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Posts posted by nighthawk

  1. Tears
    Good Morning Nagi.

    Sorry to interrupt your game. I did not heed to the obvious warning that I had been getting from my computer

    and finally my whole whole turned dark.

    My monitor just quite on me and went black Friday evening and it took my most of the day Saturday to finally

    figure out that it was not my computer, but the monitor.....So I had to go out and shop for another one...All is

    now back to normal....Have some catching up to here...Please bear with me.. I will be here shortly...I am now

    on my way the church.

    See ya

  2. I understand completely well that I do not have to seek permission from anyone to embark on my original mission

    to meet a goal that I set upon myself when I first joined VisaJourney. That mission requires that I spend some of

    my time in other forums connected to this one and all others here at V/J.

    In a post that I submitted on June 20, 2008, as my introductory message, I made clear that my primary concern for

    being here was to attempt to help make a difference for some seeking refuge here in this country. I am not a lawyer

    and for once in my lifetime I regret that. I really do but only on the basis of what I could more easily accomplish here.

    I just know that I can make a difference to someone in need in the area of immigration applications, including in the

    areas of filing for Naturalization to become U.S. citizens under the requirements of the N-400 process. I also dream

    of becoming involved with those U.S. citizens who seek to bring family members into this country legally, and that

    includes assistance to permanent legal residence of this country seeking to bring family members here. Another

    example is helping to marshal the greatly needed Hardship Letter that seeks expediency to an application for

    immigration remedy.

    But that is not all that as a U.S. citizen I can offer to those unfortunate souls that linger in limbo between politics and

    racism. It is so horrible and deplorable the position that this once great country has taken to the promise of the

    statute of liberty and what is was meant to represent. I could very well had fallen into the same dark pit as those in

    limbo today, if my own personal situation had not to taken place years before this Bush Administration took power.

    The topic here has nothing to do with politics. I leave that to those who are into that. I am not, but I just mention the

    above out of my own rage for the treatment of my brothers and sisters in despair.

    You may wonder why I am posting this thread. Well, it is not to create drama or do I seek your pampering. I am just

    about to go elsewhere and spend some time with those who I know, need me. I have personally seen comments

    by some right here at V/J that rail against immigration reform..."Go to the back and wait in line" is the favorite yell.

    Well, they too have a right to their in-put...I merely seek to soothe and give hope to those in peril and lost.

    Since I became a member to this site, on June 20th of this year to be exact, the welcoming committee and the

    reception that I received from you beautiful people just yanked my anchor from my hands and made me drop it

    in the waters of this particular forum....I have been here ever since.

    Not once have I taken a minute to click away and go see my brothers and sisters in need. While here I permitted

    myself to engage in exchanging conversations with no meaning to my feelings of why I first dropped anchor here.

    With such intriguing words Nagi, you in your charming ways, led me astray while your sister Brei sprayed me with

    her playful spit-balls and foot long ---Oh, I do not understand that. I even allowed myself to get entangled with

    the most outlandish incident that I have ever experienced in my lifetime. I am referring to that stupid dog in Texas,

    hundreds of miles away from me.

    I wrote in my last comment that I was feeling like I was going on the fast lane. I meant that it was not my intention

    to get into areas that required me to play defense. I actually felt that I was defending my credibility. I am an man

    and it takes a lot to hurt my feelings. This incident is no different....I love you all. I just need to get my ####### to do

    something constructive with it instead of playing hop scotch and jacks with you beautiful girls here.

    I will really appreciate if you make a comment here. Give me some advise. I need you and the help you may

    offer. Anything that comes to your mind even if it is another spit-ball. I will just giggle and go from there. One

    thing I want to make perfectly clear.

    I by no means intend to stay away from this forum. I will always be watching the board. I will comment at times

    and will look for you Nagi. How can I not do that? Oh, and you are not loosing it. It is actually me that did just



  3. awwwww sweet wish we could see

    Hmmm, you want to play the guessing game uh? Well, brni sweetie, I am really not into guessing games. You talk to

    me straight up and I will do the same.

    That way we may seal a true friendship, without hangups.

