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Posts posted by JaHoney

  1. WTH?? lawny there sending you interview stuff and the man is there in the states with you....LOL...that is kind of scary, wonder what the hell is going on in Kingston. Anyhoo, dont feel bad for me, im just a big baby, im probably on the verge of PMS'ing, and then everything is amplified, first im sad then i turn around and get mad at D for not answering the phone, though he is at work, and then i find something else to be mad about and then im sad cause i miss him, so i guess today im just having one of my bipolar feel sorry for myself episodes...LOL... He should be home from work shortly and i will get my " fix" and then i will be alright... :wacko:

  2. Im trying gill, lord knows im trying....you know idle hands is the devils workshop. I am willing myself to not be depressed, i had a life before D and i need to remember that, but the distance and loneliness can get the best of me at times. Even now im waiting for him to get off work so we can talk....( shaking my head) i need to get a hobby...LOL :mellow:

  3. exactly roxcie, there were times when we were together and would just be together in a room, me watching TV, him doing something else, who knows and it was fine. I havent lived with a man in about 6 years or so, so i believe that it will be a major adjustment on both of our parts, but right now we are focusing on being totally honest with one another. I dont like the fact that he drinks, now i am a social drinker, and when i was in JA, i was quite social...lol...but he always drinks red stripe, no big deal, most men drink beer, well D is a bartender. I have yet to see him drunk or his personality change when he is drinking but i still dont like it. So anyway, he called me and said baby, i know i said i wouldnt drink today, but some guest came to my bar and had me make them a special drink and then insisted i have one with them. Im like fool, they are on vacation, you are at work, when your butt is unemployed dont say shyt,now i know you have to smooze your guests and when they are drinking and have a good time you want to keep the good vibes rolling, but ROXCIE then he goes on to say baby, i had six shots with them!!!!! he said well im being honest i know you dont like it, but im telling you so dont be mad. :blink:

  4. Hey Mrs. P,

    That is funny, that is exactly what i do as well. Since returning from JA, i have been playing catch up, i have one guy who was psych admitted while i was in JA who is still there, one who is decompensating more and more every day and nine times out of ten will be hospitalilzed this weekend( god i hope they dont call me) and two are in the hospital for physical health problems ( as you know the mentally ill, tend to be more medically fragile) anyhoo, the two that are in the hospital have now contracted MRSA that resistant staph infection!!! and im supposed to go out and do hospital contacts... :blink: i dont even want to get close. I was telling my SO about how crazy the work is and that sometimes when everyone is declining how taxing it can be. While i was in JA last week, and me and my SO where on the street in Ochi, I saw a naked woman in a shower cap walking down the street, i asked my SO " Baby what's up with her, do my eyes decieve me or is she naked, he said yeah baby she is crazy and turned around and went back to talking with his brother as if, it was no big deal....LOL :wacko: I said well dyam obviously there is a job market here...maybe i should move to JA, cause obviously there is a need for my services....hahaha. And the funny thing is Mrs. P, no one on the street seemed the least bit fazed by her. WTH???? let someone walk down the streets naked in the states and see what happens!

    Oh my God Honey, it's not funny but it is - I saw that same woman! DJ and his friends had the same reaction - we came back later and she was sitting on the curb - I was horrified, and they couldn't understand why - I told them - Hello, she could be getting bugs in her cooch! Never mind that she obviously needs help - they cracked up and kept walking!

    LOL...not something you see everyday.

  5. Good morning ladies,

    i have absolutely no plans for today. Last saturday this time, i was in JA, with my SO, happy as can be. Today im laying in bed, bored and contemplating how many before days before i return to JA....LOL :mellow:

    Honeychild, here is one of the unlock phone web sites that I use sometime http://www.wirelesshut.com/. They are having a great sale right now.

