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Mari S

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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
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  1. From my understanding that number means nothing. My process went from 5 months to 4, 3, 2 (always in more or less six week intervals), then to 5 weeks. From there it updated to 5 months, 4, back up to 5 and now 6 months. I saw an article explaining how they come up with those numbers and I’ll try to find it for you, but bottom line is many people have experienced arbitrary changes on their countdown that didn’t reflect on how fast their i130 got processed. Try not to look at that tab when you log in, just go to the documents one and see if they put your approval on there. And don’t give up hope, be kind to yourself, hug animals of your preference for serotonin and drink lots of water. Looking at that number will do you no good, it’ll just pile anxiety and stress you for no good reason. I knew because I keep torturing myself the same way but since it went to 6 months here last week I stopped looking at that number and I’ve been despairing a bit less
  2. Thank you. ok, so we submitted it via regular mail, sent it in May and got the notice early June. About a week later it said it went to active review, but the Notice of Acceptance didn’t come til four months later, which is very confusing (attaching a couple of screen shots). Priority says June but NOA is from October🫠
  3. Posting again because I am confused. y’all FILED in June and had your active review status date in June, or is this specific for the NOA date? For whatever reason, though they received our paperwork in June, our NOA date is from October. Does that mean I’m an October filer? sorry if this has been explained before, I’m new to the forum. Our situation is a bit crappy as we initially filed in Denmark where we were living and were in no hurry to move (5 weeks of paid holiday per year, ok jobs, free healthcare and so on). Then the company I worked for filed for bankruptcy and my visa lapsed (as well as my husband’s who was there as an accompanying spouse). He moved back to the US with my dog and I came back to Brazil. My dog is my world, he’ll be 12 soon and he went to work with me every day for the 8 something years I had him. I never had to register him as an emotional support dog because I was lucky enough to work for companies that had no issue with him going to work with me - but also because the regulations there didn’t allow me to register him unless he went to training with a third party, despite him being MY ESA. Bringing him to Brazil was not a viable option as airlines don’t allow live cargo during the warm months and the extra trip to Brazil and the added quarantine he’d be required to enter the US afterwards would probably be too much on a dog his age. Now my husband has to look for work while being the sole caretaker of a senior dog who rarely ever stayed by himself more than a couple of hours at a time - and I “lost” my ESA so I’m deteriorating from a mental health perspective. I can’t look for anything permanent in Brazil as (hopefully) our situation will change soon, and on top of everything I am not too far from the area that got completely wiped by the floods last week - and we are starting to get warnings of floods in my city. I know compared to a lot of people these are minor nuisances but because it was such an abrupt change of plans and the fact I have severe anxiety and depression has put us in a crappy position. sorry about the rant(s), just going back to the original question: am I a June or October filer? hugs to all, hope your approval pops in your mailboxes soon!
  4. Ours had been steadily going down one month every 5 to 6 weeks. About 6 weeks past the 2 month update, it went to five weeks. Two days later it changed to 5 months (about fifteen days ago). Today it went to 4 months. Again, I know it means pretty much nothing but I feel like our emotions and mental wellbeing are being toyed with 🥲🥲🥲 but as some of you have said, hoping for a mass approval of our June filers next month. Best of luck to all and may we all be reunited with our families soon 🥹
  5. Also a June filer. I know that the estimate on USCIS’ website doesn’t really mean much but mine went from 5 weeks a couple of weeks ago to 5 months, which doesn’t help with the anxiety factor. We tried expediting our case but it went nowhere, neither with USCIS directly or through our congressman. We sent our paperwork May last year and got the notice in June and nearing the one year anniversary without any answers/predictions is disheartening. Sorry to not bring any news, I just needed to vent. This process is so alienating and every time I try to talk to someone from the US about it, they start with some bizarre racist comments about “certain people” entering the US that they do not approve of, as if it’s supposed to make me feel better 😩 anyways. Best of luck to us. Maybe some good news soon?
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