    Say goodnight Brni.


  4. Nightsnark

    You said no watermelons. I suggested carry-out cartons, instead.

    Oh there you are. You don`t miss a beat do you? I was hoping that you missed my last jab of stale snark with my

    stupid comments to you. I am sorry. I mean that.

    I think I am driving on the fast lane here. Must get off at the next ramp and start slowly tomorrow.

    Take care of yourself my friend. I already pleaded nighty nighty.

    Say good night Nagi.

    Nightsnark. oopps,


    Leaving so soon? I wouldn't hear of it!

    Brni gots a big un now! YAY!!!

    O.k. Brni, I`m game. I will stick around for, oh, maybe another half hour. Show me what you got.

    Warning; I don`t come cheap. That is already out there. Come back with your big un and your YAY!!!!

  5. well .... the boys will love the attention

    Nagi, Natty Bumppo has invited all the boys.

    And they want attention!

    Now just look what you incited with your hmmmmm, well, swimming in the sun.

    Nagi, I don`t feel like a hero....more like a jerk!

  6. Nightsnark

    You said no watermelons. I suggested carry-out cartons, instead.

    Oh there you are. You don`t miss a beat do you? I was hoping that you missed my last jab of stale snark with my

    stupid comments to you. I am sorry. I mean that.

    I think I am driving on the fast lane here. Must get off at the next ramp and start slowly tomorrow.

    Take care of yourself my friend. I already pleaded nighty nighty.

    Say good night Nagi.

    Nightsnark. oopps,


  7. Is Nagi loosing it? hey Nagi want to go to sonic with me and get a foot long combo


    Dear, I merely seek to loosen Nagi`s sense of humor. I mean no negative snark that would place such a nice

    person`s cred in doubt.

    I am new here so I really do not know if you joke with Nagi on friendly terms, which I hope is the case.

    Nagi. my bad. I apologize for my joke which really was not funny at all. I just have to say goodnight for now

    Good night.

    not to worry we are sisters :thumbs: and understand each other

    Whewwww, brnidokiegurl,

    Thank you for your lightning response. I will sleep peacefully tonight. Glad to hear your take on my snark, which

    makes me realize that other people do not think I was funny at all...at all.

    I just hope Nagi misses my last post.

    Thank you again.

  8. Is Nagi loosing it? hey Nagi want to go to sonic with me and get a foot long combo


    Dear, I merely seek to loosen Nagi`s sense of humor. I mean no negative snark that would place such a nice

    person`s cred in doubt.

    I am new here so I really do not know if you joke with Nagi on friendly terms, which I hope is the case.

    Nagi. my bad. I apologize for my joke which really was not funny at all. I just have to say goodnight for now

    Good night.

  9. Nightsnark,

    Im thinking more along the line of carry-out cartons. They tell people what they think our food service is worth.

    Hmmmmm, Nagi,

    Are you sure you are on the right thread with your comment. That`s the trouble with posting left and right.

    The issue you brought up was nekkid by the pool that gave me the idea for the post I hung up a while ago.

    I really think you went into the wrong door with your carry-outs and price fixings or whatever you were


    In fact, what were you thinking???

  10. Natty now your going get your mouth washed out with soap, hold him down Nagi and i will pour the liquid kind :angry:

    But Madge! Is it mild??

    This is a job for Mr. Clean! Scrub the critters inside out, and send him to his room....Bad boy, bad boy, without his

    milk and twinky.

  11. roarrrr


    are the fireworks tonight or last night? i remember in my olde towne they were on july the 3rd at midnight


    In my new towne, there are fireworks every night, and in the day time too. The brightest and loudest is the


    Man, talk about loud explosions. We just celebrate with out stopping I guess in every cantina. Shots for all

    seniores, I`m not paying either!

  12. Chad, that is great news! That gives you more time ...for what, I dont know. But don't go by what the doctors predict, as they are only human. The baby will come when she is supposed to come and not a second before.

    Nighthawk, Im happy that you were productive in advance today. Procrastination only causes constipation of the imagination.

    Well, Im not the one with heart trouble, it is my fiance. But! God is in control. Amen?

