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Posts posted by Anastassia

  1. There are a lot well behaved kids where I live (Virginia). Actually all the kids of my co-workers are amazing in how well they behave and trust me - they don't get anything they want. It all depends on the parents. And giving your child anything he/she wants is soooo wrong. I also think that doing this because everybody else does is a pretty lame excuce. You have to be able to get your child interested in more than material things and it's much more difficult than buying them a bunch of toys. If they have other things and interests in life they won't be jealous or feel worse than kids who get new toys every day. I used to buy toys by trunk loads when my son was little and he didn't appreciate anything and he never had a chance to dream about anything because he had a toy the next day after it was launched. At some point I stopped doing it because I understood it's not as great as I had earlier thought it would be. And I think that he appreciates things more now.

    I am 39 years old and I often tell Americans about my childhood in communist times and when I get to the point that we could not eat ham on daily basis I always realize how good it was to have it several times a year. It never tasted as good after it became available any time I wanted it. And I also remember every detail of my Wrangler jacket from Pewex probably only because I dreamt of it for years, now I buy clothes by bags and I hardly ever really enjoy them.

    As to bilingual children - it is extremely hard work - you need to be very, very persistent and patient. I live in area where there aren't many Polish people, matter of fact I met a few just recently and two families had little kids. One famiily (both parents Polish) had a five year old who didn't speak a word of Polish, supposedly he understands but he doesn't want to talk. The other family was just like all yours: mom was Polish and dad was American and their six year old spoke Polish quite well. But her mom made it very clear that she talks Polish to her all the time. I don't have this problem because my son is going to be 16 next month and he is now fluent in both languages. I think if I had a child now on one hand I would really like to teach that child Polish on the other I know how difficult it would be.

    I think that for a child it would be extremely beneficial to be around other kids that speak Polish. My co-worker has both parents from Poland but she was born and raised here. Out of the three siblings, her sister speaks the best Polish because she had a lot of friends from Poland when she was growing up - they lived in heavily Polish-populated area too.

  2. Nanusia when I first came here I thought I would not even apply for citizenship because I really don't like this country too much, etc. Well, after just one incident I changed my mind. My Polish passport expired. I called the Embassy I was told it costs about $150 dollars and the wait time is around 4 months. I have to go there in person (2 hour drive for me - I have to take a day off). Then it turned out I can't get a passport in my married name because my marriage certificate is not registered in Poland (embassy can do it for me - another $150 plus longer wait). So I decided to register this MC myself through family. There is no way to get through on the phone to the embassy. I called city hall in Poland and was told to go to the embassy and ask for one procedure to be done. After calling embassy like crazy for weeks to find out if I need an appointmen I finally got through with the consular officer who told me the guy in Poland who had given me this info is an idiot and the embassy won't do what he asks for. The guy in city hall in Poland is the one who would need to do all the stuff there. I expect my 70 year old father will go there and be told he doesn't have what is necessary. I decided to get my passport in my maiden name - after all what difference does it make who I go through hassle with: immigration authorities or polish authorities ? No difference to me.

    I wanted to apply for a job that was for citizens only so I couldn't. Now I have one with the federal government. Who can guarantee me that the law will not change and one won't have to be a citizen to work here ?

    After my passport experience I decided to apply for USC the minute I become eligible.


  3. Monika ja mam pelne info co trzeba zrobic w pracy jak Ci sie konczy termin waznosci Green Card, mianowicie NIC !!! Mnie o maly wlos nie wywalili (moze nie bede sie wypowiadala co mysle na temat profesjonalizmu tutejszych dzialow personalnych, ale ktoregos dnia moze dojsc do tego, ze udusze babsko i koniec).

