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    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Vi-Jay in Bin Laden 'firefight': Only one man was armed   
    1st. Please be aware, I will ignore your attempts to debate me if you keep using immature antagonism tactics.
    2nd. IMO, it is naive to think that not showing pictures makes us safer. USA killed their hero. Remember?
    3rd. I don't give a ratz azz what politicians say. I form my opinions based on their actions, not their words.
    4th. Please remind me. What previous picture releases are you referencing?
    5th. I'm not a conspiracy nut. I'm an accountability nut. I tend to think that people should be held accountable. Competent people are usually willing and quick to be accountable.
    6th. IMO, it is the youthful and or naive individual that believes anything our govt. says without evidence to back it.
    7th. There are as many people if not more, requesting the pics.
    *Please refrain from insulting baiting tactics and we may continue the debate. Otherwise, I think it is best you find someone that enjoys that childish style of conversation. I don't.
  2. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Vi-Jay in Bin Laden 'firefight': Only one man was armed   
    Done playing with you and your low ball baiting tactics.
    I prefer conversations with someone that maintains mutual decency and courtesy.
    Your tactics are "street".
    Hand! I'm out.
    but, don't give up on my account. IMO, you are very close to being that "master-baiter" you seek to be!
  3. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Vi-Jay in United Nations wants details!   
    Did you read the article?
    I don't care if UBL was killed in combat or executed.
    I am using sarcasm to criticize the Obama-mama administration "Keystone cop" handling of the media stage of the event.
    I believe the changing story and Obama-mama refusal to show evidence is prompting / fueling conspiracy theories and in turn, the UN request.
    The dominoes will probably continue to fall. More scrutiny and more riducule from the anti-American world. That sucks!
  4. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Vi-Jay in United Nations wants details!   
    I'm so surprised.
    Somebody wants evidence? Are you kidding me?
    Somebody will actually question Obama-mama?
    Somebody wants to make Obama-mama accountable?
  5. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Vi-Jay in Bin Laden 'firefight': Only one man was armed   
    That's your best come-back?
    No worries mate!
    Keep practicing and one day you can proudly say Mr. Big Dog is a "master-baiter"!!
  6. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Vi-Jay in More Lies Surround the Alleged Killing of OBL.   
    Excellent point.
    In fact, that's the proof I'm waiting for 'cause Obama-mama ain't giving it! 'Cause Obama-mama knows what's best!
    and, anyone may use the phrase "Obama-mama" as long as it is remembered, I coined it!
  7. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Vi-Jay in Bin Laden 'firefight': Only one man was armed   
    I presented possible hypotheticals. Simply hypotheticals.
    The story this administration is giving, is changing. A moving target.
    This administration had months to prepare for this event. The before, the during and the after.
    I am disturbed by the rapidly changing story and have very little trust in the current administration.
    The changing story and refusal to provide evidence, this administration is creating the conspiracy theories and proving again that they are of an elitist mentality. We the PEOPLE should just shut up and trust them?
    It's funny when Lovitz (vid) is doing it, but, our govt.? I'm not laughing.

  8. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Vi-Jay in Bin Laden 'firefight': Only one man was armed   
    Simply a hypothetical.
    Let a forensic scientist prove their surgery.?
  9. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Vi-Jay in Bin Laden 'firefight': Only one man was armed   
    1. Of course an autopsy was performed. Carney refused to answer q's 'bout it yesterday.
    2. A forensic expert can certainly determine possibility of an execution style wound.
    3. Perhaps, they did take him alive? The 1st shot was to the chest. Could have wounded him (like they did his wife) and took him into captivity.
    4. To protect all of us the govt., issues disinformation. States he is dead and already buried. Puts the A$$hole in a black hole and begins advanced interrogation methods. Kudos to Obama if they are doing that!