    I feel like blah today. I got nothing done, but yet it felt wonderful to lounge around in my kiddie pool stark nekkid .

    0k, back to reading the BOREDs.


    You gave me a wonderful idea. Glad your heart is trouble free, but not glad for your fiance. Sorry.

    I just think that we should stop talking about ailments. pain and even death. I would suggest that we talk

    about stark nekkids in the pools. Now that would generate a record in participants here, eh? With all the

    pushie pushie button pushers, and the pearl clutching OMG`s, it would be a new challenge for any one of

    the actual skinny-dippers out there.

    What say you V/J`ers, want to go for a dip with Nagi and Nighthawk?

    There would be one enforceable rule though, see below:


    This snarky post is Nighthawk`s joke to all on the 4th of July 2008.

  13. guess we will all see each other in class monday morning

    Can I get a note from my mom?

    No Nagi if i have to go so do you....we can take out our aggression and throw paper wads at charles and natty. That teacher will be sorry they ever met this group.

    O.K. that`s it! You made me pissed. Now boys and girls, go to the corner and face the wall, until you promise to

    behave. I need this spot to post my pissed-of thread. Now behave yourselves.

  14. Nighthawk,

    Flattery will get you everywhere. Good Afternoon ( almost ) and a pleasant Fourth to you and yours !

    Hmmm, I seem to do the same as you, i.e., look for your posts. I think you don't spend enough time here, which really you should because it is a great way to kill time and shed about 20 pounds of excess emotional baggage. Remember my words, that rapture is always preceded by a massive outbreak of guilt and existential nausea.

    I think today I will do a little babe napping out in the sun. Why be bored when I don't have to?

    I am happy to know that you are here to assist others in their journey(s). That is the right thing to do when one has gained through trial and error in order to pave the way for the confused masses. More power to you! Just be sure emotionally you don't work your you- know- what off. If you do, get a receipt for tax purposes.

    God Bless, and have a wonderful time healing the snowblower. And above all, ....no perspiring.

    It is not my intention to Flatter Nagi. Everyone around here bows everytime you post a comment. This ain`t bull

    either. You know it. Perhaps it is because like you say, you don`t BS when you speak. I have learned that quick.

    Like everywhere else you go, there is bound to spring out of his box, that pesky joker that shoots some manure

    into the wind when you appear on the board. But you know what I call these types. I smile at them and hope that

    they enjoy surfing around v/j. They are among us Nagi, and we must continue to support their right to speak their

    mind, regardless of the issue involved.

    Well my snowblower is now tucked away till Frosty the Snowman comes calling again here in the Midwest. It was

    indeed the old spark plug that was pretty shot. After putting in the new one of course I had to gas it up to check if

    it would work....Well, a dry engine will never work on any machine as you know. So I pulled the cord several times

    and the machine just groaned but did not start.

    Common sense told me the engine was dry and would not start right then. So I brought out the electrical cord and

    fired it on, which is the way that I used at the end of last winter snow. I ran the motor for about three minutes and

    shut it off. I took the electrical cord off, and pulled the cord.....It started at once. So I took the gas out and stored it for next winter.

    Glad it is not dismal at the moment where you`re at Nagi. So sure knock yourself out and take a nap in the sun. It

    does good for Global warming, sucking all that heat into the body....Ummm not as funny as I thought it would sound.

    About not posting regularly is true. I am an avid reader Nagi. I come here in disquise and read and read and read, all

    day practically. That has always been my passion. I do not consider myself a good or proficient writer and envy some

    of the ones that I read daily....But I am here most days. I just wish I could write like you and some other persons

    that I so admire for their articular expertise in putting their thoughts into words. I ramble like a drunk really.

    But I try and I think that should be enough. If I ain`t got it, I ain`t got it.

    I will be around here today, at times checking where you are at....Take care and most importantly take care of the

    ticker. Mess with that and it`s `hasta la vista baaabby`


  15. I was cheering you on. Im an avid animal advocate. Yeah, I dont BS on here, what I say is the truth.

    I have kidney trouble. My SO has some health issues and he wont live a long life. Time is short and we will value every second once we are united.

