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Everything posted by elephantsrock

  1. Can I dm someone with details of my case? Not comfortable posting story here
  2. what kind of abuse and how long did he know spouse prior to marriage?
  3. Affadavits from my family that heard about the abuse, some apology texts from him but he never directly admitted to anything
  4. He said lots of mean things about me to my family. My family found out and decided it was better for me to go through the VAWA route. Now I think my family wasn't very smart
  5. Well that's difficult and expensive 🥲 but thank you. My ex has evidence of me trying to ask for a legal marriage before wedding, so I could overstay
  6. Do I have to get a VAWA specific lawyer? I can't afford too expensive if a lawyer
  7. Sandra said she's helped fight for cases of even shorter marriages - why were those any different? She said she helped get a spouse get VAWA after 6 days of marriage!
  8. I've overstaid my visa and my family is helping me make a case for psychological and mental abuse. I've been visiting a therapist after our separation. If I leave the country it will be hard for me to come back because I'm nearing the 6 month overstay mark past my visa
  9. A few weeks back, but he found out before I applied, and gave uscis a report that I would be applying
  10. My “abuser” also contacted his congress person with his side of the story 🙄. can that be used against me?
  11. If the annulment petition gets denied, will USCIS still be able to access the documents for the petition?
  12. hard case to prove my VAWA, or hard case for them to prove an annulment based on fraud? my divorce is still on going but they want to petition to change divorce into annulment on the basis of fraud. If judge agrees, the divorce case will be changed into an annulment one. yikes. Will that Fudge up my vawa? :’( I tried getting a dvpo against him but that was also denied
  13. Hard case to prove my VAWA of for them to get an annulment based on potential immigration fraud? Would USCIS even be able to discover the documents for annulment? They won’t be able to review the findings right?
  14. No, not really, our original application never got through. Our marriage only lasted a few months.
  15. My ex is threatening to change our divorce into an annulment based on immigration fraud. If this goes through, does this threaten my VAWA petition?
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