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  1. I believe she will be fine while waiting to be rescheduled for another interview. She has her waiver approval, so the risk deportation is low. We don't live close so did not realize her current health situation until he flew out to see her. Some people have no problem dumping off an elderly relative to fend for themselves but we want her to be healthy and have plans in place if indeed she needs to stay in Mexico. Also her lawyer made several mistakes so we have hired someone close to us to handle the mess. I do appreciate all the comments.
  2. Thank you. We are canceling her appointment at this time. We aren't worried about inconvenience, but safety and health issues.
  3. She came alone but her husband wanted the family together and arranged for the children to come. Interesting note that I just found out was my mil tried applying for visas for everyone but they were denied. She made arrangements for them to be taken care of in Mexico and then crossed the border. She is fuzzy with dates and details though so, it is best that she just stays where she is. I know she helps in her father's care and is older herself. Thank everyone for the information.
  4. My father in law arrangements for the 4 younger children to enter the US. My mother-in-law did cross by herself but her husband wanted the family all together. We are just canceling everything. Her lawyer did not inform us of this possibility until recently.
  5. We will try to cancel the appointment. If the consulate doesn't believe the truth, she will be an old woman alone in a very different Mexico than 23 years ago.
  6. No, but I am sure her husband knew about it. My husband is going to speak his his father about it because his mom knows nothing. The older ones made their own journey.
  7. I am not sure of the ages...perhaps 6 to 14? Her interview is in Cuidad Juárez. Any suggestions on how she can prove she didn't bring them? She was alone.
  8. Her interview is at Cuidad Juarez. She was able to get her 601 waiver while in the US before her interview. My mother in law is 70 years old which I don't know makes a difference...she has 9 children...all grown up.
  9. Her older children left on their own because her husband was in the US. She left her younger children with her mother which is not uncommon in her village. I believe it was her mom or sister who was behind someone bringing the younger ones in the US but she did not plan that. She was content to leave them in her mother's care. Sorry I didn't reply sooner to posts but I only am allowed just a few posts on here.
  10. Would notarized statements from her children stating they did not cross with her help? The waiver is through her US citizen father but my husband applied for her visa. She didn't smuggle or help her children enter the US.
  11. I just read that her being caught at the border is attempted entry. I wonder why her attorney I so worried about it? I know she needs to convince the oficial that she didn't bring her children. My husband will be interpreting for her since she only speaks a dialect. He is her petioner too.
  12. She just crossed the border again but did not get caught. Her 601 waiver was approved.
  13. She was illegally at the border and was fingerprinted and released at the point of entry. She did return and stay. Her children were not with her but because her children are in the US now the official might think she brought them. I assumed that since her waiver was approved that her entries are not a problem now. She did not enter with a visa.
  14. Thank you for your input. She was only caught once but did enter a second time and stayed 23 years. She has a waiver for the second entry and stay. Her attorney thinks she brought her children but she did not. Most of them were in the US and the 3 smaller ones were left with grandparents. We don't know how to prove she entered alone though.
  15. My mother in law has been caring for her ill US citizen father. She entered in 2001 and was fingerprinted at the border, then crossed again a few weeks later and stayed. Recently her hardship waiver for unlawful presence was approved but her lawyer now says her visa can be denied for 2 entries in the US. Does she not have a chance even though she has a waiver?
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