    Nighthawk, where are you in your visa journey, if I may ask?

    Nagi, good morning and happy 4th, to start with. Everytime I click on to V/J like an addiction, I scroll around to

    find where you are at. Do not ask me why. I myself am not sure, but may have something to do with the way I

    read you.

    Nagi, your comment about my reference to credibility is really appreciated. But you blunt that praise with sad

    news that I really take with a heavy heart, for you and [H]e who won`t live a long life. I really think that you

    deserve no less than a perfect reunion with the one you refer to. Be very happy because life is short as you say.

    To your question about my visa journey, of course you may ask. In fact you may also quote me any time you see


    I have to assume(to answer your question), that you probably did not read my introductory post when I first came

    to V/J. I believe that it is posted on June 20th, or very close thereto. I introduced myself briefly, but made clear

    that I am an American Citizen born in this country.

    Recently, I have written briefly of my sojourn while living in Mexico. Both my Son and Daughter, now in their thirties

    college graduates here in the U.S. of A, were born in Mexico to my current Mexican wifa, now a U.S. Citizen also. In

    fact all my family are now U.S. ARCES, so to speak.

    My mission here Nagi, is hopefully to meet people, in time of course. I do not intent to start nosing around in other

    people`s buiness, but perhaps I may pick up a scent of someone is distress due to some information that I can

    provide that they may not be aware of. I went through a very confusing process to bring my children into this country.

    Some people believe that just because a Citizen of this country have children abroad, that child automatically is a

    U.S. citizen....That is not true Nagi, and I hope people here understand. There are critical and confusing steps in the

    immigration statutes that must be met even before the issue may be considered. And today more than ever.

    But to explain why I am here would mean telling you of the dream that I had. In this dream I clicked J/V and on the

    board was a memo: "Nighthawk, who are you? Why are you here?"

    So when you asked me, I wonder if our extra perception senses are tuned to each other, heyyyy!

    But feel welcome to ask anything in your mind that you may need to try to capture who Nighthawk is, included

    the meaning of the word "is".

    On a side note, Nagi I hope that today turns out to be a special day for you, no matter the issue involved, I just

    wish you a good 4th. I will spend a few hours perhaps away from this seat. I will take my snow-blower out into

    a shade and put the new spark plug in. I have it disassembled already, so it should be quick. I have all the tools

    that I need. If it starts when I pull that cord I will look up and yell at Jake, O.K. Jake let it snow.

    If not, well, I will have to settle with the electric start, which my machine has and started without problem when

    the cord froze on me this past pathetic winter.

    I will gas it up as soon as I finish and let you know the finished product.

    Be good today and have a good one.


  16. It happens every day. If things get out of control then use the report button.
    I refer to that type of activity as the bully-rag attack, where one may not agree or like what the other is

    posting. So he/she turns the issue against the poster in an attempt to silence, or bully off the thread, and takes

    over the discussion.......with surprisingly no accountability for this type of behavior. The push buttons does not

    work. My adivise: Ignore and consider the source.

  17. Well, Bumpy....she doen't know your old stomping grounds. But one day she will see it and who knows? She just might want to move there.

    Nighthawk, I have gone through a lot of surgeries and I know what it is like to go through it in fear and alone. I thank you for your kindness toward me. Just now, I, ME, am lost for words.

    I can tell Nagi, by reading the words that come out of your head. It is level and well screwed to your shoulders, I can

    tell. I did read the first page as you suggested. I agree with the need to keep the chips off the shoulders and that the

    adults have to lead the way to a better future here at VJ.

    It must be a bit distressing having to undergo so many surgeries as you say that you have had. Forgive me for being

    so forward and intrusive, but what is the problem? It your health in any kind of jeopardy?

    We have agreed I guess, that you are not that old.

    Personally, I have been a very lucky guy. In my life time, I have only had a total knee replacement. I was involved in

    a head on collision with a pick-up truck in the middle of the night in a very dark road while traveling in the state of

    Guanajuato, Mexico. At the time of the accident everything seemed normal with my body. It took father time years

    to remind me of that accident when my knees started to swell up to a point that surgery was required.

