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Status Updates posted by CasandraYounes

  1. Hey Stacy I have been itching to talk to you. Well I just started a temp job yesterday so I have been really busy. I finally got Aziz's paperwork that he sent last thursday and I am paying the IV fee bill either today or tomorrow and mailing off the paperwork express this weekend. It took forever because me and Aziz made it a month. So he might be getting an interview come August time I hop

  2. I know that things can be rough and by your timeline I see you have had to endure a long process, but things will start to look up...there will be light to this long tunnel...If you ever need to talk, do not hesitate to PM me.

  3. Hey Tasha hang in there....I didn't realize I had a touch until someone told me, but I got it one month after I sent it. It says updated and a date shown. That is actually your touch

  4. LOL I almost did backflips I thought your hubby was coming today until I came back to your page....Thats ok you got a few more days to prepare.

  5. Nope nothing yet. I am stuck at NVC. Haven't recieved the documents Aziz mailed to me yet and haven't paid the IV fee. Partially my fault.

  6. Wow you are definitely lucky to be able to do that. No we have to go back to NVC and I have to pay the fee to them. Not expecting an interview date till sometime August, but I will be hopeful.

  7. Hey Tasha just checking in on you, how are things?

  8. Welcome to VJ...I know its tough because I went through something similar, but it will pass. Message me sometime, maybe I could give you some pointers

  9. just stopped by to say hey and that is good to see people from Panama. I have a lot of family in Colon. I hope your process goes smoothly than it has been.

  10. Hello,

    I noticed that you live in Tallahassee. I will be moving there in August and just wanted to know if you could give me some pointers.

  11. I don't know when my next interview is but I am waiting for the hubby to mail me documents and I need to pay thei IV bill. Then I will be all set

  12. Nope I canceled to get the CR1 going

  13. Hey I got an email today, they got our DS-3032 so now all I need to do is wait for the IV bill to be generated, pay it, and email them everything they need. Not so long afterall.

  14. Aww thanks Shawna I could really use that. Well we finally heard from NVC today concerning our DS-3032 so I am guessing things will run faster.

  15. That is so cool what happened to your case....Well I canceled my K3 interview and I am going for the CR1. I just recieved word today so things should be running along faster.

  16. Hey gurl just checking in on you. Congrats on your approval...Are you as stuck at NVC as I am?

  17. Hey Tasha, girl where have you been? How is everything? Have you at least gotten your NOA1 yet? I'm still stuck at NVC

  18. I love your wedding pictures they were very beautiful and I just wanted to say congratulations on your graduation. Next step....College!

  19. Hey Shawna,

    Yes I am definately missing the hubby and kicking myself in the butt for canceling the K3 interview, but we decided the CR1 was ideal for us.

  20. Hey gurl haven't heard from you in a while..How are things with you? I bet you are itching for the hubby to be home. Well I am hitting myself for canceling, but I know it is all in good intentions

  21. I am from everyone I'm a military brat, but if you want to be technical Texas is my homeland

  22. lol I understand that did that daily for a couple of months trust me it will come sooner...I feel like I'm im'ing you my bad

  23. hello I know I am giving a late welcome but I just wanted to say that I read your post and just want to say that I admire you for posting what you had to say and feel sorry that you were bashed. If you ever had any questions and need some support don't hesitate to message me. Everything will turn out fine and this process will get easier

  24. It feels close but its never really real until the interview.

  25. hey just dropping by to say hey and I hope everything is ok....where are you now?

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