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Posts posted by Nao

  1. Hi! its good that you open this topic. Atleast I know I'm not the only one in this situation. Well this is my story. I had my medical from philippines only last February. I arrived here only last April. So before filing the Aos., we decided to go to the nearest cs not planning to redo the medical because it was just recent. So he said., he won't sign the I-693 if I won't redo my medical., So to make the story short., I did the medical. I had my tst and it came out positive. He doesn't ask me to have another chest xray because my xray is just current and its normal and no signs of tb. So he just let me go to the health department and give me medications. In the health department., they let me redo the xray. And the xray result is again normal and no signs of tb. They gave me a blood test to check my liver. The cs just put class b tb latent and also put there I have started a medication.

    I'm worried at first but because of your post., I'm now worry free. Thank you so much.

    Actually I also have a bcg vaccination when I was a kid. And as a matter of fact., I don't have to redo my medical because I entered here in US as a K3 and my medical from Philippines is less than a year before filing the AOS but I submitted the whole medical report and the vaccination supplement in a sealed envelope. I hope I won't get an rfe for this., I submitted more than what is required., because of my innocence and stupidity agreeing with the doctor to perform another medical which cost me 600 dollars for the whole medical and xray and tst and blood test. I hope those who will read this and will just start filing their AOS., will learn from my mistakes., and beware of your CS.

    Hello pechez.

    You definitely are not the only one who are facing this situation.

    Many of my friends from Japan are also facing this problem even though we have a formal vaccination record which shows that we had BCG as a kid and as a middle school students. Also, this can affect more people now because TST seems now to be mandatory for anyone adjusting status.

    I am glad that we can share our horrible experience with CS and TST because when someone else face the same problem, they can feel it is not just them. As far as the classification is TB latent, we are good to go cuz the new TB requirements only ask for a person with Class A TB to complete the course of treatment before being approved of adjustment of status. So, we are good to go. :thumbs:



  2. OK,

    My lawyer filed AOS early this month. I let my advisor know that I am adjusting status and asked if I could pay in state tuition. She got really confused between instate and out of state status and adjusting immigration status. She refused to do any change on SEVIS until registration office determine if I am should pay in state or out of state tuition (which has nothing to do with me not being F-1 student). So, I reminded her that my lawyer I filed for AOS and therefore, my status is AOS pending, no longer a F-1 studnet in US for DOS.

    She now say she has no problem deleting my SEVIS record but then lawyer sent me an email saying that my advisor is absolutely right and that she should not mess with my SEVIS until my residency status is determined by the registration.

    So...what would you do? I don't have $8000 every 3 month until I get my green card. That would be like almost $30,000. That's how much my wife makes in a year. We need to pay rent and eat and stuff you know. This might be moot point because my int. advisor might have already closed out my record. but still wanted to know



    One of my friends adjusted her status from F1 to permanent resident.

    She received her GC in May, 2008.

    Based on her experience, you have to pay out-of-state tuition until half a year passes since you received your GC.

    So, she is waiting to start a new program in January, 2009.

    As long as your petition is pending, you have a legal status to remain in the U.S. without attending a school.

    So, if you cannot pay out-of-state tuition, I think your best choice is have a break from your school until half a year passes since you receive your GC.

    Good Luck :star:


  3. It's good that you opened this thread to warn everyone, I had completely forgotten about it til you brought it up...Because of all this TB , sending my papers got delayed for over a month.But there is a plus, my first x-ray had some kind of problem with it, the person did it wrong, so I needed 2 more X-rays and a blood test, it was loads of money!Then the doctor told me that I didn't have anything but still needed the antibiotics, WTH?!?!?!

    She asked for a blood exam(another one) before I started and I would need to draw my blood every 2 months to make sure my liver was handling it alright, plus she prescribed me all kinds of vitamins and supplements, I guess they only do that for the money they get from the pharmaceutical businesses, just a guess...I never bought the medicines or went back for the exams, she can take the antibiotics herself if she wants, I'm out lol

    Glad to hear I wasn't the only "rebel" that ignored medical instructions hahaha :rofl:

    Good luck with your process!


