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Posts posted by EdgarVirginia

  1. I just used Jame's shortcut for the DS 230 barcode cover sheet, It's ready to be sent it's sitting there with the docs all set to go, but I'm not sure if I should. Do you have any concerns about the formats provided there?? I think I'm going to wait till Friday and if I don't receive the instruction package I I'll send the docs with the bar code generated from Jame's shortcut.

    I paid my IV bill online but the cover sheet generator wasn't working so I mailed in my DS-230 with James's Shortcut cover sheet. They've entered the DS-230 just fine so if its been generated on the NVC end and you have everything ready then I'd go ahead and send it.

    DOS website is under maintenance today. Please try it out tomorrow if barcode sheet is available, else use old James Shortcut format. Technically, they shoudn't deny it as long as the barcode and NVC Case# is clear.

    But I would recommend to generate the barcode sheet from their online system, if possible.

    But I believe that you're only able to generate it from the DOS website if you pai the IV fee bill online right? Otherwise either you wait for the packet or you get it from Jame's...am I right?

  2. Hi, I'm just here to say that I genereted the barcode coversheet found on Jame's shortcut and it has all the proper directions and it's easy to follow its instructions, but since I still don't know what's the exact date that NVC generated our instruction package, I just guess it was between the 18th and the 25th, I decided to wait for the packet till next Friday. Maybe I should have no reason to keep waiting for this packet now that I have this barcode cover page but I might get paranoid if I do...wondering if they find anything that is not in accordance to their requirements.

    Barcode coversheet is used by NVC to scan with your documents only. Barcode makes their life easy by not typing your case number over and over for each document. I don't think that they make sure to check and see date and compare with generated date. You should not worry about barcode coversheet as long as you have your case number also written in it.

    Thank you for yr comments.

  3. Lotofpaitence, this is great information to us. I have saved it and revise the cover letter to NVC for I-864 to attention CRM AOS.

    Does your NOA2 has the Alien Register Number on it? How can you find the Alien Register Number that is need on I-864 form? I could not find so that I put N/A on I-864, do not have 100% confidence now.

    Anyone who knows where can I find my Alien Register Number? Thanks!


    Lucy, don't use my format. That's just informational purpose only. Your barcode sheet will be generated when you pay the AOS fee online. Please use that. I wanted to say not to use James shortcut template.

    Also, for A# of the beneficiary, I put "NONE", though my apporval notice had A# for beneficiary. It is just my wish to put "NONE". I am under the impression that A# will be used after she really becomes immigrant. Again, it is just my wish only.

    I just used Jame's shortcut for the DS 230 barcode cover sheet, It's ready to be sent it's sitting there with the docs all set to go, but I'm not sure if I should. Do you have any concerns about the formats provided there?? I think I'm going to wait till Friday and if I don't receive the instruction package I I'll send the docs with the bar code generated from Jame's shortcut.

  4. Hi, I'm just here to say that I genereted the barcode coversheet found on Jame's shortcut and it has all the proper directions and it's easy to follow its instructions, but since I still don't know what's the exact date that NVC generated our instruction package, I just guess it was between the 18th and the 25th, I decided to wait for the packet till next Friday. Maybe I should have no reason to keep waiting for this packet now that I have this barcode cover page but I might get paranoid if I do...wondering if they find anything that is not in accordance to their requirements.

  5. I am so upset with myself right now :angry::angry: !!!!!!!!!

    I received the IV fee bill on 4/10 and got the money together to send it out ASAP!!

    Well, I have been following the NVC Online Payment topics and I read about some of the glitches and didn't want to take the chance of it not working for us. So, I sent out our IV fee on 4/14 and the darn cashiers check has yet to be cashed :( and I have called the bank everyday this week to see if cashed and as of this morning.......still NO!!! I did call NVC and spoke to a csr and the guy told me to wait btwn 10-15 business days to hear something about it being cashed.

