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Posts posted by nighthawk

  1. Hello boys and girls...Have you been behaving while I tended the bar? I went through most of the comments on my

    other thread (Mommy or Daddy), looking for one particular response to my last comment...I did not find it, if it is


    Anyway, what I also found was that the kiddies had taken over while I was out. The topic there now appears to

    center on things that I cannot comment on, particularly on the subject of Nighthawks having little peckers. That is

    not true, I swear!....Now if a person participating in my thread has some sort of hangup with Masturbations and

    Nighthawks having little peckers, well that really turns me off...I do not want to be there....So this is why I have

    written this piece.....Now I will not say that relishing on these topics are wrong, if the guy loves to do that..I just

    cannot be around that thread any longer.....

    Anyway, I was turned off and lost interest, so I decided to do this short side note to thank all of you.. It has been

    a real pleasure getting to know how some of you think and utilize the forum. I want to add, that as far as I have read

    the comments, no one was thrashed or put down maliciously, and I love that.

    Another thing that I want to mention about the other thread is that I was really touched by the searched history of

    the Nighthawk done by a certain person. That was really very thoughtful, whatever the reason for doing the search.

    I am just very sorry that I have burned the bridge and cannot reach the person to give my thanks personally.

    Now this piece is not intended as a launching thread....I merely could not bring myself to enter the ghetto that my

    other thread has been converted into....But hey, its thier thing too! I want to thank everyone, all who had a thing

    or two to say to me or about me....That is the beauty of the forum...A place to exchange ideas and comments with

    adult based debates....We cannot go wrong

    Have a wonderful day.


  2. monkeyrobot.jpg

    Shall we instead contemplate such trivial knowledge with great earnest? These are the kinds of things that make me step back, shake my head, and hope that more don't follow .

    There you go again Nagi. Don`t you dare go and break my heart. I always thought that I was your hero.

    I am only responding to comments the best that I can without stirring the hornets nest..Don`t make hints

    Nagi, tell me what to do.....I will do it.

    As much as I don't want you to become one of pop-psychology's walking cartoons, I want you to feel excited about the holy task of freeing your future from enslavement to your earnest conditioning.

    Now follow my lead and I will be ever so pleased...and so will you! If you can't beat back the compulsion to run away, turn it into your advantage. Flee to a person whose grace will banish your tormentors, and escape to a sanctuary where you can hear the sound of the earth turning. Also, learn to fly in your nightmares to a place where the pain will reveal it's own cure.

    Conquor yourself first and other people will gladly let you lead them. :)

    Nagi. hi and good morning.

    Today I am starting off on a string of errands that require my attention. I will probably stay kind of busy most of

    the morning and perhaps parts of this afternoon.

    But upon checking-in this morning I find the usual suspects still firing away at my "wonderful thread". Four pages

    and after I closed the book last night.....But I told you last evening to tell me what to do, and you responded with

    the longest comment that I have yet seen from you...Thank you girl for you heartfelt advice, or advise. I am only

    writing to you this morning. The rest of the comments are appreciated, but I will not respond further, at least to

    yesterday`s marathon.

    To be totally honest, to grasp and practice your suggestion "to flee to a person whose grace will banish your

    tormentors" is indeed touching to say the least. However, tormentors in my lifetime will never cease to exist. I

    have been accused of many things. ...As you know, I am a hopelessly addicted reader. I have read most of your

    post here at V/J and many more....I learn how to act and write in order to keep the vultures off my (you know what)

    Look, I am really running late. I thank you for your comment Nagi...Follow your own lead and pay no attention to

    the trolls who do not have to courage to post thier own threads and put themselves in front ot the public. By that I

    mean, to post their own thing, and face the firing squads....No balls there. Ooooppps

    Lal, if you read this. I understand. Sometimes I myself with I could take down something that I wrote...Last evening

    is now gone, dead issue...Take care.

    Quite frankly, I had to think hard. I had to think fast. It made my brain want to file a Chapter 13, but I try hard to remain that beacon of beautiful uncertainty and rich confusion. Mutation of the fittest, I always say.

    Good morning, BTW.

