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Posts posted by 45495

  1. Well, I think I am ready for tomorrow, but I cannot help worrying! I guess it is normal, right? :blush:

    I have all the documents needed (I-134 with employer's letter, pay stubs, taxes transcripts; 2 signed DS-156 and unsigned DS-156K), and a bunch of pictures, phone bills, emails, letters from my fiance, my birth certif and police records in many exemplaries... Before the interview, I am going to the doctor so that she can give me the medical report I will have to give at the embassy.

    So, yeah, I just want to share my excitment with everybody!!! I will be so so relieve when all this is over!!

    Keep your fingers crossed for me!!


    Have a good day!


    i also have my interview tomorrow, so i totally understand. i'm stressing right here with you :)

    seems like you have everything ready (my letter said to have the DS156 unsigned too, but maybe that's different in paris).

    good luck tomorrow!!

  2. congratulations to all the pregnant couples!!

    and most airplane companies let you fly without any problems till 31 weeks pregnancy (you'll need a doctor's note for that). but you should definitely check before you book, different companies have different policies.

    after 31 weeks some still let you fly if your ob/gyn agrees.

    good luck

  3. there are a lot of lungdeseases that cause scarring. asthma can aswell. only more tests well tell you if it really is TB, but chances of it being an active TB are small. that ofcourse doenst mean it cant be TB. (speculation, like Tbone said)

    and look at it from the bright side: if it is TB: you caught it early and minimized the damage. it may delay your process 6 months, but you'll have a healthy wife 6 months later.

    wishing you the best,


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