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Status Updates posted by Prawninator

  1. I'm so jealous right now... I'm sure it's more beautiful than Boise is. ;) Eat lots of 水饺 and 小笼包 on my behalf! xD

    1. Prawninator


      SEE!! Told you! 

    2. Darnell


      w00t w00t !  Congratulations ! 

  2. Hey, you! Today's the last day of the Lunar New Year festivities (and also the full moon, woo!) so I thought I'd wish you Happy New Year. :D


    Also, PvZ is AWESOME. I think I

  4. Nono my husband is the 27yr old one, I'm 26 lol. I'm going back in two weeks, YAY!! I haven't been home in two years, I'm gonna stuff my face with chicken rice and nasi lemak. :P

  5. Oh hey, fellow Singaporean! :D

  6. I am NOT a troll, so back off.

  7. Understandable. I miss SG food, at least that'll be more accessible to you when you come here :(

  8. Wah sian why everyone go Cali no one come Idaho. :(

  9. Yaaaay! That's not too long more. Where to then?

  10. Hallo!! It's ok, not too bad, can't complain. You leh? When coming over?

  11. Well, it's really not that unheard of anymore, meeting in an online game. ;)

    And yeah, I've heard of situations like that where you are penalised if you quit before your contract is over, without prior notice. It's the same way in Singapore. :)

  12. Haha, I *am* the wife! We met on a videogame back in '05... what about you? How did you both meet? :)

    Oh, and good luck with the business too! What will you be working on? You should get her to come earlier to climatise. ;)

  13. Planning a trip back to Singapore, whee! :D

  14. I know what you mean, I felt the exact same way when we were first approved, hehehe. When will she be flying over?

  15. I just saw that you were approved. GONG HEI LEI~! :)

  16. Thanks for the congratulations! I'll be flying off on December 13 :)

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