    I also understanding how you are feeling right about now. My hubby and I decided that i would be coming back to JA for a little lover nest, the first weekend in Aug. Noone will know I am there, so we will spend all of our time together. Our situation is a little different, I meet my husband here in the USA, before he went back to JA before his visa expired we were living together. But we didn't get married here, we married after he went back and realize that he wanted to spent the rest of his life with me. You know how everone in JA has a nickname, so he decided to give me one, and it is "B" Trouble. so, since that is my name its nothing for me to call him at 4:00 am in the morning, and tell him I miss him. Then I tell him to move over because i am climbing in the bed with him, because he is usually half sleep, he starts to move over to make room for me, then it darns on him, I am talking to him over the phone. Then he goes into his mumbling of patois. (Ha Ha) Who does he remember when he wakes up fully/ TROUBLE.

    Well let me now call his grandmother who is a pistol. She keeps a check on everyone.


    Thanks Roxcie, i was just sitting here thinking about calling my SO, he is probably awake and up doing laundry. I miss him so much :wacko: but i hate how consumed i feel at times by wanting to talk to him and be with him. When i dated guys in the states, it was never like this, probably because i knew we would see one another or talk, and if a day went by that we didnt talk , no big deal, as i didnt want to appear clingy. With my SO being in JA, i dont feel i have that luxury( it that makes any sense). I was all set to make a quick weekend trip back next month, but he talked me back to my senses that i cant afford to do that( and he is right). ....( sighing...)

  6. Hey yall!! I've been trying to catch up on everything and the best I can do at this point is welcome Kim and to tell everyone that this place truly does make a difference in my life. I haven't posted in a while, and it's like I haven't talked to my friends in a while!! I'm pissed because this weekend I'm on call (I'm a therapist and case manager for the mentally ill) and already I can tell it's gonna be a long weekend. The ER had one of my clients committed to one of our state psychiatric institutions, but they are REFUSING to admit him-- citing that he has been there too many times (93 over his lifetime), and our local crisis center is giving us ####### and trying not to take him either! :wacko::ranting: I'm telling you, folx aren't gonna be happy til he seriously hurts someone or kills himself (mind you he ended up in the ER last nite high on cocaine & marijuana, having not taken his psych meds, and while in the ER pulled out a razor and threatened to slash the throat of one of the nurse attendants, needed to be taken down by 7 officers, and was almost tasered....he refused hs oral meds but they did manage to get him a shot of Haldol)...sheesh....I need to find a drink! :blink:

    On a lighter note, a couple of my co-workers and I are planning to go out to Drag bingo tomorrow evening. They host the event every few months and it benefits AIDS awareness projects in the community and provides assistance to people living with HIV/AIDS. This should be funny, and I plan on taking plenty of pictures!! LOL I wonder what my husband will think when I tell him :whistle:

    Hey Mrs. P,

    That is funny, that is exactly what i do as well. Since returning from JA, i have been playing catch up, i have one guy who was psych admitted while i was in JA who is still there, one who is decompensating more and more every day and nine times out of ten will be hospitalilzed this weekend( god i hope they dont call me) and two are in the hospital for physical health problems ( as you know the mentally ill, tend to be more medically fragile) anyhoo, the two that are in the hospital have now contracted MRSA that resistant staph infection!!! and im supposed to go out and do hospital contacts... :blink: i dont even want to get close. I was telling my SO about how crazy the work is and that sometimes when everyone is declining how taxing it can be. While i was in JA last week, and me and my SO where on the street in Ochi, I saw a naked woman in a shower cap walking down the street, i asked my SO " Baby what's up with her, do my eyes decieve me or is she naked, he said yeah baby she is crazy and turned around and went back to talking with his brother as if, it was no big deal....LOL :wacko: I said well dyam obviously there is a job market here...maybe i should move to JA, cause obviously there is a need for my services....hahaha. And the funny thing is Mrs. P, no one on the street seemed the least bit fazed by her. WTH???? let someone walk down the streets naked in the states and see what happens!

