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Posts posted by RaspberrySwirl

  1. I really want to thank everyone so much for all the info. I have tried to use addons before but they never worked for me so I have just gone without, which is fine, but it is very neat to have all this other functionality. Also eveyone in the game that I play with daily, Noh, Py and G man for taking the time to answer my questions and also provide me with monies to buy my mount and better gear. I have played Wow for a while but never really had the support or people to take the time to really tell me what is going on or how to better my play. Thanks so much you guys (L)(L)(L)(L)(L)(L)

    Anytime, Sandy! ::hugs::

    Oh and log back on so Val can run you through Ulda :P

  2. Links to guides and addons

    Jame's Alliance Leveling Guide

    Curse Gaming WoW Addons Main page

    Addons I use/recommend

    TitanPanel Titan Panel adds a control panel/info box on top of the screen. Very useful with option to add different plugins. You can keep track of xp progress, see your coordinates at all times, add a clock adjusted to your own timezone, keep track of ammo/spell reagents, durability info, etc.

    MetaMap Adds more features and functionality to the in game map and includes instance maps. Adds coordinates to world map and mini map.

    Auctioneer Adds extra tooltip info to any item in game. Run a scan in the auction house preferably daily to add more data and update as needed. Very useful when vendoring/auctioneering/buying items. If Auctioneer has enough data, when you try to put an auction up for sale, it will attempt to provide you with intelligent pricing points based upon the market data it has accumulated through scanning.

    Bagnon All in one inventory mod.

    * Bagnon: Displays your inventory and bank in single frames.

    * Bagnon_Forever: Optional, allows you to view your bank, and the inventory of any of your other characters from anywhere.

    * Bagnon_Tooltips: Optional, tells you on item tooltips which characters of yours have the item, and where

    * Bagnon_Options: A load on demand options menu

    Advanced Tradeskill Window ATSW is a complete replacement for Blizzards tradeskill window with more overview and special functions.

    I'll add more later.

  3. Hey guys,

    I noticed the officers haven't been on in a long time. It's making it hard for us to invite/promote/demote or whatever.

    Was wondering if you could log on long enough to promote the regulars (Me - Trinhe, Pyoria and Gatoc perhaps).


  4. Has to do with 9.

    When you jumble up the digits of your 4 digit number and subtract the smaller number, your answer's always a multiple of 9.

    So in order to get the right answer, all you have to do is program the game to do the math for you and find the "missing" number after you enter the digits other than the one you circled.

    I entered 8634 - 8346. 288, circled 2, so 8+8=16. Closest multiple of 9 is 18 so add 2. Tada!

    Oi, it's been a long time :D

  5. From a poster on a diff website

    If the fireman in a car feared assault, and his pursuers were "on foot,"

    1) why could he not arrive at the firehouse much earlier than they and seek refuge within,?

    2) why did he exit his car when they were hostile and at his location?

    3) why didn't he call on his cell phone, and secure assistance from the other firefighters in the station?

    4) why did he stop with a hostile group so close to him,?

    5) why didn't he call the police?

  6. You live in the dark ages lol cmon now everyone has TV. :jest:

    I don't either but I watch a lot of stuff on the Interwebz.

    Alluc.org rocks!


    Family Guy


    The Office


    and recently started watching Lost. I'm halfway through season 2

    the new Robin Hood on BBC

    House! Love Hugh :luv:

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