    I think we should pay lots of attention to the trolls behind the curtain, and his / her assistants too, just to counter their propaganda . But lets not rip the curtain down----yet. We need to teach them the First Commandment of Self - Promotion...." Exploit Thyself " .

    Be careful out there.

    Nagi, hi...I came back from an errand and put some bank documents away and am getting ready for my next

    run. The sun is beautiful and warm out there today. It is a day that allowed me to cherish my eyesight and my

    health. I pounded my chest and thought about what you "try to convince me of".

    Then I read in your latest comment this: "I think we should pay lots of attention to the trolls behind the curtain".

    Your thought brings back memories. I mentioned earlier that I wished people here would use their imagination and

    write their own threads and face the music that would follow.

    Think back Nagi, before you file Chapter 13. Those trolls/assistants that you mention almost derailed your thread

    that is still ongoing today...Remember the comments that you got? At the beginning I now read that you appeared

    ready to throw in the towel....You almost folded and gave up....Remember, or go back and read all those crapola

    eaters comments made against you.....But you succeeded, they left you alone....You are now Ms. Nagi to most,

    including me.....

    So crapola slingers do not faze me Nagi..Soon, mark my word....I too will be left alone and respected for not only

    what I write, but as a person....regardless of who they decide I truly am in the end.

    Don`t weaken on me Nagi. I am your loyal friend, you should know by now....Only you will have to accept what

    I am, and not necessarily what I say in my writings.

  3. I have always considered myself a pretty intelligent person. Even with my recent eye surgery, I still am able

    to see what occurred here, when my post was taken down.

    I know exactly the words that I used in that post that triggered the monster to strike. I used no material that I

    know to be unacceptable in this forum as being against the rules.

    The question asked by eric as to whether I could jack-off with my ailing wrist brought him a slap that to me is

    totally questionable. But even if that word is against the rule, O.k., I could accept that.

    But where is the inappropriateness of words that I used to warrant this totalitarian mentality that seems to

    run amok against me? I only said that I would return to post in "a few days, and not months" like it had been

    wished by the gate keeper.

    I will not run to Mommy or Daddy and complain that the bully is trying to silence the new kid on the block. I will

    never snitch on anyone, not even the monster. I appreciate all the advise that you gave me in your comments.

    Thank you.

    Like someone said. "Pretend the post never existed"....#######, it is not worth putting myself that low...it sucks.

    Hy goof ball dont you have anything else better to do than to ####### and complain?

    If it's not worth it, what's this...the second thread concerning your missing thread/post?

    I musta missed it because I have no clue what you're on about....but in the last thread with SOME of the comments...they are just VJs way....with certain posters, there's very much a tongue in cheek element to what is written, that I guess would go unnoticed if you're unfamiliar with the particular poster.

    As to Eric...his comments are vulgar and disgusting and he's basically nothing more than a caricature that is allowed to exist...I presume for entertainment's sake...but eh, I guess ignoring it would be the best option there.

    But I'm totally curious as to what you seem to be so upset over. No one's telling you to run and tattle...but if you truly want an answer...the mods/Ewok are the only ones who can give it to you. The rest of us can only speculate.

    And your the loudest mouth of VJ. Why are you attacking of me what did i ever do to you?

    Eric hello. Sorry for the delay. I just clicked-in and ran into your comment. Eric, listen to me. Please.

    This morning I read another comment from you in which you rail that you are targeted for attacks here at V/J.

    You even claim that you carry the target sign on your forehead.

    Now you say that I attacked you....Eric, listen to me please...You are among my favorites here because I have

    noticed that you speak your mind, damned the consequences....Frankly Eric, I think that paranoia has caught up

    with you....No one is attacking you....If you will please point to any comment that I may have made that offended

    you I will apologize to you.

    If you refer to my mentioning "that I am indeed the goof ball" that you describe, well you should take my comment

    as a compliment...I admitted Eric that I am a goof ball....You will later learn also. But attack you Eric nevah.

  4. monkeyrobot.jpg

    Shall we instead contemplate such trivial knowledge with great earnest? These are the kinds of things that make me step back, shake my head, and hope that more don't follow .

    There you go again Nagi. Don`t you dare go and break my heart. I always thought that I was your hero.

