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Posts posted by RaspberrySwirl

  1. Happy birfday!!!

    I'm a little late but my excuse is that I spent the entire weekend cleaning the carpet, getting stuff ready for some new furniture. Hehe.

    I need a vacation o.O

    Hope you had a great time on your camping trip!!

  2. ..oppppsss...my mistake..I didn't know that words p****y is not accepted here..awwww :crying: ...Sorry... should ask Gary first.. :blush::huh::blush:

    OMG, Luz, you crack me up!!!!! :lol:

    I was wondering why you decided to title the thread, "Got Fukcing Cats". Ha!

    LOL, so was I.

    Sooooooooooooo cute!

    Our lil' one will be getting a sister/friend soon, can't wait!

  3. I wanna bet that this will be the last season for AI and they'll do a big finale with both Blake and Jordin as winners.

    Or I might just be talking outta my #######.

    Or something.

  4. There are over 800 kinds of beers made in Belgium.

    Belgians consume in average 150 liters of beer per person per year.

    The world's first beer academy opened in Herk-de-Stad, in the Belgian province of Limburg, in 1999.

    The world's biggest chocolate selling point is Brussels National Airport.

    Belgium became the world's first country to ban cluster bombs, and second to ban forced marriages in 2006.

    Possession of up to 3 grammes of cannabis is legal in Belgium.

    The Belgian motorway system is the only man-made structure visible from the moon (at night, due to the lights all along the motorway network).

    In 2003, there were 884 registered Belgian comic series, up from 104 in 1985 (i.e. a 750% increase).

    Belgium has more comic makers per square kilometer than any other country in the world (even Japan).

    The saxophone was invented in the early 1840's by Adolphe Sax (1814-1894) in Dinant.


  5. [quote name='reach449' date='May 11 2007, 10:20 PM' post='903772']
    Hello Everyone,
    When I reply to a post I still haven't figured out how to quote just parts of a post. Like if I just want to quote just one sentence or paragragh. I know if I just hit the reply button it will put everything in the the post in a box and quote it, but what if I just want to quote parts? Thanks.

    Just go in between the


    quote tags and delete what you want left out.

  6. thanks again everybody..

    btw, update, I got a job in another plant, now chicken lol.. not a stressing position as the one I had, but almost the same amount of money... now I can look for a better job withouth stressing myself.. I start next monday

    Glad to hear things worked out quickly, Pedro!!

  7. Iran is already being linked to AQ (we've been fed similar bullshite before), the nukes (WMD, anyone?), a madman in power (like the neighbor we just hung). It's all very familiar. It's not a question of whether, it's just a question of how and when. Iran is the next target. It has been for some time no matter what it does. The Bushies won't rest until they have turned the ME and Persia into one giant clusterfcuk.
    Amerikkka is already being linked to AQ, the nukes, a madman in power. It's all very familiar. It's not a question of whether, it's just a question of how and when.
    A stretch. Ever so slightly... ;)

    Who the heck is this Anais character? (S)he's got some issues to resolve, it would appear.

    I think it's wog boy, don't quote me on that though.

  8. Sadly this not only happens in Iraq, there was a case of an honour killing in the UK a couple of years ago, it goes on everywhere, I think the girl's uncles were sent to prison, this is only one case there are others.

    There were several cases in Germany not long ago. The Turkish folks (some at least) still get off on this type of cowardly act. Fcuking monsters. :angry:

    Including "my" Turkish folks.

    One of the reasons D. and I decided for me to move here rather than him moving to Belgium were multiple death threats by my so called father.


  9. Tool!

    We met on the toolband.com, the official tool website's chatroom.

    There was this Aussie kid who wrote really bad poetry and would always be asking people what they thought of it. I was trying to be supportive and D. called me out on it, saying I should be honest and tell the guy it SUCKED (It really did >.>).

    Our first conversation was us arguing basically. :P

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