    Other than that, my Bionic eye!

    So I have good credentials if ever their is a good job opening.

    It has been a roller coaster of a day today Nagi. Fast and in circles. I feel somewhat relieve that my credibility is

    intact after putting it up in the defense of....get this.....a dog in Texas. Today I got the response from the person

    who held my credibility in his hands.

    He made everyone involved know that everything that led to my credibility being put on the line had been resolved

    in the positive manner just as I had been suggesting for days.

    There was never any arguments or accusations during the debates over a fricking dog! But I understand the dog is

    safe. And that was my wish.

    My head is about to explode.....Say Good Night Nagi.


  18. My next door neighbor has a black and white short haired pointer. We just have a 4 foot high chain link fence that divides our property line. Since they moved in about 6 months ago the beast goes into a frenzy whenever we are in our back yard and goes ballistic whenever we have to get close to the fence to do yard work. I've never done anything to antagonize the animal. I haven't complained about it because they put the dog inside at night, so we at least get some sleep without the dog barking all night.

    Anyway, that is not my gripe.

    About a month ago I was taking a stroll around the neighborhood to enjoy the nice weather and the lady next door happened to be walking the beast on a retractable leash. I was completely on the other side of the street. The animal charged at me so aggressively that it literally yanked the leash out of my neighbor's hand and this frigging mutt ran full speed across the street. He stopped less than a foot from me and began snarling and snapping at me. The #######'s hair was standing up on his back. Not good! He threw saliva from his teeth on my legs...he got that close in his rage at me. I knew better than to run and stood my ground. My neighbor finally got her mutt under control and apologized profusely. I was not amused, but I let it slide.

    This morning I was working in my driveway and guess who I see rounding the corner of my house? The beast himself! This time he not on a leash and my neighbor is nowhere in sight. I found out later the dog managed to get out of his fence through an unsecured gate in its yard. The SoB charged me from across my yard and I got a dose of the same routine I got a month ago...only this incident lasted several minutes. I finally managed to back up the 30 feet to my back door and managed to open it while facing down this mentally ill mutt. I slammed the door in his face. He was on my azz the entire 30 feet!

    Several minutes later the dog left my yard and took off down the street out of sight. So I went next door to tell these people to come get their damned dog and lock him up. They weren't at home. While walking back to my house I noticed my neighbor across the street came outside to do some work in his front yard. I walked over to warn him of the situation and advised him to do yard work later. Too late! The beast returned and charged both of us. My neighbor freaked out at this crazy mutt going ballistic at us. I had to tell him a couple of times to hold his ground and not to run. The dog finally disengaged and ran down the street, but was still in sight. I then decided to go back inside my house, but this time I was more than 100 feet from my door. Before I even got into my yard the beast charged me again and kept me from moving while lunging and snapping at me. In the mean time my neighbor guy got a shovel and was coming to my rescue, but the mutt ran away again.

    When I got inside I was debating about whether to call the cops or animal control when the owners of the animal drove into their driveway. I went outside to confront them and their dog ran up to greet them. I was pissed and lit into them verbally while staying my distance. They disappeared into their house with their dog in tow by his collar. I'm still pissed and there is a hell of lot lot more I want to say to them, but I will wait for a more opportune time.

    Thank God it was me the dog went after instead of a child, one of the little old ladies in our neighborhood, or my wife. I am quite sure this animal would maul anyone that ran from it. Mad dogs smell fear and have no mercy for the weak. Not a month goes by when I read about someone in Houston being severely mauled or killed by vicious dogs that get loose from their irresponsible owner's control and attack innocents.

    I like dogs and had them as pets as a kid, but if I had a mutt like this I would have it euthanized. My neighbors are criminally and civilly liable under the laws in the state of Texas if this animal attacks someone. You can be sure I will take this matter up with my neighbors again. This is unacceptable in a densely populated urban neighborhood.

    Peejay, how are you doing?

    The title and subject matter of your post above caught my attention because I am one of those you describe. I have

    a dog who is part of my family. A pet, son, companion, my life guard and most importantly my faithful friend who

    never complains and seeks me out when he sense that I am in a rut, like right now.