    I am only responding to comments the best that I can without stirring the hornets nest..Don`t make hints

    Nagi, tell me what to do.....I will do it.

    As much as I don't want you to become one of pop-psychology's walking cartoons, I want you to feel excited about the holy task of freeing your future from enslavement to your earnest conditioning.

    Now follow my lead and I will be ever so pleased...and so will you! If you can't beat back the compulsion to run away, turn it into your advantage. Flee to a person whose grace will banish your tormentors, and escape to a sanctuary where you can hear the sound of the earth turning. Also, learn to fly in your nightmares to a place where the pain will reveal it's own cure.

    Conquor yourself first and other people will gladly let you lead them. :)

    Nagi. hi and good morning.

    Today I am starting off on a string of errands that require my attention. I will probably stay kind of busy most of

    the morning and perhaps parts of this afternoon.

    But upon checking-in this morning I find the usual suspects still firing away at my "wonderful thread". Four pages

    and after I closed the book last night.....But I told you last evening to tell me what to do, and you responded with

    the longest comment that I have yet seen from you...Thank you girl for you heartfelt advice, or advise. I am only

    writing to you this morning. The rest of the comments are appreciated, but I will not respond further, at least to

    yesterday`s marathon.

    To be totally honest, to grasp and practice your suggestion "to flee to a person whose grace will banish your

    tormentors" is indeed touching to say the least. However, tormentors in my lifetime will never cease to exist. I

    have been accused of many things. ...As you know, I am a hopelessly addicted reader. I have read most of your

    post here at V/J and many more....I learn how to act and write in order to keep the vultures off my (you know what)

    Look, I am really running late. I thank you for your comment Nagi...Follow your own lead and pay no attention to

    the trolls who do not have to courage to post thier own threads and put themselves in front ot the public. By that I

    mean, to post their own thing, and face the firing squads....No balls there. Ooooppps

    Lal, if you read this. I understand. Sometimes I myself with I could take down something that I wrote...Last evening

    is now gone, dead issue...Take care.

  5. Are you aware of the difference between a verb and a noun?

    Purple Hibiscus, hi again. I like you. I really do. You sound like a person who enjoys involvement, and thats good.

    But I am just on my way out. I just punched out and it way past my bedtime. But very quickly, I don`t....

    I don`t know, at least not off hand, the difference between a verb or noun, just like I have no clue what a

    complete sentence is.

    What I do know, is what I READ.. And I do that lot....That is what my dictionary tells me what the word

    advise means. I really am not too concerned about telling Nessa if the word is a noun or a verb.

    But we can discuss this tomorrow Purple Hibisucus...I am game when it comes to learning something new

    Have a wonderful evening. And thanks for your comment.

  6. Excuse me while I go floss my brain. Your last request clogged my cranuim.

    Nagi, I just had to respond. I TELL YOU WOMAN, you are the one who not only clogs my brain, but make me

    run my fore finger up and down my lips and try to whistle at the same time while chewing gum. You really

    rattle the marbles in my head.

    We just are going to have to talk ala americana. You confuse me....Or is it that you forget so easily what

    you write? That`s a no no Nagi. Depending on what you meant, I think that something I said seems to have

    fallen in very forgettable cranuim. Talk to me, but in ala americana, so I can understand. I do speak ingles

    you know?

    Now say goodnight Nagi. ......... I`m pretty tired now....I think I will go home now.....Gump

  7. advice

    Hi Nessa`. Lets play dictionary, shall we?

    ADVISE:..... 1. to give advice to; counsel, 2. to offer as advice; recommend 3. to notify; inform

    v.i 1. to discuss or consult (with). 2. to give advice.

  8. This morning`s post "I need your advise" gave me the rush and the high that I needed in my time of feeling a

    bit depressed. I feel much better now.

    Some of you were very courteous in your comments and your advise is likewise appreciated. Others were a bit

    confused and a tad miffed and distracted.

    I have made up my mind that I am now back to post here.

    I have touched some sensitive spots in some and in others I may have succeeded in yanking a giggle or two. That

    in a nutshell, was the intent while I kept the thread going with my responses to comments. In the future you will

    get to know me that I am actually the goof ball described by Eric.

