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Posts posted by Peter&Jaime

  1. While we wait for our NOA2, I would like to get a head start on the next stage.

    As the beneficiary, do I need anything else apart from the following?

    DS-3032 completed and signed by beneficiary (ORIGINAL)

    DS-230 completed part I & II and only signed part I by beneficiary

    Marriage certificate

    Police Certificate

    Four (4) Passport size photos

    Beneficiary’s passport biographic page (Photocopy)

    Beneficiary’s birth certificate (Certified)

    --Am I missing anything?

    --And as I understand it, I have to send a photocopy along with the originals to the NVC?

    --Do I mail it to my husband or directly to the NVC?

    --Do I just download those forms and fill them out myself or wait till them send them to me?

    Thanks for your response. =)

    As Canadian Wife stated you need to read the short cuts. You have two options for sending papers that NVC wants specifically they state: "The applicant and each family member who will accompany the applicant to the United States will need to submit original documents or certified copies of the documents listed in this section from an appropriate authority (the issuing entity)." So the photocopy of the beneficiary's passport page might not be enough. We got a certified copy of it from the Peruvian government and had no problems. If you send the originals then you can send a regular photocopy. I think the embassy will not return your originals when you go for an interview unless you send a photocopy at this point.

    I recommend you send all your papers to your Husband in the United States as soon as possible because it will be cheaper, quicker, and easier for him to send the papers to the NVC when they are requested. Remember the shortcuts do not reduce time at the NVC but rather reduce time waiting for things in the mail. So if it's not sent quickly to the NVC some time can be lost.

    If you want to get through the NVC the fastest then download these forms fill them out and send them to your husband.

    Read these two wiki's for more information:



    Good Luck :thumbs:

  2. My husband and I got married Feb 2009 in India and we are still awaiting his visa to join me here in the states. Insha Allah he will be here soon. How do I file income taxes for 2009.......Head of Household or as Married? Technically we've been married for more than 6 months out of the year but he won't be issued a social security number (probably at the end of 2009 :wacko: )

    I filled with an ITIN and the process was a complete nightmare. I filed as soon as I got my takes in February with the help of Jackson Hewitt. Basically I got someone who had been trained two weeks prior on how to do tax returns and as a result I had major problems with my taxes and it took about 5 months to my refunds. Moral of the story is to go to a very good tax accountant if you want to go this route. Also, I had my interview on April 2nd which is before the due date for taxes and the embassy still wanted a copy of my taxes so everyone should make sure to do them early if you have an interview date around the time taxes are due.

  3. i just want to seek some enlightenment, anyone here might have the answers to my questions. anyone might be able to give some advice.

    my husband failed to file taxes last 2007 - being self-employed, he did not earn any in hauling as well as early last year. then when he got employed for a couple of months, he got arrested and served time in jail for defending his property (assault). after paying bond, he got out. while waiting for the trial to end he got a job recently, but last month after a jury trial he got convicted of a felony. next week will be his sentencing. :(

    we're almost done w/the process,but we got another checklist yesterday, NVC is asking for his tax receipts...how are we going to produce that when he hasn't filed any for the past 2 or 3 years?

    they are also asking for his W2s when he only worked for a couple of months.

    we have a co-sponsor though - his mom.

    can anyone help me know if there's still a light at the end of the tunnel?

    its been a tough journey for us. tougher than normal. even if he wont be sentence to jail he will surely be on probation which wont allow him to move here in Philippines instead.

    Did he file 2008 and 2009 taxes? It sounds like he did not file in 2007-2009. Is that correct? You will need to provide a written statement as to why he has not filled taxes. I would also include his pay check stubs for the couple of months that he did work. As long as his mother makes enough to sponsor him you should be ok.

  4. Our interview has been scheduled recently but I have a lot of questions in regards to preparing for the interview, I hope to get your advice on this.

    Things I know we should do:

    1) Get medical exam done and bring the report to the interview

    2) 2" x 2" photo for beneficiary (4?) You need to bring two front-view color photographs with a white background of the immigrating spouse


    1) Do I need to bring the original interview appointment letter or can I print the one sent to me via email? If you have both then bring both. It couldn't hurt. My husband brought the one we got through email.

    2) In the table listing documents requested by the NVC, all our document status are either C, Y, O, or F. So does that mean we don't have to bring any documents anymore? (I have listed the table below)



    DS-230-II Y
















    I am not sure what this list is. I think it's the list of things you need to bring with you to the interview? Not sure what the C,Y,O,F are though. More information on what visa you are applying for would help

    3) Do I need to bring the tax transcript for 2009? (I have mailed in my tax return paperwork when I filed earlier a few months ago because the transcript isn't available yet) If so does it have to be tax returns or transcripts will do? I don't think tax transcripts are available for 2009 yet. You will definitely need your taxes returns for 2009. Take your copies with your w-2s.

