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Posts posted by AnnexoxShay

  1. I have a question/problem. I am not employed and I am a little bit worried about the interview for K1 visa. I read the VJ wiki and the questions they might ask me at the interview and one of the questions is 'what do you do for living?" well it might be strange but I don't work. I help my mom at her job but I don't have any documents for being employed and so on. Do you think that might be a problem? Do you think I should get hired and any job just for the document that shows I receive any kind of income? I just graduated my university and I haven't really looked for a job.The money are not really an issue but I have a denial of a tourist visa because of not being employed and now I am wondering if they will make it a problem again.

    Any thoughts or suggestions are wellcome


    Yeah darl, your going to have a few probs if you cant prove your making 125% above the poverty line so your going to need to get yourself a job ... Will your mum be willing to co-sponsor, if not your going to need to find a co-sponsor that will meet the requirements ... If money isnt a problem and you have a few $$ stashed away that can be added into the assets side and will help but under the circumstances you will need to get some sort of employment or have mum start paying you for the work you do for her so you can have pay stubs etc that are required ...

    I really dont know a 'ell of a lot because my fiance did this side of things but youll get people coming in and giving you advice soon enough ...

    Good luck with everything! :)

  2. Hey MzMo .... Sorry I cant really answer your questions definately ... but I had no records of my vaccinations either ... but because of my age I was only required to do the measles, rubella, tetnus and the a booster for chicken pox I think it was ...

    I think your going to have to tell them your pregnant thou because they do a urine test and I think theyre testing for pregnancy and drugs ...

    Are you doing yours in Qld- Anzac Square? I saw Dr Taylor and his very nice ...

    I think (plz dont take this as as 100% fact maybe someone who knows more definately can answer) they put a note on your medical with the things that havent been done yet and youll have to get them done in the states ... I dont think they will make you wait till the birth to complete the medical ...

  3. Ah yes, what people will do when they know you need the job.

    Well, given the state of things at the moment, I would say he needs to hang in there. At least until the AOS interview. You can get married by a JP to make it all legal and then have your ceremony another time, you can choose to celebrate either date, my wife would want an anniversary present on both dates. (I joke, maybe not) Unfortunatley between the USCIS and his boss you have to be flexible and do things when they say.

    :lol: we ladies like pretty things soo Id say be prepared with 2 gifts!!

    Actually we are getting married by a minister ... Shay already has spoken to him and has booked the gardens were we are having the ceremony and a champaigne brunch reception ... Nothing huge just family and close friends but hopefully he aunt and uncle and there family will be able to come from Wyomming and his brother from Eugene and a couple great uncles and aunts from interstate but they are getting old now and travelling is getting hard on them so we'll see.

    His old boss said he is welcome back at anytime, they parted on good terms but he will have to wait till the summer hours to return ... We are just worried at this stage if her threats arent idol and she really does decide to hire someone else .. there will be a gap of a month or two were he is unemployed and that has us worried on what it will mean to us...

  4. If it were me/us - I'd stick it out but keep my eyes open for something better and jump ship if the opportunity were to arise. The new employer shows little/no loyalty so why should you? '

    As to the effect at your stage - without a timeline is it safe to assume you're at the interview stage?

    If things dont iron out he intends and Im in full support of him going back to his old job ... but his old employer wont be going back to summer months for another month or so at this stage ...

    Ive havent filled in the timeline in the timeline section but I have it in my siggy ... and yes I mailed off my pack 3 last week and am now waiting for an interview time/date... so we really are at the final stage.

  5. Hi guys, I hope you can help me out with this question ... Its probably not going to be an issue but it will give us a bit of peace of mind ...

    My fiance lives in a small town in Grand County OR and when winter hits a lot of business shut down or go to minimum staff .. his a chef and his past employer was having a few probs and was going to go down to a minimum staff during the winter months ... Shay being the highest paid stuff member was going to have his hours reduced down to 20hours per week (distributed over the busy aftenoons /nights) which would have left him with barely enough to survive ...

    In the meantime, one of his ex waitresses from a restaurant he had previously managed told him about a position that was becoming available at her current place of employment ... Shay met the owner and the woman would have promised the moon to get him ... He lay down the cards about our situation and she was completely supportive and said she would work around our plans ... that plus the fact he would have his steady 40hours+ and an increase of income he/we decided it would be a great opportunity ... He had left on good terms from his old employer so the opportunity for him to return at a later date is still there, maybe not right now but in the coming months..

