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Posts posted by Chrito

  1. Hey Commies!

    Convinced hubby not to go to Germany in July for various reasons:

    1. too expensive

    2. the Airforce still got time to give him a class date until July so it's way to risky to go...

    3. I don't know what to do with Pudge...still have to figure that out, there are always the in-laws but Pudge is a little bit too active for them :blush:

    I'm sorry Amby, I so wanted to show you my beautiful hometown!

  2. those drugs they give you must be pretty good eh? you seem too calm to have just given birth




    ah thanks cheeto! :thumbs:

    you're welcome

    7 years of Latin in school and a whole bunch of courses in "How to cite correctly in research papers" finally paid off... :innocent:

  3. Pudge is the hero! :star: :star: :star: :star:

    Did you get to make the chicken and the frozen yogurt?

    Did the chicken treats and just brought yogurt, we had enough stuff to eat, fruit, yogurt, cream puffs...

    Sorry Commies, I'm tuckered, got up early today (6 am) and been active all day.


  4. got back from the dog park, had a blast. 20+ dogs all playing peacefully together. There was one Goldie, beautiful, 5 min later not so much. Jumped into the lake and then rolled in the mud :rofl: Pudge was a role model, stayed out of trouble, always stayed where I could see him and came when I called :star:

  5. Glueckwunsch zu den ganzen Jungs!

    Kraeuter: Ich hab meine draussen stehen. wir haben aber auch ein anderes Klima. Ilka: die Erde kannste auch fuer den Topf nehmen, musst halt nur die grossen Rindenstuecke und etc. rausnehmen und vielleicht sieben. Ich nehme die Erde weil es die einzige biologische hier ist. Ich kauf aber immer bei Home Depot, da gibts fuer Military bei Vorlage der ID 10% Rabatt.

    Basilikum waechst immer sehr langsam, wichtig ist es nur dass er schoen trocken steht aber trotzdem genuegend Wasser hat. Bei mir steht der Pott in der prallen Sonne, ohne Untersetzer auf nem Stein und wird 2mal am Tag gegossen, ist halt wichtig dass das Wasser das von der Erde nicht aufgenommen wird ablaufen kann und auch nicht im Untersetzer stehen bleibt.

    Schnittlauch wird am besten im Topf und nicht im Beet.

    Cilantro/Koriander waechst wie wahnsinnig und blueht auch sehr schnell, also vor der Bluete alles abschneiden, kleinmachen und inner Zippertuete einfrieren, so hat man es immer bei der Hand, auch im Winter. Cilantro lieber weniger aber dafuer oefters ansaeen.

    Das Gleiche kann man mit Dill, Petersilie und Schnittlauch auch machen.

    Rosmarin am besten den Stock im Topf lassen, der mags sonnig und trocken und im Winter laesst er sich so gut ueberwintern und wenn man Glueck hat hat mann in ein paar Jaehrchen einen riesigen Busch.

    Ich hab noch Thymian, Oregano und Majoran in grossen Kaesten, die duerfen wachsen bis kurz vor der Bluete dann werde sie radikal abgeschnitten und getrocknet.

    Chnst: gute Besserung an Chuck!

  6. I LOVE big dogs. My friend had a golden retriever when I was growing up and you could just curl up with him (his name was Charlie) and fall asleep. He was such a big mush. Old English sheep dogs are adorable! I've always wanted a datschund though. Are they aggressive with little kids? I had a bunch of dreams that I had one and that I named him Frank (short for frankfurter) :lol:


    Oh well, maybe I'll get the big dog for them and the little munchkin for me :)

    Dachshounds (in German: Dackel) tend to bark a lot! They think they have to make up for their size with voice. Since they are mainly used for hunting, they need a strong, firm hand, otherwise they'll become a diva. With the kids you rather want a breed that's uncomplicated, naturally kid-friendly, protective and healthy all-in-all. Goldies eat everything under the sun and I've met many owners who had expensive vet bills because of that.

    Most of the time it's better to go to your local shelter and look for a puppy there, mixes tend to be healthier and easier to handle. Most breeds have their typical issues. And stay away from breeds in fashion right now, most of them are inbred, have health issues and the breeders don't care about a healthy line, they just want the money.

  7. Sounds like fun! I can't wait till we have a house big enough to accommodate a dog. Luis LOVES dogs and the boys always ask if we can have one. They take good care of the cats (feeding them, giving them water and lots of hugs). The only thing they can't do is clean the litter box, Luis has to do that. I just don't want to get too big of a dog so that they are able to walk him/her and not have the dog walk them! :lol:

    With your kids around I would actually recommend a big dog! Small dogs tend to be nasty around kids. I would go for working dog, preferably sheep herding dog, their task is to protect the herd, in your case the kids. Old English Sheep Dog for example, perfect Nanny dogs! They barely shed, are gentle despite their size and if you want to avoid the brushing thing everyday you can have them trimmed and they still look cute. I'd have one in a heartbeat, but unfortunately it's the wrong climate here :crying:

    Cheeto, hopefully that foul @zz person with the obnoxious dog won't be there.

    Gumby eats chips for breakfast and dinner. Im going to try and avoid them. Instead, Im going to eat more Sweet tarts. It's my new addiction these days.

    I hope so too!

    How are you doing Nagi?

  8. Hey commies!

    Tomorrow dog park party again! This time at a bigger one, this one even has a small lake with a fountain and turtles! I'm in charge of the cooler and sodas, Nancy brings fruit snacks. I'm thinking about putting some short straws in some small yogurts and freezing them, healthy popsicles! And maybe I'll boil some chicken breasts and cut them in pieces as healthy treats for the dogs, cause I think I'll start a training session, Pudge learns a lot faster with other dogs around. At home he's just trying to get the treat or wants to play with me instead of doing heel, sit and so on!

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