  7. D, wants me to try to find a Blackberry on Ebay( how the heck he knows about ebay is beyond me) but i told him i dont think you can chip certain phones. The guy at the gas station is from egypt, and though i cant hardly understand him, i love him to death...LOL...he says that with Verizon, sprint and some other brands you cant unlock them, but with an AT&T phone you can? i wasnt real clear in understanding him. Anyone know about this? even though i dont even know why im asking, i refuse to allow him to spend that kind of dyam money,cause if you can buy that phone then you can take care of some other stuff that is more important...like going to the dentist. You would rather cry and snot when your teeth are hurting, but will save up for god knows how long for a dyam phone... :huh::rolleyes:

    Honeychild, you can buy any phone unlock, I only buy unlock phones. Lock phones are only sold here in the USA, eveywhere else in the world they sell unlock phones. If I wanted to change my carrier, all I have to do is put their chip in. I have an unlock Blackberry pearl, and I switch between, T-mobile for my Blackberry service, Att for business, and digcel when I am visting in JA. This makes life so much easier. If you wish I can turn you on to some websites I use when I am looking for unlock phones. I will be researching to find the unlock ipod soon.

    Be Bles

    Roxcie, that would be cool any info you can provide would be good, i will probably just forward it to him or print it out and mail it to him and let him decide what he wants.


    Okay help me understand, i have Verizon right now and intend to keep it, but if i went into an AT&T carrier of cellphones or a mall kiosk, and bought a blackberry pearl with no service on it, then when i went to JA he could just put a digicell chip in and get it working?

  8. Jg, i have no clue? i dont really understand the whole phone chip thing. I have seen them sold on ebay as GSM unlocked, but i dont know what the h#ll any of that means. Im not really up to supporting D's quest for a blackberry phone cause anyway, i wouldnt care if he had the kind of cell phone that used to be attached to the carrying case ( remember those? the really big ones)...LOL....i mean honestly what is he going to do with it...he doesnt have internet access, he sucks when it comes to emailing, cause he types with 2 fingers, ...LOL..

  9. D, wants me to try to find a Blackberry on Ebay( how the heck he knows about ebay is beyond me) but i told him i dont think you can chip certain phones. The guy at the gas station is from egypt, and though i cant hardly understand him, i love him to death...LOL...he says that with Verizon, sprint and some other brands you cant unlock them, but with an AT&T phone you can? i wasnt real clear in understanding him. Anyone know about this? even though i dont even know why im asking, i refuse to allow him to spend that kind of dyam money,cause if you can buy that phone then you can take care of some other stuff that is more important...like going to the dentist. You would rather cry and snot when your teeth are hurting, but will save up for god knows how long for a dyam phone... :huh::rolleyes:

  10. we wont even get started on how slow stuff is over there, D says when he goes in the post office, though they dont even ask him his name anymore, they just start digging for envelopes from the US for him. Initially when i was in the phase of saying we cant talk all the time, we have to write letters and get online .... :rolleyes: it is amusing to me now. i cant imagine not talking to D, everyday at least once or twice everyday now, expensive as it is, but heck after his accident when we didnt talk for a few days, here and there, i was going thru it.....LOL. And the mail is so slow in JA, that if i write a letter, odds are we will have already discussed what i wrote in the letter by the time it arrives. Ok, so me and D were looking at phones, he wants to replace his that got broke, the one he wants to buy is about $160 US , which he insists on saving for, cause it has all these dam bells and whistles on it... i keep telling him as long as it has a dial tone and rings, what do u need all that extra ####### on there for???? if were saving to file ppwk, then u need to buy the cheapest phone they got in the place, heck my razor is so raggedy but what do i care, it is just a phone, im not curing cancer with it, so we have been semi arguing about it.... For the life of me, i will never understand men. He says baby, it can do alot of stuff, though..Im telling him for $160!!!! please...the man can wrap his belt around his waist almost 2x, with his thin tail, he needs to invest that money in some food in my opinion.... :wacko:

  11. I just had to pop my head back in, cant stay away from VJ to long ;).

    Roxcie it's going to be alright girl, we all can empathasize with what your feeling. I told my SO i was coming back next month, though i just got off a plane a few days ago. He tells me baby, i know you want to come, but he is aware that i need to get the kids ready for school, with all the ####### they need and just bills and life in general. He keeps telling me, im not going anywhere, and you know that we are trying to save for all the various fees, we are planning to file in January, so dont worry ya self. But i miss him :crying:

    Danggit, why couldnt i just find a regular ol everyday, american man :jest: this process is emotionally taxing.