    You will find that I am straightforward and at times very controversial. I have repeatedly said that I think of

    myself as being pretty intelligent. In that light I know right from wrong when posting, so do not evah, take my

    writings personal.

    I respect each and everyone here as my own family. I mean that.

    Now as for this morning`s post "I need your advise", let me please close this book and lets turn to another page

    and another thread.

    Thank you, everyone.

  9. monkeyrobot.jpg

    Shall we instead contemplate such trivial knowledge with great earnest? These are the kinds of things that make me step back, shake my head, and hope that more don't follow .

    There you go again Nagi. Don`t you dare go and break my heart. I always thought that I was your hero.

    I am only responding to comments the best that I can without stirring the hornets nest..Don`t make hints

    Nagi, tell me what to do.....I will do it.

  10. So the question remains, what is it that you want or wish to accomplish? You're upset that some post of yours has disappeared....the mods are the only ones who have the ability to make posts disappear, so your question needs and should be directed to them. If that is not satisfactory....go to Ewok, the site owner/operator. If that's running to "Mommy and Daddy" then whatever, you make no sense, your posts just come off a whining for the sake of.... :wacko:

    But hey...if that's what you wanna do, more power to ya, just don't expect to hold too many peoples' attention for long. <_<


    Ohh, but you are so wrong Minya`s wife. I did not expected to hold too many peoples attention...But you know what?

    The opposite is true. Look around Minya`s wife. The third page is coming around fast. A lot of people listen when

    Nighthawk writes.

    If you do not believe me, keep on reading. This post must not be to your liking, but like I said earlier, I do not have

    cats to write about. When I write people read and make comments, I respectfully read all of them and try to answer

    each accordingly.

    Like yours.

    Thank you I enjoyed reading yours.

  11. You're very strange Nighthawk.

    The mods and admin aren't mommy and daddy.

    You should post this in the site discussion forum and ask why the thread was pulled if you really want an answer, or PM them. They're the only ones who know why.

    Do you really expect other members to know why or even care?

    Oh, and my two dogs are cool. B)

    "STRANGE!!!", that`s the word I had been trying to find to apply to myself. Indeed I am very strange LoriLawless.

    I am so strange that it is even strange that the whole issue of the missing post has now been distracted and now

    I am being blamed for it.

    If you can read, you can make out for yourself what the deal is here. Don`t send me on goose chases when the

    goose is at you feet.

    Say hi to your dogs. Mine is also cool, just like me and yours.


  12. im not speaking with you but to you....your injury seems fine so post whatever u feel

    Brni, I am still paining a bit. I really thought that you were speaking to me. I see that you still sound like you

    do not want my peace....

    I am having a bit of a problem typing. Today I saw the eye specialist to set up my second surgery on my right

    eye, next month on the 18th. I do think it was fun talking to you brni.

    problems, problems, my middle name lately.

  13. Fair enough, but the effect is, that some posts attract attention by complainers and other don't. I ma not sure if the mods act without there being a complaint. I suspect if they happen to spot something, they will, but I also suspsect that they don't review every thread. So, if you have a complaint that you need addressed there really is only one option.

    Purple Hibiscus. Don`t misinterpret this, but your comment strays a little too much into Mod`s waters. I just cannot

    make a comment here.

    I have a pretty good idea of what my option will be from now on. Nothing extraordinary or anything like that, but

    going to a Mod is not one of them. People have their own lives to live, even those who sleep on top of their

    keyboards, like some I have met here. So Mods need none of this S....h....t!!!

    Thank you Purple Hibiscus.

  14. so post, your here, and quit complaining

    O.K. Brni, I forgave you long ago.....kidding!

    I`m not complaining. I am merely posting interesting happenings. You see, I do not have cats to talk about.

    I have a dog though, but dogs, like me, I guess are not too cool.

    Hello Brni. glad you made up your mind to speak to me again....Peace pretty one.

  15. If it's not worth it, what's this...the second thread concerning your missing thread/post?

    I musta missed it because I have no clue what you're on about....but in the last thread with SOME of the comments...they are just VJs way....with certain posters, there's very much a tongue in cheek element to what is written, that I guess would go unnoticed if you're unfamiliar with the particular poster.

