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Posts posted by beans

  1. So, we got approved earlier last week. I haven't called NVC haven't received packet 3 but have looked at the link for it.

    The question is if I complete the DS-156 - DS-160's now prior to the consulate receiving our petition will it make a difference? Will they get angry? lol

  2. lol So I showed Jeremy this last night and then it caused a little argument which then turned into a quiz of how many European countries I can name...lol We're both too patriotic for our own good.

  3. Nice to hear from you Janka! Happy Easter - I hope the bunny has something good for you! Our garden bunny left lots of chocolate looking balls in the garden but me thinks you better not eat those kind!

    I am still worrying about you going to the states to someone you do not even know. I hope he is not a brutal fellow out of the military. And it would be so nice to find someone your own age and dream your future together! That is my wish for you!

    Looking forward to seeing you in June.


    Morning Grandma,

    I received your birthday card a couple of days ago and I've just been so busy I forgot to e-mail. I'm sorry.

    Anyways, a few things have changed Jeremy and I's petition has been approved so now I just have to go to my interview in Vancouver. So chances are your very generous birthday cheque will go towards that or any vaccines that I may require.

    Also, I'll be stopping by in June, hope y'all are ready for me!! Love you, thanks again!!


    My grandma is nuts. I realize I tried to make her understand that we aren't strangers lol far from it and he's not some crazy ex-military man. But things like this make me to tell just to shut up already. My oma and opa are all cool very supportive they like him, my parents are good is as well..so #######?

  4. Thanks guys, and Carmen that's sweet thank you. I'm happy today hehe. I don't care too much if it takes awhile after this part some of the worst is over and for that I'm grateful. I don't know if Jeremy knows yet, I left him a message on Skype..didn't want to wake him up. Well that's a lie, I did want to wake him up but I decided against it.

    Thanks everyone!!!

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