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The Dude

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Posts posted by The Dude

  1. Yet in a predominantly Republican state such as Alaska, marijuana is legal. I believe it has something to do with Republicans not wanting to run everyone's life and tell them how to eat, sleep, and ####### like ...oh like libs like Pelosi.

    Alaska republicans aren't party line republicans, just look at the flourishing seperatist movement up there. :rolleyes:

    Marijuana was decriminalized in Alaska as a result of a court case. It was RE-criminalized in 1991 by an overwhealming popular vote and remained illegal until the ACLU took up the case in 2004. Former Alaska governor Frank Murkowski was a leading advocate for criminalizing marijuana. So it would seem that it was thanks to the few liberals in your state that it is legal, despite the best efforts of conservatives.

  2. It's not delusion. It's called life experience. ;) I've seen your personality profile before. :) You either A) feel gratification when others are "butthurt" or B) are often "butthurt" and think others are like you. Tough exterior but a tender "feeler" inside.

    You remind me of Nelson. :star:


    You made your assumption off one post. Are you delusional? :rolleyes:

    Thanks for the diagnosis nurse Ratched. You really should keep up with your haldol regimen.


  3. Are you that tender sweetheart? :hehe:

    I'm not upset if someone disagree with my POV. :innocent: I'm a married man. I'm used to it. :lol:

    I'm not blind. They got the point of the article. They dodged it. Some don't like to see that OM is an incompetent administrator surrounded by incompetent rookies and snake oil salesmen/women.

    It hurts their feelers. :cry:

    Nonetheless, you got butthurt over the internet. :lol:

  4. Oops... skipped one.

    Actually, I see a huge difference.

    On one hand, you have small groups of poorly-equipped militants launching what are essentially crudely produced home-made rockets which lack even a simple guidance system -- most of which have fallen on unpopulated areas of the desert, killing a total of 28 Israelis since they were first launched 10 years ago.

    On the other, you have a regional superpower with one of the world’s most powerful, best-equipped armies conducting a large-scale assault using a full array of high-tech weapons (including heavy artillery, tanks and combat fighter jets) against densely populated areas packed with civilians (which it actively prevents from fleeing the war zone !) -- even using weapons such as flechette shells and white phosphorus that international law prohibits from use on civilian populations -- and ending up slaughtering more than 1400 people, nearly a quarter of which are children.

    I see a huge difference there.

    Yet you don't seem to grasp the inherent advantage that guerilla warfare has in this situation. For all the bombs and fighter jets the israeli army has, they can't use a vast majority of it to combat the terrorists that run the government. Hamas and Hezbollah don't follow international treaties or guidelines for war. You try to paint this in black and white terms when this situation is anything but. This isn't the case of a group of protesters throwing rocks at tanks like you seem to portray. Hamas is heavily armed, and hope to use their arms to destroy Israel.

    The squawks about Hamas are just another stalling technique - Israel's own military and intelligence experts have repeatedly advised the Israeli government to "talk to Hamas."

    But frankly, the Israeli government does not want to negotiate with any Palestinian government no matter who they are - because it‘s not done stealing Palestinian land yet. Successive Israeli governments have followed the same pattern for decades - demand a laundry list of pre-conditions before proceeding on any peace agreement. Then, after Palestinians jump through all the hoops, Israel simply comes up with a new list of demands/excuses as pre-conditions. Meanwhile, it continues grabbing more and more Palestinian land through its settlements, Annexation Wall and other illegal means.

    So basically, as far as the Israeli government is concerned, no Palestinian government will ever be “suitable” enough to negotiate with until there’s no Palestine left to negotiate over.

    Why should Israel bother negotiating with Hamas? They can't even get them to declare that Israel has a right to exist. At some point, they will have to deal with them, if they manage to get elected again. It would be nice if they could avoid electing terrorists whose stated goal is the destruction of Israel.

    I don't support the new settlements that go beyond previous agreements. But I think it will be a cold day in hell before Israel concedes one inch of Jerusalem to a Palestinian state.

  5. Besides, you know there are better looking women there because one time, at band camp, your plane got diverted to Moscow and you just happened to have a visa in your suitcase and went walking around and unless you are blind, you saw that.

    Gary, don't be a derp, either address what I posted, or ignore it. You think those women in the pic Why_Me posted are hot? BTW Gary, is that kind of like how you didn't have the money or assets for USCIS standards, but then magically when questioned, you did? You have a funny relationship with the truth.

  6. I found this pic earlier today while posting on another thread.


    Top row are straight up mingers. The bottom ones are only cincinnati bengals, but I am nonetheless weary of your selections. If this is what you consider to be attractive, I think we may have pinpointed the root of many differences of opinion. I don't doubt there are beautiful women from this save very region as you have previously posted pictures of attractive young women.

  7. Dont be silly ! Of course Israel doesnt lob measly little hand-made rockets into neighborhoods. :rofl: Theyve got 1 ton bombs to drop on apartment buildings, flechette shells, white phosphorus, all the really cool stuff.

    So... what was Israels excuse before Hamas was running the government?

    I hope you do see the difference between the two sets of circumstances you just described. What is Israel expected to do, just sit there and clean up the carnage as a result from Hamas launched rockets? What was their excuse before Hamas? Substitute the same criticisms that have been levied upon Hamas, then just transpose them over to the PLO. Seems to be a credibility issue......

  8. Google is your friend. Learn to use it sometime.

    At the time of Pollard's sentencing there was a rule that mandated parole at thirty years for prisoners like him if they had maintained a clean record in prison. That parole date would be November 21, 2015. Also, Pollard was eligible to apply for parole after eight years and six months, though he has never done so.

    And apologize. It is not next year but in 2015. He can visit the grave site at that time.

    Yes, Google is your friend. You should know, that he was sentenced to life, as I stated. He has been eligible for parole since 1995, yet has not applied. There are suggestions that he actually violated the terms of his original deal with the government with an interview. I wouldn't be surprised if in the next 4 years, laws are rewritten to keep him in jail. Fact of the matter is, he is a spy, and he should have been tried for treason, not just espionage.

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