    Anyway roxcie we got your back,gyal.

  12. Mawning ladies, I as well have hella work to do and just havent been able to give myself a jump ...start since returning from JA. But alas, i have a community mental health audit coming thru, and am certain they will be pulling charts and reviewing service authorizations....so i need to get on the ball, for real. Hope everyone has a most excellent day.



  13. Welcome Kimcorene, as Tymoore and Belwin said, this is a really good place to network. I am a relative newbie since April but i have felt welcomed from the start and im sure you will feel the same. Any questions you may have, will be answered, when your having a bad day, which there will be many in this process, or you just need to vent, here is the place to do it and everyone is quite understanding and supportive so dont be shy, just jump right in.



  14. BIg Ups to you Gill, you inspire me, all of the ladies on here do....for so many years i cared about what other people thought, and even when i got involved in this LDR, it is hard to hear stupid ish from people day in and day out!!!! but you know what im happy, im happier than i have been in a long time and i think i dyam deserve to be!!!! When people make snap comments, i tell them you can meet a fool anywhere, you cant predict the outcome of any relationship, there is no crystal ball to determine the odds, so ** it!!! :yes: i pray about it, leave it in gods hands and let it go!!!! and that should go for each and every one of us, because i know at times we all have minor doubts, or things that stir our souls when people talk, but were gonna be all right. Alright that is my empowered women speech for the day...LOL


  15. Good morning, Ladies...hope everyone has a blessed day.

    Okay, funny story...or at least to me, since we are talking about sweet thangs. Okay so you all know while i was in JA, me and my SO were together, for the majority of the days, he was off of work for his injuries, but he had to return, the last three days of my visit. So anyhoo, whenever i would go anywhere by myself in the area some locals would try to talk to me, it has gotten better though because i now keep that look on my face like get the F- away from me. Im not lost, i dont need help getting where im going, back the F up....lol...but anyway this one particular guy where i was staying would see me all the time with my SO, and then one day he saw me by myself, so he struck up conversation. I was bored and waiting for the housekeeper to finish up my room, so i went and sat by the pool, Initially dude is just talking and was cool as hell, he was girl, im not trying to get in your pants, im just trying to link up with you, blah blah blah, he then asked did i have a JA number cause he saw me on my phone, he then asked me did i have email, i said yeah but you gotta give me yours, ok im no fool, im not gonna be fighting my JA man cause he is feeling disrespected in any way and i made that clear to dude, whose name was Bjorn. So long story short, i come back home, am looking on myspace and look this dude up, just wanted to see if he was who he said he was OMG LADIES, HIS MYSPACE PAGE SAYS " Jamaica's biggest batty bwoy" as the headline, then it says MOM, which is short for Money over Men!!!! im like what the hell.... i didnt think JA men were open like that , enough to be posting it all over myspace, and then there are pics of him on there, and it is definitely the same guy i met. I didnt pick up on any sweetness at all when i met him, though he was with another cutie, and they were blazing up when i met them... and then on top of that he has on his page, dont message me unless you are a big juicy man, cos im GAY!!! ( i kind of think, he might have some haters out there) cause i cant see any man specially a JA man making no shyt like that. :o plus dude told me he had two kids. What do you all think? I didnt tell my SO cause i didnt want him getting all jealous and stuff.

  16. Morning ladies,

    Hope everyone has a good day today. Me, i am on my second cup of 20 oz coffee, and havent had the urge to slap anyone yet...LOL...and thus far i've only heard one stupid JA related comment since i got here this morning so it is all good thus far.

    Lawny, dont stress...as you tell me, just take them deep breaths gyal, you will be alright. Remember ladies, we are too blessed to be stressed!!!

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