    4) What else am I missing? Any advice on how we should be prepared for the interview? Take evidence to prove that your marriage is bonafide

    5) Am I being interviewed as well? Will I (petitioner) be present at the interview with the beneficiary (my wife)? Not sure. Each embassy is different. Maybe someone from Canada can answer this question.

    6) US Embassy in Montreal allows that we bring an interpreter with us. Can I be my wife's interpreter or must I hire a professional interpreter? Not sure. Maybe someone from Canada can answer this question. Otherwise call the embassy and ask them.

    Thanks for your help!

    For more interview preparation info go to http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_3731.html

  5. Good morning all.

    I was just hoping to have some questions cleared up about the CR1 visa. I know i might sounds like a might of a newbie in here, but we (my fiance and I) know USCIS very well, as my timeline kinda points out. Sadly we are at the point of so much frustration with the system that we are looking at alternative arrangements.

    A bit of background first.

    I (Australian citizen) am currently staying with Chris (US Citizen) in the USA, we applied for our fiance visa (K1) 13months ago. It has been screwed around by USCIS, expedited, lost twice, into court twice and frankly going nowhere. So we were considering getting married in the next couple of weeks and applying for a spouse visa, before you get all excited yes I will be exiting the USA on the 27th of October no matter what as that is when my visa expires. If we were to marry and I stay, they would have us for visa fraud in AoS, even though all we want is to get on with our lives....

    Onto my questions.

    Application of the K3 and CR1 visa are one in the same, and thus require the same forms, and checks right? However I can drop the K3 during the process as lately the CR1 has been faster, and more appropriate (come in with work rights extra)? Applying for the K3 requires you to send another form in after you receive confirmation of receipt of the I-130. I don't know the entire process for the K3 however I do know that you can drop either the K3 or CR-1.

    From what I have been seeing looking around at the moment the time from NOA1 - NOA2 seems to be around the 3 month mark, how long should i expect that the process will take? This depends on where your petition is sent, California or Vermont. There is no guarantees and your petition can be approved in a few days or up to one year. There are many people who have been waiting many months for an approval

    Is this one done mostly through USCIS like a K1?

    And if i choose this route over K3, am I making a better choice for my situation? (i know that seems like a dumb question but any insight would be wonderful). I think only your lawyer can tell you that.

    Thank you anyone who takes the time to read this and reply I really appreciate any help anyone can give us at this stage.

    - Mara


    My husband came on the Cr-1 Visa path about 6 months ago. I highly recommend that you do it. Overall it is cheaper then the K-3, takes about the same time as the K-3, but the Cr-1 has more benefits. Basically what happens when you apply for a CR-1 is that you fill out an I-130 and all requested documents and send them to the USCIS. They take their sweet time and then when they approve you they send your case to the NVC. The NVC can take any where from 2 weeks to months depending on your situation and if you have your documents ready. Once it has been approved it will go to your embassy where you will have an interview. Juding from your case you might be able to apply for an expedite of the case.

    Once you are in the United States you can work, go to school, get a license and you will not need to deal with the USCIS for two years when you apply for your 10 year green card. From my understanding with the K3 you can not work, go to school, or get a license until you have ajusted status which takes months and costs over $1000. Personally if I were you I would pick the CR-1 just so I wouldn't have to deal with the USCIS for another 2 years. You have been through a lot and it says alot about a relationship when two people can endure such troubles and an extended period seperated. Good luck in your process. :thumbs:

  6. Hello everyone. I hope someone can give me some help. My wife and I had mailed in the I130 with all the required documents as outlined on the state dept website.

    A couple of days ago I get 2 emails (Checklist Letter Response IR5) documents about both cases saying that they need additional info or docs were missing. They basically wanted almost everything I already sent including the photos. The duplicate photos I still had I checked against the requirements and they were exact size and everything. Anyways... I called NVC and was told they never recieved any photos even though they were paper clipped to the top of the packet contents.

    Is that normal???

    Can someone please give me some info on exactly what I need to send for Lima Peru.

    They are saying that I need the following which I already sent:

    1) Peru Certificado De Antecedentes Penales (previously sent)

    2) Peru Antecedentes Judiciales A Nivel Nacionel (INPE- National Penetentiary Institute) (previously sent)

    3) Liberta Electoral (L.E.) or "Documento Nacional De Identidad (DNI) (previously sent)

    4) Wife's Birth Cert (previously sent)

    5) Petitioners Marriage Cert (FORGOT this)

    I already sent all these and her parents went to the addresses specified and got the certified documents. Can someone please give me some advice or any additional input?

