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Status Updates posted by marklovetina

  1. hi zeth! i am glad ur back now here again.. and finally u and ur hubz are ok now... God is really good... good luck sa inyo ni nathan, ang cute nya tlga.. ur sooo lucky to have nathan and same here sa kiddo ko ehehehe... take care..:)

  2. yeah thank u toni!! but i am editing my whole blog... oh will follow ur blog too sis after i am done with my new blog hehe..wink!!!

  3. hi and tnx for dropping by to my page... good luck...


  4. hi and tnx for dropping by to my page...


  5. hi and tnx for dropping by to my page... good luck...


  6. happy day here again, just finished talking to my honey and he will gonna work out on our papers this wk., guide us Lord!!!

  7. hi and tnx for visiting my page... good luck...

  8. yay!! all docs. received by honey this afternoon- US time..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. marklovetina


      @toni: yes i will sis.. if others can do, i can do it too hehe..

      @yellow_flower: yep thank u po.. always praying po tlga for this journey...:)

    3. randy and ana

      randy and ana

      thanks and godbless

    4. Sweet Dove

      Sweet Dove

      congrats sis.. di bale nabati namn kita sa Fb mo eh.. now lang ulit nakpagopen ng vj eh

  9. hi, tnx for dropping by to my page...

  10. hi tnx for dropping by to my page...

    good luck...

  11. hi tnx for dropping by to my page.. and welcome to VJ..


  12. waiting.... waiting.. waiting...

  13. thank goodness already have an electricity after one day brown out!!!!

  14. hi and tnx for dropping by to my page..:)

  15. hi and tnx for dropping by to my page..:)

  16. hi and tnx for dropping by to my page..:)

  17. hi welcome to VJ and tnx for dropping by to my page!


  18. goin to LCR here in my place this morning to register my annulment...:)

    1. marklovetina


      done!!!, yeeeepiiee!!!

  19. ok then i will add u coz maybe we can have the same timeline right?... when will u gonna file the petition..?

  20. good luck to both of us and tnx for dropping by to my page...:)

  21. hi tnx for dropping by to my page, well i noticed too the date when u joined VJ its the date also when i was born.. wink, well good luck to us...:)

  22. finally complete docs. sent to honey just now via LBC for our K1 re-file this month....

  23. hi there! tnx for dropping by to my page!!..:)


  24. got all my docs. now!!! tomorrow ready to fly to honey!! yehey!!!

  25. hi lainmike!, thank u for visiting my profile and for adding me as ur friend here on VJ, already accepted ur friend req. good luck to both of us..


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