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Posts posted by M_n_M

  1. YAY Sandra!!!!!!! Who else is still in USCIS?

    I got 4 more days... Hubby is safe in Paris again after a trip to Morocco :)

    First off, congrats Sandra!!! Second... I'm so excited for you Kenza... he's almost there with you!! What do you have planned. My hubby was supposed to come a couple days before yours but decided to switch it to Oct 9th :( But his arrival is coming up quick too!!! I have NO idea what I should be doing right now (even after reading all the forums on what to do to prepare for your SO's journey here) The excitement in killlllllling me.


  2. I would stay away from reading stories like that, but I'm sure you already know that. I think everyone here has come across horror stories that deal with green card fraud, but the important thing to realize is that your husband loves you, is with you, and most importantly is HONEST and OPEN with you.

    Venusfire is right... maybe some better stories will help. My husband and I have been married for a little over a year. We lived together for 6 months in Iran and he's coming here in October. In fact if it was up to him and if we didn't have our education to complete, he would have been much more content living in Iran. He's super helpful around the house and is very caring when it comes to family, mine or his own (which is one of the biggest reasons I love him!) In the beginning of our relationship we made a promise to be open and honest about everything, even it was going to make one of us upset, and we've stuck by this.

    Don't worry Tany... part of your fear is born from your past relationships that didn't work out. Appreciate that you don't have a nagging feeling or any red flags... and even if you do read these stories about other peoples failed relationships, think about how your husband is different and far more trustworthy than the people written about in those stories, try and make the story have a strengthening effect on your relationship instead of a painful and hurtful effect.

    Good luck, and be strong!


  3. I say when the embassy opens again, just go there at the time they told you to (1-1:30) with all the documents you took before for the interview, the passport, and the sheet they sent you and see what they need. If it's something that involves proofs for anything, you would have it with you and won't need to go back later, if it's anything else, they'll let you know. I'll keep my fingers crossed!!! How did the interview itself go? What questions did they ask?

    I hope you guys get the visa when you go back!! Maybe because they were closed for 4 days, they just didn't want to have your passport on them and wanted you to come back with the passport then to give you the visa... you never know!

    Keep us updated!


  4. . I didn't have any issues in dubai holding my hubby's hand or walking close. Then again maybe I was oblivious. But the culture there confuses me... they allow everything, but just in its designated place, yet if you do one of those things out of place you're in the biggest trouble.


    Oh, holding hands is ok. Even the men hold hands. I remember thinking the Pakistani men walking closely hand in hand would be viewed as being gay if they did that in the west. :blush: But when you come from a country where you aren't allowed to get close to women then you get close to men. I laughed when my husband's cousin was talking about going home for a visit to Iran and one of his friends kept trying to hold his hand while they walked. It kind of embarrassed him and he was like dude, quit holding my hand like a girl. :D

    hahahaha, my husband thinks it's weird when guys hold hands, even in iran (and he's never been outside of Iran except for Turkey and Dubai), but overall he's close with his guy friends... like it's not here where guys are like ew man, don't put your leg on me... and plus I mean come on, most middle eastern countries, (and some european countries) greet each other by kissing on the cheeks! But I dunno, I think girls are super comfortable with girls in the US and that's pretty ok. I mean even though I was born and raised in the US, if I'm with a really close friend, I don't think it's weird to hold their hand, or like link arms with them in the street... people don't go, OMG they're les! They just kinda are like ok, they're girls! So I'm wondering why when guys are like that it's so weird here...lol. (even to me sometimes)


  5. I don't think you're allowed to have intercourse on the beach ANYWHERE in the world. Hm... I dunno, maybe a couple places. But it would be an awful thing for others to be watching without a choice. I didn't have any issues in dubai holding my hubby's hand or walking close. Then again maybe I was oblivious. But the culture there confuses me... they allow everything, but just in its designated place, yet if you do one of those things out of place you're in the biggest trouble.


  6. Here are the questions from our interview:

    -How did you guys meet?

    -When did you guys first see each other in person?

    -Did you both see each other before you were married?

    -Did you get married in Iran?