    I also need to send a copy of OUR Marriage Certificate which of course is in English. Will I need to have this translated to Spanish since everything will eventually be sent to Lima for their interview?

    Thanks so much!


    I am confused because you said you sent the I-130 and then called the NVC. What exactly are you applying for and where are you in your process.

  7. I am confused. It says that NVC requires DS230 I & II plus police clearance plus originals of court documents etc. My US Consulate in Sydney says that I need exactly the same forms submitted for Package 3? Do I need to duplicate everything - that is: one complete set of documents for NVC and one set complete documents for US Consulate?

    Isn't this being a bit redundant or is it bureaucracy gone mad? Not to mention the cost to self for getting properly certified documents!!!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    The NVC forwards all of your documents to your embassy so they will get them that way. I never got any packages for my husband's interview in Lima, Peru, however, we brought copies of all our forms to be on the safe side. We had no problems.

  8. Respected Members of VJ.

    we have recd. an email stating that our I 130 is just approved and they have sent the copy in mail.

    pls give experience and advice for us, my wife was living with parents and after our love marriage she living by herself ( becoz of social problem in family due to our love marriage ). She havent paid any taxes till date due to this reason, if we need sponsor who can sponsor and what additional form we need for that ? ( like I 864 or I864A)

    what additional care we have to take for our interview? i am currently in UK and she is USA and we are going to INDIA :D after 1.5 yrs. wish to fly together to enter USA after my visa??

    pls help us by your advice.

    thanks a lot for your time....

    God bless u all,

    Read the guides they are very informative. http://www.visajourney.com/wiki/index.php/...he_NVC_ShortCut

  9. Hi to all VJ's!


    I've been a member of this very helpful and informative site last july, I constantly visit and

    read a lot of post from here which answers all my questions even without posting any.

    You're such a great help.

    This is my first time to post please do bear with me as I don't know where to post my

    questions :blush:

    I am a beneficiary of CR1 petition and I got my NOA2 approved last August 28,2009, but

    unfortunately my USC husband and I had been dealing with alot of misunderstandings and

    communication gap. He is not responding to my emails anymore and if he responds to my

    text messages (once in a blue moon) he would replied he was so tired working 12-13

    hours a day and has no time to reply. He changed a lot lately, before he's so involved in

    this visa application process but now he seemed not interested anymore. I love my

    husband so much and though he changed a lot it'll never be a reason for me to love him

    less. I want to be reunited, live and start our family but it seem like it is impossible now to

    happen. I bent backwards just to reach out to him and doing my best to save our marriage

    (we're on our seventh month) but he still not responding (sorry for venting hope you'll

    understand my pain).

    My questions are, as I've read in here after USCIS approved my petition, they will submit

    my papers at the NVC and NVC will assign a case number for me in USEmbassy Manila, is it

    necessary to fill out the other documents to be submitted at NVC right away or as long as

    the forms are not yet submitted I can still use the case number whenever my husband is

    ready to fill them out for me?

    Lastly, if things comes to worst.... my parents are naturalized USC and they would plan to

    petition me instead, will the CR1 application would cause a problem in the future? (By the

    way, before the CR1 application i was a recipient of F2B petition just waiting for my priority

    date to be processed)

    Thank you very much for reading my post any advise will be highly appreciated. Godbless

    us all!

    Well it sounds like your having some marital problems. If your husband does not complete the paper work for you at the NVC and you can not prove that your marriage is still real (simply being married to an American is not enough to come to the USA) then you will not be eligable for a CR-1 visa.

    You can obtain a visa through your parents, however, it will take longer because you are married and presumably over 21 years old. I don't know alot about this visa so hopefully someone else can help you. Please look at this link http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/men...00048f3d6a1RCRD

  10. I know i dont have my approval yet but i need to know the answer to this question. I was reading this and wondered does this mean my husband in Morocco pays the interview fee and affidavit of support fee? If he chooses to be the agent?

    "After the applicant selects an agent, the NVC will send the immigrant visa processing fee bill to the agent. Note: The agent does not need to be an attorney. " But can he pay in Dirhams as that is Moroccan money?

    Also, does he send in the DS2032 form by email and i send in the I-864 by mail and email? Or does he have to print out the ds 2032 form, fill it out and then mail to me or is emailing it hiimself okay?

    I get so confused by this stuff and i get so anxious.

