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Posts posted by Richard-Joanna

  1. Yep....you would think he'd know by now...she's been taking allergy meds since she was like 2 years old! His excuse is always.."well, she didn't tell me she needed it" Ummmm...who's the parent and who's the child?????? :angry::angry:

    I have that very same issue with my ex... thankfully, since I have been divorced for like 13 years... and my kids are older it is less of an issue than it used to be.... but yes, mine is the child also.

  2. I went last night and everything was sooo messy!!!!!!!!!

    hi Richard

    Hi honey! I miss you, come visit us!

    Who is Romance by? I used to just wear Vanilla Fields but I got the JLo Glow as a gift and LOVE it! Never have smelled the Britney one...hmmm...

    Richarddddddddddddddd....how was the feast???

    The feast was awesome... although I was stuck in the kitchen and couldnt sit down until pretty much everyone was done... for those NOT on facebook... the menu was....

    Well, dinner is over... Barszcz with Uszka, 22lb Standing Rib roast, 3 lbs of U13 shrimp, 3 lbs stone crab claws, 2lbs of crab cakes, 3lbs roasted carrots, 3lbs special mashed taters, 2lbs sauteed brussel sprouts in pancetta, 2lbs broccoli rabe, chipolini onions, cheese & crackers, Christmas cookies, Pumpkin Pie, Chees...e cakes, Champagne, wine, egg nog and dark and stormies and its pretty much ALL GONE

  3. Mornin' y'all

    Lee, I am glad you had a nice birthday weekend!!! You deserved it!!

    Liz, glad you are feeling better!!

    Derek, sorry about your Mom not getting her flight, I hope she still comes down.

    Maire... Hi honey, hope you are ok... you didnt answer my text the other day!!! BAD GURL!!

    I am heading home to cook up the company feast for tonight... I dont want to see a kitchen for at least a month after this is over!

  4. Well I haven't seen any snow yet, but every couple of years someone starts this rumor, gets all the out of towners worked up and then no snow ever happens. I would be shocked if it did. I have been to Siberia and have no desire to ever see snow again. I would of course be willing to relent on my hatred of snow for Alisa to have a white x-mas.

    My weekend will be a little more subtle. Going to a friends house to watch the fights on Saturday. Sunday is my b-day and some friends and I are going to the shooting range. Who knows what sort of shenanigans we will get into after that.


  5. hehe...I've only worked 3 days this week but it sure feels like I've been here all 5...lol!

    I am actually....the antibiotic seems to have kicked in finally and I only have a bit of pain left. Hopefully I'll be off all the meds by the end of the weekend.

    How are you doing? And Joanna and the kids?

    Joanna and the Kids are doing fine. We are very busy with all the things we have to do... We have not even started Christmas shopping yet!!!!

    Monday I am holding our Company Holiday Party at our house... so this weekend I will be cooking, Cooking and more COOKING! I could use some help, if anyone is in the area :D

    I hope to get some Christmas shopping done over the weekend, but I am not sure how with all the food shopping and prepping I have to do??? Plus have to get ready for Christmas dinner too? GULP... so much to do so little time!!!!!!!

    Glad to hear your getting better Liz.

    The weather here sucks. It is raining and cold and just miserable. I just have to get through today and I can go crawl into bed.

    I heard it was getting nasty there....I think they even said something about possible snow??? :blink:


  6. Hi all!

    Liz, hope you are getting better!

    Richard, what grade are your youngsters attacking? I have some ESL info nobody told me about that screwed me royally around high school time.

    Jamie, glad to hear you are in "preparation bork bork" mode :)

    Leeeeeeee, my friend - just a little left and your girls will be with you!

    Igor, Ania is in 4th grade (right now) we will have to see if it is too easy for her. Filip get tested on January 4th for placement. Tell me how ESL screwed you... I wanna know! :)

  7. Gooood Morning!

    I've gained weight since being able to eat wheat again! 5 lbs! (Oooh bread is delicious.) I actually have time before work to read a little bit and even say something, so Hi all!

    Hope you feel better Liz and Lee you'll have them here before you can think about it too much harder :) Richard, will the children be doing ESL or something of that nature in a public school? Oh, and hi again all else!

    Jamie, yes, they are ESoL here in Public school.

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