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Posts posted by amberdima

  1. I had a girlfriend during my wait. The time flew by, and it was like my S/O was here before I knew it!

    oh slim, you should never keep just one. then it gets all relationshippy and sad when your fiance arrives.

    and the moral aspect of this?

    oh.. if you don't know what moral is - try to find the definition in wiki..

    i don't trust wiki :devil: . once one realizes it's not going to take the few months one thought/ hoped this process would take, why is it immoral to have a mutual agreement? having terms are nice, too- for instance, not just one person, don't fall in love, make sure they know about me, don't ask, don't tell, destroy all evidence before you get here, etc. it wasn't the sex i missed, it was romantic companionship-and in the beginning, when i was naive, i was repulsed by people who play while waiting, but soon, after depression, stress, anxiety, and fear that this dream might never actually come true, i faced reality. sorry that the world doesn't revolve around one set of beliefs or 'morals.'

    The international marriage is quite a project by itself. And requires more patience, and in my mind a Real Love that makes it worth starting this project and makes it worth waiting.

    If one can't wait couple of months than what's the point of diving into this affair at all? You can find a friend-lover-spouse locally and not have to torment yourself with waiting.

    As for the universal beliefs - World is multicolor, i agree. In most of the situations. But some things are just white. And some are black.

    + if it had been a mutual agreement b/n 2 him and her (by her i mean a Russian fiancee) - that they can do whatever while K1 is processed, then, well.. ok that would be one of those 'multicolor' situations. If he was cheating on his Russian fiancee than it's a black one.

    It's really funny to read complaints about 'kitchen-wars' after such confessions , btw :). Keeping leftovers - yes, that's a serious problem :whistle:

    yes, without being upfront, it is cheating and wrong. i wish the visa process took 'a couple' of months; however, 8 is beyond 'a couple.' i'm sure many people do wait, but i bet some who act self-righteous might have faltered along the way...i being one. i remember answering a poll with tragic emotion about the relationship being worthless without fidelity while waiting. things changed per our choice, yet if cheating happened now- somebody would get hurt.

  2. I had a girlfriend during my wait. The time flew by, and it was like my S/O was here before I knew it!

    oh slim, you should never keep just one. then it gets all relationshippy and sad when your fiance arrives.

    and the moral aspect of this?

    oh.. if you don't know what moral is - try to find the definition in wiki..

    i don't trust wiki :devil: . once one realizes it's not going to take the few months one thought/ hoped this process would take, why is it immoral to have a mutual agreement? having terms are nice, too- for instance, not just one person, don't fall in love, make sure they know about me, don't ask, don't tell, destroy all evidence before you get here, etc. it wasn't the sex i missed, it was romantic companionship-and in the beginning, when i was naive, i was repulsed by people who play while waiting, but soon, after depression, stress, anxiety, and fear that this dream might never actually come true, i faced reality. sorry that the world doesn't revolve around one set of beliefs or 'morals.'

  3. I was hesitant to open this topic, but today I am bored and decided to post my question for public opinion. This question is mainly for USC men with a fiancee from the FSU. But others can chime in too, if they feel like it.

    I have probably slept in more hotels than a "hoe" in the past years (notice that I said HOTELS and not BEDS). Because of that, I have got used to letting the maid do her job, while I do mine. That is why I find it odd and even annoying when my Russian fiancee chooses to make the bed at every hotel we have stayed, even after I tell her not to do it.

    Am I insensitive for telling my fiancee not to help the maid? Of particular concern to me is that the maid will choose not to change the sheets after seeing that the bed is already made. But no matter how I tell my fiancee, she chooses to ignore my pleas (most of the time). Will she get spoiled (and hence stop doing it even at home) if I interfere?

    Just curious to know how you guys have dealt with behavior you find odd (or simply, unexpected). :dance:

    thanks for completely excluding me from your thread :P a similar topic was started a while back. maybe this will give you some ideas.


    although, it does have both male and female perspectives and, of course, as most of our topics do, went awry.

  4. The whole mail order thing is funny for me because usually the guy who has a problem with my mail order wife is the one who has a 225+ lb. potato chip masher doing her best to kill the couch cushions at home who is constantly nagging him about anything and everything she can.

    It's just "wrong" for me to have the wife I have. Yeah, I'm the one that's wrong. Thanks, buddy!

    mmmmmmmmmm potato chipssssssssssssssssssssss

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