    Yea. I thought there are gonna be more people who will be in the similar situation.

    I was gonna send out paperwork today, but now I have to wait till Wednesday for my blood test for my lever comes up. Damit! Yea, it is costing me a fortune, too. It almost feels like there is a leak on my wallet. :crying:

    I bet they will try to prescribe as many things as they can just to make money. Nowadays, we do not even know why a person becomes a doctor... I guess not to help people, but to make money. Too sad...

    Same here. I won't buy the medicine nor go to exams cuz this is ridiculous. Yea! They can take antibiotics themselves. I think they are infected by a virus called money.

    It is not just you who ignores the medical instructions. For Vaccination requirements, some people go to take only the first shot out of a series of shots and do not go back for the rest of the series. I was trying to do everything correctly as I was told. Then, after dealing with USCIS for K1, I do not even care anymore. It is not about how we can do things correctly, but about how smart we can be about it.

    I wonder how stupider this process will get in like another 5 years.

    Good Luck to you too. :thumbs:

    I hope you hear a good news on your GC soon. :star:



  4. same happened to me, I caught myself about to kill the doctor!LOL She just wouldn't put on her mind that with the BCG I would always test positive, no matter what, then she asks me what medical qualification I have to say that, BUMMER, no qualification but obviously know a bit more about tuberculosis than her, then she prescribed me the antibiotics and I said whatever, crazy lady LOL came home, sent my I-693 and it's so far so good, no RFEs or anything, she even said that they have no records of how bad the TB antibiotics can be for a future baby!!!!Whaaaat?No way I would take a medicine that could harm my baby(even though I'm not pregnant or planning too right now, it stays in your system for a long time and can possibly harm babies you have in the future), how can they prescribe a really strong medicine like that just for the sake of...Sake of nothing, I think those doctors lost some of their head screws from dealing with sick people all the time :jest:

    Hello raphandarrin. :star:

    I think the same thing has happened or will happen to many more people since now TST is mandatory.

    Yea, the CS can prescribe the antibiotics, but I just won't take them. lol Yea, taking antibiotics can actually kill good bacterias in our system, so can actually harm our body.

    Oh, by the way, were you told to come in to a lab once a month to check up on your liver? My friend told me that she was told to come in to a lab to check up whether her liver was ok or not? Well, she went twice and quite going. lol But, she got GC without a problem.



  5. Hello friends. :star:

    I thought I would share my TB skin test experience here.

    If you have had BCG (Vaccination against TB) in your life, I want to share this information especially with you.

    So, I have had BCG twice in my life; once when I was a baby and once when I entered middle school. So, the TB skin test came out positive on me. Well, I always had positive on TST, so no worries. if you had BCG, the result may comes out positive. X-ray can prove whether you are infected by or free from TB.

    Then, I went to take X-ray. The report says that there is no sign of TB infection. I am free of TB.

    But, here is what sounds very odd...

    The doctor told me that even the X-ray shows that I am not infected by TB and I have records of receiving BCG twice (I even have scars from them), if the TST comes out positive, you have to take antibiotics for six months....Mmmm. I have never heard of that. What is the point of taking X-ray and X-ray report, then? I always had positive on TST even when I was in the U.S. as a student. But, after taking X-ray and proving that I am free of TB, I was let go. I guess thr procedure changed???

    I was not surprised to hear that though because this has happened to some of my friends who had BCG and applied to GC. One of them wereeven told that she needs to take 9 months of antibiotics after finding out that her X-ray shows that she is free of TB. She also had a record of having BCG as a kid.

    Anyway, according to my CS, the doctors in the U.S. do not believe in BCG. That was the best and the only answer that came out of her mouth. Mmmmm. Alright... I cannot change what all the doctors in the U.S. believe in. lol So, I let my CS take my blood sample to see whether my liver can stand the medication or not. She told me that I can go to health center and have further examination. But, I was like.... What is the point of spending more money and time to prove what the doctors do not believe in?