    Thanks for your help, sweetcitywife

    Marat Mohammed



    The bills will be sent to who ever is selected as agent on the DS-3032 form. Your husband will fill out or email this form the the NVC. If he selects you then all bills will go to you and you can pay them online. I-864 is filled out by you (the American Citizen) and others if you need co-sponsors and is mailed to the NVC with all supporting documents. As Haole said you should read the guides as all the info is in there. Good Luck!

  11. Hi all,

    Just got my NOA1 and am studying LingChe. I am planning on following that guide as my shortcut through NVC. Here is the checklist I have for myself. Do y'all think I am missing anything?? (Feel free to comment on any of the questions I posed to myself for further investigation).

    Clara (beneficiary - wife)

    * DS-3032 Change of Agent (can email, but must be signed by beneficiary???) Not if emailed

    * Barcode instructions (after payment, after shipped to NVC??) You will get the barcode sheet once you have made payment online. You can then print it out.

    * DS-230 (part I and II, beneficiary sign part I??) Correct fill it out with your Peruvian spouse info and signs part I but not part II

    * Original or cert copy of marriage cert Obviously translated to English as well

    * Certificate from Jesus Maria

    * Registration with RENIEC (don't send, but have ready for interview) [Note: these two are kinda Peru-specific]

    * PCC (for Peru there are 3) Do you have these yet? If so you need to be careful of the dates. You will most likely have to obtain them again.

    * Certificado Policial (from National Police in Lima)

    * Certificado de Antecedentes Penales (from Poder Judicial on Av. Abancay in Lima)

    * Antecedentes Judiciales a Nivel Nacional (from INPE on Jr. Carabaya 456 in Lima)

    * Embassy states we should wait until case in NVC before acquiring

    * Four passport photos (2 for 230, 2 for medical)

    * Photocopy of passport bio page

    * Original or offical copy of Birth certificate

    * Don't think I need it, but my divorce decree

    Klever (beneficiary - stepson)

    * DS-3032??? Who signs

    * Barcode instructions?? You will get the barcode sheet once you have made payment online. You can then print it out.

    * DS-230 (same form??)

    * Marriage cert?

    * No PCC necessary (he's 9, embassy site states 16 and older)

    * Four passport photos (2 for 230, 2 for medical)

    * Photocopy of passport bio page

    * Original or official copy of Birth certificate

    * Don't think I need it, but my divorce decree

    * Letter from Klever's father (notarized)

    Mark (petitioner)

    * I-864

    * Tax transcripts

    * 6 months current pay verification

    * Letter from employer (showing income and position)

    * Income should be more than enough so no assets necessary

    * Make sure to note 2 prior I-864As for ex-in-laws, but income is still good for 5 person household as opposed to 3 person household, so no issue income-wise.

    Mark :)

  12. Hey everyone!!

    My husband is on a student visa and is about to graduate (YAY!!), so unless we start our green card application he will be forced to leave the country :( Yesterday we went to see an immigration lawyer to talk about the green card AOS process, and she told us it would cost us just under $6000 to file everything through the law firm ($4200) and to pay the immigration fees ($1600).

    SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS?!?! We don't have that kind of money!! Is a lawyer absolutely necessary to start the process or can we do it on our own? We've been doing research on what forms to file and what to send in, but we're afraid immigration won't accept the application because we didn't use a lawyer...

    I don't want my husband to go back to Europe!! :(

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!

    Also, how long does it take to get him a work permit? He's been getting employment offers but he can't accept them because he's not allowed to work... it's frustrating!!!

    Thank you so much

    Unless you have a problem with your case such as Otto und Karin said then you don't need a lawyer. The paper work is not that complicated and if you have problems you just ask on the forum and you will get many people who are willing to answer your question. This forum is full of people who have applied for a visa without a lawyer. My husband just got to the USA in April and we used ONLY visajourney as our source of information for filling out these forms. I can tell you that using the information here especialy the guides for the NVC significantly shortened my time waiting. I also felt more confident when I went to the interview with my husband because we filled out everything ourselves so I was certain I could answer any questions regarding our applications. Good Luck!

  13. I need help! Does anyone here have any idea how long does it take for NVC to close a case? My husband re-submitted the requirements for my Immigrant Visa a month ago and we've been calling NVC hotline for follow-up, but they say it's still for review. Our case is taking so long (it's been more than a year now =( and I know it shouldn't be the case. It's so hard to be away from my husband and our 1 year old son...

    As enraptured said more details on what you have sent would be helpful. However, you might be in AP. When you talk to an operator ask if your case is in administrative processing. Look here:


    I recommend the US citizen contact his/her congressman. Sometimes if a congressman gets involved these problems seem to disappear.

