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Posts posted by Nat_and_Jack

  1. So where is everybody posting now???

    $1010 for the application???? Jesussssss.....this sponsor stuff is rough enough....then ya stick me for a grand????

    No worries....we'll just by some more friggin ramen noodles and melba toast

    Hello Everyone!

    Ryan and Chantal Hi! How are you? HAPPY EASTER!!

    Yes I haven't been here much since February. I have just started reading instructions for AOS. Yes fees 1010$, plus 340 $ for travel document. Plus form I-864 is a very big one, and it's complicated because of taxes. I hope we can apply soon.


  2. I haven't been around lately ... Never the less I've been thinking about all of you guys!! Congratulations to our Canadians, to Nat and all other approvals .... I'm really happy for you guys!! Good luck on the nexts ... but first enjoy the firsts!


    Hi guys!!

    Thank You! I am doing well. I was really tired when I came, so I was having a rest during the first week after arrival.

    I was trying to fix wi-fi connection here so I could use my laptop. It's not very easy actually.

    I will write more later. I am trying to find out what I need for AOS.

    Have a good week! :star:

  3. are you qualified in already and have to retake tests in the states or are you just starting to study medicine?

    Hi!!! :star: I hope the weather will be nice. :thumbs: I graduated from medical academy in St-Petersburg, Russia. I am trying to sort out things with studies because I don't know how it works when you move to another country, how they will certify my diploma. It's kind of complicated and I am trying to find out how foreign graduates apply for tests.

  4. hi! i'm good thankyou. i arrived here a week ago and we have been busy buying stuff for our new house and organising everything for our courthouse wedding next friday. it is SO cold here, it's as cold as back home in the uk, not really what i expected from the south. i'm really enjoying being here despite the cold. ;)

    i know my last few weeks at home were hectic, there were so many things to get done and of course i didn't have time to complete them all. i hope you enjoy seeing your granny, family are what i miss the most, remember to take lots of pictures of everyone. :)

    Hi Rocks!

    Thanks. It's good to hear that you have started the preparation for your wedding. It's great. I am happy for you guys.

    Have a wonderful day!!! :star::star::star:

    Yes I had a great time with my granny and parents, I took pictures of course. But I can't wait to arrive there at the weekend and be with Jack :star: We had been waiting long enough.

    Tomorrow I am meeting up one of my friend, she burnt dvd for me, that contains some books and atlases for med studies.

    Have a good week! :star:

  5. bump

    how did we slip to page 9?? :o

    Hi Rocks! How are you?

    Yes I see :) I am very busy at the moment here. Today I am done with work at last :dance: :dance: :dance: , but I will be busy next week again, I have to finish some things that connected with my former work and studies here. Tomorrow I am seeing my granny and I am meeting one of my friends on Sunday. :star:


  6. Hey guys....

    As I write this, Chantal is sitting here right next to me! The interview went fine, she waited to get her Visa the next day, and I picked her up in Vermont the day after. We drove all the way from Vermont to Ohio to visit family, and arrived here in Lynchburg last night.

    Couldnt have done any of this without all of your help, and just want to say thank you, and how great it was to have this support group during all of the very hard times.

    We're both on cloud 9, and hope all of you are as well!!!!

    Ryan and Chantal !!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! :dance::dance::dance: I am happy that everything is fine. Yes I agree that our support group is the best, :thumbs: it was very helpful while all of us were waiting for good news from USCIS.

    I passed my interview last week as well. I have received visa by DHL today. I can't wait to get done with work here and get ready for my trip. I am flying to Jack on February 8th.

  7. Hi Nat!

    So good to hear from you! Our poor may thread seems to have gotten abandoned eh? :D I'm so happy to hear your interview went well!! When are you planning to fly to the US? I'm going on Feb 3rd, and it looks like the wedding will be March 6th :D Do you have a date yet?

    Hi Jen!

    Yes it's quiet there. :) Thanks :star: Today I have received everything in the yellow envelope. I bought tickets last week. :dance: It costed about 750 $, it's okay, all the tickets were more expensive one month ago. I am flying on February 8th. Yes I think our wedding will be in March as well. :dance:

    I have to finish lots of things to be prepared for the trip. Plus I have to work till January 30th.

    Have a good week! :star:

  8. Yes, I was given my original birth certificate back right then and there after they checked it against the copy. So no worries!

    Going from memory, I think the only originals they kept were the passport (which gets sent back to you with the visa), the two pictures, the medical report, and the police certificate (so make sure to make a copy for yourself).

    I will !!! thanks for the fast reply..I appreciate it.. :)

    Yup, they returned all of my originals *save the ones Chris and Lori mentioned*, they even returned the pictures I had sent with the original I-129F forms :)

    I'm glad our reviews helped, like Chris said, make copies of everything you have just incase, but really - this was the easiest part of the whole journey. Relax and enjoy the feeling of having all that stress lifted when you're done :D

    I hope it's not as cold when you go! Brrr

    Jen! Hi! :star: How are you?

    I am glad to know you were approved and everything went well. I had my interview on January 13th. I had the same feeling when I was done, and I was very excited and happy when I got back home. I just got tired of my trip, and it was pretty cold outside.

