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Posts posted by Lyuba

  1. Tracy, I agree with you.

    Maternity leave policies suck in the US. You have to work almost until the last day and that is REALLY HARD. I can hardly drag my feet. I just want to be at home and rest but I have to go to work every day. :crying::crying:

    In Russia you get paid leave 70 days before your due date and then until the baby is 3 years old. And Russia isn't as rich as America.

    I am so worried about taking my little one to the day care, I'd rather stay at home with him at least for a year, but without my income we won't survive.

    I even wrote our state senator but she wasn't very sympathetic. American women deserve better than 12 unpaid weeks. :angry::angry:

  2. Thank you for your support, ladies!

    My biggest chore for yesterday was to remove tags from baby clothes and I got so tired I had to nap for a few hours. :unsure:

    I hope everybody is doing ok. It is great to be here with you.

  3. I had very bad migranes during my first trimester. And hot flashes. That's very common but it doesn't make it less unpleasant. :wacko:

    Girls, how are you coping with the third trimester? I wake up tired and I have to rest all the times. Doing dishes and other simple chores became impossible. I can't take it any more. :crying:

  4. You girls are so funny! I have hard time washing my hair because I can't bend at all and I have very very long hair (up to my waist). That's a total pain!

    Shaving my legs? Forget about it, it is almost winter and I am wearing pants. My poor hubby juts has to put up with this as he did with my snoring, tossing, turning, burping and complaining all the time how tired I am. :whistle:

  5. Mine is kicking really hard, it can be painful.

    My first trimester was a total disaster, 2 months in bed without beig able to move. The second one was very nice, I had a lot of energy and the belly wasn't that huge. I slowed down in November and now I am always tired. And I have to go to work every day. I don't have energy for anything. :crying:

    I am not trying to complain though, I am happy to be pregnant.

  6. Smell craving sounds good. I love thr smell of lemon now. As far as the food cravings go, I go for pears and bagels. :devil:

    I agree with everybody. Let your body do its job and produce milk. It knows better. This is what I am going to do - nurse, nurse, nurse. Hey, I have to do something with those size E boobs. :blush:

  7. I gained a lot of weight. The doctor says that the baby is an average size so he isn't worried. He said my placenta produces more hormones than usual (which contributes to the weight gain) to make sure the baby doesn't come out before it is time.

    Still he asked me to watch my pie consumption. :whistle:

  8. Yes, you are right.

    It is hard to enjoy those last weeks though, I feel like a stuffed elephant and I miss wearing cute clothes and being able to bend and cook and clean. I want to feel pretty again. My hubby says I look as attractive as ever but I think he must be blind. :wacko:

  9. Stina, I am sorry you are still miserable. I hope you are better by the Thanksgiving.

    I feel tired all the time, I can't accomplish anything! But at least I am not sick.

  10. Stretch marks are evil. I have some on my thighs from putting on weight a few years ago but so far I have none on my tummy even if my tummy is huge. I use a stretch mark cream from Walgreens. It doesn't smell that pleasant but it does soothes dry itchy skin (and now I itch non-stop).

    Stina, I am sure you will be much better by Monday. Colds suck! Thanks god, it is nothing serious, correct?

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