    5. Yes! This administration is like the Keystone cops, sometimes. Look at their track record!
    6. Give the pictures to a forensic scientist's and let them decide if there is a leaning conclusion!?
  10. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Obama 2012 in Bin Laden 'firefight': Only one man was armed   
    Needing a boost in approval ratings? Something to push the birth certificate thing out of the news? A need for increased security measures to 'reassure' people the Patriot Act is AOK still. I mean after all, we are putting metal dectectors back in places they weren't, increasing security all around, more searches, pat downs, etc. already... Everything is always about 'timing.'
    'Everyone' doesn't need to know either. Just look at the multiple instances of insiders who have been a part of the past 3 administrations in one way or another.
    Just look at how the story is changing every moment it seems.
    First Osama was armed and firing... then he wasn't.
    First there was a video.... then there wasn't.
    First we had photos..... no now you can't see them.
    First there was a body.... but we threw it overboard.
    First it was a huge battle in the mansion..... now only 1 person was armed out of the 5 killed.
    All we have is government officials coming out and 'telling us' that he was allegedly shot/killed.
    I'm sorry that I don't buy this for the umpteeth time he's been 'allegedly' said to be dead by people, including 3 or 4 times in the past by government officials who were 'pretty sure' he had been killed already.
    You can disagree with my assessment all you want, but I need a little more than the government just 'telling me' how it is.
  11. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Vi-Jay in Bin Laden 'firefight': Only one man was armed   
    Nobody really knows except, our elitist govt., UBL, witnesses and the Seals.
    The speculation is not "useless". Q&A / check and balance, are "must" components of a democratic govt. / society.
    and, Why the "speculation"? Blame it on the rain?
    The "official story" is a moving target. Evolving daily as they fine tune their lies?
    I refuse to accept what I am told by our govt. They have lied to the PEOPLE too many times.
    Think on this, please;
    The "current" story is that UBL was first shot in the chest and then the head. Play those logistics in your imagination.
    Chest shot - he fell to the floor.
    Head shot - Seal standing over him.
    Blown out skull - exit wound.
    Show the evidence so forensic experts can make the conclusion? Nope. Can't do that.
    Sorry, forensic experts might feel nauseous and encited to a violent reaction.
  12. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Vi-Jay in Bin Laden 'firefight': Only one man was armed   
    "If we had the opportunity to take him alive, we would have done that," Brennan said during an uncharacteristically candid exchange with reporters at a White House briefing.
    Intelligence officials and Obama “extensively” discussed the prospect of capturing bin Laden alive during the U.S. military raid on his compound Sunday, Brennan said, but were “certainly were planning for the possibility … that he would likely resist arrest.” In the end, the al Qaeda leader fought back and was “therefore killed in a firefight,” Brennan said.
    Brennan painted a dark scene of bin Laden's final moments. He said the al Qaeda leader used one of his wives as a human shield while he was being shot at.
    [uPDATE: Administration officials retreated late Monday from Brennan's claim that one of bin Laden's wives had served as a human shield or that bin Laden himself had been firing back at U.S. forces.]
    Brennan press conference;
    Q Was it -- was there a visual, or was it just radio reports or phone reports you were getting?
    MR. BRENNAN: We were able to monitor the situation in real time and were able to have regular updates and to ensure that we had real-time visibility into the progress of the operation. I'm not going to go into details about what type of visuals we had or what type of feeds that were there, but it was -- it gave us the ability to actually track it on an ongoing basis.
    MR. BRENNAN: He was engaged in a firefight with those that entered the area of the house he was in.
    Q Could you hear shots fired?
    MR. BRENNAN: We were able to monitor the situation in real-time. (Laughter.)
    It goes on and on. The story continues to change and change.
    Why does this man still have a job?
    In my line of work, if my employee, made this many (blatant) misleading mistakes, it's considered Fraud
    That employee would be terminated the next day and a formal investigation of myself and the employee, would ensue.
    Brennan still has a job.
  13. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Vi-Jay in White House will NOT release photos of dead bin Laden   
    IMO, Seeing the pics is about making our govt. prove it's telling the truth.
    I seem to remember being told, by our govt., there were WMD's in Iraq.
    and, It's not just the WMD's!
    "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
    "Read my lips. No new taxes"
    The lies go on and on. Remember Watergate? Nixon?