    Now 2-3months on the story has changed somewhat ... a few days back Shay and I sat down and started making more solid plans in regards to the wedding/reception/honeymoon etc ... We would like to get married in May and the 2 dates available are the 2nd and 16th ... I dont like the 16th because that was the date I was married to my ex, different month but I just dont want to see that date on our marriage certificate or engraved in our rings ... the other dates during the month are important work dates for him, his mothers birthday and the anniversary of his fathers death ... so they are also not suitable ... which leaves us with the 2nd ...

    Now here is the problem ... She the boss, has gone all wierd on him and has started threatening him that if he doesnt do this or that she WILL hire another Chef and the new chef with have first dibs on hours ... first it was the our choice of wedding dates she didnt like, apparently she has a function on the 9th and the days he wanted off wouldnt suite ... soo we adjusted the dates so we can still get married on the 2nd but be back well and truely before the 9th for this function and make up the days we miss out on a couple weeks later in Bend or Boise on his days off ... But since the threats worked she now uses that card whenever she wants to have her way ... Shays very personable and has a good rep not only in his town but in neighbouring towns so its got nothing to do with his work quality, shes using this to manipulate him to get her own way ... Normally he wouldnt fall for this but she knows she has him over a barrel because he cant afford to loose his job atm .. We dont know what to do, she being completely unreasonable with her demands ... In the afternoon they have a split shift between 1 and 3 and during the two hours he is completely alone and has to bar tend, wait on tables and cook... the other day 7 tables came in at the same time during the two hour shift and he had to float between bar, restaurant and kitchen when he mentioned that it was getting increasingly hard to do this she again told him that maybe she would have to find someone who could ... The building is long and thin and takes almost a full street block the kitchen and bar are located at opposite ends it impossible to cook for 7 tables and serve the bar at the same time ...

    We are terrified about what this can do for us at this late date in our process ... We're at the final stages now, Im just waiting for my interview date/time at the embassy ... If he lost his job at this stage how would it affect us at this stage?????

    Thank You :)

  6. Hopefully what the guys said is right and you wont get an RFE ... but you know what we did I had filled out the DS-156 and then realised when I looked at the Sydney consulated page I realised they dont accept hand written ones anymore so I had to redo it but I dont have a printer, it died and I didnt want to replace it at this late date ... Shay filled in the form electronically for me as requested in the directions and emailed me the PDF to proofread ... When I gave him the ok he printed and mailed me a copy with all the Affidavit of Support ... If your fiancee has a computer you can do the same for her just send her the pdf she can print it and sign it and send it off to you...

    Good Luck with everything! :D

  7. I have heard stories like yours before. Please next time take care of your business and handle the money. Never let a woman handle the money in relationship.

    I beg your pardon?!? I suggest its time for you to hung up your club and have a flea bath? I hate to inform you man has actually been walking upright for a few centuries now and you've sadly been left behind ...

    You really have to feel sorry for any woman that is in a relationship with a man with such a lack of respect for her abilities as an individual. He has to hope she isnt capable of personal growth to the point she realizes what is up and kicks him to the curb.

    Yes, exactly! ... :yes:

    My first wife was from Manila, good cook, expensive tastes, culture shock

    My ex boyfriend was an Aussie from a well off family ... I seriously couldnt trust him with a couple hundred to go pay rent or a bill ... I was working my a$$ off doing 12 hour days to catch us up just soo he go spend it on playstation games and other ####### instead of paying our bills ...

    Soo yeah, bad money management is hardly a womans issue there are men out there that are just as bad ... Im just sorry that you got so badly burnt Tony ... but seriously I hardly think the amount of money your ex spent was bad management, its seems its almost something like a gambling problem ... we all indulge sometimes and buy something we know we shouldnt or really cant afford or dont need but your talking 1000's here thats beyond normal...

  8. I have heard stories like yours before. Please next time take care of your business and handle the money. Never let a woman handle the money in relationship.

    I beg your pardon?!? I suggest its time for you to hung up your club and have a flea bath? I hate to inform you man has actually been walking upright for a few centuries now and you've sadly been left behind ...

  9. To me no matter what the requirements are I think a petitioner shoud visit their mate in their own country and meet their friends and see where they came from and learn a bit about their culture first hand.