    Zaczne od tego, ze moja "kadrowa" zadzwonila do mnie ze konczy sie data waznosci karty i kiedy bede miala nowa. Bylo to miesiac przed uplywem terminu waznosci a ja nawet nie mialam wyslanych jeszcze dokumentow. Niby im wczesniej tym lepiej, ale przeciez mozna wyslac trzy dni przed i to jest jak najbardziej legalne. Tak mnie zaczeli molestowac, ze juz mi sie do pracy nie chcialo chodzic. Nie mieli w ogole pojecia co bedzie dalej - mam przyniesc Green Card i juz !!! A ja wiedzialam ze Green Card nie bedzie tylko to NOA. No i wymyslili, ze jezeli nie dostane tego NOA do 18 stycznia to mnie zwolnia a jak juz dostane to przyjma mnie od nowa. Niby chcieli pojsc na reke ale ja pracuje w sadzie federalnym i z tego co wiem za kazdym razem jak jest "hiring" to musza dawac ogloszenie i rozmawiac z ilomas tam kandydatami. I jaka ja mam gwarancje na to ze mnie przyjma ? Poszperalam na VJ i na Google i sie okazalo ze pracodawca nie ma absolutnie prawa prosic o Green Card osob takich jak my czyli takich, ktore w chwili przyjecia do pracy mialy wazne Green Card. Ani zadnych innych dokumentow majacych na celu udowadniac ze ma prawo do pracy. Znalazlam odpowiedni "ustep" na stronie immigration i wyslalam to mojemu szefowi i tej glupiej babie. Najbardziej denerwujace w tym wszystkim bylo to, ze podobno kazdy pracodawca dostaje instrukcje jak postepowac przy zatrudnianiu imigrantow. Oni oczywiscie kazali sobie pokazywac NOA no i co mialam zrobic ? Podobno glupiemu trzeba ustapic :P Wreczajac mojemu szefowi ten dokument glosno podkreslilam ze prosze bardzo chociaz wcale nie mam takiego obowiazku :devil:

    Jezeli ktos potrzebuje link z immigration website to moge odszukac. Byla tu na VJ babka ktora chcieli zwolnic bo powiedzieli ze NOA nie jest dokumentem, ktory moga zaakceptowac.

    A jeszcze dla ciekawosci: moj kolega z pracy powiedzial, ze te przepisy immigration nas nie dotycza bo my jestesmy Court. Co Wy na to ????????????



  4. Stamp is only valid for a period of time between her arrival and wedding, am I correct ?

    SSN means only this much that she will not have to wait a week or two after she receives work authorization. Without that nothing, nothing, nothing. I wanted to sell Mary Kay and this is not the kind of employment you would think one needs authorisation for - also not allowed. But EAD takes sometimes only a few weeks, if you are lucky - I am also in Virginia and I NEVER got mine, I had nothing after 90 days and I went to the local congressman that only tells people "yes, I am here to help" but in reality does nothing. Finally, before I got together to go back to him, my green card arrived (about day 100).

    I can tell you what I would do differently today. I would start applying for jobs right away. This is what I did with one application because I wanted this job so bad. I applied early December full of fear what if they call me tomorrow and I am actually not authorized (I avoided that question on application form purposely, hoping they would not pay much attention to it). I was invited to an interview IN MARCH !!!!!!!!!!!

    Finding a job took me actually longer than obtaining work permit.

    Where do you live Jason ? I am in Harrisonburg, VA and we have a huge Russian community here and also a Russian grocery store :D


  5. No własnie dalej a propos tej pracy pielęgniarki: nie będę się kłóciła bo nie znam pielęgniarki osobiscie żadnej a poza tym jakos nie wierzę, że tutaj ktos komus w ogóle mówi ile zarabia. Ale mam koleżankę Rosjankę, która za rok będzie RN więc zobaczymy (ona mi powie). Jak dostanie 70.000 to się wkurzę, że sama nie poszłam do tej szkoły, ale z ogłoszeń nic takiego nie wynika.

    Ja mieszkam w małej dziurze i cały czas zarabiam mniej niż zarabiałam w Polsce a mam naprawdę super płatną pracę jak na nasze "city". Jak słyszę o zarobkach tutaj w USA to jakos mi nie pasuje absolutnie do tego, ile się zarabia u mojego męża w firmie tudzież do informacji wyczytanych w ogłoszeniach. Przykładowo: pozycja asystencka w jakimkolwiek dziale jakiejkolwiek firmy potrafi oferować $8,50 na godzinę a jak jest super oferta to płacą $11. Jest u nas taniej niż w dużych miastach ale bez przesady.

    Mooonika, tego się własnie obawiałam - dziekanat to oleje albo sknoci, no nic zobaczymy, jeszcze nie zdecydowałam co zrobię.