    As to Eric...his comments are vulgar and disgusting and he's basically nothing more than a caricature that is allowed to exist...I presume for entertainment's sake...but eh, I guess ignoring it would be the best option there.

    But I'm totally curious as to what you seem to be so upset over. No one's telling you to run and tattle...but if you truly want an answer...the mods/Ewok are the only ones who can give it to you. The rest of us can only speculate.

    Happy Bunny Hi, and thanks for your comment. You strike me as a pretty savvy person and I have to admit that

    your comments demands that I explain to you what "I`m on about".

    You see, I have not been on-line for several days due to an accident. When that accident happened, several very

    beautiful people here at the forum wrote some very nice get well words to me. I wrote last week to thank all those


    In what I thought was a funny post, I wrote about walking into a bar. Meeting a drunk and getting wasted myself.

    During my stumbling around drunk on the internet, looking for PORN, I realized that I had stumbled into V/J.

    I then proceeded to thank the beautiful people that I mentioned above. My post ran for two or three days and was

    gone....IT IS GONEEEE...Bhaaaaaaaa....

    Now tell me, Happy Bunny, why????

  16. It's a little difficult to know, but it seems as though this person is suggesting that the mods themselves are being biased in their dealings with complaints. I suspect however that isn't the case but that while some posts get complaints and others don't it has nothing to do with one's perception as to whether a rule has been broken or not but more whether a post attracts the attention of a complainer - or not.

    Excuse me Purple Hibiscus. Your comment indeed may have merit. However, I do not suggest here, nor have I ever

    suggested that Mods themselves are being biased in dealing with complaints.

    What I said was, "that I will never snitch on anyone". So that has to follow that I will never contact a Mod. Therefore

    I cannot suggest bias on anyone, or anybody.

    But you have a point well taken. What I would suggest hereafter is that members should be made aware of what`s

    in their midst anytime something like this incident occurs. This should not be tolerated if no rules or broken or any

    threats or harms inflicted mentally to anyone. Like someone said, Peace!

  17. Nighthawk,

    Im going to hold your message hostage until you say you are sorry for apologizing. Today Im really tired of hearing the words, ' can't ' , ' shouldn't ' , and ' no' . Simply allow yourself to be troubled in a way you never have before. Suggestion: Do what I do.....close your eyes, shut out the darkness and call everyone in the world a bad name.

    Nagi, hi. Sorry I haven`t been around your name lately. I am still paining some. I just had to tell you that you do

    not cease to impress me with the way you confuse me. We seem to be alike in many ways, even the way we think.

    I agree with you. Like I said earlier, #######? Its not worth it. I say consider the source, and laugh and try to act like

    an Amish on the wagon, so as not to hurt feelings.

  18. I have always considered myself a pretty intelligent person. Even with my recent eye surgery, I still am able

    to see what occurred here, when my post was taken down.

    I know exactly the words that I used in that post that triggered the monster to strike. I used no material that I

    know to be unacceptable in this forum as being against the rules.

    The question asked by eric as to whether I could jack-off with my ailing wrist brought him a slap that to me is

    totally questionable. But even if that word is against the rule, O.k., I could accept that.

    But where is the inappropriateness of words that I used to warrant this totalitarian mentality that seems to

    run amok against me? I only said that I would return to post in "a few days, and not months" like it had been

    wished by the gate keeper.

    I will not run to Mommy or Daddy and complain that the bully is trying to silence the new kid on the block. I will

    never snitch on anyone, not even the monster. I appreciate all the advise that you gave me in your comments.

    Thank you.

    Like someone said. "Pretend the post never existed"....#######, it is not worth putting myself that low...it sucks.

  19. My post " `hic, ummmm, hi" that was up for two day is now gone. It has been taken down. I cannot find it in the

    first twenty pages.

    I have a pretty good idea who took it down, so do dome of you who have read what I have written lately.

    I recieved no type of notice, or warning.

    I simply wrote what I percieved to be a humorous post to thank some folks for their caring messages that

    I recieved when I went on the disabled list.

    So what`s up with that???

    Any advise will be appreciated

  20. Freak accident last week caused me a broken wrist on my right hand...Am now in a cast and out of commission.

    Typing this with my left fore finger...No fun......at all.