  14. I have received NOA2 a week back. I don't have a job right and its uncertain when I will get one. Can it effect the I-130 processing. Can I just send an offer letter and at what point of time it is needed?. Is it required at the time of interview or before that?


    You won't need to send the employment letter until you send in your I-864 so you have a few weeks. As long as your previous tax return and current year will meet the financial obligations for sponsorship then you should be ok. Good luck!

  15. Hi VJ family, I just sent my I-130 to USCIS on August 22, 2009 and haven't received the NOA 1 yet. I know it's probably still too early. However to help things along, I want to start preparing the documents I will need to send to NVC when that time comes. My question is will NVC send the package of documents to me directly, i.e., the DS230, etc and then do I send those documents back to them? or do they send them to my hubby in his country and he sends them back? just a little worried becasue he does not read or write English at this point. So I will have to fill them out for him have him to sign before he sends them to NVC. Also what other proof do they usually ask for besides the standard birth certificate, police records, divorce papers.... thank you for your help.

    You might want to ask in the K1 forum for more specific information on the NVC. The process is different depending on the visa and you are asking in the CR-1 form. Good luck :thumbs:

    the visa is for my husband, the CR-1 visa, not for K1. The info I'm seeking is the NVC process. specifically does the DS230 package come to me, the US citizen or to my hubby?

    thanks for your help...

    Ok, it says you filed for the K1 on your profile. If you wait for all the paper work to come to you then it takes longer. Try reading james short cut for the NVC.

  16. Hi VJ family, I just sent my I-130 to USCIS on August 22, 2009 and haven't received the NOA 1 yet. I know it's probably still too early. However to help things along, I want to start preparing the documents I will need to send to NVC when that time comes. My question is will NVC send the package of documents to me directly, i.e., the DS230, etc and then do I send those documents back to them? or do they send them to my hubby in his country and he sends them back? just a little worried becasue he does not read or write English at this point. So I will have to fill them out for him have him to sign before he sends them to NVC. Also what other proof do they usually ask for besides the standard birth certificate, police records, divorce papers.... thank you for your help.

    You might want to ask in the K1 forum for more specific information on the NVC. The process is different depending on the visa and you are asking in the CR-1 form. Good luck :thumbs:

  17. Hello Everyone,

    I have submitted I-130 for my spouse on 28JULY2009. In August2009, i recieved a letter from Visa services with the case number but ever since then i haven't heard anything from them. My application is currently with California Service Center. What will be the next step and how long will it takes to get to the next step. thanks

    Take Care

    I have just finished the process in April so you can look at my signature and see how long it took to process the I-130. It normally takes several months. With that being said you should start researching the National Visa Center or NVC. That is the next step in the process and understanding what documents you need and when you need them can significantly shorten your time at the NVC. Check out these links:


    Other then that take up a hobby and develop patience. Good luck :thumbs:

  18. Magicfn1,

    Congrats on starting this long and stressful journey!!!!!! :wacko: Just a few tips read, read, read as much as you can find on cases similar to yours, people who have sent applications in at the same time as you, and read about the next step of the process. I think doing that really made things much easier for me because I always knew what to expect and was comforted by the fact that I wasn't the only one confused as heck by this process. :innocent:

    Oh, and take up a hobby. Something to keep your mind off of this process!!! :jest:

  19. i sent papers for correction in date of birth and name's spellings at the following address

    National Visa Center

    Attn: CMR

    31 Rochester Ave. Suite 100

    Portsmouth, NH 03801-2914

    because according to


    all documents go at this address.

    but i later found out that i was supposed to send at

    National Visa Center

    Attn: WC

    31 Rochester Ave. Suite 200

    Portsmouth, NH 03801-2915

    which is basically for question asking letters.

    what will happen

    would they return the papers to me at my home address or its ok?

    or they will forward to the later address?

    I did the same thing and my papers got to the right place with out a problem. I am sure this is a fairly common mistake there.

  20. If you send orginals you will not get them back so that is something to think about.

    We got our originals back at the interview- everything except the police certificate. I think you just have to ask for them.

    I guess it depends on the embassy because we asked at the Embassy and they said that it would be in our packet that we took to POE. However, when we got there they wouldn't give them to us. In the end we never got our originals back. So it's best just to have extra copies.

  21. How long usually does it take for NVC to complete the case once they receive DS-230 package? They already reviewed my AOS package.

    I'd say about a month or less if there is no RFE. In my case, it took about 38 days but that's because I had an RFE.

    Wow your NVC process is taking a long time. Did you get AP? I took me 2 weeks from receiving my packages to case closed and that was with an RFE. So it could be faster if you don't have any mistakes and have everything together.

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