    I come to you not to fill your head with ideas on how to get rid of that dog. The pearl clutching oohs and aahs and the

    call the cops is not the way peejay. Please, if you have not yet called the police on the innocent animal, I BEG you

    not to have the dog slain, defenseless without a chance to fight.

    You said that as a child you had a dog. I am sure you remember how much he/she meant to you then. Peejay I also

    assume that you must be aware that dogs, in particular, like the lion in the jungle...or territorial animals and will

    protect their turf with their life.

    Think peejay, think of what generated the nasty temper that you describe while near the fence to his yard while you

    worked in yours. The dog was only doing what any dog would do peejay, and that is to protect his turf. He might

    have mistook you as a threat. Dogs go through their short lives depended on their ability to smell. They do not

    normally depend on what they see, they sniff and smell their food before they eat. This way they decide if they like

    what he/she is eating. I believe strongly peejay, that the dog sensed that you were a threat, when you were not.

    I wrote here I think only one or two days ago about the exact incident that you describe today. However I had several

    large dogs in my yard. I had a fence exactly as you describe in your rant. One of my dogs, which I forgot completely

    to mention in my post, named Rico --- a midnight black Labrador. Talk about territorial. First let me tell you what

    Rico did one day that had the cops knocking on my door.

    My neighbor called the cops(yeah, clutching his pearls) and said Rico nearly caught him by the throat as he walked

    near my chain link fence. He demanded that Rico was illegal because he need papers `sic`, I produced Rico`s

    license and documentation for all his shots, rabis, temperament ect, ect. to prove that he was not an illegal

    immigrant, so to speak. Well I got a warning.

    Next day I had a six foot wooden fence built all around my yard, which is enormous I have to add.

    Rico passed away in his sleep some years ago. When anyone not a member of my family walked in the back

    yard when Rico was around, that someone would quickly learn what a territorial dog is and what he does to

    let you know where you stand.

    The electrician guy once came inside the fence to read the meters to my home. Rico approached playfully because

    I was there. Rico went near the electrician and raised his leg and pissed on his shoes. Peejay by no means do I

    suggest that you allow that same thing to happen with this dog. I only mention this incident in a desperate way

    to convince you that killing a dog will not solve anything. Another dog will follow, then another and another. We

    simply cannot kill dogs simply because they are territorial animals. Don`t you protect you turf peejay? It is

    exactly the same thing. Only that dogs cannot communicate to tell you not to come too close to him.

    Today I own a four-year old pure blooded Chinese Shar pie...My friend. I would stand up against the wall to

    be shot before allowing any policeman to slay my friend.

    According to the history of the Shar pie dog, the Chinese during the Wong Dynasty many many years ago of course,

    bred the Shar pei as a fighting dog. The dog would be thrown into a deep pit to fight another to their death. This dog

    is all muscle and jaw, designed cleverly for fighting. (click Shar pei dog images at Google) to see my dog peejay.

    My Shar pei, of course was weened from his mother and brought home by my daughter. He has grown as high as

    he will during his life time. Short and extremely stocky, he is but a toy to anyone who approaches him. But that

    can only come through training.

    I love my dog peejay. I care for my friend.....I do not know, nor do I care about your neighbor or if he trains or not

    his dog.

    My only concern...My personal concern is the dog at issue here. Please peejay. Do no kill this dog.

    I have to assume that you are an intelligent person. I can tell that by the way you express yourself with words and

    your typing skills. Avoid any and all confrontations with this dog. You can do that if you want. You know you can.

    Your conscious will be clear whenever you hear that dog bark late late at nigh, peejay.

    Even if you call the Humane Society to pick him up. Death is a certainty and your call his death sentence.

    Please PM me. Let me talk you out of killing this dog.


    Nighthawk if your dog pissed on my shoes, your dog would be in a whole heap of trouble, I live in bear country and they r territorial, almost all bears would go the other way befor they confront people. its obvios the owners don't care enough to solve the problem the right way. I have my personal space, and I don't care if your a man or beast..if you enter it with bad intentions, then there will be consequences

    Excuse me, I did not notice your comment below mine, that is why there was this delay in my response.

