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Posts posted by thirdsjen

  1. yeah, i feel bad for those who filed last year.. some are still waiting! i'm going to send the I-129F monday. the difference between the CR1 and the K3 in the manila consulate is about 100 plus days. K3 definitely faster.. send in the same exact thing, right? i have a lot of copying to do still! i thought it was all ready.. forgot about those phone bills.. #######.. we text more than we talk :)
  2. To quote Kramer when he was using the old set of the Merv Griffin show "..and we're back".

    Thirdsjen, I may have been a little too quick with some statements earlier. If you were to look at your specific case as I did prior to losing the first draft of this, you may want to research this yourself. By filtering the K-3 and CR/IR-1 data by CSC and Philipines some interesting trends start to standout. The data I used has changed already as people are constantly updating their timelines.

    The first 20 K-3 petitions that had an NOA-2 date filled in, produced 19 couples that had both 129F and 130 approval dates the same. Of these, 17 had/have an interview scheduled. The average from initial filing to interview was 239 days.

    The first 25 CR/IR petitions with an approved petition, NOA-2 date, had only 9 couples with an interview date. The average time for these couples from filing to interview was 0.3333 days over one year (365.3333). I know for you ####### people out there with the leap year that it is actually 366 days this year.

    Straight number crunching, no outliers, no standard deviations, just simple averages. I hope that anyone does not take this for anything other than what it is, a small piece of info at one specific time.

    One more thing thirdsjen, ever wonder if all the people in Laguna Niguel are all Clipper fans?

    hi Longbranch! I have done that timeline search over and over. I keep coming up with the same thing. K3 are getting through faster in Manila than CR1.. so why the heck have i still not filed? don't know. indecision. one of my weaknessess..

    but thank you so much for your input! i just need assurances, that's all.. haha.. insecure too! i'll file the K3 monday. everything in the Philippines just takes a little bit more time than the usual. don't know.. the culture maybe.. look at me.. i take my time! :wacko:

    if they were all Clipper fans, then nobody would have gotten any approvals at all!! :lol:

  3. totally agree with you there.. that's another reason why my I-129F still hasn't been mailed.. so little data for the PHILIPPINES though..

    Same boat with you Thirdsjen... to file or not to file.... i've already got my NAO1 for the I130 but it looks like for the I129f we just copy the same things we sent in before? And we don't have to pay the money (until later if it goes k3) uugghhhh

    hi Rajaa.. research which embassy your hubby has to go through before you decide on anything. yup. no fees (just a bunch later..) i pretty much have the same exact thing as i sent before..

    if i am not mistaken, thindsjen you are maintaining the spreadsheet? i have a suggestion. could you please add another column for the counsalate/embassy that we are dealing with. i dont know if that would be too much of personal info but i just feel that it would help others if they are filing from the same place...what do you think?

    sure.. will do. but not right now.. hopefully by tomorrow i'll put everybody's consulate and whatever else i can think of :)

  4. to file or not to file, that is the question.

    now I wanna throw up.

    i don't look at the CSC or VSC processing times simply because they do not match up. I look at the timelines here as to where which month petitions are being approved. my I-129F is all ready to be mailed. I just need to make a trip to the post office.. HOWEVER.. oh however what??

    the 3 most recent approvals that filed in April is giving me hope/false assurance.. maybe CSC is just playing with us.. but then maybe they are not. :bonk::help:

  5. stupid question but why do they say that they are processing applications from july 2007? is this accurate? if so, how come so many ppl are getting approved? i think that if everything is in order, it should not extend more than a few months or at least i hope so.

    huh? where are you getting that?

    i'm bone tired. just want to sleep, but all these k3 approvals won't let me sleep! darn you! after hearing all the recent approvals, now my husband wants to file the k3. we so change our mind a lot! do you all think that if we file for k3 now that it is too late?

    my concern is that what if we file for the k3 then all of a sudden the CR1 filers started moving along.. but then we get stuck with K3.. i need to stop thinking too much. i'm confusing myself! :wacko:

  6. Nice colors, Jen! Yellow and Purple. Do you guys think that the Lakers winning has anything to do with the approvals....probably got those CSC workers in a better mood and the increased their efficency?! If that's the case, I will re-live the mid 80's when I was cheering for the Lakers to win the trophy!

    HAHAHAHA! you woke me up, LuLu!! I bet it does! well, I would like to believe that it does.. I should have said somewhere in there that i'm a Laker fan! Should've sent pics of me wearing everything Lakers!

    go CSC!!!

    ok. i'm really gona go to sleep now.. :blush:

  7. Hi thirdsjen...Thanks for your reply. But still cant find where i could check my updated staus...is it in USCIS website? thanks a lot

    yeah, you have to sign up there.. then as soon as you have your case number find it, then add it to your portfolio. anytime the UPDATED column changes, that's when it gets "touched." mine has only been touched once, the day before my check was cashed. so they opened it to get the check out. hehe..

    Hi we also wait on our I-129F NO 1 , 5 th May was the day when our paper leave us..... But they had told us it can take up to 5 weeks before we have it...

    hi cris! sorry it's been taking forever for you to get your NOA1. mine took 13 days.. but even longer before I got the paper in the mail. have they cashed your check yet?

    have a safe trip, Chev! btw, i'm the JEN in the thirdsjen. hehehe..

    you have a freakin long trip.. i just take PAL and get it over with in 14-16 hours.. then transfer planes.. total trip time of like 21 hours

    i should of figure that out when the writing was in purple. hahaha okay Jen i will let you know..

    duh! hahaha!

  8. yeah i know, huh? Renatchi even said that there were 2 others from Brazil that were approved just as quick as her.. and Steve_Y_Jackie was just approved! 30 days!! sheeesh! what the heck!!! i think all CALIFORNIA.. gives me hope.. and makes me want to consider filing for that darn K3!

    Jen I was able to open the spreadsheet. Seems like google was acting slow. Looks great now. Girl can you change that red color if possible to something less bright? maybe my eyes have become too sensitive to bright colors these days. It was hard to read properly. Hope its fine. You're doing a fabulous job with the sheet!



    why, Sara, don't tell me you are getting old??? hehehe.. just changed it to PINK.. just wanted something eyecatching.. can you believe it?? 2 approvals just like that from CSC?? but then again, they were both K3s... that has probably something to do with it.

    wow, beniecenvet, has gotten "touches!" and SARA too!!! how come I haven't cept that one time to cash my check? sigh.... 'tis life. let's just keep hoping, ya'll.. looks like CSC is on fire.. :devil:

    but seriously, how come mine hasn't been UPDATED AT ALL?? was my petition not interesting at all or something? GRRRR.. THE MADNESS OF THIS WAITING!!!!

  9. Well I don't know what to say!!!! I just received the e-mails that both my I-130 and I-129F were approved on May 29th. :dance: That is 29 days!!

    I didn't beleive the emails at first, I had to read them over and over a few times. Then I went to the website and saw that it was indeed true. Both of my petitions have been approved. :dance:

    This is very good news for the people in the CSC, it looks like they are approving them like crazy.

    Also, since I sent both of my I-130 and I-129F together to the CSC, it looks like it is again working for sending both petitions together, at least to the CSC.

    I know that there will be people that read this and are pissed about it, but nothing can bring me down right now!!!!!!

    CONGRATS!!!! wow... should I be rethinking the K3 now?? oh man..

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