    Now, I was reading how many VJr's used the online payment tool and had no issues at all. I could really kick my own a$$ right now. I should have waited a few more days.......but nooooo I just had to get in a huge rush and get it sent out :angry:

    Just aggravated today......


    Well, I've read some posts the other day saying that the online payment system is not working yet or it was not working properly.

  6. I would rather talk to the atendent to check about the payment instead of using the authomated system. My husband paied our IV fee Bill on April 4th and after a week he started to check trough the authomated system, then after two weeks the authomated message was still not reflecting that DS 230 had been generated, so on April25th once again he tried authomated system and still no changes, then he decided to talk to the atendent and see why it was taking so long and the atendent said that the payment entered their system on the 18th and DS230 had been generated and mailed to him. So, my advice would be that you should not trust their authomated system since it's not allways updated.

    Anyway, regarding sending documents before we receive DS 230 packet, isn't there a cover page with a barcode that comes with DS 230 package which we are supposed to return along with the required docs??? I'm asking that because my husband already have the docs in hands and he's just waiting for the packet to arrive to get this cover page with barcode to send everything. I've read this information previously in several posts here, so I'm getting confused by some comments made in here saying that as soon as you hear the message saying that payment is received you may send DS 230 form and documents and don't need to wait for their instruction package. Could anyone clear that, please.

  7. First thank all of ya for the info,

    I am not sure how much is enought proof as of now i have approx 500emails, 75ecards,80 pages of Msn tchat logs, almost 300 pictures including wedding party' it was just with my imediat family and my wife" affidativ from her family explaining their opinion about our marriage, wedding annoncment, a joint bank account , copies of 2 different types of credit card under both of our names, a scrapbook, bording passes, train ticket, passport stamps, and about 10 letters, recipt of wedding rings, affidativ from my fathers friend, copy of moroccan Id of my wife" for her showing that she had the permission to be in morocco".

    any suggestions, i am really worried from reading all these posts. :unsure:

    Evidences such as pictures, phone bills, emails, msn chats, proof of joint bank accounts, etc should be taken to the interview, I would not send any of those evidences but the required documents related to each intruction packages. And so just you know CR1 petitioners do not recieve P3, you receive DS230 packet instructions and P4.

  8. hello VJ'ers, :help: does anybody know how long would it take the NVC to generate DS 230 from the time they recieve the IV Fee Bill?NVC received IV bill on 25th April.thanks much

    did u pay your IV BILL online? if u did u dont need to wait for them to generate it one your payment shows paid just print out the coversheet from online payment u made and print the ds230 form from their website then send it.

    i wish we did, but from what we've read from other peepz that did it before, i wouldnt reccomend using it for now.thanks for your reply anyways.godbless...

    The online payment system is not even working yet. Anyway, it's not only the form DS 230 you have to send, there are some other documents required on the instruction package that must be sent along with the form, just so you know that.

  9. hello VJ'ers, :help: does anybody know how long would it take the NVC to generate DS 230 from the time they recieve the IV Fee Bill?NVC received IV bill on 25th April.thanks much

    Well, we paied our IV fee bill on April 4th and on the 18th they entered the payment into their system, so my husband last checked with NVC on April 25th and he was told by the atendent that our DS 230 packet had been generated and sent already, but they didn't precised the date it was mailed. So we believe that it has been probably generated between the 18th and the 25th. We have not received it yet, but we think we'll bereceiving it within the next week for sure. So I would say that they would be receiving your payment by May 9th and you would be receiving the package by May 20th.

    Good luck!

  10. I have been reading over the forums for days and I need some advice and help plz.

    I have been with, Saaid, for 4 months living in Egypt. When I first got here, there were problems with Egypt and Us Embassy allowing US citizens to marry. I see now this has changed, but at the time we had no choice but to have an Orfi mariage. Yes, I know it's only legal in Egypt. :) I've been here since Jan, but I left for a visit back to US. I have looked over our choices and I know I must be here for 6 months straight before I can file at our Embassy.