    My whole project here was ruined.....I`ll be back

  21. This post is the first of several entries that I will be posting periodically in an attempt to bring some of you along

    for a journey into the future. It is intended to portray a man with a vision about the past and hopefully the future

    of today....I will refrain myself to respond to any and all comments during my writings. In due time and with

    deep respect, I will choose which comments I will address in the end.....Enjoy


    It is 10;30 p.m. when I slide behind the wheel of my car for the usual ride to work at my job. My apartment in

    Brackettville allows me about twenty-five minutes to reach my third shift post at Spofford.

    I am a Telegrapher Operator in charge of the third shift watch for the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. depot at

    Spofford. I answer to my dispatcher who is stationed in Houston.

    Bracketville, Texas is located on U.S. highway 90, 120 miles west of San Antonio and 31 miles from Del Rio.

    The Mexican city of Ciudad Acuna borders Del Rio and is across the Rio Grande. The Mexican Border is 31

    miles from where I stand. It is only fitting that the Duke become involved in my story depicting my experience

    of Bracketville. You will know you are passing this city by a flashing red light high in the middle of the highway

    and a blue colored structure on the right that serves as a restaurant and lodge, and that was it....until the

    Duke came upon the scene.

    It is here in Bracketville, that the Duke, John Wayne shot his movie "The Alamo" in 1960 portraying Davy

    Crockett. Despite apparent poor marketing and low ratings that the movie generated, the city for the benefit

    of tourists, constructed the Alamo Village, complete with features and characterizations of the real battle of

    the Alamo in San Antonio in 1836. This tiny community not content with the exposure that the movie brought

    for local businesses, were unfortunately rewarded with a tragedy that keeps the city in the news even today,

    with a little controversial racial issue of that time as a bonus.

    During the shooting of the movie, a female part time actress named LeJean Eldridge was murdered on location

    in a domestic dispute, according to the press. The tiny community was abuzz by the tourists who flocked the

    village. The added bonus for the exposure of this tiny spot in history was provided by Sammy Davis Jr. The

    media picked up the scent of a story when it was reported that Sammy Davis Jr., the black member of the

    Frank Sinatra rat pack was denied a part in the movie the Alamo by the Duke because Sammy was involved

    romantically at the time with white actress May Britt.

    I shake my head in disbelief as I look around this tiny city from inside of my car. I have been here for several

    years and have yet to see any changes for the better in the community. I have yet to see tourists roaming

    around the streets simply because there are no real street here. The narrow roads are dirt and gravel that

    create dusty bowls when cars travel at 30 MPH. One of the paved roads that I see other than highway 90 is

    the one that I am about to enter.

    Highway 131 is my view of an arm from highway 90. It runs south from 90 which runs east to west. It runs

    in a narrow twisting road of sprawling forest and brush deep into a wilderness leading to Spofford 9 miles

    inland. At the mouth of the entrance to this dark and deserted road is a warning that reads:


    I see the glow that is called shinning as the bright lights from my car pick up several deer standing by the

    road near the trees, ready to jump over the car. I turn off my lights and drive at a crawl for a short distance

    and turn them back on, repeating this move until I reach my destination. Although I had deer collisions in

    the past this time I had none, surviving another night in deer country. I felt my tires over the railroad tracks

    and was relieved as I turned left after the tracks and pulled into the vast dusty lot of the Spofford depot that

    awaited me.

    My Time Master Railroad watch tells me that I am six minutes early for work. I pause to run my eyes over the

    depot structure. An old box car erected atop of cement pillars five feet high, was professionally cleaned, painted

    and converted into a large office replica. Getting out of my car, by nightly habit I walk into the darkness of the

    railroad tracks by the side of the depot. Expecting to find someone hiding in the dark, I see no one. Perhaps

    they wait a while longer to come out.

    I walk up the flight of five steps and enter the depot holding my lunch box, coffee term and a large bag that

    I bring nightly which I place in a side cubicle and out of sight. My colleague on watch for the second shift is

    getting ready to leave his post. I walk him to the door and we engage in our nightly ritual of a brotherly

    embrace and I wish him luck during his drive home through deer country.