    I will write about the interview in my timeline a bit later.Almost the same as yours though :)

  9. Hi Everyone here!

    Rocks! Hi!

    Thanks for your support. :thumbs: I am back home today. The interview went well. :star::star::star::star::star: I was just a bit cold and tired because of travel by train. Today I have been at work, though I arrived at 5.30 am .

    I will write details later. I am really tired , but I am very excited :dance::dance::dance:

    Now I hope I will get a visa soon, I was said that I will receive it in a week.

    Congratulations to Hannah and Sarah, I have just read they got approvals today as well! :dance::dance::dance:

  10. this thread is so quiet now, i had to go to page 7 to find it!

    i hope all the people with interviews coming up soon are getting excited, have you got everything ready?

    Hi Rocks! How are you? What are you up to?

    Yes it's quiet here. My interview is going to be next week, so I am still at home. I am done with preparation, I hope everything goes well next week. I am back home on Wednesday.

  11. Morning/afternoon May :D!!

    How is everyone doing??

    Well have some good news, getting married December 24, and getting my papers done for only 200 $ !!!


    No need to be sorry sweetheart! This journey is really stressful.

    Congratulations!!! Good luck on interview I’m happy for you!!!

    Have a great day everyone!!


    Alex! Hi! Nice to hear from you! :star: You are getting married very soon!!! :star: It's really good news, I am happy for you. :dance::dance::dance: I am well , I am just waiting for my interview in January. :thumbs:

  12. Alex!!!!!!! Hiya sweethear!!! Glad to see ya in here again. Hope Florida is as wonderful as you hoped, and congrautlations on the wedding!!!!!!!!!

    Just called.......we have our interview on January 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank god the uncertainty is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ryan and Chantal ! Congratulations!!! :dance::dance::dance: Mine is on January 13th as well :star: That's cool :star:

    I hope everything goes well for you, Jenni and me in January ! :star::star::star:

  13. So, first off I'm bumping this because it's on Page 4...bah..

    2nd off, I would like to apologize for being so damn depressing and horribad and responding to people lately. I over dramatize sometimes, and I am sorry for it...It was childish


    I got my interview date today :) January 15th, at 9 am in Montreal.

    You ask "but I thought it was going to be Feb/march?!"

    Me too...I have no idea how I got an earlier date, although I'm not complaining. It's interesting timing though. My family had just bought me a ticket to go visit Bo in january from the 5th to the 20th...so turning that ticket into my ticket to move down in Feb now :)

    <3 to all


    Hi Jenni ! :star: Great news!!! :dance::dance::dance: I am glad to know that your interview date is in the middle of January. That's pretty good, mine 2 days before yours. :star:

    I can't wait to join Jack in the beginning of February!! :star:

  14. Morning/ Afternoon May!!!

    How is everyone doing today?

    Things are really stressful here, so much to do, so much to think about!!

    The good News are; we applied for our marriage license 2 weeks ago (90$ and you get it the same day, and you are allowed to get married after 3 days) , my social security card (free got it in the mail after 4 days), and this week going to take my Florida driving license (25 $) !!!!

    Alex! Hi! It's good to hear from you. :star: Thank You. :star: I have to wait a bit longer, because it's in January. :star: Anyway it seems very soon to me. Are you taking a driving test this week? or you just will get a new driving license. Hope it goes well.

    Are you planning the wedding on the beach?

  15. wow, i finally got my interview. december 15th! :dance:

    Hi Rocks! Congratulations! :dance: You will pass the interview in 2 weeks, that's pretty cool :star:

    Kirk! Hi!! :star: I am happy to hear that you are on your way home. It's great. Have a safe trip! It's good that you sorted out things, and you and Julia passed the interview and got visa. :dance: When you get a chance write why it took so long.

    My interview date is scheduled, it's January 13, Tuesday. I will have my 2nd trip to Moscow next month.

    My news - I am back home at last. :dance: I spent the whole day in Moscow yesterday. :whistle: I went there to pass my medical. I got the results in sealed envelope. I didn't enjoy my trip much though, because I had to travel to different places for payment, for med exam, dhl, then I had to wait and pick up the results. plus I was stuck in Moscow railway station from 5 to 10pm, because there was a problem to get another ticket.

    Anyway I am done and I am looking forward to the interview date. :star:

  16. Hi Rocks! How are you?

    Thank you :star: I have received this yellow envelope today :dance: It's kind of packet3+packet4, it contains instructions and invitation for a visa interview. I think you will get packet 4 soon and it will contain the interview date.

    that's great. maybe they heard us talking about it and decided to send it to you! :lol:

    i really hope i hear something soon, i'm so tired of waiting. i called the embassy to check they had received my forms and they said that my case "qualified" on 17th and that i should hear something soon. i hope they are right.

    oh and happy thanksgiving everyone. :D

    Congratulations to Nat & Jack!

    Rocks - Hang in there, It'll be in the post not to far away.


    Hello Everyone here!! :star: Thanks for your support . Yes it's good that it arrived , and it's easier to prepare other docs now.

    Wish you lots of luck! :star: Hope all of us hear good news soon! :star:

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

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