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Posts posted by kk_mine

  1. I just sent him a package last week. I was shocked by the price. I sent a few things back in August but they went first class in a large letter size envelope. It did take a month to be delivered. Nothing was opened/damaged. But now I worry about this one b/c of the contents I have inside.

    I have never had to fill out a customs form either. I track the package all the time. I did find out 2 days after I mailed the package it left out of the country. I thought that was fast! I called USPS this past weekend & I'm told by a rep for the international packages that it should arrive safe & in one piece. But he said there is always a chance it could be opened. I think he said if something is stolen out of it there is something they can help me with (to find out what happened I think he said).

    But I'm worried (a lil) that it may be opened or things taken out. Guess I will see, huh? This package means a lot to me esp. as he does not know (that I included something for the whole family). I made him think it was something just for him and our 12yr old brother. I will keep you updated on what happens. I would like to know if yours is deliv in one piece as well if you don't mind. I could not believe USPS said it will arrive in Naija in 10days (buss I think) but it still may take just as long as the first class envelope took to get delivered. I was thinking as this cost a lot more then first class it would get there faster then a month.

    Ones that I know who are going to Africa are going to far away places like Kenya. Another friend is leaving in a week or so but I sent the package before I knew she was going. My fiance works for himself and I did not want to send to his work place. I send the packages to a disclosed location. I could be wrong but I feel that gives us a lot of protection when I send things off to him.

  2. This card said everything for me, it says just what I'm feeling! I thought it was very beautiful, esp seeing we just had an anniversary come up this past weekend! (L)(L) We had a wonderful date=over four hours just talking on the phone (laughing, MISSIN each other), I didn't want to hang up. :crying:

    I thought I would have to search a long time for the perfect online card and this was the first one I came across. That is rare... :thumbs:

  3. Yeah if you find something free you need to let us all know! We like talking everyday as well but I had to stop. :crying: When he calls from his cell phone he can only call for about 2 min. So the long calls are on me. He does not make much $$ so I was calling all the time. But I agree with other posts I had to be reasonable and know b/c of cost we could not call everyday. I am the one trying to get over to him and he is not able to assist me. So it was a decision for me to make. Call him all the time (go broke) and we will be pen pals :lol: or I want to spend my life with this man and have to lower my costs so I can be with him (marry etc..).

    1. So I will share with you what I do. By no means does this take the place of calling, but we text everyday. I have unlimited text with my cell company. International text costs me nothing and for him to receive my text costs him nothing. So inbetween times I can't call we text so we are always knowing how the other is doing. He tries to text as much as he can as it does cost him to send, but free for me to receive his.

    2. I will call him with my cell phone but only for a few minutes here and there as its $0.65 per min. Another reason I do this is to prove when the times comes I did call him from my cell (as calling cards they don't take for evidence).

    3. I found for me calling cards seem to be working. I get a card called African Dream. The $5.00 gives 55min & the $2.00 gives 22 min no connection fee. So if he does not answer it does not take any min away from me. I also here and there use a company online www.phonecardsavenue.com (and I can buy the cards online & have my pin immed).

    There are some things I have found out about like

    Magic Jack

    I'm thinking of using Pingo as I found out the calls are very cheap to him. This seems to be the lowest (rates) I have ever found.

    On the off topic I posted something called Free calls (some others told what they used it might help you). http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.ph...p;#entry2334993

    But I know for us what some others used was going to involve a lot of cost for me. Like for magic jack, my SO does not have internet service. He would not be able to afford having a computer and internet in his place. He can't afford to buy all that we would need to keep our calls free. I was going to try and see if mj could give me a number from naija but I decided not to go through all that.

    If something changes in the future I'm not sure but calling cards are working for us & my budget. But even with those I had to slow down. I go to the oriental market so much they just grab the card. I save all the cards and I put them on a key ring in order by price and company and on one I had $2.00 (calling cards) over $75.00 and I was like wow! I don't have all the ones from the start of our relationship but I think I would be amazed at how much I have spent over time. He and I talked about it and we understood we both needed to slow down with the calls. He understood...

    Yeah it's just so nice to talk everyday and once you start it's hard to stop! There has to be something free out there maybe I'll do more research and find it!
  4. I can't imagine what you are going through! When I read your post tears came to my eyes and its hard to even see the keyboard (through my tears). My prayers will go out to you and the families involved (your family and her family). I wish you the best! (F)

    Rev 21:4 'Death will be no more..'