    Anyway, so my CS said that she will put Class B TB latent and will write that I have started on medication on I-693 though the X-ray report says that I am free of TB infection. Oh well. As long as I can get that envelope, it will be all good. As my friend did, the doctor can prescribe the medication, but I won't take it because they do not even check it. My friend got GC without a problem. They did not even ask her about it at the interview. lol If your CS signs that you have Class A TB disease, then you must complete them as the new requirements state. But, with BCG, you are not gonna get Class A classification. lol

    Well, so I thought I would share my experience with you since there may be more people experiencing the similar situation as TB skin test is mandatory now and some countries routinely offer or require BCG vacciation.



  6. Thanks for the information.

    pushbrk and Heliosphan:

    Thanks for your advice. :star:

    I think I will use paperclips and attach it to the sheet of paper named "I-693 attached."

    Then, I will put a tape over the paperclip so that the envelope won't fall out.


    Thanks for the link. :star:

    I checked it and, wow they do not like ACCO fastener at Chicago Lock Box office.....

    I am glad that you let me know that. I will read it carefully before I submit packet in this week.



  7. Hi Everyone,

    I arrived in the U.S on a K-1 visa in May 2008. As part of my K-1 process I received some necessary vaccinations. However, the U.K nurse told me that I could wait until I was in the U.S have the HPV vaccine (I am under 26).

    My lawyer has already filed my AOS case, and I have had my biometrics appointment. I am currently waiting for my EAD and AOS interview. However, I have not yet received the HPV vaccine. My lawyer suggests not having it: that maybe the USCIS will not notice. However, I do not want to do anything to disrupt my case, the wait is long enough already!

    My question is whether it is necessary have the first part of the vaccine now, so that if the USCIS notice that I have not had it and ask for proof, I will be on the safe side, and at least will have had the first of the three. Or do you think that it is a waste of time/money, and if I've got this far I should be ok (as my lawyer says).

    I'd really appreciate any advice. Thanks.


    It depends on when you had your immigration medical. If your medical is still valid (within 1 year) and was done before June 1, 2008, then you are not currently required to have the HPV. If your medical is out of date, then yes, you will require the new vaccines as well as the TB test.

    See the USCIS Q&A for more information.

    New vaccination requirements came in on July 2008 and CDC gave 30-day grace period. So, if your medical for K1 was done before August 1, 2008, you do not need to have HPV.



  8. Hello friend. :star:

    I would like to ask how you put I-693 envelope into your AOS packet.

    I will have all the documents fastened with ACCO fastener, but I cannot put two hole punch I-693 envelope....

    Since USCIS lost one of our docs when we applied for K1, I want to make sure the envelope is attached to other docs.

    Could you please tell me how you put the envelope into your AOS packet?

    Did you staple it to a sheet of paper? Did you use some sort of envelope or bag?

    Thanks a lot :star:


  9. Hello.

    I thought about asking Dr. Arnold, too. But, I changed my mind because I was affected by those new TB testing and vaccination requirements. If you need to have TB skin test because of new requirements, you should go and see a civil surgeon in person because the doctor needs to read the result and if necessary, you need to have X-ray taken. Besides, there is a space for only one civil surgeon to sign on I-693. So, you cannot ask one to transcribe vaccination info and ask another one to do your TB testing.....

    If I weren't affected by those new requirements, I would certainly asked Dr. Arnold.

    Good Luck :star:

  10. Hello.

    Thanks for your reply. :star:

    My medical was done on July 14, 2008. So, I figured that I need to have TST. (When I had my medical for K1, the doctor did not perform TST. He took only the X-ray.)

    So, I went back and had TST yesterday, waiting to see the result on Monday.

    The civil surgeon will complete the TB part of I-693 and vaccination part.

    I think that is enough.

    slapointe: I think you do not need to meet either of those new requirements since your medical exam date is April.



  11. Hello.

    Thank you so much on your reply.