    -Did you (me) leave right after you were married? (I stayed with him a month)

    -What does he plan on doing when he receives his visa... are you (me) staying with him until he gets his visa and comes to the US? (I'm leaving in June but he's coming soon thereafter...hopefully before the college year starts)

    -She asked me whether I have a cosponser...I replied yes, she asked me if he was my father, I said yes again.

    Oh and the interviewer asked to see pics... wedding pics and pics with friends and family from the entirety of our relationship... that was one of the most important part I feel.

  7. no you don't have to be skinny to be healthy, but there are normal body fat ranges, and ranges that are too little or too high... to be in the normal range, and to exercise and eat well, that's being healthy. Someone could be skinny just because they have high metabolism, but rather they don't eat well or exercise--that's not healthy.

    I agree you should love your body, but you should always strive to attain the best body for you... the healthiest body for you (depending on your height, body fat, eating/exercising habits, and family history of disease.) It's not a good idea to hold unhealthy habits and weight, and to settle on loving that.

    I hope no one takes any offense to this. I myself am striving to be healthier.


    My point is, you can love the self that you are now, accept the shape that you are now, work on bettering yourself in whatever way you wish to do so, and still be an active participant in life. It drives me crazy when I see girls of various sizes out there refusing to ski/swim/dance/buy-that-cute-dress-or-short-skirt because they're waiting to lose 10/25/50/100lbs. You can end up wasting a lot of time that way. :)

    Oh I so agree with that... wasting time is no good :D. Taking advantage of every moment as it comes is super satisfying!


  8. happy saturday everyone... While I am not a parent, I am studying psychology. I'd say take things one step at a time to wean him from sleeping with you. I like the idea of him sleeping on the floor in your room for a while, transition to his room and then you could try sitting with him in his room until he falls asleep, and eventually having him sleep by himself. You could also speak to his school psychologist for advice.

    About the child support... I'm sorry 100% Al Ahly Fan for what you had to go through, but look at the positive side, you now have a wonderful man, and you are a wonderful mother!

    About my day... I'm a bit frustrated cause my hubby has been really stressed lately with work and family, and it's hard being away from him and not being able to offer him a hug of comfort, or just a real meal when he gets home late :(. Plus he now pushed his trip here back another 2 weeks to October 9th. But this is the final, for sure date. He got his visa back in May, so it's kind of approaching the 5 month mark since he's had his visa. I hope they don't question that much at the point of entry. I wish he would have come sooner, but given his circumstances I understand, just wish I could help. *sigh*

    I'm also having major issues concentrating on what I need to get done.


  9. no you don't have to be skinny to be healthy, but there are normal body fat ranges, and ranges that are too little or too high... to be in the normal range, and to exercise and eat well, that's being healthy. Someone could be skinny just because they have high metabolism, but rather they don't eat well or exercise--that's not healthy.

    I agree you should love your body, but you should always strive to attain the best body for you... the healthiest body for you (depending on your height, body fat, eating/exercising habits, and family history of disease.) It's not a good idea to hold unhealthy habits and weight, and to settle on loving that.

    I hope no one takes any offense to this. I myself am striving to be healthier.


  10. They do fingerprints at the interview and you won't need to pay anything more for the CR1 (other than whatever you paid at the medical). I too was under the impression that we'd have to pay something more at the embassy, but that wasn't the case. You seem to be ready with the binder of proof, just make sure that he can take stuff out easily to slide under the window to show the interviewer. And have him take an extra copy of everything he sent to NVC, especially financial documents. If there are any originals that he didn't send to NVC, make sure to have him bring those as well. Good luck and keep us posted!!!


  11. Omg, Bridget, your prescription is good for ANYTHING!!! Gah, I want tofu---thai food, chocolate, Chinese (if its from PF Changs)... has anyone had PF Chang's Great wall of chocolate cake? It's AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.



    I totally planned on having Chinese food tonight but in the last hour omg I'm so sick and now I think I'd rather have soup. All of a sudden my throat hurts, my voice is going and I feel soooo tired. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    well if you have a stuffy nose, having some spicy chinese food might clear up the congestion lol... but on a more serious note, soup sounds like a good idea for you. About the throat hurtage... i've got some of that going on now too :(, i've been coughing a bit and sneezing... my sister just got over her cold, and my dad started a few days ago... I am suing them if I get sick. hehe


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