    My question is this.. If we marry here since things are straightened out between Egypt and US Embassy, can I go ahead and file somehow back in the states to get the ball rolling? Or if I went back home, which I need to do soon as I have a daughter there, can I apply there, but still come back to live with, Saaid?

    What i'm trying to say, is this, I live in Egypt with, Saaid, but I visit the states often to be with my daughter. Do I try to stay here and file after i've been here 6 months, or can we marry I return home for a visit and file while i'm there? If I do, am I allowed to come back to Egypt or must I stay for a certain amount of time for an interview etc?

    I'm assuming I will have an interview as well as, Saaid, correct? What is the usual the timeline for an interview if one is applying in the states? I'm trying to decide if I should wait for my 6 months and apply at Embassy here, marry and go home and file.. then come back, or go home and file for a fiancee visa. I will be living with, Saaid, in Egypt until he can come to the US, but I need frequent visits to the US to visit my daughter. :) I hope I explained this well enough, if not plz forgive me.


    Lisa, don't be sorry for asking your doubts at all, it's completly normal and understandable and in the first place if I'm not willing to give you an answer that might help you, why would I even bother doing it if I could just ignore it, right?? so don't exitate asking whenever you need, the USCIS and DOS sites contain hundreds of informations and it's hard to keep track of every single one, its just impossibel and if the guides are a 100% clear to everyone there wouldn't be any reason for this forum to exist neither people would be here. Well, well...

    Lisa regarding where to start your case I would call your local US Consulate and ask what would be their suggestion. In Brazil the US consulate in Rio de Janeiro would only let my husband start filing our petition there if he was living in Brazil, otherwise he would have to file in US and so he did. We tried that cause we've heard that the cases filed directly in the local Consulate are much faster. Check in your local consulate, I'm sure they will give you a straight answer like we had from the Consulate in RJ.

    Good luck!

  11. Just would like to share with VJ members that I've paied IV Fee Bill on April 4th and after a week my husband began checking through their authomated system the status of our process and he last checked it yesterday and the message was still not reflecting that payment, so in order to make sure he called again and waited the operator for a status and she said they got the payment on their system on April 18th, so I would suggest you to allways use the operators to check your process status rather than using their authomated system which is not providing precised information.

  12. I have just read on the VJ site that certified copies of documents must be certified by the issuing authority and not by a notary.

    Has anyone had any recent experience with this and what NVC will accept? Will they send an RFE on notary-authenticated copies of documents?


    In Brazil when we go to a public notary, they make a photocopy and put a stamp on it to certify it as an original, and it is acceptable for any domestic purposes, but it is not acceptable for NVC purposes. They want originals only from the issuing athority or as we call in Brazil a second copy of the original that is provided by the issuing authority. Usually originals or second copies of originals have a prominent seal of the issuing authority that can't be seen on a certified photocopy from a notary, that's why even when it's certified by the notary as an original it is not acceptable for NVC. This is a very controversial subject here among the members because the system may be different in every country. But in general NVC does not accept certified copies from public notaries, only from the issuing authorities that have officialy issued the document.

  13. From what I have seen, once everything is completed at NVC you will wait about 1 month for your interview. I have also seen that Rio is very slow in sending out the document checklist of the documents you will need to have at the interview, one person said they got the package 10 days before the interview. All of the information can be seen on the embassy website of the documents that they will tell you you need to have. Also a list of the doctors for the 3 or 4 cities that you have the option of using so that you can try to plan where you will go if you do not Live in Rio. The advice given out on here was to get the list off the website and do a little research on what else to take with you, mostly saying waiting for the embassy to send you the checklist can be a gamble and put you in situation of trying to rush everything so you can have everything you need.