    I have to agree ... I understand some cultures dont allow for the couple to spend time alone but like I said in my initial post I cant understand why they cant be chaperoned and by the entire family if need be ... Theres been denials in the forums where there isnt enough evidence or they been introduced by family etc and they have pics etc .. how is that fair that they be denied and be ok for someone else with no evidence at all ...

    I dont mean to be :blink: but we've all had to go thru the drama of gathering evidence and proving we are bona fide relationships and in this case all they would have in their petition would be the forms and some affidavits and they expect to be approved and disappointed when they arent ...

  10. Hi Marina :) I think at this stage sincerity is your friend ... My fiance and I have been together forever and a day like you and your fiance ... We've put together all our evidence, prob have more then we need ... but the last week or so we have started fine tuning more definate plans regarding the wedding ... We have a wedding date, we have ordered our rings, Shay has discussed wedding plans with the minister, booked the gardens and made plans for a small reception ...

    I know everything there is to know about his family, Ive developed a friendship with his mother and spoken to most of his immediate family on the phone at least once ...

    I just feel and Shay agreed its important to be able to answer the questions without hesitating ...

    ' So when are you planning to marry' ...

    ' We are planning to get married on the 2nd of May' sounds a lot better then 'Oh whenever the visa gets approved'

  11. http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.ph...amp;page=k1flow

    sooooo... get a SSN first then marriage lic then get married?

    i thought it was get married first, the apply for SSN?

    anybody have their two cents on this? thank you. appreciate it.

    Yeah that was a question that got me curious to ... I have seen in threads people talking about it and someone said that in some states you need an SSN to get your marriage licence ... I also saw somewhere else (maybe same thread) that you need to apply for SSN then apply for a change of name because the bright sparks seem to have a problem getting 2 consecutive step right and always fudge it up if they try to do both at same time ...

    *shrugs* Someone that has a little more knowledge may stumble across the thread and we'll both know for sure! :D

  12. Just posting Update ....

    I just got a call from the Medical centre ... My results are all back soo Im going to head off in a bit to go pick them up .... I also rang the police about my Police Check/ Report and it was completed on the 11/2 and forwarded to the Embassy .... All Im waiting for is Shays Affidavit now ... Im praying it arrives within the next day or 2 I want to mail everything off by Friday...

    Cham youll be fine! Kai should get his interview by the end of March and be heading of anytime after that :D

    HUGS THANKS I so needed that!

    Your welcome {{HUGZ}} ... Keep me posted our timing is very similar wouldnt it be funny if we end up in Sydney the same time, but I think Kai will get an interview before me ...

  13. There have been a a minor amount {I've seen 2 in 4 years} that made it thru the initial petition without meeting in person. One of them made it past the interview.

    It was for medical reasons. He had a whole bunch of doctors sign affidavits for him. Sad but after 2 months his fiancee went home. I guess the shoe didn't fit!!!

    :lol: Id say thats why they have the requirement ... Id like to know how many dont leave and file for divorce as soon as they have there AOS ...

    Dhalia, for your own sakes meet first ... this is a really stressful process at the best of times, not to mention expensive ... your really opening yourself up to a lot of heartache ... If it is against your culture to be alone during the courtship, organise a chaperone to go with you to a few outings that way at least you can see if you at have compatible personalities ....

    I had a workmate that lived in the US on a work based greencard .. he actually lived with his girl for a couple years and they broke up while going thru the visa process ...

  14. Hi everyone!

    I just want to be sure about the prove about on going relationship and the pictures. My fiance and me were putting all the papers together and he printed in a simple sheet of paper like 3 or 4 of our pictures....that will be ok??? or we need to send them like normal pics?????

    Too few pictures may be a red flag so I suggest more than 4, but there is a point where you can overwhelm them also, so there has to be a happy medium somewhere in between. Also, you don't have to give all of what you bring, but at least you have it handy. It's always good to do more than what is expected.

    I think they are talking about the initial petition of the I-129F form .... We only stuck in 5 pics but we also had letters from my mum and some friends we spent time with over the course of Shays visit and they included a couple pics each with there letters ... they were just printed out on A4 paper

    For my interview however I am taking several pics of just Shay and I alone and several of him with my family and friends (same people that sent in letters) ... I rather have to much then not enough ... Also taking in cards that were addressed to both of us, only required to bring correspondence between the two of us but I cant see how it could hurt to bring in things addressed to both...