  5. I did and I loved the experience. The only thing is getting so attached to the children you work with. I first started working with a boy, Nick. He had both parents in the household but there were a lot of children and his mom felt he needed more attention. I really reached out to him and his family. I would pick him up and go to his school and they would allow him to go with me away from the class. We would read and I helped him with homework. I talked to his teacher about what he could improve on. Got to see his classroom etc..

    My sister had a lot of clothes from my nephew so I gave them to him and his brothers as they were real nice clothes. He was a really sweet child. His family did not have much at all. But the things I was able to give him he held on to them as if he was never going to get anything else. He loved when I would come to visit as that was his time! Another sister of his was in the program working with someone else. I felt bad as one day I had to get a call from BBBS and find out his mom was having some trouble and just up and left town.

    We did not even get to say goodbye! It hurts just thinking about that and that was some years ago. I thought how he felt and I know he was sad that she just uprooted them like that. His life was so unstable as a child. Place to place different schools, leaving friends etc.. Sad. I was also at the time a volunteer at the animal shelter and I had a chance to take him with me and we walked the dogs. That was a new experience for him. But I did what I could when I was helping him. Letting him know that he did not have to be on the streets, doing drugs, in jail etc.. I hope he is ok, wherever he may be.

    I also worked with a girl after he left. She was a sweet girl but her mom would not do anything with them at all. She began to act like I was her mom. I was just trying to be a role model and a big sister not a mom. It was hard with her as she lived in a bad neighborhood and not much to do. I was her outlet so to speak. We went everywhere. But then she began to not appreciate the things or places I took her. I was in college and I could not afford a lot. So I would go to the library let her check out books, if it was a free kids fare downtown (fire dept, strickers, activities for the kids etc) we were there. But then she started asking for better places to go to. I don't know if the mom was behind it or not. I helped her with homework. I never went to her school though. So I thought it was not working out with her and I soon left from being her big sister. It was a hard decision but it was not working out. The program was not what her family wanted, it was as if her mom wanted a babysitter. Or maybe I missed Nick, I don't know. He did not act selfish when I took him out. His family loved when I would come to visit. But all in all it was a great experience that I could show them they could have a better life, no matter where they lived, how much $ they had & they did not have to end up a statistic.

  6. Well call me crazy but yes I tried to talk to him about it as well and he did not understand it at first (we talk about everything). Then when I explnd it to him he said that he wished not to talk about it at that time. He said you are soon to be the wife of my youth and why do we need to think about that. He told me that when he thought about it during the day he could not bear to do so any longer as he felt threatened of thinking of me not being around. Even though we are not married I talked over with my mom on more then one occasion that in the event of my death I would like all $ to go to him no matter if we are married or not. My mom had no problem with that. But I have not mentioned to him again as I knew he was not too keen on it at first. But my mom and I talked about it again the other day.

    My older sister under 40yrs of age has cancer and now I'm getting checked for the first time this year as she has it. I just had a mammogram (1st one ever) this week and he did not like to talk too much about it. He mentioned to me don't you have an appointment coming up soon and I expln yes. But we did not talk much about it. I explained what a mammogram is and why I needed to take it. I also told him that if anything is wrong they will call me soon (hope I don't get a call) and he did not really say much.

    But esp once married we will need to revisit what he does not like to discuss.

  7. Thanks for your reply but I will say I do call him All the time I am with a company phonecardsavenue.com but I am spending Way too much! I also go to an Oriential market here and three other locations I know of that have the cards I buy called African Dream but that as well costs Way too much! The African dream when I buy online $5 gives us 1hour 1 min. When I buy the same card/from same company in the stores the $5 card gives us 55min. But I don't just buy 1 at a time we have 2-4 hours convos like all the time and yes it does add up!!! Plus for the future and to prove that we are calling I also (briefly) call him with my cell phone which is $0.65 per min. I only do this so when it comes to phone records they will see I did call him here and there with my phone. I'm still keeping all the calling cards. I know that they don't count them as evidence but I will still include them in. I am putting them on a key ring and putting them in order by price and company. I also have receipts I am keeping from my cc when I get them from stores around town.