    I went to get TB skin test done today after thinking about it all day yesterday.

    So, my medical exam was done on July 14, 2008 for the purpose of K1 visa.

    But, the doctor only took my X-ray and did not perform TB skin test.

    I guess for everyone who had medical on or after June 1st, 2008 must have TST to adjust status to permanent resident.

    I could pass K1 just with X-ray, but I guess I need TST for AOS.

    I am not sure whether I am correct or not, but I went to have TST anyway today.

    It costed me about $75 at the same civil surgeon's office. But, it is not that much if I think I paid for peace of mind.

    After all, I was lucky that the civil surgeon was nice that she wonld not charge me for redoing the paperwork. (She already gave me the envelope for my vaccination record. But, I went back to her to have TST today.)

    They also did a regular physical exam for my insurance purpose. The price was included in that $75.

    If I had to go another doctor for that, I may have had to pay more. So, $75 for all that seems alright to me.

    Well, now I will see how the result of TST comes out. So far, it is not swallen or anything. So, I am not worried....



  12. Hello.

    I have a question....

    So, what are the new requirements for AOS health wise?

    I thought new requirements are on TB skin test and vaccination...

    Then, on the other posts on VJ, some people are talking about taking HIV and Syphilis blood test again....

    Can someone tell me what the new requirements filing for AOS is?

    *Do I need to have HIV and Syphilis blood test?

    *What else do we need?

    I entered with K1 visa. But, since I do not wanna receive RFE, I think I will comply with those new regulations anyway....

    I went to have my vaccination info transferred to I-693... I am at least lucky that they said that they can redo the paperwork for me.

    Thanks a lot.


  13. Hello everyone.

    Thanks for looking at my post.

    I am concerend about the new TB skin test requirement for people adjusting status.

    The new TB skin test requirement came into effect on June 1.

    I had my medical done for my K1 visa on July 14th. But, I did not have TB skin test then....

    I had my chest X-ray taken, but no skin test.

    Now, I am applying for AOS and wondering whether I have to have TB skin test now or not.....

    I guess all the people who are applying for AOS have to have TB skin test, but we, K1 holders, need to

    submit only the vaccination part.... Mmmm..... I am so confused....

    Could anyone help me?



  14. Hello.

    I thought I would share my experience here with you all.

    For us, calling congressmen did not speed up the process at all even after we became out of the normal processing time.

    All they can do is to make an inquiry and USCIS officers will tell them the same thing that they tell you.

    Even after you become out of status, they will tell you to wait another 30days....

    For us, it took about eight and half months just to pass CSC.... (They lost some of our docs and RFEed us after 7 months....Mmmm)

    So....I am sorry to tell you this, but there is not much you can do with regard to speeding up the process.

    The best thing is to enjoy your time with your family and friends back in your home country.

    After it reaches NVC, everything goes really really quickly.

    Waiting for I-129F approval is the hardest part of this immigration process.

    Once you are done with this waiting game, everthing, including AOS, seems a lot easier.

    I hope your application gets processed quickly and your reunion day comes very soon.


  15. Hello fellow VJers.

    I would like to seek your advice regarding I-131.

    Though I do not have a specific travel plan yet, I am planning to have a trip to France with my fiancee early next year.

    Since I do not have a specific plan, should I wait to send in I-131? or, should I send it in with my adjustment of status application anyway?

    If you have received advance parole, does the form contain info on where you are going and when you are traveling?



  16. If it starts with "A" then thats your "A" number and should match with your K1 visa in your passport.

    Hi everyone.

    Thank you so much for your reply and I am sorry about my late reply.

    I have two different A numbers....The one on NOA2 does not match the one one my K1 visa...Mmmm.

    So, I called USCIS today and a lady looked into it for me.

    The embassy screwed it up...... Daaaamit:bonk:

    She told me that I can just write them a letter with her name on it when I file AOS.....

    When we filed out K1, they lost our passport photos...

    Can't they do anything correctly???

    Thanks for your help :yes:

    You all rock!

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