    I don't want to be lied to anymore.
    and, Add to it, I want our govt. to be held accountable!
    The story has changed from when Brennan first spoke. when? Oh yea, Yesterday!
    Armed or not armed? Captured and killed or killed during gunfire?
    "We have to pass the bill to know what's in it." - Pelosi.
    It's the same elitist mentality. The current administration shoving down our throat the $hit they want us to eat.
    No Thanks! I'm Full.
    I'm Tired of eating the Bull$hit our govt. shovels out every damn administration.
    (I kept the g lower case on purpose, 'cause it's what I desire, a smaller govt. Lower case govt. and all caps PEOPLE!)
    So, Please. don't accuse me of being "morbid" or taking a "porno" trip or just focused on attacking Obama 'cause I'm either a racist or a RWN.
    I just want the Fcking truth, and I stopped trusting our govt. long time ago. I need evidence. Not politicians.
  14. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Vi-Jay in White House will NOT release photos of dead bin Laden   
    Obama = Arrogance!
    We the people =

  15. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to in White House will NOT release photos of dead bin Laden   
    They are hiding something. It is a conspiracy. AHHH
  16. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Tahoma in school   
    You got to love TCO-logic!!!
    This just keeps getting better and better!!!
    It's funny how you use you own shovel to dig yourself in deeper and deeper!
    Keep on digging!!!
  17. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to sunandmoon in school   
    you did say probably, but your probably is wrong. strike...
  18. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to B_J in school   
    Please stop talking. You are so wrong you're embarrassing yourself.
    All I know is that if it was a fight, they'd stop it. TCO was TKO'd a long time ago.
  19. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Tahoma in school   
    Let's follow along with your logic:
    > You make a wild claim.
    > You back up your wild claim with an outdated, nine-year-old article from the internet, despite the fact that you don't believe what you read on the internet, and you make fun of others for using internet sources.
    > You tell everyone else they are wrong about disagreeing with your wild claim, while offering nothing to back up your wild claim when you are challenged on it.
    > You only know what you see and what you witness and what you've learned first-hand, yet you post wild claims about what you haven't seen, witnessed, and learned first-hand.
    > You make up your own mind about issues you know nothing about.
    Does anyone else need a TCO-logic scorecard?
  20. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to B_J in school   
    By the way, TCO, and for anybody else interested, here's something from the Texas Education Code:
    Sec. 25.082. SCHOOL DAY; PLEDGES OF ALLEGIANCE; MINUTE OF SILENCE. (a) A school day shall be at least seven hours each day, including intermissions and recesses.
    (b) The board of trustees of each school district shall require students, once during each school day at each school in the district, to recite:
    (1) the pledge of allegiance to the United States flag in accordance with 4 U.S.C. Section 4, and its subsequent amendments; and
    (2) the pledge of allegiance to the state flag in accordance with Subchapter C, Chapter 3100, Government Code.
    © On written request from a student's parent or guardian, a school district shall excuse the student from reciting a pledge of allegiance under Subsection (b).
    (d) The board of trustees of each school district shall provide for the observance of one minute of silence at each school in the district following the recitation of the pledges of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags under Subsection (b). During the one-minute period, each student may, as the student chooses, reflect, pray, meditate, or engage in any other silent activity that is not likely to interfere with or distract another student. Each teacher or other school employee in charge of students during that period shall ensure that each of those students remains silent and does not act in a manner that is likely to interfere with or distract another student.
    Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 260, Sec. 1, eff. May 30, 1995. Amended by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 126, Sec. 1, 2, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.
    Texas Education Code 25.082
    You see, this is what it's like when you actually know what you're talking about.
  21. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Tahoma in school   
    Your source is a nine-year-old case from the Ninth?
    You really don't read much, do you?
    No surprise there.
  22. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to B_J in school   
    With all due respect, and being as polite as I can; you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
  23. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to sunandmoon in school   
    Sorry But the information you posted is wrong...
  24. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to Tahoma in school   
  25. Like
    ~happyndinlove~ reacted to B_J in school   
    Not true.
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