    I look at my watch and sit down at my desk. I pull the accordion-like handle of the radio voice transmitter close

    to my face and my mouth. I press gently with my foot the pedal under my desk to open communication with my

    dispatcher in Houston, using the radio hams operator system and speak:

    "O.S. Spofford"

    "Go Ahead Spofford", responded my dispatcher.

    "Houston, may I have the correct time, please?"

    "Sure Spofford, it is 11 p.m. and Five minutes, right....Nowwww!"

    "O.S." is the preferred selected code letters used by Texas railroad employees to communicate radio messages

    and transmissions.

    I set my watch with a click of my finger to the correct time that the dispatcher provided. I was now in the same

    time frame as every railroad employee on my side from Houston.

    "Thanks Houston", I said to the dispatcher.

    "Hey Otto, how ya doing down in darkness country?", joked my dispatcher.

    "Hello Uga, its pretty quite right now", I answered.

    "Don`t go to sleep on me Otto", he joked again.

    "Don`t worry I won`t Uga", I joked back

    We spent a lot of time over the air joking during the night. At times other agents stationed on depots far away

    from me would join in. Sometimes we engaged in serious talks, but tonight we had come up with these names

    to call each other.

    I would be idle in this cool box until 3 a.m. when a train was scheduled to pass through Spofford. Another train

    would be a passenger train that would arrive at my depot at 6 in the morning. Very rarely would that train pick

    up passengers here. I would spend the long eerie nights reading and listening for noises coming from the tracks

    that made me think, correctly at times, that illegal immigrants were outside. It was only 30 miles from the

    border and I knew they would come. No one was allowed to come into the depot while I was on duty. Any

    distraction that would create danger for the railroad in its operations of directing the trains was prohibited.

    Many times I was confronted with this prohibition and chose to ignore the rule. In this story I will recount my

    personal experiences that compelled me to make an exception to this rule.

    The knock on my door was a soft tap. The wooden door with the large glass window pane was always closed

    for the benefit of the air condition that was on full blast day and night. I walked to the door and opened it a

    crack. A slap of searing hotness of the night hit my face and I stepped out into the porch. A small dirty looking

    man stood there trembling even though it was sweltering hot. Besides him was a woman holding a child in her

    arms and the hand of a boy about six years old. They looked tired and scared, and begged me with hand signs

    not to strike them or call the police.

    I had seen this scene many times before and never called anyone. I made signs that I had some food for them

    and water inside..The large bag that I hid in the cubicle upon my arrival contained the food I spoke about. Every

    night I brought this bag full of small stuff to eat, and jars of drinking water. I directed these people to a spot

    where they could remain safe and wait for me. I would come with the food and water and tell them about the

    3 a.m . freight train coming through. I would show them where to wait for the train, and show them what they

    need to do to hop on it, and........................to continue


  22. MOST people know stories are just emails and it maybe awhile before they are untisted ty...i dont seem to understand our problems here but maybe we just dont click so to say. So in order to keep Nagi happy with a nice thread, you take your road and ill take mine in hopes we never meet.

    Also what is your reason to be on this forum just asking, do you have a visa application working, have you answered or helped anyone on here yet with a problem (just asking)

    could be just .... trolling to help someone ... :whistle:

    Brei, I was about to close shop and do something else, but I really think that it would have been against my

    principles...You ask some questions which I view as personal and in some respect laced with anger for some

    reason. I sincerly believe that your questions require an immediate response.

    Brei if my comments have been overly aggressive and offensive, you have only yourself to blame..If you are

    sincere as I think you are, you will recall that you are the "only one" on this forum that invited me to join in the

    fun...You told me that waiting for the process to go forward was very frustrating and the threads were meant as

    fun and stupidities..I believe those were your exact words.

    I honestly do not recall what brought your nice invitation to join the jun, but I accepted amicably and joined

    what I now realize is a group of frustrated women....Well actually not all are frustrated women,but you are

    one and you told me so remember?

    What I take issue with is your inquiry as to why I am here. What is my visa situation. That too requires my honest

    response...I have no visa problems dear, and I am greatful to have been born in the good ole U.S.A. Now if I

    am required to give you further explanations for my presence here, you just have to let me know.