  6. U nas niby też ciągle narzekają na brak pielęgniarek, ale do szkoły można się dostać z marszu a zarobki to własnie nie jestem pewna - wszyscy trąbią o tych fantastycznych zarobkach pielęgniarek a w ogłoszeniach widzę $15 na godzinę max, a w szpitalu tylko i wyłącznie praca na noc albo na popołudnie. Pewnie sekret tkwi własnie w tej specjalizacji.



  7. Niky jaki zawod sobie wybralas ? Ja sie tez zastanawialam nad branza medyczna, ale juz mam swoje lata i jakos mi sie wydawalo ze ksztalcenie sie w nowym zawodzie w moim przypadku ma sens tylko jesli gwarantowalby mi on jakis niesamowity income - tez nie mam konkretnego zawodu ale od lat pracuje w biurze.



  8. Niki, dzieki za info, akurat wiedzialam gdzie to sie zalatwia i za ile, ale nie mam pojecia jak sie do tego odnosza polskie uczelnie, czy jest to znane i czy jak cos takiego dostana to beda wiedzieli co z tym zrobic.

    Dziwie Ci sie troche ze zaczynasz studia od nowa (chyba ze w zupelnie innym kierunku niz to co skonczylas w Polsce) bo pewnie moglabys sobie tu cos przepisac. Z tego co wiem to kosztuje $160 a to chyba mniej niz kredyt na uczelni. Zobacz sobie na www.wes.org.



  9. I could have given you info if I had found this post earlier, but who knows - you might need to ship something later. I ship packages to Poland all the time via the post office and I am very content with their services. Express mail takes up to a week (but significantly longer before Xmas). Unless I ship something really expensive I never put the real price of the contents on the customs form. They charge customs fees on the gifts and I don't think it's right. I always say contents is worth $50 and never had any problems. I am really surprised somebody above said that someone never received the books. Mail doesn't get stolen in Poland, nobody would leave it there at the door when nobody is home, but let's not exaggerate: mail gets to Poland fine.

    I have been here 2,5 years and shipped dozens of packages and so did my husband when I still lived in Poland and everything arrived just fine. I would never ship via Fedex because their prices are so high.


  10. Witam, mam pytanko, na ktore byc moze ktos tutaj potrafi odpowiedziec.

    W Polsce mam nazaczynanych cala mase studiow (zadne nie ukonczone). Chcialabym sie zorientowac co warte sa moje naukowe osiagniecia tutaj bo byc moze w miare latwo i szybko moglabym uzyskac tutaj tytul bachelor's - w Polsce mialam zaliczone 4 lata studiow plus jakichs pojedynczych przedmiotow calkiem sporo. Wiem, ze moge w tym celu uzyc WES ale co dalej ? Drukuje taki formularz i po prostu wysylam na polska uczelnie czy mam zalaczyc jakis list wyjasniajacy wszystko ? Studiowalam glownie na filii Uniwersytetu Lodzkiego w malym miescie gdzie zadnej z pan w sekretariacie nie podejrzewam o jakakolwiek znajomosc angielskiego, do kogo mam kierowac taka prosbe ? I czy uniwersytet ma obowiazek mi cos takiego wyslac czy jest to tylko ich dobra wola i jak nie beda chcieli to nie zrobia ?

    Czy macie jakiekolwiek informacje na ten temat ?

    Bylabym bardzo wdzieczna :)



  11. Hello,

    I am starting to look into possibly continuing education here. I know WES would evaluate credits from Polish universities, but I wonder how I should contact them. Should I send WES form in English and cover letter in Polish explaining what I want ? Does anybody know if Eastern European colleges are pretty familiar with WES or should I expect complicated and painful process ?

    Thanks :)


  12. I am not Russian and can't say that I know their culture very well. And certainly don't want offend anybody. And I am from Poland so for some people Poland or Russia is all the same. Long story short I know three Russian women here who married USC for immigration purpose only - they are not even trying to hide it, but those discussions never took place with their spouses present so I have no idea what spouses know about it. Marriages don't work but wives stay quiet and wait for the right opportunity to get out (two of them actually told me this up front). Now my USC friend is also bringing fiance from Russia. I know their "love story" and I can bet it won't last. He wouldn't listen and doesn't even think twice why a beautiful 20 year old fell in love with more than twice her age, rather unatractive, but quite well off American guy. Don't know what it is but some of these women can really get what they want.

    I am sorry for what happened to you Austin, I would really try to find a local woman if I were you.

    Hope nobody feels offended by my post :innocent:


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