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Muh and me

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Posts posted by Muh and me

  1. I found this to be an interesting take on the subject, given your profession as a bill collector at a collection agency.

    Hey we as bill collectors are people to, just because we are a bill collector dont mean that we don't have debt, cause every single one of us in our office has filed bankruptcy at least once. Nothing to be proud of. Its jst a job! But I don't think anyone here has the right to tell Sarah how to and how not to spend her money.

  2. I've been following this thread and really don't think that any of us have the right to tell Sarah how to spend her money and what to buy or not buy. The truth of the matter is she works very very hard to give her and her family a nice life and if she wants to forgo insurance to pay for a maid and or buy a decent car then she should. Its not up to us to tell her otherwise. I and many of us understand how some of these men are totally spoiled and hopefully something will make him change his ways. But if he follows Islam, which I don't know if he does or not. He can't tell her what to do with HER money, she earns it, its hers. He is the one that is supposed to pay the bills not her, so if she decides she wants a maid, then I say go for!

  3. Dude, I really really REALLY dont know what your problem is that you have to write on every topic that the US Embassy in Cairo sucks. Be cautious what you say about them bcz some CO's read VJ. They have a job to do and I think they do a darn good job for what they have to do! Stop pouting and fussing and going on nearly every old and new topic writing about how you dislike the Embassy. Everyone one of us on here have been through or are going through the visa process. It takes time. Deal with it!

    This one sounds like a troll to me!

  4. Good evening Mena! So its been a few days since anyone has posted I thought I'd post a positive note. Not a big thing but its the beginning. We sent off our AOS last week and today saw they finally cashed the check. Soo just waiting the NOA1 and see how fast this takes. Prayers to all who are waiting and prayers to all who are having issues. This is my second journey for those who don't know me as well as others, I'm a nervous wreck on this one.

    Last night my little Tinkerbell went outside and before you know she had a skunk by its neck and I ran out there it jumped the fence and we both got sprayed. UGH! What a nasty nasty smell, I didn't realize it til I was on my way to the store for tomato juice that I got hit. Fortunatly we are both ok

  5. Lovely afternoon in the MENA neighborhood! I am trying to get all these AOS papers filled out and finish his medical (just a few shots) so we can mail them out before end of week inshallah. I just have to make time (which I have more than I have money) and I can't seem to get my s#*t together!

  6. Hello all. I was wondering if the following situation happened to anyone. Last Thursday was my interview for the k1 visa. Things were going well. At the end of the interview, the person who was interviewing me told me I did not have enough evidence. Instead of declining me for the visa, she told me they were going to forward something to Washington DC. Then if approved I send my passport with more evidence of ongoing relationship. Has anyone had this happen before? This was at the American embassy in Amman.

    Sounds like AP. Which is fairly normal.

  7. Can you picture me doing that, Tracy? Honestly? :no:

    Today I bought a cool futuristic looking vacuum/steamer and told him to imagine he's scanning for an underground bunker on an unexplored planet while he's CLEANING THE DAMN FLOOR. :lol: If that doesn't work, at least the thing will make MY job easier.

    :rofl: Love it Sarah! I hope for your sake he comes around. My hubby tells me he can cook but thats it. He won't clean up his mess in the kitchen I do, and he won't get any kind of job thats not in the medical field cause "HE IS A DOCTOR". So I've been working my part time hours and cleaning the whole house, and support us on my teeny tiny salary and disability while he sits on his azz studying for his certifications. On the up side, he does pick up after him self (clothes) when he comes in his shoes are put away (i'm bad for that), his clothes are hung up. He throws none of his clothes on the floor ever! Something about satan, I dunno.

    Anyway, I know its not easy, but soon inshallah you will get the money for AOS and he will be able to work. I will pray for you Sarah!

  8. Free free free course on Ramadan!

    Living Ramadan:

    Turning to Allah Together


    In light of the upcoming blessed month of Ramadan, Qibla for the Islamic Sciences is excited to offer an unprecedented online learning experience: Living Ramadan, a new kind of online course tailored specifically for those who want to get the best of Ramadan by learning the most practical and important points of the month under the guidance of our teachers Shaykh Hamza Karamali, Shaykh Qays Arthur, Shaykh Sohail Hanif and Shaykh Farid Dingle.

    A self-paced course without exams, Living Ramadan is for those who want to master the worship and spirit of the month. It offers not just the essential knowledge of the rules of Ramadan but also addresses specific questions that are most important to our students, such as moon-sighting and Tarawih, while providing motivation with new daily content throughout Ramadan. Besides the downloadable lessons, students will also have access to live sessions.

    Living Ramadan will give you lifetime access to teachers, audio and video content, as well as an expanding online community of students who gather to discuss, ask questions, and share experiences related to the course topic on the Living Ramadan Community Forum.

    Due to the launch of Qibla's new website, we are offering this $60 course as a free gift to our students and online community.

    Hurry up and register before Living Ramadan's official launch on Sunday, July 9th.

    Further benefits:

    No registration deadline;Indefinite access to recorded sessions

    Get immediate questions answered before, during, and after Ramadan

    Understand how to maximize your Ramadan experience with spirtual acts of devotion

    Understand rules related to the validity of your fasts, I'itikaf, tarawih and almsgiving

    Lifetime access to self-assessment activities

    Lifetime access to Q/A services

    Lifetime access to teachers, class materials, downloadable lessons & live sessions


    I just signed my hubby and i up!

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