  15. He has also herd from people in his country (Nepal Visa office) that they are very strict on US visa now (because of our new President) and only want to give it to musulim people ?? and out of 1,000 only 2-3 people will get a visa. ####### is that about ?? I never heard of that. The USCIS has already approved his application I dont think they can do that it's discrimination.

    I agree with PR... that sounds like a complete fabrication. Please don't worry about it.

    Best wishes for a successful interview!


    Ohh dear, some people are soo full of it ... Im not sure about US Immigration policy but I suspect it be similar to Australias, we seem to be very similar in a lot of ways... We have a set % of Immigrants that are accepted into the country every year and they come from various countries .. the % fluctuates and at the moment they are allowing a lot of African Immigrants but that doesnt mean they are excluding immigrants from China etc ... Its possible whoever told you about the Muslims heard or read somewhere that there is an increase of people from that cultural background being accepted but it certainly doesnt mean that it will exclude others from other cultures ...

    People entering into the country with the K1, K3 etc Visa are a seperate group altogether ... as are the immigrants entering based on skills ... We have different criterias we need to meet to be allowed into the country, I really wouldnt be worrying about what that person told you ... Just concentrate on getting all your evidence together, cross all your T's and dot all your I's and make sure you dont miss any of the forms etc you need to include and you'll be fine ...

    Always amazes me how 5 people can read the same news article or watch the same doco or news program and get completely different takes on the subject ...

  16. Im sorry your upset Angie {{{HUGZ}}} ... I dread leaving my mum, its been me and her for years... I have a sister who has 3 kids but they've all lived in Sydney for years and only moved back to Brisbane this Christmas so Im not close to them at all really and can count the times Ive seen the kids ...

    I dont know what to say to you except Canada isnt far away and you can all get together several times a year once you have your AOS ...

    Another thing is you need to keep busy, are you able to work yet? If your not how about volunteer work or some community classes like art or cooking .... I dont know about the States but in Oz we have adult community classes that run 6-8 week I learnt how to sew like that ... and there is other things like quilt making, floral arrangements etc ...

    Just look around and see what available, your going thru a little bout of depression and if you let go it could develope into something bigger ... How about your fiances family and friends is there anyone among them your age that you could strike up a friendship with ... Just dont sit around the house feeling miserable ... OHHH you know, do you like exercising? Start up an exercise routine exercise releases endorphins and helps with mild depression ... Here I found an article, there was heaps and heaps of articles when I googled so I picked one which give examples of benifits... http://hubpages.com/hub/ExerciseandTheEndorphinRush

    Take Care of yourself {{HUGZ}}

  17. Congratulations John and Anna Marie (L) ... After everything you been thru the K1 will be a breeze ... My fiance and I have been together 4years and 3 months and we know what its like to cry, laugh, scream in frustration and cry a little more and it really is worth the fight, I dont regret it for a moment and would do it again for him in a heartbeat ....

    Good Luck Guys! :D

  18. I had my medical a few days ago ... I am a diabetic and was also concerned, I also have a weight problem ... The doc did the medical I passed all the bits, he gave me the required vaccinations and on the part of the form he fills out in comments he wrote ... Ongoing weight reduction plan to continue We had discussed the fact I was being monitored by my doctor on a monthly basis for both the weight and diabeties ...

    Also in Section 4 Follow-up Needed after arrival ... he listed the medication and dose I am taking and put down about the continuing weight reduction...

    Sooo dont worry!!! I made myself sick for several months and even put off having the medical for 2 weeks because I was sooo worried about failing ...

    {{HUGZ}} youll be fine! ...

  19. :lol: Shay and I already had a 2 year online romance before he came to visit me in Oz .... we had been discussing getting married for at least a 1.5years by then, we knew we got on exceptionally well and had a lot in common but it all depended on how we got on in person ... so he came to visit we were together 5 weeks and a couple days before he left he turn to me all shy, embarrassed like and said " So.. are you still interested in getting married to a rude, loud abnoxious yank?' ... Poor thing was beet red!

    But honestly they dont care how you proposed, they are more interested in the form I-129F, Fiance letter of Intent (you can find a sample http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.ph...p;page=examples ) and the supporting evidence ...