    I understand what you mean about the reaction you would have if my dog pissed on you shoes. I guess most

    people would react that way. It is normal human reaction toward animals.

    But thank you very much for your comment. This issue about the vicious dangerous deranged dog is a dead issue.

    It is over. Everything is back to normal with peejay. Read his response to my request for his comment to all of

    the noise that his rant generated. It is a dead issue. It is over. Done, kaput, Se Acabo.

    Peejay seems to have made peace with the monster. Say goodnight now.


  19. The intent to create such a place is real. We have had a successful record on VJ and having the most pages in one thread with no battles and no fights. How about that? It took a certain group of individuals to make that happen. But we needed a change. Read page one.

    I love you, Tammy! What more can I say?

    Nighthawk, I have a nice juniper which I pruned a la Eddy Scissorhand. Im happy the peepers are an inspiration and a motivation to you! Im wondering.....in the future.....could I hire you?

    Hmmmmm, I don`t come cheap Nag. My new found Bionic eye power has me giddy even in my sleep. In the morning

    as I slide off the bed into the shower I even take the scrubbing brush into the shower with me to clean the tub where

    the water falls.

    Perhaps if your resume sound promising, there is no telling what the future holds Nag. You have one up on anyone to

    get my services, being the only one who remembered to wish me well at my time of need. Thanks Nag. I even

    dedicated to you my first post-surgery thread.

    So who knows? You can apply later if you wish.

    P.S. I finally got to give Simba his bath. He is now chilling on his bed watching Animal World on TV...I`m serious he

    does that. Although I have to turn the TV to that channel. I do not want to over do it here.


  20. Has anyone heard from peejay? Hello peejay. It would be nice to hear your take on all the comments that your rant


    peejay may be out working on his oil rig.

    More power to him. Let us support him. Everyone together -- Let`s support peejay maybe he will squirt some

    of that oil our way. Now I`m done.

    Sorry, I haven't been online in a while. Yes, I am offshore at work. It has been busy out here with lots of overtime. We finally got caught up, so I was able to squeeze in some internet time today.

    This was an old thread from March. I haven't had any more troubles from the dog. He still barks at me when I'm in my backyard, but as long as he stays on his side of the fence everything is OK. He hasn't gotten loose since that incident in March. My neighbor wasn't too friendly before the incident and doesn't talk to me, my wife, or any of the other neighbors on our street. As long as her dog behaves himself I could care less if she keeps to herself. She moved in several months ago and just doesn't care to meet any of the people on our street. No loss there. To each their own as long as it doesn't cause me any grief.

    Peejay, man have you made my day! Thank you very much for this kind message. I am just jumping with joy by what

    you say. Thanks peejay for not reporting that dog to certain extermination. Wow, now I would really really like to

    hear from all those who were on the verge of forming a vigilante nighttime raid on the dog`s home to kill him.

    Some even mentioned shotguns Peejay!!!

    Please take good care of yourself at the oil rigs. I have seen footage on TV of this things and they look kind of creepy.

    I am very glad to know that the dog finally realized that you were not a threat to him. You can always know that by

    the dog`s demeanor, and its sounds to me like you do understand that.

    I am glad that you are a good person. Not a vigilante. A brotherly hug to you peejay...Take care and good luck.

    Thank you for you comment.


  21. I am happy to come here. There is a certain peacefulness that comes with being at a place where ####### is yesterdays' story, and mutual understanding is here to be found.

    No doubt, it is a roomful of heart and I hope that we may share our stories here and our lives and recieve support, but give more of it.


    I could not have found it more convincing as you describe this place Tammy2688. And I have a Bionic eye. Keep up

    that wonderful view of life and be happy and good.

  22. Nighthawk,

    I forgot to ask you ....how are the peepers?

    Nag. Note the time it took me to respond to your question. Strange things are happening with me. I really believe that

    Eye-Care Center used me as an experiment to create a Bionic Eye, but instead they created a Monster.