    De ele que eu vi, uma vez tudo é completado em NVC você esperará aproximadamente 1 mês para sua entrevista. Eu também vi que Rio é muito lento em enviar a lista de conferência de documento dos documentos que você necessitará ter na entrevista, uma pessoa disse que eles receberam o embrulho 10 dias antes da entrevista. Toda a informação pode ser vista no website de embaixada dos documentos que eles contarão você você necessita ter. Também uma lista dos médicos para os 3 ou 4 cidades que você tem a opção de usar de modo que possa tentar de planejar onde você irá se você não Vive em Rio. O conselho distribuído em aqui estava receber a lista fora o website e faz uma pesquisa pequena em ele que mais tomar com você, principalmente dizendo que espera para a embaixada enviar você que a lista de conferência pode ser um jogo e o põe em situação de tentar de apressar tudo tão você pode ter tudo que você necessita.

    Sorry for my awful portuguese. ; ; I hope this helps you.

    Thanks for your reply! Yes, I've been advised about that before so I already have all the medical exams ready in advance for the interview, I know what the check list will request from me so I'm all set for the interview.

    What really worries me is how long will NVC take to send my husband the DS 230 packet since we paied IV fee bill on april 4th, I've already sent those docs to my husband, and after NVC receives it, how long for a conclusion on my case for NVC sends it to Rio??? Do you have any ideia?


  14. My personal opinion is that they are different people and I think that's how FBI and Immigration would look into this. It should not harm your husband's interview neither the process itself. But anyways I would suggest you to contact a lawyer to get a prophessional advice in order to eliminate all your doubts regarding this matter. That would be the correct and prudent step in this case!

    Good Luck and I wish you all the best!!

  15. :guides:

    Jah li as instrucoes, infelizmente elas nao respondem tudo e eh exatamente por isso que estou perguntando aqui!!! :thumbs:

    Se alguem puder me dizer alguma coisa, eu agradeco!

    Um abraco

    Tambem fizemos K1...

    Pessoal do CR1, por favor sem manifestem!!!

    Gente, o CR1 eh bem diferente, entao de nada adianta o pessoal do K1 deixar recados aqui...sorry!

  16. Now you can pay both fees online here > https://ceac.state.gov/CTRAC/Invoice/signon.aspx


    im jus wondering i am not at NVC yet but does this onlnie payment save some time u while ur file is at NVC?? if so, how may days does it cut off?

    Well, I'm not sure since I did my payment a few weeks ago and just got awared of this yesterday, but if you consider that NVC takes a cuople of weeks or sometimes a month to mail you something plus another few weeks to get the payment into their system, I would say that maybe 2 months and half or so.

  17. Hey guys,

    I've read the full topyc about online payment and that's great, but I've paied the IV fee bill in the bank and mailed them the bank receipt, they have told my husband that they have received it but it hasn't entered into their system yet. So, would it be possible for me to try this web page to get the DS230 bar code cover sheet printed and IF SO, would that mean that the payment already entered into their system???

    Does someone has the link for the DS 230 cover letter???


    You can only print out the receipt and cover sheet if you paid online. I paid my AOS fee bill in the mail and it shows paid in the online system, but I can't get into it like I can with the IV fee bill. If you logged in it'd likely just show you both bills are paid and you wouldn't be able to do anything.

    There's no link for the DS-230 cover letter per se, as it generates a personalized PDF for you on the fly and you have to be logged in to the online system for that to work. Right now, it's not even working. I just used James's Shortcuts to print out my DS-230. Just for anyone's edification, the button that is supposed to take you to the DS-230 cover sheet goes to this link: https://ceac.state.gov/CTRAC/Common/GeneratePDF.aspx

    The link just took me to an error server page. It's been 15 days now that we paied our IV fee bill and I wanted to know if it has entered into their system yet and if they are generating the DS 230 packet.

  18. Hey guys,

    I've read the full topyc about online payment and that's great, but I've paied the IV fee bill in the bank and mailed them the bank receipt, they have told my husband that they have received it but it hasn't entered into their system yet. So, would it be possible for me to try this web page to get the DS230 bar code cover sheet printed and IF SO, would that mean that the payment already entered into their system???

    Does someone has the link for the DS 230 cover letter???


  19. The visa must be issued to the person NAMED on the passport.

    She needs to make sure she has her passport and supporting ID in her married name if they are going to use it for her Visa/Green Card. The visa must be issued to the person NAMED on the passport.