    Good luck! and try not to drive yourself nuts doing more then you need too...

  20. AnnexoxShay - I hope your medical went well. :) Next phase is the interview, yeah? Best of luck! <3

    As for TamTu and myself --- We don't have an interview date yet. In fact, TamTu has not sent any of his information to the consulate yet, which is mostly my fault. I've yet to send him the I-134 for two reasons: The first being that my father is absolutely going absolutely CRAZY about this whole thing, flipping out over money, getting angry at even the mention of the wedding and just.. ugh. It's not good. So to pacify him, I'm holding off on sending things so that, hopefully, the interview won't be until May or June, that way, TamTu can wait six months to use his Visa, which would give my father ample time to save up more money.

    It's not that we can't afford a wedding, it's that.. he likes to spend money. He also told me that he's relying on me to save, too, so.. It's all a bunch of drama, haha. :/

    The second reason is that I have had to put together a copy of the I-129F again. The guides advise you to do that, but I sort of forgot about it until now. Oops! I've put it all together, but won't be sending it until next month or so. :/

    Things are going quite well, though, otherwise. :D

    I hope this coming week brings nothing but the best of news for those still waiting to hear from USCIS or their respective consulate. <3<3

    Hi lazulineiris, The medical went fine ... I got my results a couple days later and I passed everything ... Shays package with all the Affidavit of Support forms and documents arrived two days ago and I put everything together for my Pack 3 and mailed it yesterday soo now I have to wait again for an interview date ... Ive checked other Aussies timelines and they seem to get an interview a month from mailing, so cross fingers thats all its going to take for me...

    Ive also started gathering all my evidence for the interview, I just need to put together all the phone bills and Im good to go :D

    We really dont want a fancy wedding ... so we have decided to have a simple wedding with just immediate family and a few friends... We both agree we dont want to do the wedding dress/tux deal and have been looking for nice dressy clothes instead... Shay spoke to the minister last week and his happy to do only 3 meetings instead of 6, if he had insisted on 6 we would have gotten married at the courthouse but Shays mother is a christian and would like to see us married by a minister or priest and since shes been soo wonderful and helping us out with all this we felt it was the least we can do and honestly she hasnt been pushy or asked for anything ... Ohh I tell a whopper, she wanted us to get married in Levi's so she wouldnt have to get dressed up ... I said, Ummmm NO but she was kidding ;) ....

    We've decided we would like the 2nd of November as our wedding date, 16th if we're pressed for time but Im really not fussed with the 16th and all the other Saturdays arent possible because Shay has work commitments and is unable to take time off ... We are having the wedding at the gardens in Shays town so yesterday he rang and booked them and after the wedding we are having a champaign brunch then off for 5-6 days to Reno and Lake Tahoe with lots of stops along the way, since Ive never been to the States before ... Neither of us are gamblers but the accommodation is cheap! .. We also found our rings and we've ordered them, they should arrive in a week or so ... nothing fancy but we would like to get our names and wedding date engraved on the inside ...

    :lol: Shay put together the copy of the I-129F and sent it to me, its the size of a manuscript!!! I swear Im going to need an extra suite case just for the paperwork I need to take with me to the interview!!!

  21. OK... got my pack 3 ready, just need to photocopy parts before mailing tomorrow...

    While looking for things I needed I started gathering all my evidence ... I found several cards in my search from other people sent to Shay and I both .... and wanted to know what you guys thought, should I take them to my interview with me? ....

    * One was a handmade card with a a lovely note from a mutual online friend.. shes very romantic and she had sent some $ a gift for us to go out to a nice dinner this is stated in the card ...

    * Another was a card Addressed to Shay for me from a Canadian online friend .... It has Canadian Stamps and post mark and he brought it down to Oz with him when he came to visit ...

    * I also have a lovely birthday card from Shays mother... She lives with him atm and will continue to live with us after we are married til we decide what we are all doing...

    * ... and a copy of Shays grandmothers obituary along with the poem and card that was given to everyone at the funeral ... he also sent the same to my mother and other people unable to attend ...

    I also have a couple cards he has given me that have no stamps or post marks because they arrived in a package is it ok to include those even though they werent individually mailed .... I have a dozen or more with Stamps and post marks so Im not concerned.

    Thank You ... input is greatly appreciated...

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