    Plus he calls me when he can and I have phone logs that I am printing now as my cell records are only stored for about 45 days online. I also have unlimited text with my cell phone plan and there is no charge for him to receive my text and no charge for me to send to him. He texts me as well. So we are in Constant contact! So please by no means think that we are not I'm juss saying I need to find a better way of calling him. I'm also trying to get over to him as he can't afford to help me. So the cheapest thing for me and I'm going at this alone the better. Its not easy here in the states as juss received notice my rent etc. is going up soon, gas prices. I contact him, and all his siblings (7) all the time. I even email him even though he can't go to the cafe on a regular basis. He calls my mom when he can. Its juss $ speaking I am the one that has to call more. I have no problm with that but I can't go broke either. lol

    I miss him so much that I am calling about everyday more then one time in a day as I can't stand the distance. The more I spend doing this & with other things I handle on my own here the longer it will take me to get to him. I have AOL so I'm thinking of hooking my computer back up and if like someone said on here if I can get a number from Naija (as I will still have my cell for any US calls) through Magic Jack it seems that will work out a lot better for me! But I juss don't know if I can get a Naija number so I am holding off from getting the Mj for now until I can confirm if I can do that or not.

    Well to call his country it is not cheap I wish it was only 3 cents per min. I have noticed there are a lot of things dealing with his country that are not easy. But that is something I juss need to except. Plus with the calling cards if his network is bad and we get cut off then we lose our min which is very heartbreaking for us both!!! Then when I call the company to try to get the min back not the $ they will not agree to do that. But with my cell company if I'm charged but we don't talk they will credit the $ back so nothing lost. And all during the day whenever he thinks of me he will ring my phone and hang up and that does not charge him if i don't answer. So we have a lil code system going on. :luv:

    He rings my phone all the time and he puts a big smile on my face esp as im MISSIN him so much and the days seem to run together.

    I will keep everyone posted once I can research and look at what will be best for me and my budget to cont our calls. Thanks again for all the replies! :thumbs:

    Checked with my phone card company, been using Nobel for years, only about 3 cents a minute for Colombia or Venezuela, use to be on the phone for twelve hours a week with my bride to be. That was about twenty bucks a week. She and I were working, but her day was like 13-14 hours long with travel, plus had other things to do, like buy food and clean house. She was also high up on the ladder and had access to an international line and called me everyday during her lunch hour. We were in contact, morning, noon, and night, ha, our talks weren't very romantic, would only drive us nuts. But with everyday living, I was also redecorating my home to her liking send hundreds of photos and helping her with such major problems as her washing machine going out, just thousands of different subjects. Also had remote access to her computer, only had one where her kids were constantly getting worms and virus's, was able to correct those here as we were also using the webcam a lot. We grew very dependent on each other, another topic of conversation was the USCIS. Preferred the phone card, we both would be in our beds for a nice long talk, she loved my clamming voice in dealing with everyday problems. That was over five years ago, still can't believe she is here.

    I see Nobel wants 9 cents a minute for the Philippines, that could add up. Wife does spent every Sunday with her family using googletalk, are others, has the webcam on, this is a free service. She is trying another service that costs 20 bucks a month where her family and friends can call here at any time, no limits, gosh I don't even know the name of it.

    When we first met, was just using standard ATT long distance, at 75 cents a minute, that was adding up quick, weird, at first we couldn't understand each other, but was a magic about being together on the phone that neither of us can explain. You have to stay in contact, it was very expensive to call her cell phone, but did that too when they were having riots down there, was worried sick, just knowing she was okay was worth a million bucks to me.

  8. WOW! if that is possble that would be GREAT! I will call them then b/c if i can do that he will not need a computer nor the internet (as he can't afford that). I will check in to that and let you know what they say. Thanks! :)

    I finally saw the infomercial for MJ today. But I think in order for my calls to be free to Nigeria he would need one (MJ) as well i guess?? i think the way i understood it i can have a MJ he can have one and free calls, am i right?? If so i know that it wont work as he would not be able to afford internet, computer etc..

    Im not really sure but I think the agent will ask where you are planning to call the most. Then she will give you magic jack with a number from Nigeria. Then you can call your fiancee's landline phone or cellphone. And he will call you like he is just calling a NIgerian phone number.

  9. I finally saw the infomercial for MJ today. But I think in order for my calls to be free to Nigeria he would need one (MJ) as well i guess?? i think the way i understood it i can have a MJ he can have one and free calls, am i right?? If so i know that it wont work as he would not be able to afford internet, computer etc..

  10. Thanks for the info. He does not have $ to have internet plus they lose electricity A lot! So it will be me calling him. Yeah I did check the cost to call that country. Thanks again! :)

    If you have the magic jack plugged into your computer that is on a broadband connection, your telephone handset plugs into it and you call out the same as usual from any normal landline.