    Thanks to Both you Guys!

    'Dylans Wife,' yours is really sound advice... It hadn't even occurred to me, but both her Drivers License and Passport have recently expired. Actually, her Drivers Liscense has been expired for awhile, but anyway now would be a great time for her to make the name switch for when she goes to renew both of those documents.

    I'm a little concerned about that though because she does have a B1 Tourist Visa in her now-expired passport and we were told that when she gets her new passport she would travel with both of them so that she has both a current passport and visa. It could get a little hairy if she has two different names on each passport / visa, however in filing the I-130 she'll probably lose the B1 anyway.

    Any thoughts on that? If the process is going to draw out for many months even in filing via DCF I would most certainly want her to have the ability to travel up to the states with me while it was processing. I've heard various things about this, but my gut tells me that they don't typically let people do that. I could raise hell with senate and my congressman were that case, it has worked wonders in the past, but (not to go too far off topic) does anybody know how that would work?


    They will consider the new passport with her new name. I have 2 passports, the first one with my maiden name which is no longer valid and the new one with my married name, which is the one they will consider to issue my visa.

    Good luck!

  20. I just kept photocopies of the documents required on DS 230 packet, the originals I sent to NVC. Why do I have to take originals of birth and marriage certificate and police certificates to the interview??? I really don't understand that. Won't those originals be forwarded to our local Consulate for the interview???

    Anyone who have already experienced the interview could tell me anything?


    You're right. Originals will be forwarded from NVC to Consulate. It is always take a full set copy of the originals with you, just in case.

    Did you keep one set photocopy too in the DS-230 packet ? It is required.

    Yes, I did. I did that exactly to avoid having to take a "second" original of each document again...but it seems it didn't make any difference since I'll have to get new originals of everything all over again.

    Sometimes I feel that we're so far away from having our case to be concluded. I've seen timelines that took 1 year and 3 months to get an interview, NVC taking 2 months to send your case to the local Consulate AFTER THEY COMPLETE THE CASE...unbelieveble.

    I'm running out of hope sometimes...

    thank you for replying.

  21. I just kept photocopies of the documents required on DS 230 packet, the originals I sent to NVC. Why do I have to take originals of birth and marriage certificate and police certificates to the interview??? I really don't understand that. Won't those originals be forwarded to our local Consulate for the interview???

    Anyone who have already experienced the interview could tell me anything?


  22. Oi meninas do Brasil (ou meninos)!!!

    Meu processo encontra-se ainda no NVC, estou aguardando a taxa do IV fee bill cair no sistema deles (foi paga e enviada em 04/04/2008). Porem, ja enviei ao meu marido, os documentos que serao solicitados pelo pacote do DS 230, que deve ser gerado assim que a tx do IV fee cair no sistema deles.

    Entao, tenho pesquisado alguns timelines para ter uma nocao dos prazos para cada procedimento, para ter uma ideia de quanto tempo ainda vai levar ate minha entrevista no RJ. So que sei que os prazos variam bastante de acordo com a epoca, demanda de processos, etc...

    Nao vejo a hora de meu marido receber esse pacote do DS 230, para que ele possa enviar logo nossos documentos, para que o NVC conclua logo nosso processo para envia-lo ao Consulado do RJ de uma vez. Alguem tem alguma nocao dos prazos que ainda terei de aguardar para receber o pacote, e se nao houver o RFE, qto tempo para revisao do processo para envio ao RJ e qto tempo para eu receber o pacote 4 (com solicitacao de exames de laboratorio e medicos).

    Gostaria de saber se tem alguem que esteja um pouco mais a frente em seu processo, ou mesmo que ja tenha a entrevista marcada, para troca de informacoes.

    Uma brasileira com muitas saudades de seu marido e aflita com a espera que ja dura 1 ano e 2 meses (mas com o processo efetivamente em andamento por 8 meses). QUANTO TEMPO AINDA GENTE??????


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