    This morning if you recall, I said that the sun was shinning very nice where I sat. Well, as I looked outside through the

    window, I noticed the hedges on my front yard fence had grown real tall and need trimming. My eye started blinking

    wildly and I felt this urge to go outside and trim the hedges. I cannot control this urge to clean and straighten things

    out Nag! I have become Mr. Clean worst nightmare!

    I found myself in front of the closet once again. I had just put Mr. Clean`s uniform away. This time I knew this was a

    job for Superman. I just could not find the cape. I do not remember where the hell I put that cape.

    Anyway I grabbed the hedges sheer and ran outside. A hedges sheer what is that you ask? It is a pair a scissor with long wooden handles. You open the blades with the handles and cut like scissors.

    My eye transformed me into a super Edward Scissors hands, and in no time the hedges were done and carved into

    slopes that all the neighbors came to admire and cheer me on. This thing is huge Nag.

    Oh, and the procedure done on the eye also affected my brain. I now can see just how outlandish and silly I think!

    Thank you for inquiring about my peeper Nag. I feel like a different person really. After the hedges I took a ride

    to the bank to count my money. It is still all there.

    I`m back and really to rummmmmbbbllle!


  23. LUBBOCK, Texas - A slice of cool, fresh watermelon is a juicy way to top off a Fourth of July cookout and one that researchers say has effects similar to Viagra — but don't necessarily expect it to keep the fireworks all night long.

    Watermelons contain an ingredient called citrulline that can trigger production of a compound that helps relax the body's blood vessels, similar to what happens when a man takes Viagra, said scientists in Texas, one of the nation's top producers of the seedless variety.

    Found in the flesh and rind of watermelons, citrulline reacts with the body's enzymes when consumed in large quantities and is changed into arginine, an amino acid that benefits the heart and the circulatory and immune systems.

    "Arginine boosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, the same basic effect that Viagra has, to treat erectile dysfunction and maybe even prevent it," said Bhimu Patil, a researcher and director of Texas A&M's Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center. "Watermelon may not be as organ-specific as Viagra, but it's a great way to relax blood vessels without any drug side effects."

    Todd Wehner, who studies watermelon breeding at North Carolina State University, said anyone taking Viagra shouldn't expect the same result from watermelon.

    "It sounds like it would be an effect that would be interesting but not a substitute for any medical treatment," Wehner said.

    The nitric oxide can also help with angina, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems, according to the study, which was paid for by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

    Mostly in the rind

    More citrulline — about 60 percent — is found in watermelon rind than in the flesh, Patil said, but that can vary. But scientists may be able to find ways to boost the concentrations in the flesh, he said.

    Citrulline is found in all colors of watermelon and is highest in the yellow-fleshed types, said Penelope Perkins-Veazie, a USDA researcher in Lane, Okla.

    She said Patil's research is valid, but with a caveat: One would need to eat about six cups of watermelon to get enough citrulline to boost the body's arginine level.

    "The problem you have when you eat a lot of watermelon is you tend to run to the bathroom more," Perkins-Veazie said.

    Watermelon is a diuretic and was a homeopathic treatment for kidney patients before dialysis became widespread.

    Another issue is the amount of sugar that much watermelon would spill into the bloodstream — a jolt that could cause cramping, Perkins-Veazie said.

    Patil said he would like to do future studies on how to reduce the sugar content in watermelon.

    The relationship between citrulline and arginine might also prove helpful to those who are obese or suffer from type-2 diabetes. The beneficial effects — among them the ability to relax blood vessels, much like Viagra does — are beginning to be revealed in research.

    Citrulline is present in other curcubits, like cucumbers and cantaloupe, at very low levels, and in the milk protein casein. The highest concentrations of citrulline are found in walnut seedlings, Perkins-Veazie said.

    "But they're bitter and most people don't want to eat them," she said.


    I`ll take a slice. No make that two slices please.
  24. Has anyone heard from peejay? Hello peejay. It would be nice to hear your take on all the comments that your rant


    peejay may be out working on his oil rig.

    More power to him. Let us support him. Everyone together -- Let`s support peejay maybe he will squirt some

    of that oil our way. Now I`m done.

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