" the wedding ... I literally planned my wedding two weeks before it happened (and two weeks because most of the second week was a holiday). And no mention about how much time before her arrival I decided to clean and prepare everything at home.

    Relax! Life is a "Journey!" :rofl:

    Why not start preparing for AOS already? It will happen right after you get married :rofl:

    ... which reminds me, what do I have to do for AOS? (I just got married a few days ago). Oh! We have to start by going to a photo studio to get Passport photos ... and I have to order new tax transcripts because the consulate kept the previous ones (making copies would have saved the hassle, but what did I know at the time?) -> I guess that it pays to be a "J" ... but it is more fun to be a "P" :rofl:

  13. If you try it again look for women from big cities, somebody who works, has a career, good education and been abroad. Last fact actually guarantees she is not that brainwashed by local propaganda and can judge about life 'here' and 'there' not based on local propaganda but based on what she saw with her own eyes.

    Clueless, I think i’m becoming very itchy since few years when i hear the word “tolerant’’ … it was a good kind word in the past.. but it has lost a lot of its meaning over the years. And now is too often used as a blindfold to not see things that should be changed and not tolerated..

    Be tolerant to a different confession or color of the skin . Broken pavement – is simply BAD :).

    I guess that I made abig mistake, because ...

    ... my, now, wife comes from a small city in Siberia and worse yet, she had never even been on an airplane, let alone abroad. But she surely is not brainwashed by local propaganda. If anything, she is required to honor Russia as the best and only country that matters in the world :wacko:

    And about tolerant ... what other word could I have used without personally attacking the OP?

  14. The sooner, the better, because I do not want my MOB to wait too long to reveal her scam as soon as she gets her GC :whistle:

    So you're publicly admitting on an open forum that your now wife entered the US fully intending to get married and AOS?

    If so, quite frankly, you might as well have flicked the bird to all of us who have chosen to go about immigrating the legal way, despite the difficult and drawn out waiting and accompanying celebrations. Why not go all out and just moon us all while you're at it?

    I am publicly admitting that I may be the victim of a scam and I do not know about it. If I am, the sooner it is revealed, the better. I am impatient and do not like to wait too long for such big news.

    But if I am not being scammed, I am a very lucky man, because I am having the time of my life :devil:

  15. So, on Saturday we were officially declared "husband and wife."

    Now I will have to roam a different forum in order to take care of the new process (AOS). The sooner, the better, because I do not want my MOB to wait too long to reveal her scam as soon as she gets her GC :whistle:

    A new journey begins this week ... the most difficult part so far has been getting used to wearing a ring ... it annoys me! :devil:

  16. I have to say that your description of the trip goes into many details that I would never shared in a public forum, however ...

    1) People have to understand that an Internet relationship is worlds apart from the real thing. Lesson learned: never make a serious commitment over the Internet because the reality is usually very different. It reminds me the note on rear-view mirrors: "people in Internet are very different than they appear."

    2) Your criticism about the Ukraine shows that this may be your first trip to a third-world country. And your closing comments about never returning to Ukraine because of the "inconvenience" portraits that you are intolerant to the reality other people around the world live.

    Having said that, if you want to be happy, you should stick to first-world women (American, Canadian, Western-European, Australian, etc), because you may never be happy with somebody who will make you go through those inconveniences (no matter where you met her, because sooner or later you will have to visit her reality).

    Remember, I am not trying to insult you or affront you in any way (I could care less). I am just giving you my opinion, based on your opinions regarding your trip.

    By the way, I love traveling to Russia and the Ukraine. People always treat me great, and that is the most important thing for me when I travel somewhere. I also love traveling to India, South America, and other third-world countries despite the undesirable state of the environment, as long as the people show me their care and respect.

  17. She had a copy of 2008 my tax return.

    A copy of 1 years bank statements and my employment letter.

    My fiance misplaced the original documents that I gave her.

    That included copies of all pay checks. I get a 1099 not a W-2.

    I had to scramble to get what I could before her interview.

    We had rescheduled once already and didn't want to again.

    She has since found the original package that I gave her.

    But, really the only difference is the copies of checks.

    A copy of the tax return will never be accepted (anybody can fake one), reason she was asked for a certified copy. The tax transcripts (at least a year but better three years) should be enough. That cannot be faked.

    Let this be a lesson for everybody: a copy of the tax return is NOT the right evidence.

  18. “I was verbally attacked by another poster,” - I never scared a single man so far.. but well.. Every day of life I learn something new %)))))

    Sorry, Chris :)))

    By the way, if you pay attention, the only posts that were deleted are yours. But you have nothing to worry about. I read them and read all the insults you wrote to me. So you are revenged : )))))

    Now a bit more seriously and about forums in general – has it ever occurred to you that once you go online and put your story on a public forum, then you will most likely get feedbacks?

    And not all of them will be to your liking. Think about it. I think you prefer a one-way game like: you post comments - everybody replies 'hail Chris!'

    And yes, i solemnly swear i will do my best to stay away from this thread :).

    Kailey, you do not have to stay away. We all need somebody who says it like it is. We are all entitled to an opinion.

    One thing I like about Russian women is their bluntness ... I do not need to guess most times, because they are not afraid *the ones I know) to tell me the truth in my face. Not like the PC BS I have to put up with in my daily business life.

  19. I tell you what, You respect me and I respect you. You say something out of line and I ask you to stop and you don't, then yeah, I'm gonna report it. I don't have to read anyone's BS comments that is making speculations about me on here, Nor would I expect you to just suck it up if someone attacked you publicly. I don't like having to resort to reporting anyone and this is the first time

    I have done so, I'm pretty easy to compromise with but I in no way will tolerate comments posted publicly about me. If you don't like it, I implore you to find your ignore button.

    Comments like this remind me why I went the foreign route. I was tired of hearing: "if you do not do what I say, I will call the police ... or worse yet, I'll sue you!"

    Victim mentality is prevalent in the USA ... and yes! I do not like such mentality, but I tolerate it because I chose to live here ... for now! :devil:

  20. I'm also always going to maintain that guys should pay more attention to WHAT their evidence is showing then HOW MUCH they send -- the old "quality" versus "quantity" argument. The simple point I was trying to make with Lesya's example is that even though she had reams of evidence with her, it turned out not to be necessary because the one piece of evidence she showed (along with her answers to the questions she was asked) was sufficient as proof. Now one GREAT ADVANTAGE that I had here was Lesya herself--- she teaches English at the Uni in Chel so is extremely fluent in the language. Many (frankly, most) fiancees are not that fluent and so are probably going to have to rely a little more on the evidence to "tell the story." But again, guys beginning this process should not think that showing boxes full of chat transcripts is going to be given the same weight as having actually spent days, weeks, even months in person with someone.

    Again, I have no doubts about the legitimacy of your relationship with Alla and I wish you nothing but success in getting the visas.... and in all of the VisaJourney that still lies ahead.

    Two things I forgot to mention when I wrote about my theory:

    1) I should consider myself lucky too, because my communication with my fiancee was always over the phone, reason why I had NO email, NO skype, and/or NO chat logs if they had asked for them. Our only evidence was the phone bill (with minutes we talked each time)

    2) My fiancee spoke very little English. Therefore, language was not an issue either, but it certainly helped that I proved that I spoke Russian (phone conversations and other evidence).

    I agree (and will keep this first and foremost) with Quality instead of Quantity. We needed to prove our case, and we tried to show the kind of evidence that did it without a doubt .... of course, luck also helps a lot.

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