    With respect to your comment that we go separate ways, well, that comment really really yanked a snorty giggle

    and a loud fart from me....You comment did that because it reminds me of that girl with the broken heart that gave

    me the boot years ago. "you go your way and I will go mine"......I just love your sense of humor..Now you appear

    to want to give me the boot also.

    I am a family man. My life may have been flawed and life to me was but an illusion, I always have managed to uphold

    the most sincere respect to the female species, and you are included. I will respect your wish and stay out of your

    posts and will not make comments one way or another. But do know this Brei, this was your decision to part ways

    with our brief stormy friendship..You surely know that I was just following your instructions and perhaps I came on

    pretty fast, close and personal..It could be that you despise having met you match. I can be as fun and stupid as

    the next can be.

    Whatever you ultimately decide, I wish you luck...I will carry your sense of humor in my mind and will never allow

    my mind to think an iota of bad things about you....with this Brei, I will now close shop and continue on my way.

    Good luck........This post was unintentionally double posted.

  23. MOST people know stories are just emails and it maybe awhile before they are untisted ty...i dont seem to understand our problems here but maybe we just dont click so to say. So in order to keep Nagi happy with a nice thread, you take your road and ill take mine in hopes we never meet.

    Also what is your reason to be on this forum just asking, do you have a visa application working, have you answered or helped anyone on here yet with a problem (just asking)

    could be just .... trolling to help someone ... :whistle:

    Brei, I was about to close shop and do something else, but I really think that it would have been against my

    principles...You ask some questions which I view as personal and in some respect laced with anger for some

    reason. I sincerly believe that your questions require an immediate response.

    Brei if my comments have been overly aggressive and offensive, you have only yourself to blame..If you are

    sincere as I think you are, you will recall that you are the "only one" on this forum that invited me to join in the

    fun...You told me that waiting for the process to go forward was very frustrating and the threads were meant as

    fun and stupidities..I believe those were your exact words.

    I honestly do not recall what brought your nice invitation to join the jun, but I accepted amicably and joined

    what I now realize is a group of frustrated women....Well actually not all are frustrated women,but you are

    one and you told me so remember?

    What I take issue with is your inquiry as to why I am here. What is my visa situation. That too requires my honest

    response...I have no visa problems dear, and I am greatful to have been born in the good ole U.S.A. Now if I

    am required to give you further explanations for my presence here, you just have to let me know.

    With respect to your comment that we go separate ways, well, that comment really really yanked a snorty giggle

    and a loud fart from me....You comment did that because it reminds me of that girl with the broken heart that gave

    me the boot years ago. "you go your way and I will go mine"......I just love your sense of humor..Now you appear

    to want to give me the boot also.

    I am a family man. My life may have been flawed and life to me was but an illusion, I always have managed to uphold

    the most sincere respect to the female species, and you are included. I will respect your wish and stay out of your

    posts and will not make comments one way or another. But do know this Brei, this was your decision to part ways

    with our brief stormy friendship..You surely know that I was just following your instructions and perhaps I came on

    pretty fast, close and personal..

    Whatever you ultimately decide, I wish you luck...I will carry your sense of humor in my mind and will never allow

    my mind to think an iota of bad things about you....with this Brei, I will now close shop and continue on my way.

    Good luck

  24. I have been accused of being a male on here before. I guess Brni and I would know what sex we are opposite.

    O.k. that does it..All together. Lets go back and read Brei`s famous 7 foot donkey story, ummm, that is a seven

    layer Burrito at Taco Bell rather.

    If I am the only one who comes out of this Taco Bell story thinking that Brie is a gurl writing that story, then I am

    more stupid than the comments that my "accusation" has generated.

    Are you game Nagi?

    0k, I will mediate. I read the story, and yes, it would appear Brni is of the male gender. However! I also took into account that she was posting an E Mail , so that would indicate to me that she is still a she, but the E Mail is in reference to a male. Does that sound right? :wacko:


    Hell No, not to me! I did not see or hear "the guy" mention E-mails on the story...But that is irrelevant now. I have

    offered the peace pipe to Brie for a couple of drags.

    I will fight no more, for ever!

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