    You can place a call to any phone, local and national calls are free but overseas landline or mobile have charges. Phone anywhere in the world, just check what the rates are to the country you are calling.

    If your SO has broadband, it is possible to send them the magicjack and they can call the USA from there using the free local calls.


    (I have no interest in the company apart from being a happy customer)

    So would my fiance need anything on his end? such as a mj? or I just need it? b/c he cant afford internet service/computer.. Sorry for the quest..... lil lost? :blush:

  11. Well I could not help it I juss bought a calling card online.. darn it! :lol: I want to call him now. But I need to take the time to search and compare like buying a new car! As the calling card company is and prob still will cont to be a big business and I'm getting tired of giving them my $.. Esp when we are not connected and they take away min. :angry: and when you call they wont give the min back.. i'm like come on i'm not saying I want the money back.

    Thanks for letting me know about them. I will have to make the time to search and see what companies can offer us! Wow! unlimited calls to my baby.. now that sounds sweet! :P

    They are decent, I suppose. I've had many issues calling Greece lately, but not sure if it's a Vonage problem or Greece problem. Greece tends to have quite a bit of issues like this because of how they manage things. If this were England or the U.S. there'd be no ambiguity.

    The rates are very decent, but this is assuming you talk a lot and would rather get a plan, which means a minimum $24/month plus whatever other plan. Their per-minute plans are just like almost everyone else's because there's a charge in order just to call outside the country that they have to pass along to you. I'd be sure if getting a plan through them that Nigeria is covered for unlimited minutes.

  12. :rofl: that is funny!!! i guess they say no one will cancel our service we will juss hang up on them! lol I know of Vonage but I might look in to them as well. How do you like them (as you say you want to cancel)? juss wonderin, if you don't mind as i need to find something better then calling cards. I have them (calling cards) all saved.. you should see how many I have, WOW! :blink: I know they dont take as evidence but I'm saving them neole way.

    I'm sure I'm going to have a hell of a time canceling my Vonage service at the end of the month. In some cases I've heard people complain that they hung up on them wanting to cancel their service, and in other times, just kept offering them better deals rather than letting them cancel like they called to do.
  13. Thanks for this I found a place that is not far from here at all! I never knew. :) I did the search by state link you had. Some friends of mine wanted to take some dance classes. Maybe I can talk them in to learning African dances & going with me.. lol The classes are only $8.00 and one time fee of $5.00.. Thanks again!! I did look at the event held in VT looks like they have a lot of fun and I love that it brings African dance/culture to others who don't know much about it or who may never have a chance to visit such a beautiful place! :thumbs:

  14. Yeah I have been using my croc pot a lot! I love cooking a meal and then going to sleep while its cooking. :thumbs: I can't wait for my fiance to see it as he does not understand what it is even though I ex it to him. He asks me how can you cook and sleep.. well baby the pot cooks for me! :dance: lol

    But it has helped me to cook meals that stretch out for about a week. Saves $

    yeah i've done the same.. but now i make extra dinner so i can take it the next day for lunch... i've even started going to the bread store too kinda cool there
  15. I see a lot of the mj on ebay. One says she paid for 5 yrs of service & if you get it from her the 5yrs will go to you (xfer over) free shipping & handln. So I will let you know if I get one. Right now I'm just watching bids in my account. I did look in to Skype I think it is called. I was mad as one of the phones I wanted they don't have the prod. in the US. :( Saw a good deal on the phone on ebay as well. Still very undecided! *BIG Sigh* :unsure:

  16. So would my fiance need anything on his end? such as a mj? or I just need it? b/c he cant afford internet service/computer.. Sorry for the quest..... lil lost? :blush:

    I have has MJ for well over a year, they replaced the ATA when we couldnt get it working after a years use, and we take it with us overseas and make all our free calls back to the US using it.

    We have saved 100's of dollars and are very happy with the service.

    There are other voip companies on the net, I use an Aussie one to call my family there for 10 cents (au) per call.

    The call quality on both is little different to a landline, and I have rarely had to redial, just occasionally we get a lag or delay, which is little annoyance when you consider the tiny price we pay for all our calls.

    Hope it helps, ymmv

  17. WOW! I know just what you mean. I always tell him that distance is our enemy right now.. (so to speak) :( .. I just hope I can find a better way of calling him b/c these calling cards are killin me..

    Dude, it's Sunday and my wife is 6000 miles away.

    I'm offended by the wind blowing.

    Enjoy your day. :innocent:

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